What level are you? 25
What is your build? 12-22 right now
What armor do you use? turkish robe yes very low armor
Were you moving towards the archer when you got hit? no was recharging xbow
What bow and arrows did he use? mw TATAR and mw rus bow (probably MW)
Did he use heirloomed gear (bow/arrows)? yes
What level was he? probalby 34
What was his build? 18 27 if i'm not wrong
the problem is that a heavy crossbow (not the hunting) doesn't 1shot archers (that weren't wearing such good body armor (neither was i ofc and that's why i got 1 shot)). and there's still another problem: the overshield-shot.
i didn't say he cheats, i just typed it cause i noticed it was really easy for him doing headshots (2-3 headshots per round seriously and the other shots were aiming to the head), and probably for all the other archers if they would aim a bit upper.
so the problem is not really that they 1shot me (cause as you can see i have 15 body armor with 47 hp) but I didn't with a 69+6 PIERCE damage from 10 mt.
So let's review:
you have 12 strength,
are under level 25,
and are using light armor
you believe the archer who shot you is high level with MW equipment
you're upset that you got 1 shot while you didn't 1 shot the archer with your heavy xbow
I'm waiting for the part where something crazy happened.(click to show/hide)
hmm let's say you read the rest and modify your review :) i didn't say the problem is that they 1shot me (even if they do too much damage) the problem is that i didn't 1shot them. second even with a shield i have serious problem killing them because there's a stupid movement which gets me 2 shot. third they can run wherever they want. please read the other parts than you can type your reviews
Loomed high damage CUT arrows with a MW high damage bow vs very, very light armor and low str/low level, one shot? What were you expecting?guys ofc you're right if you read just a single fucking part of the thread :) be fair and read the rest
In other news, i occasionally get 1shot by arbs at lvl30, when moving towards them in medium armor/light armor with balanced builds.
What level are you? 25
What is your build? 12-22 right now
What armor do you use? turkish robe yes very low armor
robin hood had 1shot me with an arrowNO WAY!!!!!!! For serious?
Remember that Crossbows dont get PD bonus so its completely normal that they dont do that much dmg.
Your arguments are not well thought out man...
it's normal that they don't do much damage? i can read by the site that it is written 75 pierce damage.. i thought 75 PIERCE could 1 shot an archer but it doesn't look like: so my question is: xbow doesn't get PD bonus, it's slow, it doesn't 1shot an archer, it should be buffed. archer 2 shots everyone (with 40 body armor or 10 body armor), it's fast, it has many shots (35 usually), does much damage and gets PD bonus: it should be nerfed. and don't forget about the strange movement
Just imagine 2 hits with a Morningstar with 0ps, then u have ur crossbow... :D
not sure about that
X-Bows are not supposed to be better bows, they feature way different gameplay and even at 10PD and an 160wpf a long bow with bodkins does not hit the damage of an arbalest with steel bolts while it has worse accuracy and can't hold the shot at max accuracy BUT it gets a higher rate of fire and with that better overall DPS.
You went to archers playground aka EU4, where archers outnumber melee 3:1, and you say they are OP?
What's not clear?
On eu4 there are three times more ranged than eu1.
EU4 has archers who play only on that server, because there are a lot of melee guys who will chase them and die.
EU4 is not a good balance indicator.
nerf ranged NOWNo, not yet. Work for your nerf. More crying needed IMO.
not sure about that
you say it doesn't do the same damage but i did a test on the duel server and i can assure you that with an archer level 30 (18 str 21 agi 6 pd 163 wpf) and NOTHING loomed i 3 shot radament. the problem is that with the same xbower and a heavy xbow i still 3 shot him; then you say that a xbower doesn't get PD bonus or wpf damage bonus that means the damage won't grow anymore, while the archer can surely do more damage. the problem are not the xbowers that seem fair to me, but the archers that do just a little too much damage (just 15% less damage needed imo) and that strange movement (i don't mean why, as a shielder, i should be scared by an archer that is 1 mt distant from me): it doesn't look like a great request.
yes a hunting crossbow yes you're right C: oh now wait except you have to recharge and while you're doing that you have to holdstill C:§
Bigger number of people is always a better indicator of how well things work.
So you do want xbows to do more more dps than bows while not requiring and skill but only wpf and str?
That would be horrible balancing wise.
How often did you do that damage test with each weapon?
What bow and arrows did you use?
Against what armor and hp and at what distance?
Cause overall it seems you like you are missing the difference between crossbows and bows and want bows nerfed because you don't play smart against archers.
Are you dumb? Morningstar= 38 pierce, 2 hits with 0ps and 100wpf= 74 pierce (in theory, no bonuses, armors and stuff taken into account)
So just use ur imagination, do 2 hits with 0ps of a Morningstar kill those archers? No. and your X-Bow doesnt aswell.
Archery is not OP. There is no "over shield" shots that archery can do that crossbows cannot, and I doubt you were one shotted wearing any armor of significant armor value.
(At least on NA)
You know you can quote more than one post at a time so you don't have to post 4 times to answer to 4 different people... just saying.
(...)even at 10PD and an 160wpf a long bow with bodkins does not hit the damage of an arbalest with steel bolts(...)isn't right...
i can swear on whatever you want i didn't 1shot 2 archers (i was 10 mt distant), but robin hood had 1shot me with an arrow and i have a Heavy Crossbow with Steel Bolts and 158 wpf on xbow.I throw my throwing lance at Anon with 8 PT and 140+ wpf he shoot at the same time, we both hit.
What level are you?
What is your build?
What armor do you use?
Were you moving towards the archer when you got hit?
What bow and arrows did he use?
Did he use heirloomed gear (bow/arrows)?
What level was he?
What was his build?
WPF does not influence crossbow damage btw.
Do you have any proof of that guy cheating or are you just randomly accusing people because you got killed?
Edit: Fixed "typo".
Meow, to be fair, he did state he was not accusing him of cheating.