Works perfectly fine for me, sound like the problem is on your side.How much have you played in the last month?
How much have you played in the last month?
Enough.I disagree.
Works perfectly fine for me, sound like the problem is on your side.
I disagree.
Thought my crossbow started acting really funny a few weeks ago; thought it was some ranged bug or something due to, server software being changed/improved.
There's always a danger with any mod for any game that you will eventually push the game beyond breaking point with more and more features. A friend of mine who's a Civ fan tells me there have been mods for Civ IV which have broken the game engine. I think perhaps cRPG has gone too far, first in trying to fix what (some) players have felt was wrong and second in adding new stuff. It's no good fixing stuff if the fix breaks something else.
I disagree.
Works perfectly fine for me, sound like the problem is on your side.
Translated: Thanks for the generic input, we are aware of it and looking into it. Please post in the bug section.
Works perfectly fine for me, sound like the problem is on your side.
Wrong, ever since you nerfed shield forcefield and changed original M&B weapon hitboxes with WSE
Since we never changed weapon hitboxes, I'm gonna stop right there.
you know full well WTF i'm talking about. THE WSE change that allowed more collision for weapons: getting stuck in walls, spears into ground.
you know full well WTF i'm talking about. THE WSE change that allowed more collision for weapons: getting stuck in walls, spears into ground.
So people who have never had animation problems, running on the newest generation hardware on large bandwidth networks, all simultaneously having issues for the last couple weeks are a coincidence?
But hey since Digglez said something you can disagree with, it must mean there's no validity to the rest of his statement.
I bet none of us players can tell the exact technical reason for this, but something seems to be up.
So explain why people (ENEMIES) are able to pass directly thru my shield & character model? Notice how enemy is stopped if he tries to jump past, but if hes on the ground he can go right thru it.
Because the shield forcefield is smaller. Make the shield forcefield smaller in Native, and you'll have the same result. Since we don't want to have huge shield forcefields, you're gonna have to live with that.
Yup, couldn't tell you the technical reason for it, what I can tell you though is that it still happens and people have been vocal about ghostreach for easily more than a year at this point but some people just acts like that shit doesn't exists.
What people call ghost reach is caused by client-server delays, server-client delays, and synchronization approximation. What you see looks like there's ghost reach, but what the server "sees" (and most other clients probably) is perfectly fine.
Because it doesn't. Ghost reach is when a weapon hitbox is longer than the visual model. If a weapon has ghost reach, it will be noticeable every time you attack.
What people call ghost reach is caused by client-server delays, server-client delays, and synchronization approximation. What you see looks like there's ghost reach, but what the server "sees" (and most other clients probably) is perfectly fine.
Hey cmp, is there a way to fix this?
Are there room for performance increases in this area? I mean.. not for us players, cause we want to continue to play on our crappy connections, but serverside?
This thread gives me the impression everytime we report bugs devs ignore it because they think we are trying to bullshit them.
There is no definitive way to "fix" it, because technically it isn't even a bug. It can be tuned and masked by software (which we will continue to try improving), but in the end there'll always be a hardware/network factor.
Most of the time the cause is not serverside. Nonetheless, there are both clientside and serverside improvements planned. If it's caused by a slow/interleaved/noisy connection, there's nothing we can do about it.
Gave a look to the Warband code, it doesn't even care if you have a shield when checking for agent-agent collision.
Basically it's an engine quirk that has always been there, for some reason it got noticed only after the shield forcefield change, and the change got the blame.
I don't think you're trying to bullshit me, I think you are drawing conclusions based on insufficient evidence. See above in this very post.
Also for nitpicking, apart from the the thread's topic, I wasn't actually blaming any change
I don't think you're trying to bullshit me, I think you are drawing conclusions based on insufficient evidence. See above in this very post.
You shooting targer standing 1 metre from you, full focus and arrow miss, but when guy chase you with 1h sword, swing have 3 metre reach, yeah thix is nothing about bugs, but internet connection... .
Because it doesn't. Ghost reach is when a weapon hitbox is longer than the visual model. If a weapon has ghost reach, it will be noticeable every time you attack.
What people call ghost reach is caused by client-server delays, server-client delays, and synchronization approximation. What you see looks like there's ghost reach, but what the server "sees" (and most other clients probably) is perfectly fine.
Ghost projectiles is an entirely different thing than ghost reach. I haven't looked into that well enough to draw a conclusion.
Because it doesn't. Ghost reach is when a weapon hitbox is longer than the visual model. If a weapon has ghost reach, it will be noticeable every time you attack.
What people call ghost reach is caused by client-server delays, server-client delays, and synchronization approximation. What you see looks like there's ghost reach, but what the server "sees" (and most other clients probably) is perfectly fine.
I was referring to Digglez.
Works perfectly fine for me, sound like the problem is on your side.
would be nice if the game had proper weapon tracers instead of area of effect attacks to stop ghost reach and such. pvkii and wotr have it.
Awesome attitude from someone on the dev team.
Awesome attitude from someone on the dev team.
Tbh that sounds like generic talk from someone who doesn't know how a game engine works and is just speaking by hearsay.No, that's the exact opposite of hearsay, because it's what I am experiencing at first hand: more phantom hits and blocks than ever before.
"I heard if you put too many items in the Start menu it breaks, so you shouldn't put too many features in cRPG or it will break too."
No, that's the exact opposite of hearsay, because it's what I am experiencing at first hand: more phantom hits and blocks than ever before.
I take it you haven't even checked what part of your post I quoted?I have no idea whether the number of items you can buy affects gameplay or not, except that it may be related to the fact that people have been told to turn off "Load Textures on Demand"; I am merely commenting that there seems to be a lot of stuff available to buy that isn't really needed, like all the shirts and dresses and high end helms that are barely distinguishable from each other. What I do know is that now there are more phantom blocks and blows for me and people who previously had not been affected by this phenomenon now are. I started to notice them way back with the patch that brought in half-swording secondary mode for 2H swords. Some versions have improved playability and others have made it worse. The latest has made it worse. I expect these problems will soon be fixed, but not if nobody tells the developers! I am also warning of the dangers of trying to do too much with a game mod.
Fix this bullshit ghost swing already! Is it so hard to adjust weapon spread dmg according to it lenght?-_-
After the big ghost range correction all weapons are exactly as long as their models; however, the ghost range due to movement+instantaneous communication is most likely not physically possible to fix.So why World of Tanks hasnt this problem? Even if you move a 1cm from an object it wont hit it, because of some invisible ghost hitbox;/.
If you stand fully stationary and your opponent as well, there will be no ghost range.
I just played 2 hours as twohander on duel server and there weren't any of the problems mentioned here.
After the big ghost range correction all weapons are exactly as long as their models...
There is no definitive way to "fix" it, because technically it isn't even a bug.
In general, this is an undesirable way to model weapon length outside of people being completely naked. I'd assume that most armors are, in fact, not part of your skin. A gambeson should be at least 1-2 cm of thickness, not counting any of the heavier armors. The fact that you take full damage from being hit by the tip of a weapon that didn't penetrate more than 2-3 cm into your flesh is fairly unrealistic, unless HP is supposed to model pain tolerance.
The fact that you take full damage from being hit by the tip of a weapon that didn't penetrate more than 2-3 cm into your flesh is fairly unrealistic, unless HP is supposed to model pain tolerance.
dodge fuking ghost!?
how to learn to dodge fuking ghost!?
And Mount&Blade had it long before them.actually pvkii is at least older than warband.
actually pvkii is at least older than warband.
and it really doesn't feel like warband does, game has aoe attacks in practise. for example you swing and backpeddle, if someone walks into the area you swung at they get hit. you swing left side of your horse you tend to hit anything in a area to the side of horse, even if you swing way above their head. both examples your a hitting people without your weapon passing anywhere near them.
Mount&Blade, not Warband.Yes.