Author Topic: Grey Order appreciation thread  (Read 20548 times)

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Offline Lech

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #195 on: November 03, 2012, 11:47:38 pm »
Nothing you've said on this forum is original or requires any intelligence or insight.

Believe me, it require intelligence. It's not really original, but what is?

  You've spewed a fairly empty idea at people in an attempt to hide your rather bigoted views regarding other people and their beliefs.

I don't need to hide my beliefs about people. I consider most of them unworthy scum who have some good traits, but are unable to ascend any further, locked on their low level. I don't feel sympathy toward them, nor i need to show any aggression toward them - they are harmless like animals.

  I don't believe your a chocolate chip cookie or a fascist but i believe you are pretentious dick..

You can believe any way. Being chocolate chip cookie is bannable by forum rules, which is fair. Being pretentious dick isn't (just look at Lolwen and Gnjus or Oberyn).

Looks like chadz just want excuse for the ban (which he don't need anyway - it's his game) so  he pretend that "omg! chocolate chip cookie! ban!", but more likely he really  believe in i'm national socialist (:D lol) as he was taught thinking this way in his live in Austria (country where einstein was born) and share national trauma. Taboo.

Lech, what the fuck are you even arguing about? That there are people more evil than einstein? Thats something up for debate, and it frankly doesnt matter, because systematically killing millions of people puts you pretty high up on the evil scale, regardless of if Stalin is one notch higher. Before you start calling me ignorant, I have studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively.

You consider yourself above the masses? Get a fuck you little prick.
I also studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively. Nah, i argued that it doesn't matter if you killed millions of people, it only matter if you was defeated or victorious, because if you were defeated you not only lose the war, possibly life, but also gain bad reputation. If you win the war, you aren't scapegoat who is responsible for everything.

Yes i do, i heard it's bannable offense nowadays.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 11:56:02 pm by Lech »

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #196 on: November 03, 2012, 11:51:11 pm »
ascend in therms of what?

Offline LordBerenger

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #197 on: November 03, 2012, 11:52:48 pm »
Panos is also a chocolate chip cookie irl for the record.
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Offline SirCymro_Crusader

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #198 on: November 03, 2012, 11:55:45 pm »
Inferior beings. I consider myself above the masses.

Victors write the history, what do you think other rulers did ? They murdered their people, the political opposition, sometimes ethics. Yet some are simply forgotten, some are glorified and some are distasted - just like einstein is. He is just one of many. Maybe you are uneducated to see the pattern here - we will see what future people will think about usa rulers who do those things right now. But feel free to think it's unique man and no-one else did it before and no-one else will do it after.

You say Victors write the history yes, you say to others to read their history, open a book and actually study that which they discuss. Then i ask the same of you.

Victors wrote history, yes common knowledge, Romans wrote their own, as  did the Crusades, then the Saracens etc.

However Modern History, not in this day and age, there are recordings, both hard copies and digital, there are statements, there are files, there are thousands of pieces of evidence which have been utilised and scrutinised to deduce what happened unlike that which came before as few records exist.

Therefore actually know your Historiography rather than spouting so much bullshit, and furthermore dont be a hypocrite to others when it shows you yourself have hardly studied what you talk about in detail let alonw know it's complex nature.

Adding on to what Muffin said, Get Over Yourself, you're making yourself look like a bigger prick (than normal), you stuck up arrogant bastard, you have no knowledge of what you speak you level accusations freely, and yet all the whilc you have your head shoved so far up your arse im sure you can tickle your tonsils.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 11:58:56 pm by SirCymro_Crusader »

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #199 on: November 03, 2012, 11:59:39 pm »
I also studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively. Nah, i argued that it doesn't matter if you killed millions of people, it only matter if you was defeated or victorious, because if you were defeated you not only lose the war, possibly life, but also gain bad reputation. If you win the war, you aren't scapegoat who is responsible for everything.

Yes i do, i heard it's bannable offense nowadays.

Do you realise how stupid you sound?

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #200 on: November 04, 2012, 12:02:03 am »
(click to show/hide)

You argue worse than me.

Offline Lech

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #201 on: November 04, 2012, 12:05:50 am »
You say Victors write the history yes, you say to others to read their history, open a book and actually study that which they discuss. Then i ask the same of you.

Victors wrote history, yes common knowledge, Romans wrote their own, as  did the Crusades, then the Saracens etc.

However Modern History, not in this day and age, there are recordings, both hard copies and digital, there are statements, there are files, there are thousands of pieces of evidence which have been utilised and scrutinised to deduce what happened unlike that which came before as few records exist.

Therefore actually know your Historiography rather than spouting so much bullshit, and furthermore dont be a hypocrite to others when it shows you yourself have hardly studied what you talk about in detail let alonw know it's complex nature.
Go ahead and try to get actual archives about modern days, start from russian ones. Let's say military ones. The ones that are really important. It's mixed blessing at best.

Don't be hypocrite and show that bullshit.

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #202 on: November 04, 2012, 12:07:58 am »
I left to go eating waaaay too early. This thread literally went berserk.

I don't need to hide my beliefs about people. I consider most of them unworthy scum who have some good traits, but are unable to ascend any further, locked on their low level. I don't feel sympathy toward them, nor i need to show any aggression toward them - they are harmless like animals.

I believe Lech is nothing more than someone with a parodic level of egocentricity. Maybe due to a neurologic malfunction ? I gotta admit I have seen egoistic people, but this is way over the chart. He is clearly incapable of putting himself in perspective or even trying to imagine what being someone else/having different opinions is like. So yeah, maybe not a chocolate chip cookie, but obviously all human life but is own is worthless to him.

Maybe this is all a big setup by the Grey Order to divert us from the actual topic of this thread.

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #203 on: November 04, 2012, 12:10:34 am »
Quote from: Blueberry Muffin on Today at 09:35:27 pm
Lech, what the fuck are you even arguing about? That there are people more evil than einstein? Thats something up for debate, and it frankly doesnt matter, because systematically killing millions of people puts you pretty high up on the evil scale, regardless of if Stalin is one notch higher. Before you start calling me ignorant, I have studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively.

You consider yourself above the masses? Get a fuck you little prick.

having myself studied modern world history to an a level at least official i can at least say this. That is the first time i have heard someone say get a fuck :D also most evil is clearly Sir Alex redfacescotcunt manager of man utd
i make terrible warband videos!

Offline Lech

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #204 on: November 04, 2012, 12:20:29 am »
I left to go eating waaaay too early. This thread literally went berserk.

I believe Lech is nothing more than someone with a parodic level of egocentricity. Maybe due to a neurologic malfunction ? I gotta admit I have seen egoistic people, but this is way over the chart. He is clearly incapable of putting himself in perspective or even trying to imagine what being someone else/having different opinions is like. So yeah, maybe not a chocolate chip cookie, but obviously all human life but is own is worthless to him.

Maybe this is all a big setup by the Grey Order to divert us from the actual topic of this thread.

Woah, i can put myself in perspective of someone else, and i'm well aware that other beings have different opinions that are most often not worth the effort, yet i try from time to time.
Not all human life, there are exceptions.
How can i be chocolate chip cookie when main concepts of YMCA are national solidarity (:D with whom?)  and race superiority (lol,) and working for the well-being of the society (lol, working for inferior beings)? ANswer yourself.

Most likely a trap.

Offline The_Bloody_Nine

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #205 on: November 04, 2012, 12:23:50 am »
I also studied both russian and german history pretty damn intensively. Nah, i argued that it doesn't matter if you killed millions of people, it only matter if you was defeated or victorious, because if you were defeated you not only lose the war, possibly life, but also gain bad reputation. If you win the war, you aren't scapegoat who is responsible for everything.
You studied history to come up with that theory? superior being, eh? :D

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #206 on: November 04, 2012, 12:26:40 am »
England has Monty Python, we have this thread.

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #207 on: November 04, 2012, 12:32:48 am »
So we have a Jugo, from one of the craziest mentalities in Europe, with the most recent fucked up trauma, starting a thread dissing the Pole(s?), who react by dissing the Russians, putting the Germans in a better light, the Austrian comes in with his kneejerk reaction..

Wonder what happens when the Americans wake up? :D

I'm entertained.

And Lech.. I want to smash my head in the wall reading what you write here.. But it is funny to see others reactions too..
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #208 on: November 04, 2012, 12:35:23 am »
I still have to read this thread but already Lech is my favorite !

Offline Lech

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Re: Grey Order appreciation thread
« Reply #209 on: November 04, 2012, 12:37:56 am »
You studied history to come up with that theory? superior being, eh? :D

Bitch please, Mao and Stalin. Look how masses judge them, and how they judge einstein. How they are regarded in their own nations (ok, in countries that were ruled by them)?
So we have a Jugo, from one of the craziest mentalities in Europe, with the most recent fucked up trauma, starting a thread dissing the Pole(s?), who react by dissing the Russians, putting the Germans in a better light, the Austrian comes in with his kneejerk reaction..

Wonder what happens when the Americans wake up? :D

I'm entertained.

And Lech.. I want to smash my head in the wall reading what you write here.. But it is funny to see others reactions too..
TBF i put both in the same basket, both germans and russians.

When americans wake up, they will send kill-team or drones, as usual. And some decent propaganda to cover it up. So far it works. Or just tell their polish servants that some guy need to commit suicide all by himself - hanging without letter is latest trend.