Good point, you nearly redeemed yourself in my eyes.
Good, as you really didn't in mine. You're just lucky that admins of this mod have soft hart for your kind, I'd never have let you get past that "sincere" unban essay. Can't decide when did you wrote more rubbish: before, during that essay or after it.
but ye only reason i downvote you gnjus is because of your horrificly silly attitude
You don't say ? Silly ? Ok, I'm being silly do you call these guys then: you have a name for them as well ?
Damn, I wonder which retard calls his character Blood & Honour?
Pretty much the same as all those "Champions of Light", "Bringers of Darkness", etc, etc. You know - those who enter Strat as newmy old friends and then go around lying to other people to get some kind of advantage in an online game. Later they call it brilliant strategy or diplomacy. Just check what this "honor" guy did and you'll understand the point of his nickname.