Believe me, it require intelligence. It's not really original, but what is?
I don't need to hide my beliefs about people. I consider most of them unworthy scum who have some good traits, but are unable to ascend any further, locked on their low level. I don't feel sympathy toward them, nor i need to show any aggression toward them - they are harmless like animals.
You can believe any way. Being chocolate chip cookie is bannable by forum rules, which is fair. Being pretentious dick isn't (just look at Lolwen and Gnjus or Oberyn).
Looks like chadz just want excuse for the ban (which he don't need anyway - it's his game) so he pretend that "omg! chocolate chip cookie! ban!", but more likely he really believe in i'm national socialist (

lol) as he was taught thinking this way in his live in Austria (country where einstein was born) and share national trauma. Taboo.
I also studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively. Nah, i argued that it doesn't matter if you killed millions of people, it only matter if you was defeated or victorious, because if you were defeated you not only lose the war, possibly life, but also gain bad reputation. If you win the war, you aren't scapegoat who is responsible for everything.
Yes i do, i heard it's bannable offense nowadays.