this still wouldn't determine who's the "best" player.
Where I can sign in?? :mrgreen:
Can small countries work together with other small countries to form full teams?
Hmm... How many players per team? 10?we don't have 10 Winnish players in this community
we don't have 10 Winnish players in this communityHmm easily. Pantheons and Uljas + many others
we don't have 10 Winnish players in this communityYou can always unite with your neighbours , like Russia for example. Kidding . =)
Good idea, but then again, it'll be like 4 nations tops. Rus, Ger, Pol, NA.
Have fun anyways.
Im here for Ireland or if a team cant be formed I can play for england.@ Casimir and Muffin - i can't tell you for sure atm, but there will probably be team UK =).
USA'S TEAM IS BEST TEAM IN USAYou NA guys are welcome to form both team Canada and team USA if you want to and if you are alright with playing on eu servers :wink:
for all intents and purposes, Canada will be considered USA USA USA USA
Dutch team is obviously gonna win!Jambi is Dutch? Or am I misunderstanding this? Would explain a lot.
Take Jambi as archer though.
we don't have 10 Winnish players in this community10 Winnish players? Easy! Fallen alone has 10 Finns I guess.
10 Winnish players? Easy! Fallen alone has 10 Finns I guess.Decent players 8-)
I think then there will be no problems with team for Poland(if you need one give me a info)
Decent players 8-)Don't go there bro :twisted:. May for example. Really good archer. Lennu in melee or ranged, deadly. Rhekimos and I are cavalry, pretty decent I would say, nothing too superior but we get the job done. Spurdo mounted xbowmy old friend annoys everyone. Everkistus, once great polearmer, now xbow + shielder for bad ping times. So there is your decent players that might be available. Then we need 4 more. Xant, Herkkuderp, Massassin, Wiltsu etc xD. Finnish team, ready to roll :mrgreen:
More details coming soonish guys, we'll think everything through trust us. Can't give you too many specifics at this point. We'll be working on the structure, system, rules, prizes etc in the meantime.
@ Karasu, 4 nations tops ? You seriously underestimate the cRPG playerbase, shame on you.
lolnoob, france wins
No need to be all worked up, kind Sir, my point was precisely Teeth point:Are you saying Canada/Russia/Usa/Sweden etc should send their hockey players to Zimbabwe or Australia so they can form their own hockey teams? =)
What about those players (like me) from nations without players?
lolnoob, france wins
Are you saying Canada/Russia/Usa/Sweden etc should send their hockey players to Zimbabwe or Australia so they can form their own hockey teams? =)
How about team Iberia (Spain,Portugal) - you can try that , pretty sure there will be enough players.
lolnoob, france winsWe will beat them 20.05 in native, & could do the same here 8-)
to bad if archers are aloud in such tourney'sNo!, allow archers cause we get Jambi.
Odin, how come you don't mention TucKMuncK for your team? He might be the best finnish player in the mod. :)
Team Scandinavia would be awesome. 8-)
10 k that its a Scandinavian team that wins!
@Gurnisson: Team Scandinavia would indeed be awesome (and OP) :D
Too bad Scandinavians arent one nation
And what would team scandinavia have for roster? I'm pretty sure there's enough members for each and own scandinavian team.
Permanent titles are good too.(like this )What is this ? :o
Permanent titles are good too.(like this )I has the highest bid 8-)
Personally, this is a bad idea because it's under process in native atm.It will ends 20.05 then we'll beat France. But still, summer is a bad time for a tourney(vacations etc.)
Summer best time for tourneys cos i play 24/7Hate U! I'm going to Finland next week to farm mansikka.
Personally, this is a bad idea because it's under process in native atm.
Don't go there bro :twisted:. May for example. Really good archer. Lennu in melee or ranged, deadly. Rhekimos and I are cavalry, pretty decent I would say, nothing too superior but we get the job done. Spurdo mounted xbowmy old friend annoys everyone. Everkistus, once great polearmer, now xbow + shielder for bad ping times. So there is your decent players that might be available. Then we need 4 more. Xant, Herkkuderp, Massassin, Wiltsu etc xD. Finnish team, ready to roll :mrgreen:If cav isnt allowed, I would suggest Munin and Wiltzu, Lerva(?) for shielders, me ( 8-)) Herkku, TuckMunck, Xant, Kastu for melee, and Spudro and Tommoo for ranged
I think May might be a bit inactive, Lennu and Everkistus as well. So there is 3 slots more. King Pave, Haze The Hobo from Pantheon are decent fighters. TM_Wolper from Finland? Get that dude into our team!
Hate U! I'm going to Finland next week to farm mansikka.nice :D Where in Finland ?
Maybe we should exclude MWs & high level chars? Too make this NC more skill-dependent. (STF & 40-50k for equipment).
& there will be no point to restrict my old friendchers cause without looms they are not so deadly.
No!, allow archers cause we get Jambi.true, only good Dutch archer XD
Good new guys
Me and Katsou are going to,or at least try to assemble team Hellas.
If cav isnt allowed, I would suggest Munin and Wiltzu, Lerva(?) for shielders, me ( 8-)) Herkku, TuckMunck, Xant, Kastu for melee, and Spudro and Tommoo for ranged
Of course You, Lennu, Kerkko, Rhekimos, Pantheons etc are also good choices
E: I dont think the line-up will be a big problem cause not everyone is avaiable when the battles take place
Yes, there are enough Scandinavian players for each Scandinavian team
panos its wirtten crpg in the title. recruting native mercs for this isnt what we want
It wouldn't be fair to the other Scandinavian countries if they have to form teams with average players just because they don't have enough competetive players(sadly). We have enough players I'm sure but one thing I know for certain is that a Scandinavian team lets the good players from all countries form an able team with competent players. If Norway has to settle with players who aren't as competetive because there is not enough players for a team, they will most likely lose the mood to compete seriously(just my projection, I know I'd feel shitty about having to play with anyone not mentioned in that list(except for Ragni, I would not mind his absence at all)). No offense to Scandinavian players not mentioned, I probably just don't know you.
Nobody's going crazy, Exxc. :)You fail to grasp the concept of competitive sports/ tournaments and such. Using your logic, norwegians and danes should hook up with the swedes , cause the first two suck at hockey for example.
I was stating legit concerns, I think that's a bit far from going crazy. Maybe you should calm down with the accusations.
Anyway, quoting the other thread:
Since the tournament is supposed to be consisted of the best players from each country, it would only make sense if Scandinavia was one team. Norway and Denmark most likely doesn't have the option to form a team of only their best players, so naturally they should be merged with Sweden. It's up to us regardless. If we want to form a team there are no reasons that speak against it. But yes, you are right about one thing. Nobody knows how many players per team there are going to be.
Neither are benelux and the balkans.
Dude, native players hate cRPG, and the opposite, what you say is irrelevant.
Since the tournament is supposed to be consisted of the best players from each country, it would only make sense if Scandinavia was one team.
About streaming, there's a casting channel 'Warband Battlestream' (,224252.0.html) on Twitch tv which streams competitive Mount & Blade: Warband matches e.g. . Maybe it would good if the tournament adviser asks the streamers of Warband Battlestream to cast the Nditions cRPG Nations Cup? In the recordings from the channel, notice from spectator's point of view shows the team colored player names and health bars float above the character models, which is pretty darn neat and handy in distinguishing the difference between two teams, I reckon that it would be great to incorporate that into cRPG as an option (on/ off).
I'm up for team UK as long as the tournament is held during Summer.
You fail to grasp the concept of competitive sports/ tournaments and such. Using your logic, norwegians and danes should hook up with the swedes , cause the first two suck at hockey for example.
If all the different scandinavian countries will be able to form their own teams , there will be no need for a united Scandinavian team. Skill has nothing to do with this.
P.S. and no ,it's not exactly up to you.
Except that's coded for native, not crpg.
With the pretense of the thread about best players from every country(where this idea originated from)I safely assumed this was the aim of the tournament, to get the best players from every country and pit them against other countries.
Keep the attitude somewhere else, Ujin. I'm not here to argue but raise discussion about the tournament. If you're not willing to listen to anyone but yourself, maybe you should let someone who is organize instead.
However, I apologize for not being completely clear. I thought the tournament aimed to bring competetive players from same countries together, IMO that would be a lot more intense than just regular players.
P.S Yes it is up to us, since we are the ones who register the team members. If we lack enough players, which is something you can't control(i.e availability), there is no way for you to dictate or decide members for us. If the conditions support a Pan-Scandinavian team there is no reason to not go with it. But thanks for making your intentions and personal opinions obvious. It's clear there's strong opposition against such a team, for rather obvious reasons.
If the conditions support a Pan-Scandinavian team there is no reason to not go with it. But thanks for making your intentions and personal opinions obvious. It's clear there's strong opposition against such a team, for rather obvious reasons.Ahahahaha, oh god, the Swedes do it again!
Naturally if we have enough players, there should be no need for a united Scandi-team. It would be awesome though!
You mean did? Don't you have grammar in Holland? Seems like a rarity to me.Atleast there is one contest where no one has a chance against Sweden.
Just import it from Sweden, everyone with half a brain does.
If cav isnt allowed, I would suggest Munin and Wiltzu, Lerva(?) for shielders, me ( 8-)) Herkku, TuckMunck, Xant, Kastu for melee, and Spudro and Tommoo for rangedNo luv for me :/
Of course You, Lennu, Kerkko, Rhekimos, Pantheons etc are also good choices
E: I dont think the line-up will be a big problem cause not everyone is avaiable when the battles take place
i did not read all the comment's but the thing is crpg community is not only from europe , bu also from asia NA etc. so how are you guys arrange the servers for everything to be equal ? Like when i go to an NA server i get like 200 ping. If something like this really were to happen do we you plan to arrange the server and ping problem ?
What about European Championship and Olympics? :?
Not sure I get the point of your post :D
So if i get it right this tournament thing is going to be played on official eu servers . And i'm sure turkish players will also participate to this tournament
I suggest you to do this tournament with skip the fun characters so amount of levels will be equal.
So if i get it right this tournament thing is going to be played on official eu servers . And i'm sure turkish players will also participate to this tournament . and i wish a tournament like this actually happensYes, just like all the other tournaments organized by EU players, it will be held in EU.
Equality can be found in native. This is a c==RPG== tournament.It should not be a purposely imbalanced torunament, people should battle with STF characters. gear choice shouldn't matter though.
Equality can be found in native. This is a c==RPG== tournament.
Good luck with organization even i don't think it will be funny as in native, i support you. I know there's just an idea but you've to start think about rules like how many rounds will be played, which items we can use or we can't use, what kind of builds we can do or we can't do.
I suggest you to do this tournament with skip the fun characters so amount of levels will be equal. Also match dates are so important thing because of strategus. Are you going to do like knock-out or league? League would be awesome because i knock-out system when you do mistake you're out, in league it's different you've chance to improve your tactics and learn from your mistakes etc. Also if you start to do this tournament a ''Nations Cup'' section in forum would be fine, for announcements, team informations etc. Since there's in-game money in this mod there might be in-game rewards for this from organizators or from devs (if they support).
I just suggest something because i think this would make this module much more funny for the players who like playing competitive, also i got experience about this kind of tournaments.
So if you're aiming to play with your own characters there's no point with the tourney, because competitive play in cRPG is a joke when it's not equalWhat do you mean its not equal? Most people are minmaxers and will pick the best build and the best items, therefore the customisation does barely influence the equality.
This tourney is a joke, no offense to you guys.
And ultimately skill and tactics get there way on the dancefloor.
So please let the skills talk, not level 35 uber builds. If you want to make competitive organization no one should have advantage except their personal skills.
Customization is important i agree with that, but put level cap and everyone will start with ''same'' skill points.
If they do that,then what`s the reason of grinding and playing plenty of hours to build YOUR own build??
Anyways, we can't please everyone, I hope you'll still apply for your country, or you might miss some of the fun :D
I hope our country forms up a team, it would be funny.
Well what country are you from fella?
I am announcing the entry of Team USA into the European NdItIOnS Clan Tourney Grand Cup.
I will draft my team and will post the roster whenever more details for this tournament are announced. Please PM me for all USA Dream Team info, scheduling opportunities, or endorsements.
So please let the skills talk, not level 35 uber builds. If you want to make competitive organization no one should have advantage except their personal skills.There are people with 100 ping and there are people with 8, there are people with 100 euro gaming mouses and people with 5 euro mouses, there are people with 50 euro mousepads and people that use their table. How is all of that fair? cRPG is all about using your character to the fullest. The ability to grind is a personal skill aswell.
Maybe we should exclude MWs & high level chars? Too make this NC more skill-dependent. (STF & 40-50k for equipment).On the over side: 35lvl char with full mw set just have additional 5 attribute & skill points & little boost in dmg & armor.
& there will be no point to restrict my old friendchers cause without looms they are not so deadly.
YUGOSLAVIA will win(click to show/hide)
No, I'm not new to cRPG. I just don't see what the point is to have a tourney that doesn't promote equality but promotes grinding the play to have better gear. It's about as big as a joke the competitive scene is in WoW.
No luv for me :/Please note etc :wink: That didnt mean that the rest are crap, but that theres lots of other good players
There are people with 100 ping and there are people with 8, there are people with 100 euro gaming mouses and people with 5 euro mouses, there are people with 50 euro mousepads and people that use their table. How is all of that fair? cRPG is all about using your character to the fullest. The ability to grind is a personal skill aswell.
'Fairness' and 'skill' are both very relative concepts. If you think connection and input differences are acceptable and a handful more skillpoints which you gained through your own effort aren't then you don't really understand these concepts.
It wouldn´t feel like a CRPG tournament , if you cant use your own character ,looms , level etc .
German Player reporting in!Klaus Kinsky? hahaha
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
When will we decide which players of each nation will form a team that will compete in this competition when there's too many contestants?
Don't know how many players in Germany will participate for example anyone willing to prepare a list?
Oh my god WHO THE HELL CARES, this is supposed to be about having fun why are you so butthurt about making it equal (=BORING) for everyone. Just play what you have fun with, play whatever you want to play. Jesus its not like we are playing for money or something, chill out
No, I'm not new to cRPG. I just don't see what the point is to have a tourney that doesn't promote equality but promotes grinding the play to have better gear. It's about as big as a joke the competitive scene is in WoW.this.
I went against nothing but 7+ riding champion arabian pure cavalry builds, made for maximum lethality in cav combat and fighting on their homeland.
Riveting tale chap...........riveting tale indeed.II
Hate U! I'm going to Finland next week to farm mansikka.
No luv for me :/
No respect for us oldies anymore. :(
We could form a Team Old Fart Finns. You, me, Espu, Okin, Weren, Tuonela, Assarhaddon with some lone wolfs: Dugite, Juhanius, Sepi & Barca
Would probably never get Estonian or Baltic team together.
Also with all the e-peen fighting would be nice if someone would bother to organize a decent individual duelling tourney, like for example Ndition's European Duelling Tournament not some best of 1 or best of 3 coin toss. Atleast first to 7 wins, loser bracket etc.
France vs Ukraine should take place sunday 20.05 at 19:00 BSTThere would be 2 streaming channels(ENG & RUS).
France gonna win tobi & peter ftw :D
France gonna win tobi & peter ftw :DWhy are you talking about ballet in a rugby thread?
peter may be good but he's a retard, worse than mePeter's not worse than you Olwen lol
this guy's life relies so much on warband that each time you taunt him he goes emo crying ... i left FRA team and RNGD because i was bored of hearing him crying each time i laughed about him :s
Who is peter?
To become the captain of said team, it is very simple. Apply in the recruitment section of the nation you want to be in charge of (Link will be given shortly). If there is more then one application, the nation's players concerned will get to vote for their captain.So one potential captain could just ask to sign in his clanmates, friends & "brothers"(if you know what I mean :rolleyes: ). The'll vote for him and then will leave the team :twisted:
The elected captain can then, start forming his team by using the recruitment section of his nation.
So one potential captain could just ask to sign in his clanmates, friends & "brothers"(if you know what I mean :rolleyes: ). The'll vote for him and then will leave the team :twisted:
Don't know about other countries but in Russia each year there always good forum drama appears.
2010: 1 captain(Neud(RS\Gardarica) with majority of his clanmates(12 RS, 3 DRZ, 1 22nd)
2011: 2 captains(Neud & Yauzi(T)). Epic drama, 2 battles with 2 trained teams. Yauzi won.
2012: long drama resulted in 1 captain(Gultar(IG)) being selected by all major clanleaders.
Sure this time there will be another awesome drama with many potential captains. Simple voting is not enough.
P.S. 1 hour till Native Nations Cup finals :) I'll post stream link here.
Also there is a limit of 4 clanmates per nation!!
Good luck with organization even i don't think it will be funny as in native, i support you. I know there's just an idea but you've to start think about rules like how many rounds will be played, which items we can use or we can't use, what kind of builds we can do or we can't do.
I suggest you to do this tournament with skip the fun characters so amount of levels will be equal. Also match dates are so important thing because of strategus. Are you going to do like knock-out or league? League would be awesome because i knock-out system when you do mistake you're out, in league it's different you've chance to improve your tactics and learn from your mistakes etc. Also if you start to do this tournament a ''Nations Cup'' section in forum would be fine, for announcements, team informations etc. Since there's in-game money in this mod there might be in-game rewards for this from organizators or from devs (if they support).
I just suggest something because i think this would make this module much more funny for the players who like playing competitive, also i got experience about this kind of tournaments.
anyway if there is any problem we will modify it. until then wait until we publish the full rules of the Cup :wink:
I couldnt insist more on the fact that we wish the captains of every nation not to select only their friends. Also there is a limit of 4 clanmates per nation!!
This might be a problem. For big nations it's a good thing (or is it ?) because they might have problems with setting the captain, too many people, too many "good players" from "big clans", etc but for smaller countries its a killer. Core of Bandits is Croatian and there are several other Cro players in the mod, just enough for a team of any size, no matter the numbers (taking into consideration that it will be summer and many will be on holidays, etc so we're counting on a system similar to native with more then enough substitutes) but if you make it 4 clanmates per Nation you're eliminating us before it even started and I'm certain it's the same with a few other countries as well. We shouldn't have any problems with selecting our captain so we should be excused from such rules. If the big boys can't handle their egos & e-peens among themselves it's not our problem. :wink:(click to show/hide)
exceptions can be granted by contacting the byzantium team.
Streams:Lol How come so shitty players / teams, could be in finals?
Lol How come so shitty players / teams, could be in finals?It was a miracle that we made to the finals. :rolleyes:
Same applies to me as well actually. I can't play with my ping, but I'm willing to organize and command the team Trollland for this.
Same applies to me as well actually. I can't play with my ping, but I'm willing to organize and command the team Finland for this.