Is this because the Greys are leading by 42 hatevotes in the poll?Thats because Gnjus want some attention and make some thread with attractive name(like PEPE do :mrgreen:)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Greys are polish by nature and polish... well, there is an awfull lot of stereotypes about them. Only few are "appreciation" type :rolleyes:Would like to correct you: Grey Order have people from over 15 countries and only 30-40% are polish))))
Riddle me this: If 8 grey order players are banned, how many members will they lose?Actually, the answer is 8
Thats because Gnjus want some attention and make some thread with attractive name(like PEPE do :mrgreen:)
Tired Vagabonds
Remorseful Bandits
Defeated Lords
Knights Without Sovereign
Ronins Who Lost Shogun
Rich Mercenaries Seeking Home
Pilgrims Who Never End Their Pilgrimage
HRE happy most Gray Order members got banned so now they can trick DRZ into a temporary alliance to invade Grey Order territory all for the sake of 'Lebensraum'.
Too bad you can't even name yourself a Knight, fucking pagan(click to show/hide)
Actually, the answer is 8(click to show/hide)
Too bad you can't even name yourself a Knight, fucking pagan
And you are correct. Nice work. Notice how I said members and never mentioned actual accounts.visitors can't see pics , please register or login
I don't know who you are (well actually i do: another newmy old friend randomer who tries to act smartass) but if you don't have any appreciation for the Greys and their allies then please be so kind to STFU & GTFO of this thread.I AM GREY AND I HAVE ALL RIGHTS TO FUCK YOU VERBALLY!!!!
Riddle me this: If 8 grey order players are banned, how many members will they lose?0,02 probably haha
My apologies in that case, I should've figured it out by your writing style but I was too focused on expressing my appreciation for your clan & their allies. Now, if you would be so kind to summon your leader so he can say a few words as I wouldn't like to get tempted into insulting my old friend's slaves without even being aware that it's them.Dont call me a slave you bastard! Where is here appreciation? Show me at least one word!
Where does one start ?
Tired Vagabonds ? Tired of what ? Cheating ? No, tired of changing cd-key in registry.
Remorseful Bandits ? You said that right ! This one is false, we are not bandits, bandits suck penises.
Defeated Lords ? Yeah, defeated by the only thing that could ever defeat you: a banhammer. You got this one right.
Knights without sovereign ? Knights ? KNIGHTS ? Do you even know what qualities should a knight posses ? Just about every single one that each of your members lack. Don't get me started on knights, do you believe in fairy tales where knights are virtuus ? Don't. It's piece of propaganda. We do real knightly tasks.
Ronins who lost Shogun ? What the fuck ? Do you even know the meaning of this or you pulled it out of your fail translators ? Never liked this one.
Rich Mercenaries seeking home ? Is that a pun for the Mercs ? Rich ? Oh yeah, none else has so many accounts like you guys, you're rich indeed. We have rich personalities.
Pilgrims who never end their pilgrimage ? Sure, you lads dedicated your lives to the endless search for the Holy Grail, read = new Warband keys, as they're always in demand. We are ok with as many as we have, we need actual players to use those keys.
Last but not the least:
REDEEM YOUR SINS ? You really want me to get myself muted again and tell you the only way you can redeem your sins ? :!: Yes, why not.Start pointing out MY sins first.
But still - we all appreciate you and your brave allies. I apologize for missing out on them in my initial post. Heroic Russian Bears deserve to get mentioned as well.
Damn, I wonder which retard calls his character Blood & Honour?
Damn, I wonder which retard calls his character Blood & Honour?
if only they would ban all the other people in this community claiming their wife ,daughter, son and even dog plays this game... also i think, not sure, greys were banned because they let other people in greys move them in strat, unlike what alot of others do witch is the real multi accounting stated in first part of this post. also i see a pattern: merc whine asses off about prosperity ""exploiting''''>> strat points get reset.... >>> mercs whine about greys ''cheating'''everybody gets banned who is even slightly suspicious and got theyr name mentioned. tbh i cant believe its only uif doing little dirty tricks, maybe im biased. but ye only reason i downvote you gnjus is because of your horrificly silly attitude. this strat will probably die now. gj justice!!!(click to show/hide)
Good point, you nearly redeemed yourself in my eyes.
but ye only reason i downvote you gnjus is because of your horrificly silly attitude
Damn, I wonder which retard calls his character Blood & Honour?
In order to join the Grey Order you have to give them your account information. This is so their leadership can control all its members with perfect coordination and make sure that no one goes innactive. And it's fucking cheating. They've been doing it from the beginning.As a Grey member i would like to mention THAT YOU ARE LIAR
In order to join the Grey Order you have to give them your account information. This is so their leadership can control all its members with perfect coordination and make sure that no one goes innactive. And it's fucking cheating. They've been doing it from the beginning.
Good, as you really didn't in mine. You're just lucky that admins of this mod have soft hart for your kind, I'd never have let you get past that "sincere" unban essay. Can't decide when did you wrote more rubbish: before, during that essay or after it.
You don't say ? Silly ? Ok, I'm being silly do you call these guys then:
Do you have a name for them as well ?
Pretty much the same as all those "Champions of Light", "Bringers of Darkness", etc, etc. You know - those who enter Strat and newmy old friends and then go around lying to other people to get some kind of advantage in an online game. Later they call it brilliant strategy or diplomacy. Just check what this "honor" guy did and you'll understand the point of his nickname. :wink:
List of names from my clan mates:!?page=ladderinfoclanmembers&id=1729
Most of us have these themed names, sadly I was not aware of that there's such groups sharing the same name as me.
My name merely means Blood, And Honour - And doesn't mean I will have any honour in strategus Gnjus ;)
As a Grey member i would like to mention THAT YOU ARE LIAR
Told person who have forum profile named after Churchill scum.
There are few virtues which the Poles do not possess and there are few errors they have ever avoided.
Winston Churchill, British prime minister and statesman
Then why do you make applicants give account information? Why else would you need that?Who the fuck said that?
Who the fuck said that?
Fixed.A spy.An idiot.
I don't see what the Greys did lately to deserve this
A spy.
Rufio having others move you on strat is cheating and templars for damn sure dont do it. No one accused nords either, and if you think devs have no evidence well just lol. The mercs whine about cheaters? It would be sad if you didnt want cheaters banned
There are many things you don't see but yet you discuss & support them. Why making an exception now ?Am i blind or only one grey here?(click to show/hide)
What happened to them... in the past little brother was ok
There are many things you don't see but yet you discuss & support them. Why making an exception now ?
I saw the topic, still I don't think it's enough of a reason to start a witch hunt thread. Especially since multiaccounting is nothing really new.Just wanted to add my 2 cents here.
My spy told that to become member of fallen, you need to deliver your mum/sister/wife to certain place to be banged by apes, and yellow/ pink/brown guys. He told me it's initiation rites and without it you can't join the brygade.
My spy told that to become member of fallen, you need to deliver yourmum/sister/wife to certain place to be banged byapesBelatucadros the ApeCock, and yellow/ pink/brown guys (actually He only allow them to watch). He told me it's initiation rites and without it you can't join the brygade.
merc whine asses off about prosperity ""exploiting''''>> strat points get reset....(click to show/hide)
Just wanted to add my 2 cents here.just perm ban all acc with same IP
First of all, you said " since it's nothing really new". This is exactly the point. It happens every single time, the admins go too soft or fail to finish the job and ban everyone who cheats and then the circle continues. This of course leaves 2 options for the minority - the non-cheating part of the community. Those 2 options are a) rage/whine/ ; b) cheat like most others do.
This community is rather small and tightly packed , it has the right to be angry at certain players or clans that ruin the very concept of what was supposed to be chadz's dreamgame Strategus. Especially when these same things happen all over and over again and again. Let the community speak out , i think it's only fair.
P.S. note that i don't give two flying %*@#%@#% about strat and neither does my clan ,personally i believe it was a great concept on paper and round 1 was quite fun, but by the end of the day i think Strat ruins and takes away from the competitive part of cRPG. I can respect the fact that some people still enjoy playing it though.
P.P.S. what's written above of course is my personal opinion on the matter and has nothing to do with the cRPG admin team.
Just wanted to add my 2 cents here.
First of all, you said " since it's nothing really new". This is exactly the point. It happens every single time, the admins go too soft or fail to finish the job and ban everyone who cheats and then the circle continues. This of course leaves 2 options for the minority - the non-cheating part of the community. Those 2 options are a) rage/whine/ ; b) cheat like most others do.
This community is rather small and tightly packed , it has the right to be angry at certain players or clans that ruin the very concept of what was supposed to be chadz's dreamgame Strategus. Especially when these same things happen all over and over again and again. Let the community speak out , i think it's only fair.
P.S. note that i don't give two flying %*@#%@#% about strat and neither does my clan ,personally i believe it was a great concept on paper and round 1 was quite fun, but by the end of the day i think Strat ruins and takes away from the competitive part of cRPG. I can respect the fact that some people still enjoy playing it though.
P.P.S. what's written above of course is my personal opinion on the matter and has nothing to do with the cRPG admin team.
.I get you , that's one way to deal with it as a regular player.
My personal (!) way to go through life is to try to always stay nice. If the Greys cheat in any way, remove them, but be nice while you press the ban button. You are always what you do. Don't be a flamer.
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Riddle me this: If 8 grey order players are banned, how many members will they lose?
Players, or keys ? That not exactly the same concept when it comes to the GO.
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Ban ban ban! Hammer until there is nothing else left than blood and poop of the multi accounters.
Players, or keys ? That not exactly the same concept when it comes to the GO.
Do you have a proof or just shittalking for sake of it ? Do ANYONE officially stated that any of grey order player in recent times was banned for multiaccounting. If yes, show me the proof.
If you don't, you are spineless piece of shit.
This is an appreciation thread. We care little for facts. I'm not saying what I said was implying a straight lie, but honestly I don't see the point of finding evidence right now. The Grey Order's has a bad reputation, and it can't be washed overnight. If you can't live with being a member of the most-hated EU clan, I suggest you quit them.
he os bande from the clan
no way back
never suport cheaters
btw stop being total retard
are you crying because someone baned you 2nd acc or what?
evryone can pull argument out of ass like you.
BTW i like a lot of GO members and I am preatty sad because that siuation.
My second account is not banned, it's still perfectly fine.
I'm just responding to a bunch of retards who wrote in the tread. Don't expect me to be kind when those subhumans aren't.
I still feel some rage here. Your 3rd-8th accounts got banned maybe?
i'm just pointing out that multiple clans support their cheaters and have holier than thou attitude.
Real_Hawk also ? Nope.Sub-Humans? Really? Sounds like chocolate chip cookie-Terminology to me...
My second account is not banned, it's still perfectly fine.
I'm just responding to a bunch of retards who wrote in the tread. Don't expect me to be kind when those subhumans aren't.
I hold no grudge toward templars, i'm just pointing out that multiple clans support their cheaters and have holier than thou attitude.
Of course you care little for facts. The Grey Order have a bad reputation because we play a lot on various servers and on strategus and we have very good multiplier going quite often. Which means that our opponents have x1 forever, and are SORE LOSERS who vent their rage on the forum and in-game chat. Pity, that those subhumans can't deal with it.grey order has a bad reputation because they exploit and cheat as much as possible
But yeah, i'll still beat the crap out of those little more than animals with no skill and no brain. Like you.
Fucked mercenaries and templar cheating cunts.
Real_Hawk also ? Nope.
My second account is not banned, it's still perfectly fine.
I'm just responding to a bunch of retards who wrote in the tread. Don't expect me to be kind when those subhumans aren't.
I hold no grudge toward templars, i'm just pointing out that multiple clans support their cheaters and have holier than thou attitude.
Of course you care little for facts. The Grey Order have a bad reputation because we play a lot on various servers and on strategus and we have very good multiplier going quite often. Which means that our opponents have x1 forever, and are SORE LOSERS who vent their rage on the forum and in-game chat. Pity, that those subhumans can't deal with it.
But yeah, i'll still beat the crap out of those little more than animals with no skill and no brain. Like you.
Fucked mercenaries and templar cheating cunts.
My spy told that to become member of fallen, you need to deliver your mum/sister/wife to certain place to be banged by apes, and yellow/ pink/brown guys. He told me it's initiation rites and without it you can't join the brygade.
Still awaiting for some constructive feedback from their high-ranking members, lets just hope that Harpag, Grifyta, Erasmas & Hetman (combined together) can come up with a proper English sentence that would actually make some sense for a change. Until then - we continue "appreciating" them and their STRong vodka-drinking allies.
first they need to think of the names for their sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, granddaughters, daughters, distant relatives, neighbours, schoolmates, roommates, personal postmen, fruit stand vendors, shoe vendors, barbers, doctorsā¦ā¦baby sitters, secretaries, personal shoppers, personal assistants, friendly STRangers, burglars, thieves, chinese gold farmers, rivaling Russian wiz-kid hackers, drunk fathers, drunk mothers, drunk brothers, drunk uncles, teachers, Ivan_Groznys, Grellenorts, Hetmen, Harpags, Erasmases, Gryfitas, Rantrexes, Harts, Ciceros, Andswarus, Vovkas and Nebuns.
first they need to think of the names for their sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, granddaughters, daughters, sons, grandsons, distant relatives, neighbours, schoolmates, roommates, personal postmen, fruit stand vendors, shoe vendors, barbers, doctors
ā¦baby sitters, secretaries, personal shoppers, personal assistants, friendly STRangers, burglars, thieves, chinese gold farmers, rivaling Russian wiz-kid hackers, drunk fathers, drunk mothers, drunk brothers, drunk uncles, teachers, Ivan_Groznys, Grellenorts, Hetmen, Harpags, Erasmases, Gryfitas, Rantrexes, Harts, Ciceros, Andswarus, Vovkas and Nebuns.YOU SEE THAT YOU SEE THAT???? i'M IN THE LIST I'M IN THE LIST!!!!! I'M COOL, I'M A ROCK STAR!!! BJORD THATS THE BEST PRESENT FOR MY 7th BIRTHDAY!!!
Do you have a proof or just shittalking for sake of it ? Do ANYONE officially stated that any of grey order player in recent times was banned for multiaccounting. If yes, show me the proof.
If you don't, you are spineless piece of shit.
Of course you care little for facts. The Grey Order have a bad reputation because we play a lot on various servers and on strategus and we have very good multiplier going quite often. Which means that our opponents have x1 forever, and are SORE LOSERS who vent their rage on the forum and in-game chat. Pity, that those subhumans can't deal with it.
Reason is we all are jelly subhumans.This. Close thread.
Simple enough.
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Sub-Humans? Really? Sounds like chocolate chip cookie-Terminology to me...
Well at least you can come up with a creative explanation, but I doubt that's what a majority of the forum users are downvoting your clan for.Siege spectator abusing was stopped way earlier than it became impossible, and many other clans/persons used it in the same time. I even had screens. Using 100 keys from one account ? Many clans did it. I don't remember rl money trading, gotta ask. Reputation is bad because we rolfstomped the shit out of other people, making it unfun for them to play.
Btw, showing unknown members of other clans being banned temporarily is a great way to show the accusations against yours are baseless.
The siege spectator abusing to team stack is a fact. Until it became impossible, the Grey Order abused the shit out of it. Remember when chadz opened a thread that was clearly stating that about 100 keys were accessed from the same IP ? That was one of the Grey Order's leaders doing it. Remember when a few cases of heirloom trading for real money were discovered ? Iirc there were some GO involved as well. So yes, there are reasons people hate your clan. Now if you still don't feel alright with that, a wrathful reaction won't change anything. Being part of a clan means you embrace it's reputation and "values".
edit : yeah definitely putting double quotes around that word
Reason is we all are jelly subhumans.
Simple enough.
How in the world did he ever become a beta tester and how is he not muted still o.oI only gave myself few + with my other account. I don't need green e-peen, i prefer red lightsaber. And c'mon, people are accusing other clans with no proof, trashtalk too, yet you find this one insulting ? Get real.
Must be all those +'s his other accounts are secretly giving him that don't appear to us ordinry folk because of course to us it's imaginary therefore can't exist yet to them it does....where's Harpag and his 100 keys gone? We need his of course unbiased opinion on the matter.
I actually doubt DRZ has had the need to multi account, they have over 200 members.Dont worry, many DRZ were also banned, STR too. It saddens me deeply, that eastern european gaming community has such a bad attitude and appropriate reputation, not just in cRPG.
Using 100 keys from one account ? Many clans did it. I don't remember rl money trading, gotta ask. Reputation is bad because we rolfstomped the shit out of other people, making it unfun for them to play.Yeah, and you call other people subhumans? The only ban i remember so far for using 100 Keys from one IP was Harpag, and the russian RL-money market got screened and translated by dave.
Oh dear this thread has now attracted the second most hated clan.....the lovely GK's
Now allow us to take a step back and allow these two clans to rage and cry and QQ at each other without foreign intervention whilst we all sit back and laugh
Dont worry,many DRZ were also banned, STR too. It saddens me deeply, that eastern european gaming community has such a bad attitude and appropriate reputation, not just in cRPG.Proof?
Yeah, and you call other people subhumans? The only ban i remember so far for using 100 Keys from one IP was Harpag, and the russian RL-money market got screened and translated by dave.
Also, the only Clans that use to interrupt my hours of x5 on eu1 are Byzantium and GK, never seen much greys interfering with my multi there :lol:
Dont worry, many DRZ were also banned, STR too. It saddens me deeply, that eastern european gaming community has such a bad attitude and appropriate reputation, not just in cRPG.Poland, just as Germany, is central europe. Grey Order isn't Polish clan, it's international one - with strong german team, too.
Proof?Heard them talking in game chat.
Poland, just as Germany, is central europe. Grey Order isn't Polish clan, it's international one - with strong german team, too.And I'm not german :)
Heard them talking in game chat.
Grey order HQ
Well at least we at GK aren't hated for our cheating. I'll take being the 2nd most hated clan if it's for playing legitimately.
More hated for being a good cav clan (that pains me to say it but tis true)
Besides nothing will ever happen to the Grey's, this will be forgotten in a week
Apparently the true mark of the ubermensch is to cheat and lie about it like a worthless piece of shit. Thank you for your wisdom Lech.
Lech this is where you are wrong, many other clans dont cheat, just because GO had 100 keys on one ip it doesnt mean everyone else is a scumbag tooBitch please, many other clans do cheat as i pointed out in this thread. Including YOUR OWN clan members. My own clan also. I don't. You maybe also don't, i don't know. But it don't make your clan innocent.
If someone will create clan with ranged only+ decent players we hate them x1000 times more
You said it yourself, the chocolate chip cookies just stole the concept from the "true" socialists, this idea that the future would belong to a superman engineered on the bones and corpses of all the "subhumans" that had to be exterminated to make way for them. It's basic Marxist ideology. "The classes and the races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give way."-Marx
The only difference is that the "socialists" had different criterias for extermination. In your eyes apparently einstein's greatest fault was not that he exterminated millions of people, just that he exterminated them based on faulty criteria.
That has nothing to do with GO's rampant and organized policies of sharing accounts and multiaccounting, of course. Are you going to pretend you never had any idea that this was going on within your clan?
One member who was banned for auto block and kicked out for a long time is the same as apparntly organised and widespread multi accounting? And imo real shouldnt have been let back in but meh
Nah, einstein was also socialist, but nationalistic and indeed shared much with so called bolsheviks. In don't think that subhumans need to be exterminated.
And einstein greatest fault was that he wasn't successful, compare him with Iosif Stalin - both killed millions of people (Stalin more) thanks to in-common ideology, yet it's the einstein who is bad boy, not Stalin. Both of them exploited their nations. Both exterminated people based on faulty criteria. Both did geopolitics and ideology that i don't agree with.
I know a bit what's going on in my clan, but thanks to first my ban, second my month and a half of break and not a lot of time i can justify for playing, i'm not the most informed player in my clan.
So we come from a computer game to einstein and stalin...It is common tactic to pull out chocolate chip cookie card when you donĀ“t have any more valid arguments left.
UIF personally funded M&B2 with all the keys they bought.visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Ty for that.
It is common tactic to pull out chocolate chip cookie card when you donĀ“t have any more valid arguments left.
Yeah, damn benkai who pulled out chocolate chip cookie card, looks like he don't have any more valid arguments left.I canĀ“t really be sure to whom and what post youĀ“re referring to.
I canĀ“t really be sure to whom and what post youĀ“re referring to.
Sub-Humans? Really? Sounds like chocolate chip cookie-Terminology to me...
we will wipe you on start anyway
This one, looks like checking the thread is too difficult for you:
You don't have to thank me.
Sorry, that's wrong. You started using the word sub-human, and it has a clear historic connotation. So it's actually you who started the chocolate chip cookie stuff. Benkei only pointed it out. It's not like somebody came up with the usual einstein-comparison.
By the way every discussion benefits of refraining from insults. Better concentrate on either proving how the accusations are wrong or limiting the reputional damage (if there can be any created yet), instead of just going around and insulting everybody who attacks your clan.
I mean, your clan has often enough been cought by the devs doing forbidden things. A nice first step would be to show that you can understand the outrage of people who always stick to the rules and thus don't enjoy the advantages the cheating brings (for a certain time, at least).
Another nice move would be to admit that your clan did some wrong things in the past, and promising that something like that won't happen ever again. If you are not sure if something is allowed or not, simply ask the devs. It's really not that difficult. But if you want the topic to go on like this for like forever, keep on playing the jerk. This also counts for 3 Tears and all the other Greys who posted here. I still haven't seen a single decent, resonable post of a Grey member who tries to deescalate...
It is common tactic to pull out chocolate chip cookie card when you donĀ“t have any more valid arguments left.
Bitch please, subhuman is normal word for stating that someone is less than human.
Yeah, damn benkai who pulled out chocolate chip cookie card, looks like he don't have any more valid arguments left.I tried to give you a hint that the terminology you started using went a bit out of control there.
I tried to give you a hint that the terminology you started using went a bit out of control there.
Reading all your pamphlets after that post leads me to the believe that you actually are a racist... like so many Polish people nowadays, unfortunately.
To avoid giving such an impression, you might wanna think about phrasing your posts a bit more careful.
*gets back to his front row seat and popcorn*
This thread isn't really a case of Godwin's law though.
Lech used chocolate chip cookie vocabulary to insult his interlocutors, it's not like he compared us to chocolate chip cookies at any point.
In fact I doubt he would do such a thing, comparing people to chocolate chip cookies must be closer to a compliment than an insult in his head.
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Besides, not many poles are racist - i bet money against nuts that there is way more racists in France or Germany - we don't have many people with different skin color here, so most people don't care about it. If anything, there are many people who don't like "alien" people.
You are so cute.
Bitch please, subhuman is normal word for stating that someone is less than human. So actually benkai started chocolate chip cookie stuff. Check your facts. Everything have historical connotations, if you look this way (which is plain wrong).
Why should i concentrate on proving the accusations are wrong ? By this logic everyone is wrongdoer unless he prove he isn't. If anyone accuse me of being an elephant, should i concentrate on proving him wrong ?
Always do the stuff right? Like fallen exploiters, or others ? Get real.
Bitch please, look 16 posts above. Besides, if something isn't forbidden, it's allowed. Be grateful that we explore the grey areas so you guys can get better game in the future. It's still damn beta. Not many people want reasonable discussion, they've rather want just witchhunt. Why shall we deescalate ?
You are so far away from redeemable, Lech. Enlightenment is useless on you.
Thank you oh mighty Grey order for cheating as much as possible to improve strategus!
oh you assume mutli accounting and cross logging wasnt forbiddon silly me i understand now
If you know reasons behind bans, tell me. So far, filthy donkey only stated that they were banned for using multiple accounts in strategus, and their side of the story is that they used one account in strategus. You can trust chadz if you wish, i won't call him honest. Power does not equal right.
If you know reasons behind bans, tell me. So far, filthy donkey only stated that they were banned for using multiple accounts in strategus, and their side of the story is that they used one account in strategus. You can trust chadz if you wish, i won't call him honest. Power does not equal right.
So far, filthy donkey only..
You are so far away from redeemable, Lech. Enlightenment is useless on you.
Redemption isn't my goal on the forum, not that anyone with whom i discuss is worth anything irl. They are just human bots, without ability to think for themselves.
Bitch please, look 16 posts above. Besides, if something isn't forbidden, it's allowed. Be grateful that we explore the grey areas so you guys can get better game in the future. It's still damn beta. Not many people want reasonable discussion, they've rather want just witchhunt. Why shall we deescalate ?Hahahahahahaha
They are just human bots, without ability to think for themselves.
Be grateful that we explore the grey areas
All fifty shades of it?
But cheating equals cheating, and cheating has been detected and dealt with.
If you think that this is an error on our side, please state a reason. We might look into it again.Compare it to autoblocker unban thread. But again, this is logic.
Do you play Strat with that in mind too? But this attitude explains a lot.
i just reported you for insulting great donkey lord. lower case tribute.
I'm torn between banning you for your chocolate chip cookie shit and letting you drag yourself down into the gutter further.
I'm torn between banning you for your chocolate chip cookie shit and letting you drag yourself down into the gutter further.
I'm torn between banning you for your chocolate chip cookie shit and letting you drag yourself down into the gutter further.
Nah, einstein was also socialist, but nationalistic and indeed shared much with so called bolsheviks. In don't think that subhumans need to be exterminated.This one ? So actually you want to ban me for not liking chocolate chip cookies - fair enough - you'll show how you can't comprehend what you read :lol:
And einstein greatest fault was that he wasn't successful, compare him with Iosif Stalin - both killed millions of people (Stalin more) thanks to in-common ideology, yet it's the einstein who is bad boy, not Stalin. Both of them exploited their nations. Both exterminated people based on faulty criteria. Both did geopolitics and ideology that i don't agree with. Yeah, both tried to create new human, using various methods - like eugenics which was also liked in your country.(btw, i don't agree with my nation leader from the time and his coterie).(click to show/hide)
Don't forget calling you a "filthy (!) donkey".
Woah, which chocolate chip cookie shit ?
I'm a big boy, I think I can take it.
Your pick.
No point in banning, he'll just come back with another account.
I'm a big boy, I think I can take it.Wait. We can now make fun of you without having to fear of getting donkey punched?
No point in banning, he'll just come back with another account.
I shave my head IRL, am I a chocolate chip cookie? :|
Wait. We can now make fun of you without having to fear of getting donkey punched?
I shave my head IRL, am I a chocolate chip cookie? :|Yes. Hair style represents your ideology 100%. You filthy chocolate chip cookie scum!
I shave my head IRL, am I a chocolate chip cookie? :|
I shave my head IRL, am I a chocolate chip cookie? :|
Wait. We can now make fun of you without having to fear of getting donkey punched?Of course. If I'd ban for insults against me the forum would be empty after patchday.
... subhumans ...the fuck?
... einstein greatest fault was that he wasn't successful,the fuck?
... Both exterminated people based on faulty opposed to right criteria?
Of course. If I'd ban for insults against me the forum would be empty after patchday.Why are you so fascinated with him anyway ?
the fuck?the fuck?as opposed to right criteria?
That's all basic chocolate chip cookie statements I've heard often enough before. You are either young, uneducated or spout chocolate chip cookie statements on purpose, for whatever reason. Which one is it?
the fuck?
the fuck?
as opposed to right criteria?
That's all basic chocolate chip cookie statements I've heard often enough before. You are either young, uneducated or spout chocolate chip cookie statements on purpose, for whatever reason. Which one is it?
They used to say in the military that if you are not cheating you are not trying. That wisdom might have been passed down from the
Spartans maybe?
Inferior beings. I consider myself above the masses.
I'm torn between banning you for your chocolate chip cookie shit and letting you drag yourself down into the gutter further.I was thinking the same thing... But like this:
Woah, which chocolate chip cookie shit ?Just adding this to the discussion :'the_coward'/msg579786/#msg579786
Denying holocaust isn't crime. It's just opinion. Holocaust wasn't even subject of scientific study - it's taken as revealed truth. Taboo.
It's like trying to study communist crimes as a russian during stalin regime. You can start doing it, but expect bullet in your head, and afterward police will tell your family that you committed suicide and they are done.
So yeah, something happened during II. ww, and many people were murdered (including people who had jewish belief system, but way more christian or orthodox church people died - back then there was no Israel state), but people trust XX. century myths way too easily. Lack of critical thoughts is disturbing.
Just adding this to the discussion :'the_coward'/msg579786/#msg579786
Ah.. einstein and Stalin, what could be more interesting in a forum dominated by Polish, German/Austrian and Russian players?So much that it cloud logical thinking for many. Why we don't feel so empathic toward murdered china people by certain individual with three letters in the name ?
Why didn't we have such an interesting debate before?
I'm afraid we can never really agree.. Especially because the Trauma is so strong still in the above societies. (With good reason)
Back on Topic from a Scandinavian perspective: Communism and Fascism destroys human beings. Capitalism also destroys human beings, but at least they can be their natural selves + it also consumes the planet.
What we need is a well educated elite that can make the masses (us) believe in freedom and democracy (While its not actually being that) while saving the planet. A kind of hippie new world order.. And basically abandon this planet before we destroy it and find a new one to consume.
We're fucked neither way.
On the other hand, we are probably pretty rare in the universe.. So take comfort in that you are special while it lasts.
*Edit: Holocaust: I live in Poland. Hardly any jews here. Neither in Norway anymore. Proof enough? They all moved to Hollywood to control the world??
On the other hand, we are probably pretty rare in the universe.. So take comfort in that you are special while it lasts.On the other hand we are pretty insignificant entities in that perspective. So take comfort in that you are... nevermind... :D
On the other hand we are pretty insignificant entities in that perspective. So take comfort in that you are... nevermind... :D
Cant we just ban Lech already :rolleyes:
(Add poll....closed answers....hint)
I want entertainment. 8-)
13 pages not enough :lol:
Seems so. Where is the Donkey ? I'm eager to see his response.
Seems so. Where is the Donkey ? I'm eager to see his response. Let me guess, he is fixed on doublethinking "Lech is chocolate chip cookie, fact that he told us he don't like chocolate chip cookies before i threaten him with ban doesn't count, fact that i have no evidence also don't count, people don't like him so he's chocolate chip cookie as people only don't like chocolate chip cookie people,i'll throw some excuses anyway so it looks legit".
Anyway the thread is full of good drama.
Inferior beings. I consider myself above the masses.Omg I wish I could meet you in real life and find out the reason why you talk so much incredible shit. Then again, it would be probably a waist of time.
Victors write the history, what do you think other rulers did ? They murdered their people, the political opposition, sometimes ethics. Yet some are simply forgotten, some are glorified and some are distasted - just like einstein is. He is just one of many. Maybe you are uneducated to see the pattern here - we will see what future people will think about usa rulers who do those things right now. But feel free to think it's unique man and no-one else did it before and no-one else will do it after.
Omg I wish I could meet you in real life and find out the reason why you talk so much incredible shit. Then again, it would be probably a waist of time.
Feel free to talk face to face. Or open up some history book and think, if you have skills and time to do so (i doubt it, majority of people don't).Where shall we meet? I open history books and historic references on a regular basis, it is just you are so wrong on so many levels that it doesn't seem possible to discuss it here and I have doubts it would even work IRL.
Lech, what the fuck are you even arguing about? That there are people more evil than einstein? Thats something up for debate, and it frankly doesnt matter, because systematically killing millions of people puts you pretty high up on the evil scale, regardless of if Stalin is one notch higher. Before you start calling me ignorant, I have studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively.My Hero
You consider yourself above the masses? Get a fuck you little prick.
Nothing you've said on this forum is original or requires any intelligence or insight.
You've spewed a fairly empty idea at people in an attempt to hide your rather bigoted views regarding other people and their beliefs.
I don't believe your a chocolate chip cookie or a fascist but i believe you are pretentious dick..
Lech, what the fuck are you even arguing about? That there are people more evil than einstein? Thats something up for debate, and it frankly doesnt matter, because systematically killing millions of people puts you pretty high up on the evil scale, regardless of if Stalin is one notch higher. Before you start calling me ignorant, I have studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively.I also studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively. Nah, i argued that it doesn't matter if you killed millions of people, it only matter if you was defeated or victorious, because if you were defeated you not only lose the war, possibly life, but also gain bad reputation. If you win the war, you aren't scapegoat who is responsible for everything.
You consider yourself above the masses? Get a fuck you little prick.
Inferior beings. I consider myself above the masses.
Victors write the history, what do you think other rulers did ? They murdered their people, the political opposition, sometimes ethics. Yet some are simply forgotten, some are glorified and some are distasted - just like einstein is. He is just one of many. Maybe you are uneducated to see the pattern here - we will see what future people will think about usa rulers who do those things right now. But feel free to think it's unique man and no-one else did it before and no-one else will do it after.
I also studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively. Nah, i argued that it doesn't matter if you killed millions of people, it only matter if you was defeated or victorious, because if you were defeated you not only lose the war, possibly life, but also gain bad reputation. If you win the war, you aren't scapegoat who is responsible for everything.
Yes i do, i heard it's bannable offense nowadays.
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You say Victors write the history yes, you say to others to read their history, open a book and actually study that which they discuss. Then i ask the same of you.Go ahead and try to get actual archives about modern days, start from russian ones. Let's say military ones. The ones that are really important. It's mixed blessing at best.
Victors wrote history, yes common knowledge, Romans wrote their own, as did the Crusades, then the Saracens etc.
However Modern History, not in this day and age, there are recordings, both hard copies and digital, there are statements, there are files, there are thousands of pieces of evidence which have been utilised and scrutinised to deduce what happened unlike that which came before as few records exist.
Therefore actually know your Historiography rather than spouting so much bullshit, and furthermore dont be a hypocrite to others when it shows you yourself have hardly studied what you talk about in detail let alonw know it's complex nature.
I don't need to hide my beliefs about people. I consider most of them unworthy scum who have some good traits, but are unable to ascend any further, locked on their low level. I don't feel sympathy toward them, nor i need to show any aggression toward them - they are harmless like animals.
I left to go eating waaaay too early. This thread literally went berserk.
I believe Lech is nothing more than someone with a parodic level of egocentricity. Maybe due to a neurologic malfunction ? I gotta admit I have seen egoistic people, but this is way over the chart. He is clearly incapable of putting himself in perspective or even trying to imagine what being someone else/having different opinions is like. So yeah, maybe not a chocolate chip cookie, but obviously all human life but is own is worthless to him.
Maybe this is all a big setup by the Grey Order to divert us from the actual topic of this thread.
I also studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively. Nah, i argued that it doesn't matter if you killed millions of people, it only matter if you was defeated or victorious, because if you were defeated you not only lose the war, possibly life, but also gain bad reputation. If you win the war, you aren't scapegoat who is responsible for everything.You studied history to come up with that theory? superior being, eh? :D
You studied history to come up with that theory? superior being, eh? :D
So we have a Jugo, from one of the craziest mentalities in Europe, with the most recent fucked up trauma, starting a thread dissing the Pole(s?), who react by dissing the Russians, putting the Germans in a better light, the Austrian comes in with his kneejerk reaction..TBF i put both in the same basket, both germans and russians.
Wonder what happens when the Americans wake up? :D
I'm entertained.
And Lech.. I want to smash my head in the wall reading what you write here.. But it is funny to see others reactions too..
When americans wake up, they will send kill-team or drones, as usual. And some decent propaganda to cover it up. So far it works. Or just tell their polish servants that some guy need to commit suicide all by himself - hanging without letter is latest trend.
When americans wake up, they will send kill-team or drones, as usual. And some decent propaganda to cover it up. So far it works. Or just tell their polish servants that some guy need to commit suicide all by himself - hanging without letter is latest trend.
As soon as he stops talking, he's banned, amirite ?(click to show/hide)
Most likely, i'd like to read the reason behind the ban first. Meh, will post them via someone anyway. I hope it's YMCA - would be hilarious.
Call someone to help you get a grip.
if every 1 in the world was ok with carrying guns this shit talking problem would cease.
You should prepare yourself for that it might have something to do with multi-accounting.
Also, bringing up einstein, YMCA etc makes you an pathetic idiot. Call someone to help you get a grip.
So no grey member has yet to deny that they cheat. It seems that the arguments used are:
"So what? Everyone else does it too!! Especially this and that clan!!"
"It wasnt me it was my sister!!"
"We didnt break any rules, we explored a grey zone!!!"
"chadz is biased and this is totally unfair!!"
"We are gonna kick your asses anyway!!"
Did i forget anything? I love the spin move to deflect the discussion from cheating to this chocolate chip cookie stuff, but hey lets get back on topic?
Ok thanks, do the guys banned deny that they cheat? Not sure if you got banned or which persons it affects.
Stop being so angry Lech, have a beer eh? :)
Stop being so angry Lech, have a beer eh? :)
...bad thread.
Best thread ever.
make up ur mind man ur confusing me :P :lol:
Bad until chadz started posting. :wink:
Being chocolate chip cookie is bannable by forum rules, which is fair. Being pretentious dick isn't (just look at Lolwen and Gnjus or Oberyn).
So we have a Jugo, from one of the craziest mentalities in Europe, with the most recent fucked up trauma, starting a thread dissing the Pole(s?),
It is common tactic to pull out chocolate chip cookie card when you donĀ“t have any more valid arguments left.
Dear Harpag,
when you see this thread please enlighten us, as we would like to understand, to finally stop living in this darkness.
Thx in advance,
your old friend Gnjus
Until then we will post our appreciation to you and your beloved clan. I'll start:(click to show/hide)
There seems to be a universal rule to racists/nationalistic bigots and other scumbags, that believe in the concept of subhumans - they are usually the closest you can get to being a subhuman themselves.
UrLukur....or Lurker as I used to call did get to you pick the 3 of us out of all these thousands of pretentious dicks around here ? What formula/system/lottery draw/whatever did you use ?Lottery.
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You are scumbag yourself, subhuman to boot. It's subhumans like you who started wars, killed, raped and plundered - with little to none moral spine, doing what they were told to do. Like a slaves.Those kind of statements make yourself look so unbelievable stupid and low... I actually fail to phrase a description. I can't express how deeply I disgust you - beyond anything I ever experienced. Just unbelievable. It even stops to be funny.
Lol, looking at people as representatives of nation. It doesn't work like that Gnjus - individual people have unique history and are influenced by their environment. The "environment" is very complex structure, and while you can find some similarities between two people who belong to more or less the same environment, you can find just as many similarities between you and me. You'll find broad range of people in Poland or Croatia or France. They may not share the same kind of bigotry (just look at chadz, his bigotry is different than mine or yours) as each other, but ultimately it don't count.all i can ask is this: What the hell is wrong with your nation ? Where did it go wrong for you guys ? Is there any way we can help you ?(click to show/hide)
I realize you have spent your entire history defending yourselves against foreign invaders and their evil forces but seriously: we wanna help you guys, i want a Polish team fighting fairly in a cRPG Nations Cup, ask Corsair: i told him to forget about the 5-clanmates-per-team rule, i don't care if Poland has 20 Greys on their roster as long as there's no way to cheat the hell out of NC but you guys are refusing any help that we offer.......
You can wave your middle fingers as long as you want but the fact remains that you guys have been defeated and there's nothing you can do about it.step to far,
I mean seriously: Is it possible that out of so many of your members not one can write anything that makes some sense ? Just look at yourselves - Rantrex yelling about cheating all the time, Lech blabbing nonsense and making himself more stupid with every post he makes, you making same fail-translator-posts over and over again with the same fail-troll videos attached, that 3 Tears guy (as if one Tears is not already enough for this poor community) writing crap as if he is a 12-year-old angry polished kid, don't even wanna browse through the rest of your compatriots as half of them are willingly (and under your obvious blessing) breaking this mods rules as if they weren't even there.......combined with the stories I heard from our folks visiting your country during the last Euro plus that one gypsy movie i saw dubbed in polish language all i can ask is this: What the hell is wrong with your nation ? Where did it go wrong for you guys ? Is there any way we can help you ?
I realize you have spent your entire history defending yourselves against foreign invaders and their evil forces but seriously: we wanna help you guys, i want a Polish team fighting fairly in a cRPG Nations Cup, ask Corsair: i told him to forget about the 5-clanmates-per-team rule, i don't care if Poland has 20 Greys on their roster as long as there's no way to cheat the hell out of NC but you guys are refusing any help that we offer.......
step to far,
you can blame them for cheating or whatever you want but you really forgot about something,
there is many of Polisch players that are not in GO
Bobby Steve hanzo C47 Brede chagan ben kingbreed PainPan and many many others,
That dont like that situation, I will never join clan that is populated by 1 nation because that bring sit of that kind almost all the time.
I will ask you only once to exhaust you personal angry and hate to GO or Harpag with better aim.
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trolls are everywhere. when you start talking shit gnius w8 when chadz check coalition logs.
chadz you will check coaliton logs afcourse?
Lol, looking at people as representatives of nation. It doesn't work like that Gnjus
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Well ... im trading Hasul for Lech, pls accept it!Knitler pls.
You don't say ?You are mostly trolling, at least when you are not flaming.
Are you able to distinguish when I'm serious and when I'm just trolling ? Is it possible from my writing style ? Cause with you its very possible, one can't miss it no matter his IQ. :wink:
Hell, for all I care he can browse our entire forum ahahahahahahaha
You are scumbag yourself, subhuman to boot. It's subhumans like you who started wars, killed, raped and plundered - with little to none moral spine, doing what they were told to do. Like a slaves.
You are mostly trolling, at least when you are not flaming.