cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: cmp on March 15, 2011, 09:39:30 pm

Title: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: cmp on March 15, 2011, 09:39:30 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

No CVs needed, just write why you think we should pick you.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Nemeth on March 15, 2011, 09:41:36 pm
Because I'm trying to put you OVER 9000!!!!111!one1 everytime I see your post!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: IG_Saint on March 15, 2011, 09:47:02 pm
I'll throw my name in the hat. Reasons: I'm a warband veteran, former leader still a member of IG, been playing since beta, c-rpg since oktober I think, I'm an admin on 3 native servers (the 2 IG servers and nditions) and I'm generally slow to anger.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Dravic on March 15, 2011, 10:08:32 pm
I would like to be a Game Admin. I always want to be fair player, I am not using any bugs, I have 0% of warning on forums and didn't have any ban on EU/NA servers.

I respect server rules and generally, I know few of "not-written" rules set by either admins or players in-game, such as:

If you destroy your enemy's ladder to unreachable place, people in unreachable place AREN'T forced to get off and can sit there to the draw, if they want.


If someone can beat you easly, it doesn't mean that he has hacks - actually, there aren't any hacks/cheats to multiplayer in Warband. So stop spamming chat.

I think that's all for now. Probably you are not even going to give me a try, but it's always good to check it, maybe that will be my lucky post...?

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Casimir on March 15, 2011, 10:14:34 pm
In my honest opinion i doubt i'll be selected but i feel that the current administration of the EU official servers is good, but not as good as it should be.  Admins currently deal pretty successfully with most major issues, however they often fail to set a good example of behavior and attitude, often seeing rash decisions without warnings, and a clear mis-interpretation of the rules.

When people attack each other at the end of the round, especially clan mates, should they really be kicked.  no one is offended or upset by it and if they are they can complain.  If not is a punishment really required. in my opinion no. 

I feel as an admin i would have an opportunity to maybe improve the cRPG community and possibly ban nuffen.

Also a +1 for Saint, hes a straight up guy and is pretty well respected.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Alex_C on March 15, 2011, 10:21:36 pm
I blame the new admins.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Serfonz on March 15, 2011, 10:24:43 pm
Hey thar, I'll put myself in aswell.
Been an admin on several other games / teamspeak.
Am on late nights when there are no admins around and quite a lot of leechers / abusers. <-- If not me at least someone who is on quite late please <3
Been playing cRPG since release so know the ye ole rules and keep myself up to date on the forums to see all the new ones.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Grey on March 15, 2011, 10:28:57 pm
me  :mrgreen:

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: UrLukur on March 15, 2011, 10:39:26 pm
Hey thar, I'll put myself in aswell.
Been an admin on several other games / teamspeak.
Am on late nights when there are no admins around and quite a lot of leechers / abusers. <-- If not me at least someone who is on quite late please <3
Been playing cRPG since release so know the ye ole rules and keep myself up to date on the forums to see all the new ones.


And you are revage-teamkiller who are unable to keep self ego in check. Big no. Grow up first.

Also, +1 for Saint.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Michael on March 15, 2011, 10:47:12 pm
Myself. Again. Even the people who dislike me have to agree there has never been a better game admin.

I was even mature enough to retire before I could abuse power to punish people I dislike.

And I used the time I was retired to get some more distance, grew up a bit more, get more laid back, generally speaking, I would be even better now than I already was.


Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: TomMyyY on March 15, 2011, 10:52:27 pm
I would like to be a game admin just for the times there is no one on and people are behaving like idiots.

Reason to pick me? I'm online a lot, and I don't like leechers! (and I would probably use it to ban everyone I don't like, guess that's not a problem)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: KaleLord on March 15, 2011, 10:53:17 pm
I gave you the 9000th point make me admin
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Banok on March 15, 2011, 11:07:41 pm
Hello, I think I'd be a good admin. Recently I have been quite often telling people on the eu servers the rules and telling them to go read them.  I would always give warnings first, I really dislike the lack of warnings from some mods. so yeah gimme a chance, bet you wont see me on the abooze section.

edit: less words
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Serfonz on March 15, 2011, 11:08:04 pm
And you are revage-teamkiller who are unable to keep self ego in check. Big no. Grow up first.

Also, +1 for Saint.

That would be odd see'ing as im the one on Teamspeak telling my Clan mates not to team attack and to take screenshots for leiknir.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Belmont on March 15, 2011, 11:08:16 pm
I have been very active in the community since I started playing and would like to be given the chance to administrate the servers I enjoy playing in so that people can experience a fun and enjoyable time on them instead of finding it tedious due to certain individuals.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Miralay on March 15, 2011, 11:20:35 pm
I would like to be a game admin just for the times there is no one on and people are behaving like idiots.

Reason to pick me? I'm online a lot enough, and I don't like leechers! (and I would probably use it to ban everyone I don't like, guess that's not a problem)

Here, my apply for being an admin  :D

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: [ptx] on March 15, 2011, 11:23:13 pm
..oh wait...

Duh, i want to participate :(
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ujin on March 15, 2011, 11:23:27 pm
Our guys already had some experience administrating  on the Shogunate_cRPG server and i can honestly say Belmont or CraftyBadger (Zotte) can both do great as admins on the big servers aswell. Both of them are active and old (as in both mature and experienced in cRPG) players with very stable personalities.  I'd love to see (one of) them become admins.

I think i'd make worse admin than Belmont due to the fact that he is much better at detecting game rules violations, but i suppose i could try offering my services too. As the guys mentioned above, i'm an active player with a non-biased attitude, trying to be friendly with most of the community (with very few helpless cases exceptions). I think i'll stop praising myself at this point, hopefully some people will support me :-).

All in all, if i don't get picked, my votes surely go to Belmont /Zotte / Tommy .
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: UrLukur on March 15, 2011, 11:28:43 pm
That would be odd see'ing as im the one on Teamspeak telling my Clan mates not to team attack and to take screenshots for leiknir.

Funny how you teamkilled me with no enemies nearby out of spite. You even admitted it.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Everkistus on March 15, 2011, 11:38:01 pm
I'd vouch for Miralay / Ujin / Belmont / Meow / Rogue / Mehkas / Contra. Any or all of them would make fine admins.

EDIT: Updated list of good guys for the third and hopefully last time.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Leiknir on March 15, 2011, 11:41:04 pm
Funny how you teamkilled me with no enemies nearby out of spite. You even admitted it.
It's nice that you keep a log of everything that happens to you on the servers, I am sure you can provide evidence to back that up?

I give Serfonz a +1, he plays on even more strange times than me, and I trust him to abuse his powers only for the good and/or amusement of chadz.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Serfonz on March 15, 2011, 11:44:07 pm
Funny how you teamkilled me with no enemies nearby out of spite. You even admitted it.

I would really like to see a screenshot of this. :|

And what was the date this happened?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Cyclopsided on March 15, 2011, 11:45:26 pm
After viewing other people's applications and cheating, thus writing their reasons with my personal logic;

I would be a good EU admin because:
1) I play this game.
2) I would not abuse admin (as I don't play EU so I'd never be on).
3) I wouldn't be biased (because I don't know anyone on EU).
4) I've been an upstanding citizen who does not TK and wears flowery dresses.
5) I have been admin for previous games, forums, everything, etc.
6) I am mature.
7) None of these are lies.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Astinus on March 15, 2011, 11:59:36 pm
I would be a decent admin because long time experience in playing the mod, back since the first non irc release, knowledge of rules and proper admin behaviour. Also if native experience interests someone, I have refereed the final stages of the Native Pro League and I'm admin of a native server since beta.

Oh and I of course spam on irc
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Akryn on March 16, 2011, 12:03:58 am
+1 to Ujin, Belmont and TomMyyY. See them online quite a bit and they're usually very friendly and helpful.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: TomMyyY on March 16, 2011, 12:11:26 am
Ujin and Belmont would make fine admins for sure, no asskissing here, they are just reasonable and nice guys.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Xant on March 16, 2011, 12:14:32 am
any of these guys would make a pretty good admin i guess, and belmont might be best of the rest but there's only one number one

i.e me ofc
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: NuberT on March 16, 2011, 12:17:07 am
I also want to be gameadmin, reason:

-I am really active mostly on siege servers
-I am a fair player
-I am a mature
-I wont compete with other admins on the server
-We have no admin from HRE

and I am just a nice guy  :mrgreen:

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Casimir on March 16, 2011, 12:33:06 am
Theres no templar admin. GO TEMPLARS!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: _RXN_ on March 16, 2011, 12:55:21 am
To avoid prejudice to the other players, admins should not be members of any clan.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: okiN on March 16, 2011, 12:59:23 am
To avoid prejudice to the other players, admins should not be members of any clan.

Approved. Let's kick off every admin except Urist and Mylet. Reshuffle the deck a bit!

chadz is obviously too biased to be allowed to develop the mod in the first place.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Braeden on March 16, 2011, 01:13:42 am
Approved. Let's kick off every admin except Braeden, Urist and Mylet. Reshuffle the deck a bit!

chadz is obviously too biased to be allowed to develop the mod in the first place.

Yeah, admins who are in clans are almost as bad as the new admins.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: okiN on March 16, 2011, 01:16:48 am
Oh shit, you're in a clan again? Well, obviously there's no way we'll be able to keep you around either, then.

Anyway, I guess we've sufficiently highlighted just how ridiculous that statement was, so let's cut the bullhonkey and get back to the actual applications.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Paul on March 16, 2011, 01:45:34 am
No templar admins! Also, Michael back to business would help getting rid of all that atheism that spread like a plague on the cRPG servers lately.

On a serious note, +1 for Saint.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Banok on March 16, 2011, 05:31:52 am
I can vouch for ujin and belmont, both mature guys.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: SDGS8 on March 16, 2011, 07:42:21 am
i would like to see a templar as admin. i always see them as a fair clan with fair players  :wink:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Vibe on March 16, 2011, 07:48:50 am
I would make a brilliant admin, I have a fine record of abusive violence, sexual harrasment and discrimination. I AM truly a man of the people! Also my blade often finds its way in a friendly player. A legend among men, I'd say!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on March 16, 2011, 09:00:20 am
Lots of nice applications here that should be considered seriously. I will give my support to Guard_BD_Toffi when he makes an application. Hes never making trouble, and got a fair sense of how to use his administration rights in a fair way.

Im against having a templar as an admin, and especially Casimir. They was a good clan when they started, but now they are way too biased, and shows it. Whenever a templar is in trouble, you can bet at least a couple of templars can support him. They was there, they saw it, you know! Templars never intentionally TK, because they always got a couple of other templars who saw it and can prove their innocence, even if they wasnt on the server when it happened.
Casimir aint better, hes actually one of the worst. He ALWAYS support his templars, even if he just heard a rumor. Hell, I was once killed by a templar by a hit in the back with an alt that the templars didnt know was an admin, and Casimir was there in a sec, stating that I had attacked the templar first. No, I got so many bad experienced with this biased person, Im totally against Casimir getting any more power in this game.

Also we need Michael, too little admin abuse on the servers atm!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Casimir on March 16, 2011, 09:36:51 am
You are implying i lie out callious or hatred.

Of course im going to defend my friends. Who the hell doesnt.

If i think the punishment is justified then so be it. However if i see something to the contray or here an account that differs significantly from the events described to me i will of course put my bit in.

As far as im aware the on templar to have issues is Angry Scotsman so other than that im not sure where all your hate has come from. Except my cries of Abooze in game evertime you do anything. Or are you still mad about the Olwen incident?

Personalities aside i currently have no power in cRPG so shouldnt worry to much should you.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: LordBerenger on March 16, 2011, 09:47:09 am
I support Michael as new admin. I'm sure he wouldn't be biased as others are and he would also do a excellent job i'm sure.

Forgive and forget! Make him admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Punisher on March 16, 2011, 10:00:50 am
+1 for Ujin and Belmont, they would both be great admins.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: MrExxc on March 16, 2011, 10:02:02 am
I'll give it a shot. I would definitly do my best to keep everything nice smooth and dandy, I can speak English, French and Dutch, that might be usefull. And above all, I love cRPG, so my motivation would be sincere. Also, I play both on siege and battle servers...

Now I'll prolly won't get chosen, because I'm not "famous" on the servers like the other admins, therefor I'd give a +1 to the shoguns, they are in general very mature, I think they would do well as admins, or maybe not? Electing admins is a very important step to build up into a good game continuity, don't fuck it up.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: on March 16, 2011, 10:51:54 am
I would kick everyone on the server for lulz
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Duerkos on March 16, 2011, 11:02:04 am
I vouch for Ujin and Belmont. I'm sure there's a lot of good people who posted here, but I don't know them well as I've not played that much  :oops: . Apart from everything said, I think that Ujin and Belmont would be good admins because they don't take the game too seriously, and taking the game far too seriously is an error lots of admins do (and I, for example, would).
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Phazey on March 16, 2011, 11:11:11 am
Remember guys: adminning the EU servers is work. You will find yourself having to observe players a lot, even when you'd rather make a cup of tea or do something else.The kick and ban list is very unwieldy, especially when therer are over a hundred players on the server, so you'll spend a lot of time scrolling that huge list trying to find a player's name. Instead of playing, you'll be mediating squabbles between players... or skip rounds so you can observe a supposed griefer, only to find he's behaving fine that round.

So don't apply lightly thinking it's all fun and games. Take it seriously. And remember: i'll be watching you! No abooze allowed!  :wink:

Hehe, ok sorry for the mr. serious speech. Guess it's stating the obvious.  :rolleyes:

Ujin, Belmont and Zotte all get a +1 from me (not that it matters, it's not up to us) and so does Tommy. Good luck guys.  :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Meow on March 16, 2011, 12:11:50 pm
me because i'm a dev nao!
pink name yeay!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: POOPHAMMER on March 16, 2011, 12:15:42 pm
I would like to apply for this spot because I am POOPHAMMER
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on March 16, 2011, 12:17:47 pm
. whatever won't get it anyway :P

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: BlackMilk on March 16, 2011, 12:32:07 pm
Hello, I wouldn't say I desperately want to be an admin but I do honestly think I'd be a good one. Recently I have been quite often telling people on the eu servers the rules and telling them to go read them. I know I can seem immature, I do sometimes  like to rage abit in chat when I die, but really would never actually abuse powers. People who talked to me in vent/ts know i'm actually really laid back, even though I might type FUCK YOU sometimes when I die. im never really that angry, and I mean it in the friendliest way possible which is lost in text. I wouldn't be a super strict admin, I would always give warnings first, I really dislike the lack of warnings from some mods.

oh yeah I too have been playing warband since beta and crpg since june 2010 and helped out in beta tests. Im usually helpful ingame and often explaining things to new players and answering questions. Even though I might be abit of a troll on forums, I have made several informative threads on crpg in the past and contributed on the crpg wiki.

so yeah gimme a chance, bet you wont see me on the abooze section. I might even change my avatar if you want ;)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Rogue on March 16, 2011, 01:10:18 pm
I have spent years administrating several IL-2 Servers and the Hamburg City FL Server. There is no amount of drama or outrage that makes me lose my patience. I am 32 years old with strong sense of fairness and definitely no hothead.  :wink:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Punisher on March 16, 2011, 02:14:02 pm
+1 for Rogue, he is one of the most mature cRPG players that I know and would be a great admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bear on March 16, 2011, 02:19:58 pm
In my opinion it would be a good choice to make me an Admin,
because i was an Admin on serveral native servers and know how to react on trolls.
Also i am a mature player and would like to help the current Admin team with their job.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Poetrydog on March 16, 2011, 03:08:17 pm
Here's my application:

I'd obviously like to be a game admin since I'm here and that's for several reasons.
I often find myself playing when there's no admins around. That means that I would be able to make the EU servers a nice place on even more strange times than now. I also often play on EU2 where there's not to many admins very often. Only one I can think of is Everkistus and he usually logs of quite early (although he's great when he's there).
I'm sure I'd be a fair admin and that I would be able to see the difference between griefers and clanmates having fun kicking each other. I'd also think about what I was about to do. Instead of just kicking a guy for TKing see what people write and if it was intentional.
I've played M&B for quite some time but I can't see why that has any influence on this. So that wraps up this application  :)


Yeah, admins who are in clans are almost as bad as the new admins.
This would be a joke right? At least I know good admins who's in a clan  :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Zotte on March 16, 2011, 03:50:08 pm
I guess i also should apply since some people recommended me. I've already got some experience in administrating the Shogunate servers and i know most of the current admin team.
Having said that i would fully support Belmont becoming an admin, ujin is a bit to busy with clanstuff and belmont is always unbiased and moderate in his actions.
Tommy i guess i would also support since hes the least of an asshat in the templars  :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: LordBerenger on March 16, 2011, 04:19:26 pm
Why can't you just implement a student/teacher system or ''apprentice'' system?

The new possible admins would be picked out by chadz himself and get to have one of the more experienced veteran admins as a teacher. The ''Veteran'' would both teach but also observe and then after some time tell chadz how the apprentice behaved, if he/she sees it fit that the apprentice will be a full fledged admin etc....

Also perhaps tell the new admins to not log into their admin character if they're on a bad mood that day. :P
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thomek on March 16, 2011, 04:29:38 pm
+1 to

Zotte and Ujin.

Would also like to nominate Kinngrimm if he choses to apply.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Alex_C on March 16, 2011, 04:43:59 pm
In my opinion it would be a good choice to make me an Admin,
because i was an Admin on serveral native servers and know how to react on trolls.
Also i am a mature player and would like to help the current Admin team with their job.

lol Bear, didn't you get kicked from CoR for abusing your admin powers?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Polobow on March 16, 2011, 05:07:45 pm
Not going to try. What i want to see from others though, answer these question please? :3

Why do you want to be an admin?
What is your activity?
Do you have any past experiences admining?
If you think someone is hacking or exploiting, what would you do to confirm it?
What is your age?
If two people are leeching their multiplier/holding up the round for any other reason, what would you do?

Don't know alot of people ingame, so maybe this will answer more.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Zoidberg on March 16, 2011, 05:10:55 pm
1+ to finished because  he isnt a member of a clan and because he isnt a bootlicker(look his awesomebar).
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Prpavi on March 16, 2011, 05:18:28 pm
Well a dude that is really active and see him all the time and never had any drama surrounding him is Meow.

i think this dude would be a nice admin, i dont know the man personally but his deminer is right for an Admin  (unlike mine  :mrgreen:)

my two cents...
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on March 16, 2011, 07:06:51 pm
Aye, I agree with Mr_Moist, I think Meow should get admin-rights. He makes a lot of drama on irc, but ingame he never does. He knows the rules, and seems like a non-biased guy.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Punisher on March 16, 2011, 07:31:18 pm
+1 for Meow, he's a cool guy and more importantly he is always online. I see he joined the dev team so making him game admin would be natural.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bear on March 16, 2011, 07:37:17 pm
lol Bear, didn't you get kicked from CoR for abusing your admin powers?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: okiN on March 16, 2011, 08:02:36 pm
I was told it was to do with some kind of cheating or other, but they refused to give specifics.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Cupidon on March 16, 2011, 08:12:43 pm
Hello !

I am interested by Admin duty.
I play warband since beta (I played mount and blade before) and I am a serious 20 years old girl from France (I am european)!  :mrgreen:

I think I have a good sense of managing and I'm fully ready to go admin at least 1 hour per day.

(Sorry for my bad english grammar)

Bye !  :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Astinus on March 16, 2011, 08:14:47 pm
Approved. Let's kick off every admin except Urist and Mylet. Reshuffle the deck a bit!

chadz is obviously too biased to be allowed to develop the mod in the first place.
Urist is 22nd, that leaves only Mylet I fear
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Karmazyn on March 16, 2011, 08:22:32 pm
Crpg only
No clan / independant
One of the best players
Support rules

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: okiN on March 16, 2011, 08:45:46 pm
Urist is 22nd, that leaves only Mylet I fear

Oh, he finally made it official?

Well, I'm sure Mylet is up to the task!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: IG_Saint on March 16, 2011, 08:48:41 pm
Oh, he finally made it official?

Well, I'm sure Mylet is up to the task!

I believe he joined during the pro native league, cause he couldn't play in the finals as a merc.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Paul on March 16, 2011, 09:45:10 pm
I am a 22nd fakemember(FM) for winning the NPL.

Also, if Michael get's admin rights back, Bear must get them too. So the hurr is in balance with the durr.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Philosiraptor on March 16, 2011, 09:58:00 pm
I wish to apply because i feel that i am a very experienced and well versed player with crpg. I am known not to take sides and handle things appropriately and this will help make everyone a better person.

Curing cancer is something i like to do. Unfortunately there are glitches all around crpg that i know about and report to cmp. though when i see people doing them, i dont have any power to say something, this makes me sad, especially since i cant cure cancer :/

So I think being a fair, and able bodied individual. and an NA player, meaning I wont be WRAPPED UP IN EUROPEAN AFFAIRS. I can be a completely unbiased admin.

I also feel that making me an admin will finally help add some random balance into the game, seeing as I will make sure people know the reason why they are being kicked, instead of having the ever popular "WTF BRO WHY MAN WTF F*** YOU WTF" that we all know and hate.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Toffi on March 16, 2011, 09:58:12 pm
Hey cmpx,

Great job I can finally apply in here.

I'm not one of the players who play 24/7 but I'm enjoying this mod for quite a long time now, since August, and like the way crpg changed in these times, but there are still many people who teamkill / leech / whatever and often no admins on the server to warn them. There are also some new players who need help and I think I'm experienced enough to do so. I am able to change serversettings, I was hosting a server from my computer a few times already (in native, of course). I also started a jousting tournament, so made something for the community ;-) Also there is sadly no admin coming from the Guards, even if we think we are a disciplined clan.

My name is Tom, I'm 21 years old, come from Germany and would like to join your team, to contribute for this mod and I think I would do a good job. I'm also active in the forum, able to speak German, English and at least understand French. I'm also aware of the ingame rules and took time to record some leechers on video and posted it on the bansection.

I hope you will accept me.

Guard Toffi

Edit: I'm often on EU 1,2,5 & 6., Lilith supports me, thanks a lot!
Lots of nice applications here that should be considered seriously. I will give my support to Guard_BD_Toffi when he makes an application. Hes never making trouble, and got a fair sense of how to use his administration rights in a fair way.

Edit2: About my time on IRC: unfortunately in IRC there's a lot of spam and trolling, but as I understand, it's important for an admin to stay in there to make a quick response. So I'll be online on IRC everytime I play cRPG, but mostly for personal messages, not for the general chat as long as it's not interesting.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Siiem on March 16, 2011, 10:10:37 pm
I would like to nominate Olwen as a game admin. 8-) he's unbiased and he never rages.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Xant on March 16, 2011, 10:25:32 pm
Olwen is the shining beacon in the night of all rational thought. Agreed.

E: Siiem our warning levels are the same. Bros4lyfe.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Garrus on March 16, 2011, 10:44:45 pm
Hi, I would like to apply.

I play 3+ days a week, some ppl know me.

I am applying because sometimes people forget about themselves, and I would like
to help them find the way back to normal gameplay.
I was once banned, so I know how it feels, therefore I would use ban
only if somebody is ignoring other methods.
Anyway, behavior is what matters, not the typed words.
may the force be with you
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gnjus on March 16, 2011, 10:52:11 pm
You wont get any begging from me but if i had admin rights EU servers would be ridden of all the assholes, glitchers, teamkillers, griefers, roof huggers, runaways and similar vermin, in no time. The air would be fresh and clean as it used to be back in the old days.  :twisted:
Also your "ban/unaban" sub-forum would get filled with requests, something to read in your spare time.  8-)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: LordBerenger on March 17, 2011, 12:16:09 am
I get a weird feeling you would ban/kick Archers a.ka ''my old friendchers'' too lol. For no reasons  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Grey on March 17, 2011, 12:35:54 am
You wont get any begging from me but if i had admin rights EU servers would be ridden of all the assholes, glitchers, teamkillers, griefers, roof huggers, runaways and similar vermin, in no time. The air would be fresh and clean as it used to be back in the old days.  :twisted:
Also your "ban/unaban" sub-forum would get filled with requests, something to read in your spare time.  8-)

Also I would maybe have some words with the careless slashspammers. Me me!

EDIT: Me me for admin, not teamslashing
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mehkas on March 17, 2011, 01:26:15 am
I'm quite active player and I've been playing cRPG since August 2010 so I know the rules very well. I don't have prejudices against anyone and I won't get angry easily. I usually consider a lot before making any decisions and will listen to what people have to say to me.

And you really need female admins..
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: karasu on March 17, 2011, 01:59:13 am
If you still need admins, I've had experience with other games while administrator/moderator (mostly first person shooters), and I think it ain't to hard to follow the basic rules and to coerce them. I'm a real life friend of another game admin (Unreal), if any extra opinion is to be heard about my judgments, hopefully not biased.

So I'd be happy to help.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: RagnarLodbroke on March 17, 2011, 02:15:37 am
Ragnar signing up.

Been here for ages now. And i think i can handle the Admin rights!

If a interview is necessery ull find me here between 19.00-24.00 GMT+1: Port: 7500


Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on March 17, 2011, 11:36:11 am
I have a BAAAAAD feeling about this. I see asslickery on an epic scale of depravity. I have a feeling that we'll be getting alot of unban me requests once one of these possible applicants become admin. That's because, assholes have alot in common with assholes, and as it's easier to be an asshole than someone who takes a step back and thinks for once, I'm going to guess that there's a high posiblity of having an unlikeable admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Judgement on March 17, 2011, 11:41:56 am
I'm not applying for a position myself but I can vouch for Meow, Casimir, Tommy or saint. They're good people as far as I can tell and can be consequent about stuff. Gnjus and Ragnar could make good admins too.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: RO_FearMyArrow on March 17, 2011, 11:55:52 am
I wish to apply for an admin position also. Long time playing, mature. Everynight on the servers.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Madcat on March 17, 2011, 01:01:49 pm
I want to nominate Kingrimm too if he wants to apply.
Because he's a respected player and I think he would do well as one.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: UrLukur on March 17, 2011, 01:11:35 pm
It's nice that you keep a log of everything that happens to you on the servers, I am sure you can provide evidence to back that up?

I give Serfonz a +1, he plays on even more strange times than me, and I trust him to abuse his powers only for the good and/or amusement of chadz.

Check pm. I give -1 for this immature being.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on March 17, 2011, 01:17:43 pm
I want to nominate Kingrimm too if he wants to apply.
Because he's a respected player and I think he would do well as one.

No problem with grimm, but how will he act with admin powah?! HOW?! That is the question. People will change how they act, they have to when they accept a position of responsibility.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Leiknir on March 17, 2011, 01:19:21 pm
Check pm.

You did send me a screenshot of Guard_BD_Segroeg doing bad stuff.

This guy here is called Serfonz.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Serfonz on March 17, 2011, 01:22:08 pm
<-- My in-game name is SeaRaider_Serfonz  I think you've got the wrong guy by the sound of it. :o
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: UrLukur on March 17, 2011, 01:22:42 pm
You did send me a screenshot of Guard_BD_Segroeg doing bad stuff.

This guy here is called Serfonz.

...  :rolleyes: ... :lol: ... :oops: fuck. I officially apologize Serfonz for blackmailing him with no evidence, i blame myself for it. :(
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Serfonz on March 17, 2011, 01:28:03 pm
...  :rolleyes: ... :lol: ... :oops: fuck. I officially apologize Serfonz for blackmailing him with no evidence, i blame myself for it. :(

Don't worry. :)

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Assarhaddon on March 17, 2011, 01:56:47 pm
If you play on EU, you know me and my reputation.
Officially, offering my services.

Sincerely, Assarhaddon.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Madcat on March 17, 2011, 02:33:44 pm
No problem with grimm, but how will he act with admin powah?! HOW?! That is the question. People will change how they act, they have to when they accept a position of responsibility.

Yeah but I get a good impression when I see him play. I never see him boasting when he does well. Or yelling at people when he gets tked. So I guess he would deal with it well!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: bredeus on March 17, 2011, 02:33:50 pm
I would like to apply for the role of game admin on EU servers. I play for quite long time, since the ages of first beta. I support from the whole heart the rule of common sense. I don't like trash talks and imho game admin should be a guardian angel not a pop star. Anyway if you need me I would be happy to help.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on March 17, 2011, 03:57:25 pm
Yeah but I get a good impression when I see him play. I never see him boasting when he does well. Or yelling at people when he gets tked. So I guess he would deal with it well!

There's alot of quiet people though... I've not seen grimm displaying any level of douchebaggery, as many other players, but people just seem to judge players by what's said or not said in some cases intead of voting for somone on their actual views and principles, which is what counts the most when being an admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: RO_FearMyArrow on March 17, 2011, 04:04:45 pm
So, in the end i think there are many guys that could fit the shoes of admin, the problems is that indeed power transforms people in many ways. Either they became to cocky, either they are to zealous and so on.
A good admin should be silent and balanced.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: dado on March 17, 2011, 04:10:15 pm
If you play on EU, you know me and my reputation.
Officially, offering my services.

Sincerely, Assarhaddon.

good luck  m8 , your reputation can be even better as admin! :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: dado on March 17, 2011, 04:12:26 pm
A good admin should be silent and balanced.

like phaz ? :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gnjus on March 17, 2011, 04:17:45 pm
good luck  m8 , your reputation can be even better as admin! :)

Actually no, it can only be worse, just look at Fasader.......Assy would be better advised to stay away from administration....    :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: RO_FearMyArrow on March 17, 2011, 04:27:54 pm
Imo a good example of admin is Everiktus. He's not so talkative, but he does the job perfect.  And by silent i'm reffering to the fact that if you chat to much u end up in have countless arguments with the trolls. And BTW trolls love admins :).
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: LordBerenger on March 17, 2011, 04:50:57 pm
A good admin should be silent and balanced.

like phaz ? :)

Phazhy is the best :P
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: cmp on March 17, 2011, 05:18:38 pm
A good admin should be silent and balanced.

A good admin should do his work (i.e. enforce server rules). Being silent is just a plus.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: okiN on March 17, 2011, 05:48:57 pm
I, for one, find that trash talk creates a healthy admining environment.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: RO_FearMyArrow on March 17, 2011, 05:58:40 pm
Admins should be role models, so, yes in an mature gaming enviroment trash talk is funny and normal in a strange way. The problems is that the pool of players got larger and the comunity picked up rare specimens of low iq trolls, with whom any rational communication seems to fail.
So trash talk is like fuel trown on fire :).
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: kinngrimm on March 17, 2011, 07:27:40 pm
hi, our clan has now 10 members and growing, with that in mind i guess it would be ok to give us one admin out of our ranks. As clan lead and who is regularly online i would want to apply for that.

We wanted to contribute to the crpg community so we started the EU_Melee_Wolves Server which will be open for other admins but we have first to get the xp and gold gain going. For that ArgH!(Uleth) from our clan is trying to get in contact with him via irc as he is the one who set the server up and configured it. He has also just started designing maps.

I read the rules for EU Servers carefully and would make a mantra before bedtime for myself ;) out of them. If there are any special instructions for admins beside the ruleset please point me into the rigth direction.

What kind of admin i would be.
I would explain rather then enforce. But i cant stand leecher, they get first kicked and banned if i see them do it on regular base. Tks are tricky, as i beleive they are in 99% unintentionally and the other 1% are rarly seen by anyone else then the victim and the one who tked. In that case i would first try to calm those and if it doesnt help kick both parties with the hint to go to duel.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Alex_C on March 17, 2011, 07:46:08 pm
I really don't get where these ideas that:

a) Every clan needs admin representation,
b) Admins shouldn't come from clans,

came from.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Meow on March 17, 2011, 08:18:37 pm
+1 for kinngrimm
never saw him do anything outside the rules ever.
also not the raging kind of person.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Rhekimos on March 17, 2011, 09:27:48 pm
I could do this.

It's to ban random people, right?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Sharky on March 17, 2011, 10:08:34 pm
I play a lot on eu servers and i'm playing this mod since the first release. I have experience managing clans and ts, i know the rules and i will just try to enforce them without doing anything else.
I would also love to kick/ban my clanmates when they do something forbidden.

I also support Astinus, i know him and he is a nice guy.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Judgement on March 17, 2011, 11:16:28 pm
+1 for kinngrimm
never saw him do anything outside the rules ever.
also not the raging kind of person.

Also +1 for kinngrimm. Same reasons as quoted ;)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Banok on March 18, 2011, 03:27:29 am
I, for one, find that trash talk creates a healthy gaming environment.

THIS (fixed)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Nindur on March 18, 2011, 03:31:32 am
I would like to be an admin because, I like being an admin, and I want to be more admin
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: kinngrimm on March 18, 2011, 04:30:50 am
I really don't get where these ideas that:

a) Every clan needs admin representation,
b) Admins shouldn't come from clans,

came from.
You are rigth about that. What i intended to point out was, that i try to be an active part of the community.

Btw thanks for the +1s.

Myself as many other players does get upset from time to time. Mostly about my own mistakes i made.
In the chat i point out chrushthrough and shieldbreaker as my worst enemies. As a 1h/sield thats natural. I especially dont like getting shot when i am infight with other melee guys, but then again :) for everytime i got killed by a ranged weapon i backstab two archers/throwers/xbowers ... fair deal. If i am in a bad mood there might also come a fu, but i am mostly ashamed of me afterwards.
If i see comments that would be in my opinion dump, i somwtimes troll a little bit, but thats rather rare. I like to tease from time to time but those chats are mostly followed by a " ;) "

After nearly 6 months playing i initiated 2 kick polls, both were leechers, both not in my team. The teams they belonged to were loosing. It was close and the teams could have won without leechers.

One more thing, i keep pointing out in the chat, that people should do polls at the beginning of the round(and state a reason before polling), because in midfight it is disctracting therefor annoying, but aslong that is not a rule in the official ruleset i wouldn't act on it.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Noely on March 18, 2011, 04:50:40 am
pick me, I play reg and I die quick so i have lots of time to spectate...   8-)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mullerian on March 18, 2011, 10:22:37 pm
As long as whoever we get is someone that intends on actually playing regularly on crpg 1 im all for it.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Vicious666 on March 18, 2011, 11:24:30 pm
+1 for kingrimm

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thomek on March 19, 2011, 03:21:54 am
Alex you are right about the idea that admins shouldn't come from clans.

Anyway, Kinngrimm has shown himself to be a mature intelligent player that has potential to contribute. I would strongly recommend him regardless.

For kinngrimm!

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Zoidberg on March 19, 2011, 09:26:41 am
also +1 for kinngrimm go kinn

I think Mala would be a good admin too because:
-she never trolls
-she donated
-she is a woman 8-)
-she have never made a stupid poll
-she plays crpg for months and she knows the rules very well
-she never rages.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Punisher on March 19, 2011, 09:36:12 am
+1 for kinngrimm, his in-game behaviour should be an example for all the trolls out there. He is also very active and we really need active admins.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Baldr on March 19, 2011, 11:05:21 am
I'd like to be an admin.

I am on at strange times, mornings and late at night. I am not in a clan and just likes to play, the social aspect is not a priority for me which is important I believe for an admin.

I want to be an admin because I see so many lechers and rule breakers and for me that is people that spoils the fun for players that just want to enjoy the game.

The only Admin (that I have seen) that actively kicks AFK and lechers is (Can't remember how to spell his name) Ninja Thomek*...something a Finnish guy I think, most admins only do their job when they die or when they feel like it (in my experience, and I am not saying that that is the rule) and that is not how it should be. And that is what I want to change, and so I apply.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bifi on March 19, 2011, 12:02:03 pm
Here is my application:

I speak English and German
You might know me as Bifi, Mr_Turtle, Sir_Amiel or *uwok.

I am very active, I spend most time on siege servers and i see lots of leechers/afkers.
Also I'd kick those people who just build up a ladder tower into the air.
The most admins play Battle, but I will be more on Siege. So I can get rid off leechers/afkers who make their team lose.

If you choose me, I can be your "Siege admin".
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bifi on March 19, 2011, 12:04:29 pm
sorry double post
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thtb on March 19, 2011, 12:42:45 pm
Got any previous Experiences?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Riddaren on March 19, 2011, 12:55:16 pm
I would like to be a battle server admin (I rarely play sieges).
I play alot sometimes and not for days other times. I won't spectate every round after I die. But when I do I would try to give warnings before kicking.
And I don't like the idea of banning someone so that would require repeated severe acts.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thtb on March 19, 2011, 02:55:25 pm
Because compared to some people, anyone could do better.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: OOODIIINVALHALLAAAAAA on March 19, 2011, 03:33:32 pm
please dont pick me if  possible
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: RagnarLodbroke on March 20, 2011, 04:53:02 pm
Here is my application:

I speak English and German
You might know me as Bifi, Mr_Turtle, Sir_Amiel or *uwok.

I am very active, I spend most time on siege servers and i see lots of leechers/afkers.
Also I'd kick those people who just build up a ladder tower into the air.
The most admins play Battle, but I will be more on Siege. So I can get rid off leechers/afkers who make their team lose.

If you choose me, I can be your "Siege admin".

Bifi is a mature and a really nice player, been playing with him for ages. Never seen him raging, being annoying or done any other bad things!

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gurnisson on March 20, 2011, 05:08:22 pm
I won't mind being an admin. I was actively administrating a native server a while back, and I enjoyed the experience. I didn't get any bad feedback, and I kept the server as clean as possible. I'm probably not the most active player as of now, but I'm far from the least active either. When it comes to being an admin, I'm serious about it, and won't be a 'troll admin' or anything like that. I'm also pretty cool-headed and won't do any rash bans, I will rather do it like I always did on the native server. 1-2 warnings, followed by 1-2 kicks, before a ban, which should be mentioned to him beforehand, all depending on the situation of course. If a guys is a complete tosser, who obviously is only there to ruin everyone else's fun, I can skip right to last kick before ban.

I would also try to take notes of people that have trolled around earlier for the other admins to see, keeping them away from the trolling acts in the future.

That would be all,
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: kinngrimm on March 20, 2011, 05:51:01 pm
+1 Bifi

fun to play with and often online
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on March 20, 2011, 11:47:46 pm
+1 for Bifi.
I'd apply myself if I weren't inherently lazy. Or had any chance of becoming one  :wink:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Beauchamp on March 21, 2011, 11:05:16 am
+1 Rogue
+1 Belmont

there are a few other good guys too, but these two still stand higher than the others (at least for me).
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Fasader on March 21, 2011, 01:17:41 pm
+1 for kingrimm and bifi
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Torp on March 21, 2011, 01:58:17 pm
I came here to writ a long application, but then i realized i you would never assign me admin.

Therefore, i am just going to say +1 for Bifi, i think he would make a great admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gnjus on March 21, 2011, 02:46:22 pm
+1 for kingrimm and bifi

I say replace Fasader & Nuffen with Kinngrimm & Bifi.....we've had enough of abooze already.  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mustikki on March 21, 2011, 03:57:01 pm
Quite many good applicants here :)

Just remember, many times you need to ruin your personal game play for some ignorant teenagers.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Alex_C on March 22, 2011, 01:14:40 am
Just saw Saint applied. Definitely +1.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Quirian on March 22, 2011, 01:26:28 pm
+1 for Rogue, Nuber, Tommy and Ujin
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tennenoth on March 22, 2011, 06:47:35 pm
I give my luck to Toffi in his application, a good guy who is nearly always calm.
Also to fear - he is very active, always is ready to think through things before taking action and generally helps those who ask questions on the servers to the best of his ability.

I support Zotte too, not a lot else I can say that hasn't already been said although he admins BullDogs ts server alongside myself, Tommmy and Lansamur (a few others I don't know or can't remember)

That leads me nicely into nominating Lansamur and supporting Tommmy.

On the case of Lansamur:

- Speakes both German and English
- Helps admin the BullDog ts
- Very active
- Well respected among the community
- Level headed and straight to the point
- Follows the rules
- Helps members of the community
- Several other traits that applicants have already stated that they have.

My thoughts and suggestions,

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Toffi on March 22, 2011, 10:08:08 pm
Hey Tenne,
Thanks! ;-)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Garrus on March 22, 2011, 10:31:54 pm
somebody please write a +1 or -2 Garrus , or my self-esteem will shatter..,3027.msg53998.html#msg53998
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Toffi on March 22, 2011, 10:35:09 pm
somebody please write a +1 or -2 Garrus , or my self-esteem will shatter..,3027.msg53998.html#msg53998

Garrus there are so many nice admins in here, I would like to give you a +1, but this thread is for applications only, so I don't know why people start voting anyway ;-)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Garrus on March 22, 2011, 10:38:09 pm
I don't know I thought for a sec that admins will just run through the thread and check how many upvotes for ppl. I was applying also when the previous admin application was announced, but still I don't know how they choose...
mystery.. :shock:

This smiley is Kenny ?   :idea:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Toffi on March 22, 2011, 10:42:03 pm
I don't know I thought for a sec that admins will just run through the thread and check how many upvotes for ppl.

I think, to be honest, they don't give a **** ;-)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Niemand on March 24, 2011, 06:55:32 am
hi, our clan has now 10 members and growing, with that in mind i guess it would be ok to give us one admin out of our ranks. As clan lead and who is regularly online i would want to apply for that.

We wanted to contribute to the crpg community so we started the EU_Melee_Wolves Server which will be open for other admins but we have first to get the xp and gold gain going. For that ArgH!(Uleth) from our clan is trying to get in contact with him via irc as he is the one who set the server up and configured it. He has also just started designing maps.

I read the rules for EU Servers carefully and would make a mantra before bedtime for myself ;) out of them. If there are any special instructions for admins beside the ruleset please point me into the rigth direction.

What kind of admin i would be.
I would explain rather then enforce. But i cant stand leecher, they get first kicked and banned if i see them do it on regular base. Tks are tricky, as i beleive they are in 99% unintentionally and the other 1% are rarly seen by anyone else then the victim and the one who tked. In that case i would first try to calm those and if it doesnt help kick both parties with the hint to go to duel.

He's a good guy and old enough to be impartial, also, if i evaluate him right, a strict (in a good way) clanleader, and understands some fun. In the times playing with him in teamspeak he did never rage or get loud about getting killed. He stayed calm and does not seem to take this game too serious.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Punisher on March 31, 2011, 10:09:52 am
I should have done this a long time ago, but considering this topic is still open and nobody was picked yet, hopefully it's not too late. While organizing the fallen tournament these past few days I realised that I would like to do my part for this community as a game admin, so here is my application.

I'm a fairly active player, have been playing cRPG since August, I'm not so well known as other people due to a rather long break I took before the upkeep patch. More importantly, I find myself quite often playing at odd hours - EU morning-noon, when I rarely saw any admin present, and with the lower population at that time it is leecher's heaven.

I know and understand the rules, despite my total lack of power sometimes I try to enforce them; when I see a guy breaking the rules I usually warn him, sometimes they get scared and they stop doing it but usually as long as there is no admin around they don't care. So if I see they keep doing it (leeching that is in most cases) for several rounds I try to record them and start a thread in the Ban Request section, did that a few times. I also check the ban section regularly, started out of curiosity and I have to admit seeing how in 90% of the cases people first claim to be innocent, then when they are faced with their deeds they start begging it's funny as hell. Anyway all this would be a lot easier and more productive if I had game admin rights.

Despite the inner troll I sometimes release, usually on IRC, people who know me better will tell you I am mature and I don't lose my patience easily so I think I could deal with all (or at least most) the troublemakers of this community.

As for past admin experiences, a few years ago I was in the admin team of the biggest romanian MU Online community (a fun game, like a Diablo MMO mostly, if by chance anyone played it I am talking about Linkmania servers, my nickname back then was Tweak), it had a similar ~5000 playerbase like cRPG and the main problem was a somewhat similar kind of leeching; the difference is being a MMO my job as admin was mostly analyzing ban requests on the forums rather then directly enforcing the rules like in cRPG. A more recent hands-on experience would be administrating a Call of Duty WaW server, but obviously administrating in a FPS game is a lot easier.

That being said, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to apply for this job whether I get picked or not.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on March 31, 2011, 12:42:49 pm
I should have done this a long time ago, but considering this topic is still open and nobody was picked yet, hopefully it's not too late. While organizing the fallen tournament these past few days I realised that I would like to do my part for this community as a game admin, so here is my application.

+1 on this guy. My experience is hes fair, unbiased and got a proper view of what adminning means. Get him!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gurnisson on March 31, 2011, 12:50:07 pm
Well written text

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Everkistus on March 31, 2011, 02:52:53 pm
If I have any +1s left of my list, I give them to Punisher.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on March 31, 2011, 03:28:11 pm
-5 to everyone except one.

+5 to kinggrimm

I see many of the other applicants as biased individuals.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: cmp on March 31, 2011, 07:19:26 pm
Welcome to the new admins: Saint, Serfonz and Gurnisson
Recruitment isn't closed yet: you may still apply and you may still get chosen if you applied.

Hint for appliants: irc presence plays a big role in the selection process
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Niemand on April 01, 2011, 02:56:04 am
Hint for appliants: irc presence plays a big role in the selection process

Then maybe I should go back in and flame Fasader again, a bit, huh? :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on April 01, 2011, 10:43:48 pm
Hello there,

 Thought i would apply to be admin, some people suggested i should apply so here i go.

 Reasons:Am a veteran of Warband and have played since its release, including cRPG i have been playing for quite a while. I am an admin on all MM official servers (22nd mm mod) including there duel and conquest servers, i am also an admin for thier siege server. Also previously led a native clan and was admin on BrC/HGN clan servers. and indeed an mm mod clan. Gained much respect in each and have recently been asked to host some weekly events for mm mod. However i now spend most of my time on cRPG due to the fact its so addictive!

Have read all the rules and i seem to be on several different servers when there is no admin at all and there are people praying to God an admin will log on (mainlu EU_2). Also i do not get angry easily whish i suspect helps
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Quirian on April 02, 2011, 04:27:22 am
I want to apply as an admin because I can judge things pretty good. I am admin on an Ultima Online Server, I speak german and english fluently, and if needed I can idle in IRC 24/7. I learn fast (concerning commands ingame) and I am able to stay calm and talk with people instead of abusing the admin powers I got.

Greets Quirian
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: IRunUDie on April 02, 2011, 04:40:28 am
Shouldnt this thread be stickied?

I would like to apply but recent events would put alot of doubt in my name, only time will tell if I am liable for a position as I would imagine due to recent events I would need to prove my self 10 fold.

I am also a Mod in Phoenix Dynasty online, Magic World Online, Destiny Online, Rock Age, Zodiac Online.
I have been a moderator in these games for the past 3 years and I still am.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thovex on April 02, 2011, 01:27:59 pm
Sure I would like to apply as an admin.

I've been an admin on a couple of Native servers back in the days, I used to run a clan server for Counter-Strike:source, some various other Source based games, I've been playing cRPG basically since Strategus was in the grow... and at the moment I'm really active.
I've read all the rules and know them well now, and I would like to see if it might work out for me.

I usually play at EU2, EU5 and EU6.

At the moment I run the faction the Risen.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on April 02, 2011, 02:12:50 pm
So weird: I play almost every day for about 4-5 hours on EU servers, and never seen any of you guys. So it seems at least...
Do you all have like 100 chars? :o
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on April 02, 2011, 02:50:53 pm
I Mainly play on EU 2 sometimes 1 but i only have one character which is just 'Crusader_SirCymro_of_Acre' otherwise apart from that im on a fair amount maybe different times?

Ive seen 'my horses name is rebecca' once
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tiberias on April 02, 2011, 04:19:52 pm
How many admins we need ??
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Torp on April 02, 2011, 04:46:17 pm
Hey, i'd like to apply for admin, and there are a bunch of good reasons.

First of all, i am awesome, actually i'm made of 97,365% awesomeness (2,635% epicness)
I'm also a very active player, usually playing on the EU Battle servers and i am very aware of my fellow players and how they do and do not break the rules.
I speak danish and english pretty fluently, and i can understand and speak a little german.
I will follow the admin rules, never abuse my powers and always try to talk before taking action, but i will not be afraid to kick/ban players if it is necessary.


btw, +1 for cymro, he is an active and mature player
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Sir_Ironlake on April 02, 2011, 04:50:41 pm
I can be admin if you want, my reference: old enough to take it serious and not abuse or troll.

Sir Ironlake aka Blade57 aka Ironsight
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on April 02, 2011, 04:52:09 pm
Torp deserves it because hes well known and well liked and knows whats right and whats wrong
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on April 02, 2011, 05:00:36 pm
Big -1 for Thovex. His behaviour does not bear witness of sound judgment and patience required to administrate the official servers. Not to mention his young age.

Also, +1 for Ironlake. Generally calm player, never seen him rage once. I think he'd make a good addition to your staff.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Torp on April 02, 2011, 05:08:40 pm
no reaction on my application Bjord? you dissappoint me :(
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on April 02, 2011, 05:10:17 pm
no reaction on my application Bjord? you dissappoint me :(

I don't have anything to judge you on.

I'll leave it to the current staff to decide, but there were a few applications here that caught my attention.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thovex on April 02, 2011, 05:47:42 pm
Big -1 for Thovex. His behaviour does not bear witness of sound judgment and patience required to administrate the official servers. Not to mention his young age.

Also, +1 for Ironlake. Generally calm player, never seen him rage once. I think he'd make a good addition to your staff.

I don't think you even know my age.

And you've always been an ass to everybody else in the whole game.  :wink:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on April 02, 2011, 06:02:33 pm
I don't think you even know my age.

And you've always been an ass to everybody else in the whole game.  :wink:

Regardless, you're not suited for the role of admin. I'm strongly against it in either case.

Anyway, I just had some inputs and if you dislike it you could always simply refrain from reading my posts in the future.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on April 02, 2011, 06:05:53 pm
I don't think you even know my age.

And you've always been an ass to everybody else in the whole game.  :wink:

Your reading his post wrong. His giving you a +1 and Ironlake a -1 :p
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on April 02, 2011, 06:13:10 pm
Your reading his post wrong. His giving you a +1 and Ironlake a -1 :p

Indeed (
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Babelfish on April 02, 2011, 06:41:14 pm
+1 to the following players;

Ironlake (blade57, never once seen him retaliate after ive raged at him :P )
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thovex on April 02, 2011, 06:56:56 pm
Your reading his post wrong. His giving you a +1 and Ironlake a -1 :p

Weeeh.  :P

Also I'm going to say +1 to Cymro he seems good.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Timotheusthereal on April 02, 2011, 07:51:13 pm
+1 for cymro. He have dealt with adminstrating servers earlier and is capable.

// Lord Timotheus
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Razzen on April 02, 2011, 07:59:35 pm
+1 for Cymro, he seems very capable of being a admin and handling rulebreakers.

+1 for Thovex, his dealing with telling people what they should do and shouldnt do in the clan would benefit, if he becomes a admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on April 02, 2011, 10:55:10 pm
Well, I thought I'd apply if you're still looking.

I'd like to start off by saying that I'v never been an admin before, but I believe I'd make a fairly good one.
I'm calm, level-headed, fair and generally a nice guy. I usually play on EU_1 or EU_2 but I play occasionally on the siege servers aswell. And I'm frequently on the duel server.
I speak Finnish, Swedish and English fluidly and also some conversational German.
I've never gotten in trouble with any of the admins, and I think most of them know me.
Basically, if you pick me, I believe you wouldn't regret it.

- Khorin
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: BlackMilk on April 02, 2011, 11:07:49 pm
Just saw Khorin applied. Definitely +1.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on April 02, 2011, 11:14:10 pm
If only the applicants' clan mates would stop giving their biased opinions, maybe the opinions would make a difference.

Khorin +1, however.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on April 02, 2011, 11:15:18 pm
Khorin +1
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Dravic on April 02, 2011, 11:15:31 pm
+ to Khorin and Torp.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Torp on April 02, 2011, 11:41:45 pm
Well Bjord, Khorin might be my clanmate, but he needs a +1.

He is a great guy, fairly active (Compared to no-lifers like myself :D), and i'm pretty damn sure he's make a good admin.
After leading the ninjas clan with him, i believe that he has a good sense of justice and he is capable of staying calm in all situations.
He will not abuse his powers, and neither will he be afraid to use them when it is needed.

All in all; a great admin.

ps. he is not impatient
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Razzen on April 03, 2011, 01:42:28 pm
I dont see why I shouldnt be able to give a +1 to people, even tho if they are in the same clan as me, I know them very much and I gave a example of why he should be, whats wrong with that.

EDIT: Also I would like to give a +1 to Khorin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Serth on April 03, 2011, 02:07:32 pm
I would like to apply for server admin, because despite of my past as i whiner. I have turned my act around, And i am online every day so i will actively enforce rules.
I know some people dont like me (bjord) but still, Im just giving it a shot.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thovex on April 03, 2011, 04:28:20 pm
I would like to apply for server admin, because despite of my past as i whiner. I have turned my act around, And i am online every day so i will actively enforce rules.
I know some people dont like me (bjord) but still, Im just giving it a shot.

I'm going to say -1 because you get angry way too quickly.  :?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: TomMyyY on April 03, 2011, 04:37:48 pm
I'm going to say -1 because you get angry way too quickly.  :?

I don't think he is being serious, he might have lost a bet or something.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Blondin on April 03, 2011, 07:48:17 pm
I don't think he is being serious, he might have lost a bet or something.

he was a former Templar, no?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: LordRichrich on April 03, 2011, 08:12:17 pm
I'd like to apply
I have an understanding of the game rules
When I play I don't seem to notice admins on sometimes. So either I'm not noticing them (which is how it should be IMO) or there aren't enough on :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Serth on April 03, 2011, 08:33:45 pm
he was a former Templar, no?

I was.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thovex on April 03, 2011, 11:09:48 pm
I don't think he is being serious, he might have lost a bet or something.

Actually no, he went batshit crazy on me and razzen when razzen shot him in the back by accident once.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: TomMyyY on April 04, 2011, 01:01:08 am
I was.

And then you left, and then you came back, and then you left, and then you came back, and then you left and joined the fallen.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Nemeth on April 04, 2011, 01:55:32 am
And then you left, and then you came back, and then you left, and then you came back, and then you left and joined the fallen.

Do you take bets on how many times he'll leave fallens?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Beauchamp on April 04, 2011, 01:29:43 pm
Do you take bets on how many times he'll leave fallens?
for sure not more times than once, but so far we're happy to have him.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Phazey on April 04, 2011, 02:59:18 pm
I've seen Khorin around the EU servers a fair bit and i don't think i've even seen him lose his cool, so +1 from me.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: ToxicKilla on April 06, 2011, 10:11:29 pm
+1 to Cymro. Never seen him troll or rage, I think he'd make a good admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: cmp on April 07, 2011, 10:17:18 pm
We decided to change the system for more flexibility; instead of accepting admins right away we'll be taking them for a trial period, and after that decide whether to give them admin privileges permanently. The first 2 candidates (if they accept) are:

Just to clarify, it's not a race to have the most bans or some crap like that. Be fair, enforce the rules, don't abuse, come in IRC, ask senior admins when in doubt and I'm sure you'll be regular admins in no time.
More admins will be chosen at a later date, applications are open and existing ones will still be considered.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on April 07, 2011, 10:31:27 pm
Congrats to these two!

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Meow on April 07, 2011, 10:43:54 pm
I accept and shall rule until removed for abooze  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: cmp on April 07, 2011, 10:49:14 pm
I accept and shall rule until removed for abooze  :mrgreen:

Removed for verbal abuse.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Torp on April 07, 2011, 10:58:28 pm
You should make one thread for applications and another one for +1's

how are you ever going to remember everyone who made an application?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: cmp on April 08, 2011, 12:03:06 am
By going through the thread again.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Torp on April 08, 2011, 07:42:07 am
imo it would be easier to have a thread for applications and another one for comments - atleast if oyu'd done it from the beginning (now it might not be anymore, as someone would have so sort all the posts :D)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Burris on April 08, 2011, 08:23:51 am
I know I'm a bit late for this post but If I dont throw myself to a nomination It'll never have a chance so I would like to apply for admin privelages I play in the Eu servers usually a few hours a day I dont flame or tk in the servers but I will throw out that I'm banned from NA servers for the fact that when I started CRPG about 6 months ago and My gamename was porchmonkey so I was banned from all na servers without warning At the time I didnt know there were rules about names but I'm currently a Senior admin for a steamgame community
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Miralay on April 08, 2011, 09:33:58 am
Things are getting very interesting here  :o

Soooo I want to add a very important feature of mine to my very old application; I know Turkish!!

As far as I know there are no admins who can speak and write Turkish and since number of Turks getting larger everyday (near summer time this number will get doubled I'm pretty sure), the beloved cRPG community needs an admin for Turkish mates too. I'm ready for the job  :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thovex on April 08, 2011, 11:27:42 am
We decided to change the system for more flexibility; instead of accepting admins right away we'll be taking them for a trial period, and after that decide whether to give them admin privileges permanently. The first 2 candidates (if they accept) are:

Just to clarify, it's not a race to have the most bans or some crap like that. Be fair, enforce the rules, don't abuse, come in IRC, ask senior admins when in doubt and I'm sure you'll be regular admins in no time.
More admins will be chosen at a later date, applications are open and existing ones will still be considered.

Congratulations men.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Lansamur on April 08, 2011, 11:46:24 am
Admin-Application from Guard_Lansamur:

Listen here, yeh folks of this fine mod, as I have something to say which might be of interest to the administrating community.

Ingame name: Guard_Lansamur
Position: Current Co-Leader of the Caravan Guild
Age: 22
Country: Germany (EU)
Experience: Well, actually... none. Was an admin for a clanbattle against Risen on the Shogunate-Server, which basically marks my whole admin-career. But I'm a quick learner.

Character: I'd describe myself as a pretty level-headed player. Yes, I sometimes rage in ingamechat and/or TS, I might call someone an idiot if he does really stupid things, but that's about it. As far as I can tell, I generally behave like every other admin does these days. If someone has a question, I'm usually one of the guys answering (honestly, without trolling), helping people or just have some friendly talk here and there. I very seldomly made polls, and never without good reason. I'll usually warn people of watching what they're doing and remind them of the rules. If they still misbehave, I'll take screenshots and the rest is up to the admins in the Ban-Request-area.

As I'm a Co-Leader of a clan, some might think I'm just applying to further my clan's position. Let me assure you, this is not true. I want to contribute to the general gaming-experience in cRPG. I'm online pretty often, as I have shiftworks. I can be online in the morning and/or evening, usually both. As I've seen more and more misbehaving people, I want to have a hand in helping to keep them from spoiling everyone's fun by being a general douchebag. I'm on good terms with the majority of the playerbase (at least those that know me and that I know), which also helps me getting several viewpoints of an incident.

Con-point might be that I'm pretty much inactive concerning IRC. Can't be botthered to have it open next to cRPG-forum, Char-page, TS and Warband. :D

Kind regards,
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Razzen on April 08, 2011, 12:25:36 pm
I would like to apply as a admin.

Ingame name: Risen_Lord_Razzen.

Country: Denmark

Activity: Im playing daily at least 2-4 hours.

Experience: I have been a admin on alot of things, I have been a admin on a css server, a roleplay server in gmod and once I hosted a roleplay server in gmod with a friend of mine. But I am quite new to being a admin on Mount and Blade

Why you should pick me: I know the basic rules and I got common sense, I have never been in trouble with a admin before since I respect the rules. I have been a admin a couple of times and I learn quickly, right know I am also a admin on the Risen_cRPG. I dont get mad easy and I respect other players. If a player breaks the rules then I will maybe give him a warning, it all depends on which rule he broke. I am good at keeping a eye on what players are doing due to my admin experience.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Casimir on April 08, 2011, 12:48:01 pm
+1 for Lansamur.

Hes a respectful guy who really level headed. Even if he is an archer these days...
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ironsoul on April 08, 2011, 12:50:18 pm
I would like to support Lansamur's application to become an admin

Now i know people will think its only because I am a fellow clan member, but its not. I have had the opportunity to work with Lansamur in the Guards and this has shown him to be responsibly, intelligent and impartial. He would be a great role model for both admins and players alike. I think having someone on your admin team such as Lansamur would be a great asset and you would have to be as mad as a hatter to turn him down.

Ironsoul, Deputy Head of Internal Affairs
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thovex on April 08, 2011, 01:14:01 pm
+1 for Lansamur as well, but... you're an archer?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Lansamur on April 08, 2011, 01:24:13 pm
Yeh. More challenging and less boring for me atm.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on April 08, 2011, 02:35:06 pm
A definited +1 for Lansamur. Never seen him lose his temper or break any rules.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: RO_FearMyArrow on April 08, 2011, 03:10:00 pm
Definitively a +1 for:
Me :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tiberias on April 08, 2011, 03:30:49 pm
+1 for Razzen if played with him in battle and siege and hes a good and a fair player, so i think he would be a great admin. :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Razzen on April 08, 2011, 03:31:46 pm
I would also have to give a +1 for lansamur, I agree on the others that he would make a good admin, never lost his temper and his very friendly towards others.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Hunter_the_Honourable on April 08, 2011, 05:45:15 pm
+1 for tommy
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Osiris on April 08, 2011, 05:48:06 pm
+1 for tommy, hes pretty fair on shogunate
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Oberyn on April 08, 2011, 06:15:58 pm
-1 on Lansamur for his irrational hatred of Mercs. We're obviously all great and lovable individuals.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ironsoul on April 08, 2011, 09:30:22 pm
well... :P
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Lansamur on April 09, 2011, 04:39:39 am
Bless your imagination, Ober. :p
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Whalen207 on April 09, 2011, 04:49:26 am
+9001 Lansamur.
He's a level headed, friendly fellow. Perfect admin(ge) material.
Also pick me, because we all know how NA spawns great admins.  :wink:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Sephies on April 11, 2011, 10:28:43 am
Risen_Sir_Sephies is here.
I think you should pick me because:

I am a fair player
I follow the rules
My age is 20
I am very active on the EU servers
I am educated as a pedagogue, and know how to control the kids :-)
I am neutral. If a person from my own clan breaks the rules, i threat him the same way as if it was any other.
I got good suggestions for new rules, as well for modifying the old ones.

Looking forward to hear from you :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Sephies on April 11, 2011, 10:37:17 am
Oh and there is absolute no reason to go against serfonz.. He never broke a rule in my presents. And i've been playing alot with him
+5 on serfonz +1 for tommyy as well. He don't  say much.. he just simply is fair
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Electro on April 11, 2011, 11:40:37 am

im clanless
i follow the rules
i am very active
i have some good suggestions
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Paul on April 11, 2011, 01:43:38 pm
If that is the former 22nd Electro I'm afraid I have to comment his application with a "HELL NO!".
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Electro on April 11, 2011, 07:59:29 pm
If that is the former 22nd Electro I'm afraid I have to comment his application with a "HELL NO!".

but ive grown up and not


Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Guard_SemteX on April 11, 2011, 08:02:39 pm
I think you should pick me because:

I am following the rules
I am 13 years old
I am Playing At the Eu servers 4 - 8 hours daily
I am Fear to all players, not kidding around
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Vanular on April 11, 2011, 08:52:37 pm
I think you should pick me because:

I am following the rules
I am 13 years old
I am Playing At the Eu servers 4 - 8 hours daily
I am Fear to all players, not kidding around


This guy will be the BEST ADMIN EVER!!!!! I can feel it!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mtemtko on April 11, 2011, 08:54:11 pm
I think you should pick me because:

I am following the rules
I am 13 years old
I am Playing At the Eu servers 4 - 8 hours daily
I am Fear to all players, not kidding around

Dayum son..... just seeing you here made me crap my pants... wait.. nevermind.. i never even heard of you.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on April 11, 2011, 08:55:05 pm
I choose tommy why?
Becuase when we have a arguement in TS he allways hears both sides of the story...or sometimes dosen't even say anything because Alpha and casimir are whining (PS: They do this alot! And I mean ALOT.)

Lots of nice applications here that should be considered seriously. I will give my support to Guard_BD_Toffi when he makes an application. Hes never making trouble, and got a fair sense of how to use his administration rights in a fair way.

Im against having a templar as an admin, and especially Casimir. They was a good clan when they started, but now they are way too biased, and shows it. Whenever a templar is in trouble, you can bet at least a couple of templars can support him. They was there, they saw it, you know! Templars never intentionally TK, because they always got a couple of other templars who saw it and can prove their innocence, even if they wasnt on the server when it happened.
Casimir aint better, hes actually one of the worst. He ALWAYS support his templars, even if he just heard a rumor. Hell, I was once killed by a templar by a hit in the back with an alt that the templars didnt know was an admin, and Casimir was there in a sec, stating that I had attacked the templar first. No, I got so many bad experienced with this biased person, Im totally against Casimir getting any more power in this game.

Also we need Michael, too little admin abuse on the servers atm!
*cough*so true, don't give any power to casimir! He will turn this game into soviet russia.. seriosly!*cough*
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mtemtko on April 11, 2011, 09:05:09 pm
I choose tommy why?
Becuase when we have a arguement in TS he allways hears both sides of the story...or sometimes dosen't even say anything because Alpha and casimir are whining (PS: They do this alot! And I mean ALOT.)

*cough*so true, don't give any power to casimir! He will turn this game into soviet russia.. seriosly!*cough*

It already is soviet russia with the new admins...

lol at olwen, only banned the 10000. time :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Olwen on April 11, 2011, 09:06:33 pm
I'm giving it a try
i'm known and i'm here since the beggining
i want justice, not the shit some admins use to do atm, lilith aka nuffen for example, following rules to the letter and not giving a fuck about the context
i'm honest and i say what i think
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Blondin on April 11, 2011, 10:50:55 pm
I'm giving it a try
i'm known and i'm here since the beggining
i want justice, not the shit some admins use to do atm, lilith aka nuffen for example, following rules to the letter and not giving a fuck about the context
i'm honest and i say what i think

You forgot, you are a Hero.

If that is the former 22nd Electro I'm afraid I have to comment his application with a "HELL NO!".

+1 double hell NO!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Son Of Odin on April 11, 2011, 11:46:27 pm
If you still need admins, I am up for it. I thought that I would never apply for admin, but let's try it out if you pick me.

You should choose me because:
-I play a lot. Sometimes during the night when there is no admins and people are jerking around.
-I like fair play and I don't like rage.
-I am reasonable but ruthless when needed.
-I like all admins on EU and I have no bad feelings for anybody, not for admins and not for anyone else either.

I also think duelserver (EU 3) needs admins around from time to time and I like to play there as well. I see too much guys playing there and not knowing the rules for duels.

EDIT: And +1 for Miralay and Razzen. They are good and mature players. I know Miralay is really nice guy and Razzen is too as far as I know.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Hunter_the_Honourable on April 12, 2011, 12:25:05 am
stop voting for Tommy he already has admin
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on April 12, 2011, 01:07:58 am
He only has it on Shogunnate :P
I think this is for the whole of the eu network.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Casimir on April 12, 2011, 01:28:29 am
Lilith loves me these days, you should change what he said to +1
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on April 12, 2011, 01:39:33 am
ohh noes I think my post lost me awesome bar!

I shall find you and I shall slay on a post you heretics because GOD WILLS IT!
and yes casimir lillith loves us all... When he bans us all all he really wants is a cuddle, Honest!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Nemeth on April 12, 2011, 01:43:18 am
Oh well, why not try it.
Why me: Playing cRPG for few months now. I'm active, daily online even during the wierd hours in early afternoon or very late night. I basically never rage and I've never had a problem with the rules or admins. I believe I'm mature enough for the job and am active on IRC when not playing so could often jump in game when asked.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: BD_Baby_Wolf on April 12, 2011, 10:24:57 am
Hey, if you still need admins, i'd like to apply for adminship.
i've been admin on M&B servers for more then a year now, so i got some experience in it.
Also you can check this thread about my admin abooze, it's the only one and alot is said there:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on April 12, 2011, 12:15:07 pm
I think we have enough admins as it is, just saying.

And most aren't as beneficial as one might assume.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: BD_Baby_Wolf on April 12, 2011, 01:06:45 pm
well... as i said: "if", so ye, if...... ;)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Captain_Georges on April 12, 2011, 01:22:23 pm
I think CptGeorges is a pretty cool guy. Eh does ban heretics and doesnt afraid of anything.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mtemtko on April 12, 2011, 07:53:45 pm
I think CptGeorges is a pretty cool guy. Eh does ban heretics and doesnt afraid of anything.

10000000+ for georges. I bet he will  make  the word "Wooki" forbidden  and anyone that will say it will be thrown into the depths of oblivion.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gnjus on April 12, 2011, 08:01:58 pm
I think CptGeorges is a pretty cool guy.

Eh...sorry but...who the hell is Captain Georges ? Some NA guy ?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mtemtko on April 12, 2011, 08:07:54 pm
Eh...sorry but...who the hell is Captain Georges ? Some NA guy ?

Some freak with a manly voice living in your neighbourhood, im pretty sure you know him well  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on April 12, 2011, 10:04:53 pm
Some freak with a manly voice living in your neighbourhood, im pretty sure you know him well  :mrgreen:

Hmm im pretty sure no freaks live where i live...i hope

(But even i know who cpt_georges is)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Lansamur on April 12, 2011, 10:14:20 pm
Definitively a +1 for:

And addition to my application: Now Admin on Risen_cRPG
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Torp on April 13, 2011, 04:58:46 pm
+1 for Ujin too, nice guy and i think he will make a good admin.
I have never seen him rage or anything, and when i'm on shogunate server, he always does a good job.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gurnisson on April 13, 2011, 05:30:07 pm
+1 Tommy
+1 Lansamur

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Sephies on April 15, 2011, 10:43:46 am
+1 for sephies! :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Camaris on April 15, 2011, 02:47:47 pm
Well, I thought I'd apply if you're still looking.

I'd like to start off by saying that I'v never been an admin before, but I believe I'd make a fairly good one.
I'm calm, level-headed, fair and generally a nice guy. I usually play on EU_1 or EU_2 but I play occasionally on the siege servers aswell. And I'm frequently on the duel server.
I speak Finnish, Swedish and English fluidly and also some conversational German.
I've never gotten in trouble with any of the admins, and I think most of them know me.
Basically, if you pick me, I believe you wouldn't regret it.

- Khorin

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: bredeus on April 15, 2011, 02:52:46 pm
+1 for TomMmYy and Ujin :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ujin on April 15, 2011, 10:46:16 pm
Absolutely +1 for Lansamur , know him well from our ts server , he'd never make a hasty decision without thinking it through. Is an admin on Shogunate_Crpg.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thovex on April 15, 2011, 11:00:05 pm
Absolutely +1 for Lansamur , know him well from our ts server , he'd never make a hasty decision without thinking it through. Is an admin on Shogunate_Crpg.

And on Risen_cRPG, +1

Edit: Oh he already mentioned it.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Toffi on April 17, 2011, 10:01:46 pm
Edited my post
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Torp on April 18, 2011, 08:00:20 pm
+1 for Tommyyy too
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Nebun on April 22, 2011, 12:37:33 am
I'd like to apply for admin.
Often asked by clan members and russian speaking community to apply. I'm sure some english speaking players would support me as well.

I'm evil enough to be admin   :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Razzen on April 22, 2011, 12:47:45 am
I'd like to apply for admin.
Often asked by clan members and russian speaking community to apply. I'm sure some english speaking players would support me as well.

I'm evil enough to be admin   :twisted:
I would have to give him a -11 and then +12
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: RamsesXXIIX on April 22, 2011, 02:00:42 am
+1 to Nebun

And probably also a lot of other guys here, there just seems to be so many!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Pandor_Archer on April 22, 2011, 07:30:25 am
+1 to Nebun
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Saint_Saint on April 22, 2011, 07:41:02 am
+1 to Nebun
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: _RXN_ on April 22, 2011, 09:24:24 am
It would be very nice to have a russian-speaking admin on the EU servers, Nebun is a good candidate, +1 to him.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Lansamur on April 22, 2011, 09:32:54 am
Yeah, I'd "+1" Nebun too. But cmpx said yesterday in IRC that there won't be any new trials coming soon for now.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Segd on April 22, 2011, 10:34:25 am
Russia gives +1 for Nebun  8-)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Abay_ on April 22, 2011, 10:53:33 am
   I see that forum now.I would like to be a game admin.I support warning people before kicking or banning.Because many of players plays these game at least 3 hours and they are generally angry.I understand this and think to give them one or two more chance to play this game before kicking or banning.
   Also I see many ridicilous kicking polls on the game.I would like to warn these kickers because of their behaviour.Players must be kind and patient eachothers I think.That will be key in my opinion.

   Thank You.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Wulzzz on April 22, 2011, 11:10:45 am
+1 for abay because kebab
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ujin on April 22, 2011, 11:19:09 am
It would be very nice to have a russian-speaking admin on the EU servers, Nebun is a good candidate, +1 to him.
<----- Russian speaking :P.

+1 to Nebun
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: BlackMilk on April 22, 2011, 11:20:20 am
If only the applicants' clan mates would stop giving their biased opinions, maybe the opinions would make a difference.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Beauchamp on April 22, 2011, 11:49:21 am
aye (+1) nebun would make a good admin imo, but my +1s only bring bad luck to candidates (rogue, belmont) so i'm not sure if you will make it :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Leshanae on April 22, 2011, 12:00:23 pm
+1 for Nebun.
+1 for Abay.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Jelkan on April 22, 2011, 12:30:05 pm
+1 for Nabun
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Penchik on April 22, 2011, 01:17:04 pm
+1 Nebun
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: mAxe on April 22, 2011, 02:20:07 pm
+1 to Nebun - adequate and respected
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Druzhina_Georgy on April 22, 2011, 02:54:19 pm
+1 to Nebun
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: DRZ_Bigbay_ on April 22, 2011, 02:58:04 pm
+1 Nebun :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: okiN on April 22, 2011, 03:00:01 pm
Blah blah blah, so many lobbyists, more like naab-un amirite 8-)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Beauchamp on April 22, 2011, 03:24:36 pm
now we will finally see how many members DRZ have :o)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thovex on April 22, 2011, 03:57:39 pm
+1 for nebun aswell
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Nebun on April 22, 2011, 05:08:03 pm
now we will finally see how many members DRZ have :o)

If you curious:,46.0.html
in member list, about 50%-60% there at the moment
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Paul on April 22, 2011, 06:43:13 pm
+1 Nebun so the admin abuse in Strategus won't be as one-sided as last time.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: HarunYahya on April 22, 2011, 07:57:46 pm
+1 to Abay and Nebun more admins = more clear game imho.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Clown on April 22, 2011, 08:17:33 pm
+1 for Nebun
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on April 22, 2011, 08:42:27 pm
(click to show/hide)

+1 for abay cuz of kebab, +1 for nebun cuz of vodka. i liek democracy, and we need moar admins to keep the ragers calm.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Guray on April 22, 2011, 08:56:10 pm
+1 Abay  :wink: :wink:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: OttomanSniper on April 22, 2011, 08:58:50 pm
+5 abay
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Prpavi on April 22, 2011, 09:01:24 pm
who the f*** is Nebun?

id like to see kinngrimm as an admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Turk_Bugrahan on April 22, 2011, 09:04:43 pm
+ 1 ABAY
  CcC Abay CcC
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Turk_ZIPIR on April 22, 2011, 09:06:14 pm
+1 abay
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Sipahi on April 22, 2011, 09:07:07 pm
+1 Abay
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Kocik_4th on April 22, 2011, 09:27:35 pm
+1 Abay

Your sincerely
The Ugly
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: BlackMilk on April 22, 2011, 09:39:21 pm,4199.0/topicseen.html

lol. Is this forbidden or is it just lame?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Wulzzz on April 22, 2011, 09:44:13 pm
It's common i guess.
As long as noone spam PMs people to vote for him, i find it acceptable.
But it's obvious that game admin nomination is just a popularity thing.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Kunio on April 22, 2011, 09:58:25 pm
+1 for Abay, i trust his justice
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on April 22, 2011, 10:31:06 pm
It's common i guess.
As long as noone spam PMs people to vote for him, i find it acceptable.
But it's obvious that game admin nomination is just a popularity thing.

nope, new admins are not hired on the numbers of +1 but _who_ votes might have an influence. So 50 unknown +1 wont change anything. :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Abay_ on April 23, 2011, 12:22:31 am
nope, new admins are not hired on the numbers of +1 but _who_ votes might have an influence. So 50 unknown +1 wont change anything. :)

Just I did announce my game admin wish then did want Turkish players to support me.I dont think it is wrong  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Hunter_the_Honourable on April 23, 2011, 12:27:12 am
Im going to say -1 for Abay due to the behaviour in the fallen tournament. 
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: okiN on April 23, 2011, 12:31:09 am
Just I did announce my game admin wish then did want Turkish players to support me.I dont think it is wrong  :rolleyes:

As long as you don't expect it to make a difference, because I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. :P
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Blondin on April 23, 2011, 01:13:44 am
+1 Nebun so the admin abuse in Strategus won't be as one-sided as last time.

+1 this sentence is full of meaning
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: HarunYahya on April 23, 2011, 07:45:47 am
(click to show/hide)
Abay didn't participate last fallen tournament...

I don't see anything lame on asking for support .

As an admin your mission is to serve and help those 50 unknown people also.
If you don't care about the majority and only listen the guys you know , you should stop being an admin imho.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: [ptx] on April 23, 2011, 12:50:30 pm
An admin shouldn't be lobbied in by a certain party, because it usually results in the new admin lobbying the interests of this party. Hence, all DRZ giving +1 to Nebun and all Turk/Kapikulu giving +1 to Abay are quite meaningless.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on April 23, 2011, 01:13:59 pm
As an admin your mission is to serve and help those 50 unknown people also.
If you don't care about the majority and only listen the guys you know , you should stop being an admin imho.

Oh, sorry, I didnt know those 50 guys where the majority of over 6000 players.  And no, this is absolutely NOT what I mean. Try reading my post in context.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: HarunYahya on April 23, 2011, 02:05:40 pm
It's actually not my problem if only 50 people out of 6000 want to elect their admin.
To make things clear , yes as kapikulu clan we want our leader to be an admin and we think he'll do good.
DRZ wants an admin among themselves also i don't think there is something to be SHOCKED .
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: [ptx] on April 23, 2011, 02:17:47 pm
It is simply not the way things are done. There doesn't need to be an admin in every clan. In fact, clans have nothing to do with this at all.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: cmp on April 23, 2011, 02:19:27 pm
An admin shouldn't be lobbied in by a certain party, because it usually results in the new admin lobbying the interests of this party. Hence, all DRZ giving +1 to Nebun and all Turk/Kapikulu giving +1 to Abay are quite meaningless.

All +1s are meaningless anyway.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: EponiCo on April 23, 2011, 03:13:43 pm
Ok +7 to me then.

Oh wait I haven't registered yet, uhm ... if I am admin everyone gets free beer (*) ... blah blub.

(*) If he finds someone who pays for him
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Nebun on April 23, 2011, 04:57:54 pm
I agree about votes. Pointless I guess.
I think my clan mates want it more then I do. Its just so often in TS i hear of people leaching, tk on purpose, or using construction site and there is no one to tell it to on the server.
In our ts we got most of russian speaking clans and for some reason a lot of players complaining to me. Some players don't speak english that well or at all to even describe something in game chat or forum.

They made me admin of RuCRPG but I don't play there, my ping is a lot better on eu servers.

Can't say i'm perfect admin and always right. I know that this will probably add more hate to me :))) And its more like a job. I just thought I may help, even though it may probably just add problems for me.

If you don't need me as admin, I'm fine with it, but if you need help, i'm ok to help.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: [ptx] on April 23, 2011, 05:14:51 pm
See, the above post is worth more than all the +1's on this thread combined.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Osiris on April 23, 2011, 05:16:54 pm
+1 for ptx to be admin!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Cris on April 23, 2011, 05:18:27 pm
If applications are still open, and there is a need for admins. I'll Apply for a position.

Why pick me?

-Experienced player
-Know the rules fairly well
-I belive I have a good reputation in the EU community.
-I play regulary (well, just back from some time off, but I do now :P)
-Am a reasonable person, so I wouldnt be kicking people randomly or with just 1 inccident.
-I would never, ever abuse admin rights
-A pluss, I speak perfect English and Spanish, and as far as I know there is no admins with spanish knowledge to manage that part of community in the EU servers

So is there is a need, am willing to help, after all we play this for free, I may aswell do my part and help out.

(If there are no positions left just ignore this post :P )
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Osiris on April 23, 2011, 05:47:56 pm
I would like to apply (dont laugh  :shock:)

Why? well Ive been a mod on many other games so i know whats required and the hate that can come with it.

I think im pretty fair and im sure i dont have any haters in the game. I use IRC and most importantly i like pink ^^
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: HarunYahya on April 23, 2011, 07:21:39 pm
I would like to apply (dont laugh  :shock:)

Why? well Ive been a mod on many other games so i know whats required and the hate that can come with it.

I think im pretty fair and im sure i dont have any haters in the game. I use IRC and most importantly i like pink ^^
I hate you Osiris  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Osiris on April 23, 2011, 07:27:25 pm
just because we kept taking your PW mod castle doesnt mean you should hate :o Here have a kebab
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on April 23, 2011, 07:45:13 pm
And also 2 failed sieges!

Mustaffa, you're head still hurts after that steel bolt?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Sharky on April 23, 2011, 08:24:04 pm
Even if it's pointless i want to bring a +1 to nebun. He would surely be a good admin, he is a mature guy and i really can't imagine him aboozing.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on April 24, 2011, 12:27:09 am
Sorry, Kapikulu, but from what I've seen from Abay (not to mention his own shenanigans toward me including griefing, teamkilling and random ban polls) I have some concerns whether he should even be considered.

However, for Nebun, I have yet to see anything bad from him. (+1 in other words)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Kocik_4th on April 24, 2011, 02:37:45 am
Server needs pikeman admins!!! Dado and me are ready.

+1 to us

If you submit me, your horses will live more!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Casimir on April 24, 2011, 03:15:42 am
+1 top cris, hes a well respected member of the community who iv rarely seen rage, although hes induced it enough.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Cris on April 24, 2011, 01:00:17 pm
+1 top cris, hes a well respected member of the community who iv rarely seen rage, although hes induced it enough.


P.S: inducing rage is one of the perks of being HA :P
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Torp on April 24, 2011, 08:57:16 pm
i agree that +1's are menaingsless except the ones that cme with a good explanation of why the guys voted for should be admins
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Hunter_the_Honourable on April 24, 2011, 10:15:10 pm
If its still open I would like to apply.

why would I make a good admin? well I have had my own server, I know most people in the servers, I also play in the little server's quite allot (hardly see any admin's in them) also I always ask for the reason when a poll is subbed im pretty friendly. And I try and help new players when I can.

but if the spot is closed then never mind.  :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ozan on April 24, 2011, 10:30:11 pm
+1  to Abay    ;)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on April 24, 2011, 10:46:09 pm
i agree that +1's are menaingsless except the ones that cme with a good explanation of why the guys voted for should be admins

Good reason why arselickers are cunts, because they elect cunts!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: HarunYahya on April 25, 2011, 06:11:57 am
I want a turkish speaker admin cuz there are lots and lots of Turks playing this game and not all of them speak english.
I also support all clans who has most of their members from same country such as Turks,DRZ,Pecores,Die Germanen etc... should have an admin to help non english speakers.I thought you "einsteins" could figure it out actually :P
When it comes to punishment and rules both sides admins and players should tell their reasons clearly.If you warn a guy who doesn't speak english "Get a weapon or you'll be banned." It'll be the same warning as "Hxa q t16agda yway'aa kl knakkat"
There is no such rule as "Everyone have to speak English" so either solve this problem or keep warning people in "klingon" .
To solve this problem we have 2 options.
1) Recruit admins who are able to speak demanded languages.
2) Start a free english course.

(Imho 1st option would be way easier.)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: bredeus on April 25, 2011, 08:25:51 am
How about a much simpler solution than hiring 20 new admins. If you are seeing an admin talking your name (most ppl should be able to see their name in red chat font without being einstain) in chat you are stop playing and go to crpg forum rules section.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Jacko on April 25, 2011, 08:56:48 am

Obviously the simplest solution is having one admin for each of the languages spoken here.



A real solution, not some biased bullshit, would be for the clan members to translate the rules for those of the members who don't understand. I realize there is a great many rules on the servers, like "don't attack team mates" and the like, but I'm sure you "einsteins" will figure it out.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Noctivagant on April 25, 2011, 11:19:53 am
I should be an admin,

I'm hated by community and loved by admins or I just want to think that way.

"chadz, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Coconut!"
Noc. Tyson.

Seriously I'm here since the ancient days, I pretty much figured out how things work.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Reyiz on April 25, 2011, 11:33:27 am
I want a Turkish speaking admin too, whether it is Abay or someone else. Since some turkish players have difficulties in english, as you can see at the events:) because some of them dont even understand the rules. Someone should clearly tell them what to do or not to.

+1 from me to Abay because he is the only one wanting to be an admin.
Also +1 to Nebun for same reason.
And -1 to Noctivagant, I am sorry, you already said that you are hated by community especially by the major part of the turkish people.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Lansamur on April 25, 2011, 11:38:08 am
Turks: Abay is your leader, he is responsible in a way for you, so he has to make you aware of the rules and, if necessary, translate them to those that cant understand English. Don't need a Turkish admin for that (I'm not opposed to him, just your reasoning is going in more or less the wrong direction)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Reyiz on April 25, 2011, 11:39:38 am
Turks: Abay is your leader, he is responsible in a way for you, so he has to make you aware of the rules and, if necessary, translate them to those that cant understand English. Don't need a Turkish admin for that (I'm not opposed to him, just your reasoning is going in more or less the wrong direction)

Well what about for non-clan members speaking turkish? Does any normal player have to warn them in the game?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Siiem on April 25, 2011, 11:42:58 am
And -1 to Noctivagant, I am sorry, you already said that you are hated by community especially by the major part of the turkish people.

This, he's shown to not have favoritism towards his own "people" +1 to noc from me.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Osiris on April 25, 2011, 11:49:33 am
Evet! (see i speak turk)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Reyiz on April 25, 2011, 11:53:00 am
Evet! (see i speak turk)

да! (see i speak russian)

Then problem is solved, no need to non-english speaking admins :?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Osiris on April 25, 2011, 11:59:46 am
merhaba  kaltak
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: HarunYahya on April 25, 2011, 12:47:02 pm
If a clanless noob doesn't understand the warnings in english he should go and read the rules in english.(Thanks to Bredeus for this logical suggestion.)

Lansamur,you didn't get the point....
I am not talking about The Turks clan.I am talking about turks,germans,russians,swedes,poles,spaniards ...
I think cRPG community has enough admins to kick/ban tkers,leechers or switch banner balance and enable/disable polls.
I simply say that : If you are looking for new admins to do those stuff above , you should look for some that knows how to speak : turkish,german,russian,swedish,polish,spanish etc...They could help non-english speaker people  with their problems due to the game and maintain order to all sociaty imo.
That is my personal opinion you can agree or disagree of course.
I just wanted to tell you my reasons of support.

Note to reyiz:There was no such a rule as "You cannot jack your sword off in front of an admin" in those events.
Note to Templars:Go spam in Jerusalem...
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: HarunYahya on April 25, 2011, 01:00:27 pm
I just realized a funny fact .
If a person gives only +1 you ask them to show reasons.
If a person shows reasons you start to troll and flame.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: LordRichrich on April 25, 2011, 01:20:50 pm
Hello it's me; the little voice in your head that you hear whenever you read something
But really :')
Soon my exams will be over, which gives me about 3 months spare
I'd like to be an admin because sometimes I notice when I'm on no admins are present so maybe I play at times when the admins are busy? And hiring another admin who comes on at the same time as others is a little pointless IMO ;)
On a side note: When the last admin leaves a server PLEASE re-enable kick polls. It's very annoying
Anyway, I understand the rules and I'm not quick to anger. So no threads in the admin aboose section ;)
Admitedly I'd need a bit of a walk through on what penalities are given for different offences, but I'm sure everyone would need that explained
I'm often on IRC which is a good thing because I can get other admins advive quickly on a matter
I'm a native english speaker (from England) and don't speak any other languages unfortunatly but most cRPG players have a rudimentary grasp of English so it shouldn't be a problem :)
That's all really

EDIT: And I don't agree with all this clan rivalry. Whatever clan they want to belong to they're still other players and flaming them for, what is honestly, just pixels on your screen is a bit pointless :P
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on April 25, 2011, 01:53:49 pm
I'm sure there's enough admin positions to have one of every majority native language catered to on Eu servers. Sometimes you'll see 2-3 admins on then somedays you'll have like 10 admins on kicking eachother and fake banning eachother.. So many admins! It's like all of a sudden some rabbits were given steroids and got to it and produced lots of little admins.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: caki on April 25, 2011, 03:02:01 pm
Evet! (see i speak turk)
you're making progress dude. Keep studying  :P
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Noctivagant on April 25, 2011, 03:43:50 pm
I want a Turkish speaking admin too, whether it is Abay or someone else. Since some turkish players have difficulties in english, as you can see at the events:) because some of them dont even understand the rules. Someone should clearly tell them what to do or not to.

+1 from me to Abay because he is the only one wanting to be an admin.
Also +1 to Nebun for same reason.
And -1 to Noctivagant, I am sorry, you already said that you are hated by community especially by the major part of the turkish people.

I'm disliked by Turks because I warned them harshly about their "racism" crap. I'm not gonna hold back or shut my mouth because of your nationality. The admin you are suggesting is not fluent in English, he doesn't even get sarcasm and I doubt if he even understands the rules.

I remind you that he have tried to get DaveUKR banned because Dave said "This map is shit" I believe if he had power back then he'd abuse it because of his personal vendetta against Dave.
If I wanted to abuse the power he'd be at least muted for the insults, but I didn't even give a damn. For your information I was sarcastic and I'm not hated by other clans and never had a punishment (mute, ban etc) Turkish community likes to enjoy giving me minus one in awesome bar, because I spoke honestly. Plus if I wrote down a list of the Kapikulu punishments for their wrong behavior in community and in game I believe I have to make a wall of text here.

I'd also like to remind you that this community is not run by Turks. You guys dislike me or not give me -1 or +1 doesn't effect the judgement of admins.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Blueberry Muffin on April 25, 2011, 05:09:53 pm
+1 nocti  experienced player, decent guy, not biast and would judge fairly imo. Frankly if all the turks were licking his ass and recommending him i wouldnt be inclined to support him. Becuase if you arent biast in your judgement to your countrymen , you are highly unlikely to be biast to anyone else.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Blondin on April 25, 2011, 11:23:27 pm
+1 to Nocti, he's a well respected members of the community (among olders) since very long time, he is convinced of his ideas and shows some mature behaviour.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on April 26, 2011, 11:11:43 am
Definite, absolute, doubtless +1 to Noc.

We need admins who can filter out the shallow crap and get to business as directly as possible. Noc has demonstrated this on more than one occasion, both in forum  in-game matters.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Babelfish on April 26, 2011, 11:17:11 am
+1 noc
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gnjus on April 26, 2011, 11:20:38 am
-1 to Nocti.

He is one of the rare members of the old guard who hasn't gone assholish yet and i don't want to see him going there. Power corrupts people.  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on April 26, 2011, 11:23:53 am
-1 to Nocti.

He is one of the rare members of the old guard who hasn't gone assholish yet and i don't want to see him going there. Power corrupts people.  :twisted:

Don't worry, we'll keep him on a leash before any of that happens.  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: v/onMega on April 26, 2011, 12:20:45 pm
Id like to be an admin for the simple reason that there is plenty of Battleadmins but rarely any Siegeadmins.

I call em that way bcoz of the servers you ll mostly find them on.

Its a fact that all my mates from the HRE faction (including me) like playing Siege quite often but dont have any admin support / have to ask for it via IRC.

Therefor I apply as an admin, been playing this mod for 7 months, speak german, english and polish fluently, broken spanish, i am online around 3 hours ingame during the week, a lot more on weekends, all mostly on siege servers.

Would be pleased to get a chance.

See you all on the servers... ;-).

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Kafein on April 26, 2011, 01:41:42 pm
-1 to Nocti.

He is one of the rare members of the old guard who hasn't gone assholish yet and i don't want to see him going there. Power corrupts people.  :twisted:

You mean, he's an HA and he's not assholish ??? I wonder how this is possible.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gnjus on April 26, 2011, 01:50:38 pm
You mean, he's an HA and he's not assholish ??? I wonder how this is possible.

I said he wasn't an asshole but that doesn't mean he isn't an annoying horse-cock-loving-son-of-a-bitch.  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Noctivagant on April 26, 2011, 08:57:05 pm
You mean, he's an HA and he's not assholish ??? I wonder how this is possible.

Look on the bright side of life, I've rolled an HA to save you guys from the evil Cavalry and delivering justice one arrow at a time ;)
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Jarlek on April 26, 2011, 09:26:14 pm
Id like to be an admin for the simple reason that there is plenty of Battleadmins but rarely any Siegeadmins.

I call em that way bcoz of the servers you ll mostly find them on.

Its a fact that all my mates from the HRE faction (including me) like playing Siege quite often but dont have any admin support / have to ask for it via IRC.

Therefor I apply as an admin, been playing this mod for 7 months, speak german, english and polish fluently, broken spanish, i am online around 3 hours ingame during the week, a lot more on weekends, all mostly on siege servers.

Would be pleased to get a chance.

See you all on the servers... ;-).

+1. Admins on siege servers are sorely needed. That's where most of the leechers are too.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: DaveUKR on April 26, 2011, 11:13:26 pm
+1 for Noct. He deserves to be an admin more than the most of present admins.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: BattalGazi on April 27, 2011, 01:54:36 am
+1 Abay
+1 Nocti

Reason: I trust those guys, they are clan ignorant and harsh against racism. I've been playing this mod since the second week it came out and the most annoying behaviors I've seen so far are the racist comments, not because they hurt people ( it sometimes does) but because it takes a lot of time for people to calm down and stop writing wikipedial history lectures on the chat. That is why I trust those guys to have the required admin authority to avoid such incidents
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Kafein on April 27, 2011, 02:20:37 am
Well, if you really can't decide, I can take the job. I often find myself playing without any admin present on EU_1 or EU_2, so it would mean a little more coverage. I guarantee I will be justice itself, allways spec people randomly and never make any mistake blahblahblah (you know that everybody applying to be admin will say that anyway so even if it's true I find it boring to say in a conventional way, you know...).

Although you may notice I tend to rage pretty fast, there's a strong difference between that and taking official actions against people, especially as an admin. I know the rules already, and know their frailty (*hint* *hint* camping unreachable places). I respect other admins for their overall good job. chadz, obviously trolling again, said that 10% collateral damage is acceptable, I think we are way under this value anyway. Most of the cases of borderline bans and kicks become drama because "griefers" are known people, but there aren't many. I think I'm totally able to match or do better than those standards in cleanliness.

*does a copy of this text in cases of further needs*  :lol:

And I gladly support Noctivagant, even if he's an HA.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Akincibegi on April 27, 2011, 09:13:36 pm
+1 for nocti
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gnjus on May 02, 2011, 01:05:53 pm
+1 for Kinngrimm.

The lone doggy finally started to bark out loud (both in-game aka raging yesterday as well as the forums aka whining&crying). He finally has what it takes to be an admin.  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Meow on May 02, 2011, 01:15:22 pm
yeah being in a hostile environment like the c-rpg community for too long can surely change you :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Kafein on May 02, 2011, 01:16:36 pm
+1 for Kinngrimm.

The lone doggy finally started to bark out loud (both in-game aka raging yesterday as well as the forums aka whining&crying). He finally has what it takes to be an admin.  :twisted:

I don't like the agi build, but it's a 1h so, good start.  :lol:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Noctivagant on May 02, 2011, 05:49:20 pm
+1 to Kinngrimm.

Probably last time he saw a vagina in his life was when he was born. He is 24/7 online, hunting for female toons.
He has no social life and his ping is like he is sitting on the server. He is natural born admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: kinngrimm on May 02, 2011, 08:45:07 pm
Thanks for bringing me up again Gnjus

and nocti you made my day, silly you but i laughed my ass off, sadly some truth to the femal note ^^
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Fros7bite on May 12, 2011, 09:45:45 pm
Hello, I would like to apply for an admin position because I play daily, have been with the community since it's launch and have extensive experience with moderating many game servers from Counter-Strike to World of Warcraft. I believe that I would be suited for this role because I am not only well versed in EU cRPG server rules but I deal with difficult situations in a fair and mature manner. Thanks for reading this application and I hope that I may enjoy playing with you all in the future.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mtemtko on May 12, 2011, 09:57:17 pm
How many more admins do we need ? It was fine during strategus for some reason...  :?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on May 12, 2011, 10:02:39 pm
Hello, I would like to apply for an admin position because I play daily, have been with the community since it's launch and have extensive experience with moderating many game servers from Counter-Strike to World of Warcraft. I believe that I would be suited for this role because I am not only well versed in EU cRPG server rules but I deal with difficult situations in a fair and mature manner. Thanks for reading this application and I hope that I may enjoy playing with you all in the future.


you are also banned atm, and as I can see, you still havent answered why you are. -1 to this one.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mushy on May 12, 2011, 10:02:56 pm
I think I'll respectfully put myself forward for the role of game admin.

Reasons -

1. I am a fairly experienced player now, I know the rules of the EU servers well and I believe I can make the server a nice, fun, fair server for everyone to enjoy.

2. I know a fair bit about leadership skills, and I have recently been given the role of assistant head boy within my college, which shows my skill in responsibility, organisation and determination to achieve what I intend to do.

3. My mother is actually a police officer, so I know a lot about discipline and punishment. This will help me to make the correct decisions when dealing with an in-game situation.

For these reasons, I think I am a suitable contender for the role of game admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on May 12, 2011, 10:04:27 pm
I think I'll respectfully put myself forward for the role of game admin.

Reasons -

1. I am a fairly experienced player now, I know the rules of the EU servers well and I believe I can make the server a nice, fun, fair server for everyone to enjoy.

2. I know a fair bit about leadership skills, and I have recently been given the role of assistant head boy within my college, which shows my skill in responsibility, organisation and determination to achieve what I intend to do.

3. My mother is actually a police officer, so I know a lot about discipline and punishment. This will help me to make the correct decisions when dealing with an in-game situation.

For these reasons, I think I am a suitable contender for the role of game admin.

-1 Sorry, Police do a good job half of the time, the other half of the time is spent taking away peoples freedoms.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: polkafranzi on May 12, 2011, 10:12:35 pm
Hello, I would like to apply for an admin position because I play daily, have been with the community since it's launch and have extensive experience with moderating many game servers from Counter-Strike to World of Warcraft. I believe that I would be suited for this role because I am not only well versed in EU cRPG server rules but I deal with difficult situations in a fair and mature manner. Thanks for reading this application and I hope that I may enjoy playing with you all in the future.


Let's play spot-the-fail in Fros7bite's application...

(hint) it's at the bottom

(click to show/hide)

+1 Kinngrimm
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Fros7bite on May 12, 2011, 10:19:46 pm
you are also banned atm, and as I can see, you still havent answered why you are. -1 to this one.

Actually I have put in a request to be unbanned yesterday. I have yet to recieve a reason of why I was banned in the first place.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Fros7bite on May 12, 2011, 10:21:18 pm
Let's play spot-the-fail in Fros7bite's application...

(hint) it's at the bottom

(click to show/hide)

Not only was that my cousin playing but he was being attacked by a teammate.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: polkafranzi on May 12, 2011, 10:22:39 pm
Actually I have put in a request to be unbanned yesterday. I have yet to recieve a reason of why I was banned in the first place.

this is starting to go off-topic which wasn't intented but from what I personally seen of you in-game, you're not exactly "mature e.t.c." like you posted here.  You didn't look in my spoiler?
Not only was that my cousin playing but he was being attacked by a teammate.

He was being attacked by a team-mate (what? you were dead already lol)?  I was alone against enemy team derp YOU was long dead and that was on re-spawn o.O look at the log carefully and don't lie.

Oh and i'm sure that will go down well if you had admin rights, your troll-non-existent cousin plays for you - imagine the abooooz
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: ToxicKilla on May 12, 2011, 10:22:48 pm
I hope whoever gets this doesn't turn out to be a d*ck. Good luck people.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Fros7bite on May 12, 2011, 10:25:09 pm
this is starting to go off-topic which wasn't intented but from what I personally seen of you in-game, you're not exactly "mature e.t.c." like you posted here.  You didn't look in my spoiler?

Indeed I did. I have also told you above that I allow friends to play Warband with my Steam account. Of course if I am granted Admin that will have to end.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mtemtko on May 12, 2011, 10:25:29 pm

3. My mother is actually a police officer, so I know a lot about discipline and punishment. This will help me to make the correct decisions when dealing with an in-game situation.

I see what you did there.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Fros7bite on May 12, 2011, 10:27:51 pm
this is starting to go off-topic which wasn't intented but from what I personally seen of you in-game, you're not exactly "mature e.t.c." like you posted here.  You didn't look in my spoiler?
He was being attacked by a team-mate (what? you were dead already lol)?  I was alone against enemy team derp YOU was long dead and that was on re-spawn o.O look at the log carefully and don't lie.

Oh and i'm sure that will go down well if you had admin rights, your troll-non-existent cousin plays for you - imagine the abooooz

If you are that adament about me not being fit for Admin duties then I am sorry to hear that. I can only hope that your disposition towards me changes and that your opinion of me is no longer skewed by other people useing my account.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on May 12, 2011, 10:31:34 pm
If you are that adament about me not being fit for Admin duties then I am sorry to hear that. I can only hope that your disposition towards me changes and that your opinion of me is no longer skewed by other people useing my account.

An admin allowing other users to use their account? No, we dont want that. Imagine if someone logs on as irc://nuffen and starts banning people, then apologising emself with "that was another guy using my account.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Fros7bite on May 12, 2011, 10:32:36 pm
An admin allowing other users to use their account? No, we dont want that. Imagine if someone logs on as irc://nuffen and starts banning people, then apologising emself with "that was another guy using my account.

AGAIN. As I stated above, if I were to be Admin I would not allow others to use my account anymore. Aslo I am not apologizing for anything at all. ^^^
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Akincibegi on May 12, 2011, 10:33:20 pm
+1 for kingrimm
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on May 12, 2011, 10:35:42 pm
Actually I have put in a request to be unbanned yesterday. I have yet to recieve a reason of why I was banned in the first place.

Yes, because you should know yourself. If you dont understand the basics of the rules (no teamwounding) you shouldnt be an admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Prpavi on May 12, 2011, 10:37:38 pm
+1 for kingrimm

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Fros7bite on May 12, 2011, 10:39:32 pm
Yes, because you should know yourself. If you dont understand the basics of the rules (no teamwounding) you shouldnt be an admin.

Your condecention does not flatter you. Besides, I hadn't played at all yesterday.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: cmp on May 12, 2011, 10:52:23 pm
Hello, I would like to apply for an admin position because I play daily, have been with the community since it's launch and have extensive experience with moderating many game servers from Counter-Strike to World of Warcraft. I believe that I would be suited for this role because I am not only well versed in EU cRPG server rules but I deal with difficult situations in a fair and mature manner. Thanks for reading this application and I hope that I may enjoy playing with you all in the future.


Rejected. Can we move on?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: RiPLeY_II on May 12, 2011, 11:07:27 pm
+1 for kinggrimm
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: dado on May 13, 2011, 08:02:03 pm

yeah +1 for kingry
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on May 13, 2011, 08:04:24 pm
Yup, kinngrimm is definately admin material aswell. +1
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: bosco on May 13, 2011, 08:08:16 pm
+1 kinn

Never seen him rage either, a rare trait.  :shock:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: dado on May 13, 2011, 08:09:48 pm
+1 to Kinngrimm.

Probably last time he saw a vagina in his life was when he was born. He is 24/7 online, hunting for female toons.
He has no social life and his ping is like he is sitting on the server. He is natural born admin.
hahahahaha +1
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Corwin on May 13, 2011, 08:11:24 pm
+1 for kinngrimm

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gurnisson on May 13, 2011, 08:18:24 pm
-1 kinngrim
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on May 13, 2011, 08:25:39 pm
+1 Kinngrimm
never seen him doing or saying ANYTHING wrong.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Chasey on May 13, 2011, 10:18:35 pm
+1 for kinn never seen him do anything wrong
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: ThePoopy on May 13, 2011, 10:38:25 pm
You are just throwing him to the wolves aint you? Poor bugger he'll never stand a chance.

I nominate Lolwen! (And if that doesn't work: Gnjus!) We need thick-skinned admins, not some damn saint who never done anything wrong. Just like the best soldiers are convicts, the best admins are the trolls with the biggest egos.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Corwin on May 17, 2011, 11:02:01 am
+1 for Lolwen, but nor for Gnjus, we need him with us and not getting killed all the time while moderating/typing
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tiberias on June 05, 2011, 07:27:30 pm
Hi guys,
I am here because i think that we need some new admins,especially for the siege servers. I talked with nuffen (hi nuffen and unreal) and he said that most of the admins play more Battle than siege.
I think im not the most unsuitable guy for the job of an admin. Im not perfect of course (what do you thought ??? :) ) but ive played alot warband and even more cRPG. I play cRPG for more than 1 year now and i wasnt banned or muted or even kicked ( yeah thats true REALLY  :)) one single time. And noone nominated me for a ban or so. You see i can behave. If you want to hear something about my teamplay my person or my social gameplay in a clan (?) just contact Thovex (hi Thovex). Im also an admin on the risen server and i havent heared any bad things from non-banned persons. So i have some experiences to be an admin. Some of you guys maybe know me from IRC or ingame. Maybe im not so known. This is because i mostly play siege (you remember my sentence "we need more adnims on siege" ?) and  little battles like on the risen server. I can write understandable english (english is not my native language. So you can find some faults maybe) and i would say that im quite polite.
I am very active on the forums and on the IRC. As an example i read the unban essays just because i want to see how creative some people are and what they have done.
Yeah i think thats all from my site, if you want to know anything more just write it here or pm me.

NOTICE: This isnt a "OOhhhh i want to be an admin just because its soooooooo cool and i can punish some people that i dont like ". This is a real application. I made it because i want to keep the fun at the game and i want to help you guys because this is one of the most epic and nice communities ive ever seen.

Thanks for your attention.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Trikipum on June 05, 2011, 10:45:57 pm
well, i was trying to avoid something like this, but ive seen many weird stuff happening since i came back from my crpg rest i think something must be done about. If you need a whore attention admin controlling everything dont count with me. On the other hand, if you need some sneaky admin who just does its duty when is really required, you can count with me. Its nothing special for me guys, just want to enjoy my playtime  with little disrupts, i got a job so i cant play 18h a day but sometimes i play :). Have fun.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mizuk on June 05, 2011, 11:56:42 pm
I would also like to put my candidature forward, im quite an old player, pre-upkeep and everything. There's a fair few people that know me and hopefully also respect. When I play I only play on EU servers, both Siege and Battle servers. I can do whatever admins needs to do just as good as anyone else, so yes, thats my application and hope to hear from you soon.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: polkafranzi on June 06, 2011, 01:09:26 am
Hi guys,
I am here because i think that we need some new admins,especially for the siege servers. I talked with nuffen (hi nuffen and unreal) and he said that most of the admins play more Battle than siege.
I think im not the most unsuitable guy for the job of an admin. Im not perfect of course (what do you thought ??? :) ) but ive played alot warband and even more cRPG. I play cRPG for more than 1 year now and i wasnt banned or muted or even kicked ( yeah thats true REALLY  :)) one single time. And noone nominated me for a ban or so. You see i can behave. If you want to hear something about my teamplay my person or my social gameplay in a clan (?) just contact Thovex (hi Thovex). Im also an admin on the risen server and i havent heared any bad things from non-banned persons. So i have some experiences to be an admin. Some of you guys maybe know me from IRC or ingame. Maybe im not so known. This is because i mostly play siege (you remember my sentence "we need more adnims on siege" ?) and  little battles like on the risen server. I can write understandable english (english is not my native language. So you can find some faults maybe) and i would say that im quite polite.
I am very active on the forums and on the IRC. As an example i read the unban essays just because i want to see how creative some people are and what they have done.
Yeah i think thats all from my site, if you want to know anything more just write it here or pm me.

NOTICE: This isnt a "OOhhhh i want to be an admin just because its soooooooo cool and i can punish some people that i dont like it". This is a real application. I made it because i want to keep the fun at the game and i want to help you guys because this is one of the most epic and nice communities ive ever seen.

Thanks for your attention.


Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Torp on June 07, 2011, 04:57:49 pm


lol, when i saw Bjord has posted in here, i was like; "Wtf, does Bjord want to be admin on official servers? that could be hillarious :D"

Tiberias seems like a nice guy and it is true that we need siege admins. +1 for him
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on June 07, 2011, 05:11:06 pm
lol, when i saw Bjord has posted in here, i was like; "Wtf, does Bjord want to be admin on official servers? that could be hillarious :D"

Tiberias seems like a nice guy and it is true that we need siege admins. +1 for him


I would like to apply as admin. I'm infamous for my rage and rude demeanour, and for that reason I think I would make a very good admin. Why? If everyone expects me to rage, abuse my powers and argue with players I would do the exact opposite. Reverse behaviour, anyone?

Also believe it or not, I'm a nice guy and I was raised to be a generous and sacrificing person. Meaning, I would tend to my duties and I would not overstep boundaries. 

Another reason why I would be fit for the role of admin: I've basically been around since almost the very beginning. Both Warband and cRPG. I'm widely known by many clans and players, not only in cRPG but in Native as well. This gives me an invaluable insight to the community itself, and in my opinion this is a big reason why to consider me.

This application was made half in jest, but as I was writing I actually considered it. I think the responsibility of admin would help me evaluate my actions more since the consequences of my actions would be greater. This application is a bit like Donald Trump's run for presidency I guess, but that doesn't mean I'm less fit to be an admin. Disregarding my reputation, that is.

Have fun with that, Torp ;). (The fact that I just applied for administering the official servers :lol:)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Casimir on June 07, 2011, 05:19:03 pm
+1 to bjord, he makes me chuckle.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: v/onMega on June 07, 2011, 05:24:48 pm
lol, when i saw Bjord has posted in here, i was like; "Wtf, does Bjord want to be admin on official servers? that could be hillarious :D"

Tiberias seems like a nice guy and it is true that we need siege admins. +1 for him

Thats why I posted some ages ago...we need siege admins.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Torp on June 07, 2011, 05:52:30 pm

I would like to apply as admin. I'm infamous for my rage and rude demeanour, and for that reason I think I would make a very good admin. Why? If everyone expects me to rage, abuse my powers and argue with players I would do the exact opposite. Reverse behaviour, anyone?

Also believe it or not, I'm a nice guy and I was raised to be a generous and sacrificing person. Meaning, I would tend to my duties and I would not overstep boundaries. 

Another reason why I would be fit for the role of admin: I've basically been around since almost the very beginning. Both Warband and cRPG. I'm widely known by many clans and players, not only in cRPG but in Native as well. This gives me an invaluable insight to the community itself, and in my opinion this is a big reason why to consider me.

This application was made half in jest, but as I was writing I actually considered it. I think the responsibility of admin would help me evaluate my actions more since the consequences of my actions would be greater. This application is a bit like Donald Trump's run for presidency I guess, but that doesn't mean I'm less fit to be an admin. Disregarding my reputation, that is.

Have fun with that, Torp ;). (The fact that I just applied for administering the official servers :lol:)

+1 for Bjord, when he bans me, i might be able to get back to my studies :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Jarlek on June 07, 2011, 05:53:19 pm
+1 For Tibby and Bjord :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: kinngrimm on June 07, 2011, 06:09:12 pm
1+ Bjord
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tristan on June 07, 2011, 06:20:09 pm
-1 for Bjord.

It would be one huge troll fest...
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: nuffen on June 07, 2011, 07:32:44 pm
-1 for Bjord.

It would be one huge troll fest...

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Varric on June 07, 2011, 07:46:43 pm
+1 for Bjord.

I'm sure he can be sensible, let him prove it, otherwise he'll just be there for a few days anyway.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Uhtred_III_of_Bebbanburg on June 07, 2011, 07:59:49 pm

I would like to apply as admin. I'm infamous for my rage and rude demeanour, and for that reason I think I would make a very good admin. Why? If everyone expects me to rage, abuse my powers and argue with players I would do the exact opposite. Reverse behaviour, anyone?

Also believe it or not, I'm a nice guy and I was raised to be a generous and sacrificing person. Meaning, I would tend to my duties and I would not overstep boundaries. 

Another reason why I would be fit for the role of admin: I've basically been around since almost the very beginning. Both Warband and cRPG. I'm widely known by many clans and players, not only in cRPG but in Native as well. This gives me an invaluable insight to the community itself, and in my opinion this is a big reason why to consider me.

This application was made half in jest, but as I was writing I actually considered it. I think the responsibility of admin would help me evaluate my actions more since the consequences of my actions would be greater. This application is a bit like Donald Trump's run for presidency I guess, but that doesn't mean I'm less fit to be an admin. Disregarding my reputation, that is.

Have fun with that, Torp ;). (The fact that I just applied for administering the official servers :lol:)

+1 Bjord   as long as You don't pull an Uhtred!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on June 07, 2011, 08:14:25 pm
-1 for Bjord.

It would be one huge troll fest...

I wasn't aware you were psychic!  :P
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on June 07, 2011, 08:16:29 pm
+1 Bjord
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Blondin on June 08, 2011, 10:43:10 am
Lol Uthred, good one +1

Also why not +1 Bjord, we need more trolling admin and more drama on the forum. (Btw, as you said, responsabilities can change a man).
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Prpavi on June 08, 2011, 12:46:16 pm
+1 Bjord an Gnjus!

that would be epic
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tiberias on June 08, 2011, 01:30:54 pm
yeh ofc they can give bjord a chance... if he tolls too much he will not get the perma admin :)

btw why everyone say something about bjord but nothing about my long text ??  :lol: :P :rolleyes:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Jarlek on June 08, 2011, 01:38:06 pm
yeh ofc they can give bjord a chance... if he tolls too much he will not get the perma admin :)

btw why everyone say something about bjord but nothing about my long text ??  :lol: :P :rolleyes:
Cause you are too boring and non-trolling to have a troll-war about :P

Nah. Basically because people are thinking that Bjord is just trolling and it's not a serious application (which it is and he got my +1).

But you really should become an admin. Serious dude without any rage :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on June 08, 2011, 01:42:26 pm
Bjord is just trolling and it's not a serious application.

That's not true! I'd actually be willing to give it a serious try.  :P

But I wouldn't exactly be heartbroken if I was denied either.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Corwin on June 08, 2011, 01:45:55 pm
+1 Bjord an Gnjus!

that would be epic
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gnjus on June 08, 2011, 02:05:28 pm
Bjord i think its time the 2 of us put some law & order into this mod.  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on June 08, 2011, 02:11:39 pm
Bjord i think its time the 2 of us put some law & order into this mod.  :twisted:

More like lawl & order. :lol:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Wookimonsta on June 08, 2011, 02:22:39 pm
hurp durp me admin good
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: kinngrimm on June 08, 2011, 02:52:28 pm
hurp durp me admin good
best application ever :)

short simple to the point
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Wookimonsta on June 08, 2011, 02:54:48 pm
best application ever :)

short simple to the point

i merely summarized what all these other guys were saying,
consider that my official application to adminhood
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gnjus on June 08, 2011, 02:57:45 pm
consider that my official application to adminhood

You've had your chance and you failed. Now sit back and watch real men succeed.  :twisted:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Wookimonsta on June 08, 2011, 03:16:43 pm
ah, but look at it like this: i already have all the admin stuff set on my character page, thats one less step that has to be done, and we all know that if chadz is one things, its bloody lazy :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Jarlek on June 08, 2011, 03:39:12 pm
That's not true! I'd actually be willing to give it a serious try.  :P

But I wouldn't exactly be heartbroken if I was denied either.
I know. That's why I said that's what people think. I say Bjord would make a great admin!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: witchhunter on June 09, 2011, 07:41:49 pm
i would like to apply because i am a user friendly device, active ingame and in irc.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bonze on June 09, 2011, 10:05:46 pm
- 1 bjord  M&B is 16 +
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tiberias on June 09, 2011, 10:09:56 pm
I dont get it: why some applications only have 1 line ?? if you want to be an admin you should tell something about yourself, your experiences and so on... (bjord havent to do that because everyone know bjord :P )
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Kafein on June 09, 2011, 10:12:15 pm
i merely summarized what all these other guys were saying,
consider that my official application to adminhood

That's actually the most honest application here. It's not really possible to tell whether you'll be a bad or a good admin before you try anyway.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: witchhunter on June 10, 2011, 12:39:03 am
I dont get it: why some applications only have 1 line ?

the first post says "no cv needed" and if noone knows much about you, you can make up anything that comes to your mind, so technically we are down to the most simple thing: trial and error.
and other than that - how many people can bring references anyway? and even if someone can, what is the weighting?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Lansamur on June 14, 2011, 08:35:13 pm

Still open? My app still stands. ;)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Toffi on June 14, 2011, 08:39:25 pm

Still open? My app still stands. ;)

Mine too, is it still open?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Casimir on June 15, 2011, 03:15:03 am
And mine!

Come on, the only objector to my app was nuffen and he likes me now! Ge knows i use my admin powers only for good.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: karasu on June 15, 2011, 04:12:21 am
Hmm since this is yet to be locked, seems like the applications are still open.

Then I have no problem reminding that my application stands strong.

I have good background and experience in game administration with other games/mods, with no occurrences of any problem in the administration period
(other info than this you can ask to one of the admins (Unreal) who knows me IRL enough to make unbiased judgements).

My moto while administering is to "think first, act later". I'm old enough (26yo, if it matters anyway) to understand wholeheartedly that one has to respect every other member and to be fair in his judgements, and never forget that the rules are applied to everyone, in order to keep a solid neutral and unbiased stand.

Feel free to approach me for further information, if it's the case.

Best regards.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ozan on June 15, 2011, 08:40:33 am
Hi all ;) ım 35 years old.. ı love this game and crpg mod very much..ım admin in Kapikulu server..ım a patient guy and ım trying to rule Eu rules good in our server..Always trying to use Eu rules in fair way..ıf admin applications is open..ım here for this job ..THX
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tennenoth on June 15, 2011, 12:54:06 pm
Ok, i'm going to bite the bullet and put myself down for an application since they appear to still be open.

I won't put too much information down, i'll keep it short with my past experience as an admin across different games and a brief overview.

I am 19 years old, currently at university studying "Computing" (Software engineeringI have 6 months off) and I believe the majority of the EU community knows who I am and will more than likely have mixed views about me, whether or not it's because of my class or the way I handle situations within the game/forums.

Over the past 5 years I have admined for popular servers for the following games (in order);

Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 4
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Three different Teamspeak/Ventrilo servers across the same years.

I am currently admin within the nditions teamspeak server and Global moderator for the nditions forums.

Cheers and I look forward to seeing the reactions.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: polkafranzi on June 15, 2011, 01:51:27 pm
Ok, i'm going to bite the bullet and put myself down for an application since they appear to still be open.

I won't put too much information down, i'll keep it short with my past experience as an admin across different games and a brief overview.

I am 19 years old, currently at university studying "Computing" (Software engineeringI have 6 months off) and I believe the majority of the EU community knows who I am and will more than likely have mixed views about me, whether or not it's because of my class or the way I handle situations within the game/forums.

Over the past 5 years I have admined for popular servers for the following games (in order);

Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 4
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Three different Teamspeak/Ventrilo servers across the same years.

I am currently admin within the nditions teamspeak server and Global moderator for the nditions forums.

Cheers and I look forward to seeing the reactions.

+1 ofc
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on July 04, 2011, 08:59:36 am
Wow, never expected so many people to apply here o.O
Everyone wants a piece of cake huh?

Well, I apply to ^.^

I'm 22 years old and I'm studying English and Russian with teaching post. I'm also a trainer so I know about responsibility. I'm no admin anywhere at the moment, but I don't think that has anything to say.

Why do I apply?
1. I love c-rpg. M&B is nice, but c-rpg made me play the game for more than 2 months^.^ And I really don't like people abusing the game: leeching, glitching, delaying the game, intentional tking because they can't get any other kills, using bugs etc...
2. Due to my studyplan I have much freetime in the morning and I'm usually up very long in the nights. During these times most people who love to abuse the game are online because they know there are almost know admins on, especially in the morning.
3. I can speak German :) Maybe because I'm German :/ Well, there are many German people playing c-rpg and many of them can't really understand/speak English. I could tell them what they've done wrong.
4. I'm noone who wants to abuse his power over others- ( if I wanted to I could go to my training ) -I just want the game to run without problems.
5. I'm no friend of kicking/ banning people withoit warnings or reasons. If someone misbehaves he gets a chance to do right again. If he doesn't.../kick

I think that's all.

Regards, Gisbert_of_Thuringia

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Corwin on July 04, 2011, 09:11:11 am
What's up with all Guards wanting to be admins? Four Guard applications only on this page.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on July 04, 2011, 09:27:30 am
Wow, you are right^.^

Didn't know that. But I also don't care because being an admin has nothing to do with clans.

I knew that Lansamur has applied once and I knew that Tenne thought about applying, that's all :/
Didn't know when and didn't know where because I asked Cmp where to apply. And when I saw 29 pages here I amade my application without reading anything else.

Actually that's a conspiracy, but that's a....oh....secret... :/  ^.^
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Corwin on July 04, 2011, 09:52:23 am
Wow, you are right^.^

Actually that's a conspiracy, but that's a....oh....secret... :/  ^.^
I knew it! And mastermind behind this is nuffen! He wants more admin support for the next time he is nominated for abuse!!!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Xant on July 04, 2011, 12:23:33 pm
I should be admin, and I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.

Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of black in spanish slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.

But one hundred years later, the black in spanish still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the black in spanish is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the black in spanish lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the black in spanish is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the black in spanish people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds."

But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. And so, we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.

It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the black in spanish's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the black in spanish needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the black in spanish is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

We cannot walk alone.

And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead.

We cannot turn back.

There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "When will you be satisfied?" We can never be satisfied as long as the black in spanish is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the black in spanish's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their self-hood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: "For Whites Only." We cannot be satisfied as long as a black in spanish in Mississippi cannot vote and a black in spanish in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until "justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."¹

I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations. Some of you have come fresh from narrow jail cells. And some of you have come from areas where your quest -- quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution and staggered by the winds of police brutality. You have been the veterans of creative suffering. Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. Go back to Mississippi, go back to Alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.

Shamelessly copy-pasted from
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Vibe on July 04, 2011, 12:47:12 pm
nice trolling, mr. King
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Cepeshi on July 04, 2011, 12:49:19 pm
I could offer my services aswell, due to me working on shifts i play sometimes during night, day or evenings, so i can cover the deaf places sometimes. Also i consider myself quite well natured, can speak english somewhat reasonable, and from my work i am used for following rules.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tennenoth on July 04, 2011, 01:55:11 pm
I knew it! And mastermind behind this is nuffen! He wants more admin support for the next time he is nominated for abuse!!!

Lansamur applied way before Nuffen joined and I did too by roughly a week or so. Nuffen joined afterwards and said, and I quote give or take a few words, "I can't back you up, put in the good word or anything like that because that would look biased seeing as I am a Guard now."

Also afaik Toffi put in his application a couple of months before any of the other members of the Guild did.

It just appears that recently we've become more aware of griefing and personally, I have complained to admins much more in the last 3 or 4 months than I have in any other game (most of the time I was an admin just to say! ;)) and since some of us (myself NOT included, I know I have a lot of enemies) are well known and respected within the community, although Gisbert could be a little more active on the forums! ;)

That's my explanation anyway, not saying the current admins don't do a good job, but I just like to be able to jump on this as soon as I see something without breaking the rules myself (team killing a team wounder who is attacking allies etc etc it doesn't help anything but make you a target next time.)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gurnisson on July 04, 2011, 01:58:22 pm
+1 Tenne
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on July 04, 2011, 02:12:55 pm
Do I have to be very active on forums to be an ingame admin? o.O

I don't check this forum very often because most of what people write here makes me rage....So many stupid topics here. If I would read everything, you would see 1000 posts where I tell those people how stupid it is what they write here.
To prevent myself from doing that, I don't read it^^
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Corwin on July 04, 2011, 02:49:33 pm
Lansamur applied way before Nuffen joined and I did too by roughly a week or so. Nuffen joined afterwards and said, and I quote give or take a few words, "I can't back you up, put in the good word or anything like that because that would look biased seeing as I am a Guard now."

Also afaik Toffi put in his application a couple of months before any of the other members of the Guild did.

It just appears that recently we've become more aware of griefing and personally, I have complained to admins much more in the last 3 or 4 months than I have in any other game (most of the time I was an admin just to say! ;)) and since some of us (myself NOT included, I know I have a lot of enemies) are well known and respected within the community, although Gisbert could be a little more active on the forums! ;)

That's my explanation anyway, not saying the current admins don't do a good job, but I just like to be able to jump on this as soon as I see something without breaking the rules myself (team killing a team wounder who is attacking allies etc etc it doesn't help anything but make you a target next time.)
Dude, I was kidding.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tennenoth on July 04, 2011, 03:07:05 pm
Dude, I was kidding.

Bandit & Guards, doomed to be like Gnjus (Archer hater) & Tenne (Archer), which makes it doubly bad since we're leaders of both clans! I was clearing Nuffen's name, he's a good guy (Never thought I would say that) and does actually take his job seriously so I was a little defencive over the abuse stuff. :)


Dude, I was kidding.

I know your reasons and I wasn't picking!

Also, thank you Gurn.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on July 04, 2011, 04:05:48 pm

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Toffi on July 04, 2011, 04:53:00 pm
I knew it! And mastermind behind this is nuffen! He wants more admin support for the next time he is nominated for abuse!!!

no, lansamur and me applied before Nuffen was even thinking about joining us :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on July 04, 2011, 05:29:28 pm
Tennenoth afaik has always been mature about most things, I'm sure he would do his job without power tripping.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 04, 2011, 05:31:59 pm
*taps chin in thought*


Maybe I should apply to be a Game Admin...
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bulzur on July 04, 2011, 05:50:54 pm
*taps chin in thought*


Maybe I should apply to be a Game Admin...

Now that you've tested power during the huge-multi clan tournament, you want more, hey ?  :twisted:

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Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 04, 2011, 05:54:21 pm
Now that you've tested power during the huge-multi clan tournament, you want more, hey ?  :twisted:

Not my first time actually, used to be an Admin on Acre server before funds ran dry forcing it to become a small private server.

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Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tennenoth on July 04, 2011, 07:27:37 pm
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Cheers! Guess I should shoot at you less!

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Unexpected but thank you none the less.

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He'll change the time limit to 20 seconds every round and we'll never get anything done! D:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 04, 2011, 07:39:35 pm

He'll change the time limit to 20 seconds every round and we'll never get anything done! D:

Nah, I'll only do this if people don't form up at spawn in battle servers to make sure that they are not cheating (like carrying a pike on a horse).  :lol:

However, me changing the time limit every round would be a real possibility! "Onoz a draw? +10 minutes" next round "Oh too long? better have a 2 minute round"
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tennenoth on July 04, 2011, 07:52:04 pm
Nah, I'll only do this if people don't form up at spawn in battle servers to make sure that they are not cheating (like carrying a pike on a horse).  :lol:

However, me changing the time limit every round would be a real possibility! "Onoz a draw? +10 minutes" next round "Oh too long? better have a 2 minute round"

Way to improve your application! But personally I can't say either way since I have no idea what you're like in game so i'll stop here! ;)

Edit: Been told to stop spamming so shhhh Tenne!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tor! on July 04, 2011, 07:57:47 pm
+1 to Tenne  :wink:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 04, 2011, 08:02:10 pm
Way to improve your application! But personally I can't say either way since I have no idea what you're like in game so i'll stop here! ;)

Edit: Been told to stop spamming so shhhh Tenne!

In all seriousness my application would look something like this if I were to submit one:

Ban record?
Never on any game or site, including this one.

Bothersome_Aldryk (;u=424)
Loki (;u=306)
Smiling_Daemon (;u=1086)

Why you wish to be an admin?
I believe that I can perform the duties of being admin to your satisfaction and that of the general server populace. I want this server to have a fresh start and continue to present itself as an attractive alternative to the other servers, and having good Admins will greatly help that image.
I would first issue warnings before bans or kicks, and would prefer to simply use the "Mute" feature on verbally abusive players before actually kicking or banning them, as the simplest solution is often the best solution.
I have never raged in chat, though certainly I have engaged in "trolling comments" against my friends (Like cries of Admin abooze against Aldryk), and have never purposely TKed. I find it hard to be more then mildly irritated at a player regardless of what they say in chat, as this is just a game, and thus would never ban anyone due to them asking a simple question of "why did you X?" Above all, I can take a joke.
All of the above is why I want to be an Admin, as I believe that I can prove to be a valuable asset to the Acre server.

Oh, and as a bonus, I am not the greatest player, so any one I offend can vent their frustrations by murdering me over and over again in the game, thus not only allowing me to observe often in spectator mode, but also to allow them to vent easier.

Most days (Saturday nights can often be busy)

Any previous admin activity?
Not on this site, though for others certainly.

I will hop into you teamspeak the first chance I get, now that I am back from my mini-vacation.

Now obviously this is an out dated example, but still, you get my point  :P
I would also obviously never touch the settings for any server.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Callan on July 05, 2011, 02:03:11 am
I just though I would apply, Since I was a mere child I have dreamed of being revered as a Crpg admin because of my sencibility and ability to follow the rules, I usually keep my cool in situations most people would crumble but above all it is because I am a Crpg veteran (1200 hours ingame) and I want to give something back for all my grinding and effort.

The rules of the C-rpg EU server's mean alot to me and I just hate it when they are broken with delayers and general neusences alike, I am also on for over 7 hours a day, Now I have nothing else to do. I am not doing this for fun, i'm doing it so I can truely help the C-rpg community.

I have always wanted to be a crpg admin and I know to withhold the rules of the server. I would obviously give 110% into all my endevors on the server and treat this as less of a job, and more of a privolage that I would be trusted to be bestowed with this honour and I know that I will not abuse it in any way, shape or form.

Also my friend, Ninja_Thomek totally supports my application for admin rights.

And I have been banned once before (I think) But I mean, Khorins ass was there, so needed a arrow through it :/

(There is also a lack of ninja admins) Just saying :)


Every single day.

(supporters) Ninja_Thomek (Game admin)

I have also been admin on some other clan servers for 2 half-life 2 modifications. (Resistance and Liboration, ZombiePanic)

So hope I get a reply, Ninja_Kaizen.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bulzur on July 05, 2011, 02:27:36 am
Humm... i haven't yet crossed path with Tears yet, so can't judge. But i see him active on irc though.
Hoping to see you ingame anyway.

+1 Tenne, +1 Lansamur : I just can't enrage them on ts, no matter how hard i try, they never loose their cool.
+1/2 Tears, the other half will come after seeing you ingame. :P
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Thomek on July 05, 2011, 02:31:17 am
+1 callan

We need more unstable admins to take up the heritage of Michael. It would be fun.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Lansamur on July 05, 2011, 07:30:16 am
Well he is Tking MegaRambo (Callan / Kaizen). Callan has an annoying habbit of Team hitting other Ninjas and making them fight him...

Well... no. Sorry, I don't think they need something like him.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Callan on July 05, 2011, 08:41:28 am
Something... Like him, I'm not a bloody rabbid dog. And that is totally not true. So you better fear my lvl 1 character and wooderstick of doom. Because obviously I can do damage to you, kill you AND be an asshole in the process.

And what? A person is suddenly not allowed to have eny exclusive fun with his clanmate without someone whining or reporting it on the forums.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Callan on July 05, 2011, 07:09:30 pm
Well since you obviously didn't notice, it was a joke, The whole "Sincie I was a child" Thing is bullshit.

I obviously do want to be a admin, but with people who slag me off every chance they get. Well you can see how hard it is.

(Also I do not start fights with ninja's, They attack me first. Damn strudog and renay -_-)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ming on July 05, 2011, 11:37:56 pm
I have been very active in the community since I started playing and would like to be given the chance to administrate the servers I enjoy playing in so that people can experience a fun and enjoyable time on them instead of finding it tedious due to certain individuals.

+1 to Belmont, he is a very friendly and fair person ever since i know him.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ming on July 21, 2011, 09:24:07 pm
vote for Ujin, Belmont, Tears_of_Destiny or Arked.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: cmp on July 22, 2011, 06:12:39 pm
Unrelated spam deleted. This is not a discussion topic, keep spamming and I'll start giving out warnings.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: karasu on July 25, 2011, 07:04:43 pm
Without the intention to spam, as I referred already to cmp, there a urgent need to get new admins, specially at this time, Summer vacations, strategus on it's peak, etc.

It's not the first neither the last time I see people leeching with no problem on EU servers, even battle ones, with POLLS turned off, for several hours straight with no prejudice.

Please take some time to re-thing about this situation, cause it's getting unbearable (battle it's becoming a siege slowly).

There are a lot of good applicants to it (even me, vouched by 0 players   :oops:), which are very active in-game, and could help on this so loved by all mod.

Thank you for your time, best regards.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Xtrah on July 27, 2011, 06:04:34 pm
I'd like to become an admin. Played since the early prepatch days, and I think I got the "skills" needed to do this job.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Grey on July 28, 2011, 02:12:52 am
To avoid prejudice to the other players, admins should not be members of any clan.

Doesnt matter: admins in this community dont need to be unbiased, they would buck the trend.

I renew my application:

Reasons for my being an admin:

DESPITE the fact that I am banned from crpg on a regular basis, I would make a better admin than many we have:


Currently admin on PW mod server (Dr. D's NA PW RP)
Currently admin on native server (Templar server, unrelated to cRPG Templar clan)
Currently admin on 3 KF servers.
Currently admin (Op) on 2 MC server's (One of these doesn't count I guess, since it's my own Multiplay server)
Currently admin on the last CE server.
Currently admin on the last fulltime RO server.
Relic THQ Reported Player reviewteam member.
WOT Autoban Reviewteam member.


Past admin for Fragmasters (Ya nub!)
Past admin for RnL
Past admin on Kreedz Homeworld Server (yeah the original KZ mod server)
Past admin for FoF (YR server)

Reports of my abusing my position to date: Zero
Bullshit got away with while I'm duty to date: Zero

Final thing: I dont give a shit who you are, I dont give slack to "Heroes", I dont hold grudges over actions in games, I dont let boredom, exasperation, clan afiliation, hearsay evidence, player popularity, player history or engrish get in the way of getting to the crux of any issue. Railroading, lax investigation, and snap descisions based on social standing are not the way forward. Railroading is currently a pretty serious issue.

I also have a finely tuned bullshit detector, which seems to be sorely lacking ATM....(PM me for evidence of a very bad call made in an obvious case of player bullshit during the last few days, if you need an example) EDIT: Feel I should state, this is not related to my DTV ban.

PS. Dont take my word for it, confirm all references yourself.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Bjord on July 28, 2011, 03:08:10 am
A definite -1 to Grey.

I've seen some stuff from you in the past that doesn't exactly advocate mental stability.

To address all your references; anyone can kiss ass long enough and become a server admin on smaller servers.  I am not impressed the least. And neither should anyone - you are judged by what we see from you not what you allegedly claim. And currently what we see is a person who wants us to overlook his history of bans by making up some bogus references.  Plus, admining the cRPG servers is a really, really big step above admining some persistent world server.

I remember also, in the old forums you were caught up in a lot of the negativity and conflicts. My memory is long, I don't forget first impressions.

Normally I don't care about applications, but this thread itself is interesting to follow. From time to time applications like these pop up and two things can happen. I laugh, or my jaw drops in astonishment.

I'm sorry if you are offended by this post, but I do not think I would ever want someone like you administering the servers. In fact, I would take Wookimonsta over you in a heart beat.

Looking forward to your response.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Grey on July 28, 2011, 11:42:12 am
I've seen some stuff from you in the past that doesn't exactly advocate mental stability.

....? Im impressed that your jedi mind powers are so great you can see into others minds over the internet.

To address all your references; anyone can kiss ass long enough and become a server admin on smaller servers. 

Read reff's again, this time take the information in: WOT WORLDWIDE my friend. RELIC WORLDWIDE my friend. Fragmasters my friend. Get a clue. My nose has never been brown mate, but good call on confirming my point on heresay evidence powering this community's opinions....and what's that? Did you go check? No, since THQ tell me they have had ZERO tickets submitted asking about my being on the reviewteam....I didn't bother to ask anyone else, but let me know when you think or act BEFORE typing inane shit here, I'll get back on it.

- you are judged by what we see from you not what you allegedly claim.

Then I'm devinitly the best man for the job: Wait, what's that, you've never seen my conflict management? You've not spend any time playing/talking to me? Yeah you MUST have observed me for years, so sorry...

Plus, admining the cRPG servers is a really, really big step above admining some persistent world server.

Don't see this myself: PW RP has very much more difficult rules set to observe and enforce, rather than the basic ruleset in crpg which is flaunted often and hard. And that's just PW.....But wait, yeah, you MUST know more about it than me....sorry...

I remember also, in the old forums you were caught up in a lot of the negativity and conflicts. My memory is long, I don't forget first impressions.

Conflicts? Yeah where I refused to be railroaded by admin's not bothering to see the crux of the issue, and not bothering to question "Who is right or wrong?" just going with "Well, this guy complained first, so he MUST be in the wrong." Heresay and bullshit filtering up the hedgemony of crpg didnt help me either since I refuse to brownnose.

Negativity originally generated from MY part without provocation? None.

And, as we all know, NOONE has EVER jumped to comclusion on first meeting someone and been proved wrong , right?....

I'm sorry if you are offended by this post, but I do not think I would ever want someone like you administering the servers. In fact, I would take Wookimonsta over you in a heart beat.

You wouldn't know how to offend me son.
Wookie tho, you seem to be insulting him for no reason here....

Looking forward to your response.

Idd. When you have bothered to READ: This means take the information IN, btw, not just type responses that ultimately seem non sequitor, I'll consider a serious response.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Chasey on July 28, 2011, 02:32:01 pm
pick me  :!:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: BlueKnight on July 28, 2011, 02:36:19 pm

I am responsible.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Herkkutatti on July 28, 2011, 02:36:47 pm
I would like to be a Game Admin. I always want to be fair player, I am not using any bugs, I have 0% of warning on forums and didn't have any ban on EU/NA servers.

I respect server rules and generally, I know few of "not-written" rules set by either admins or players in-game, such as:

If you destroy your enemy's ladder to unreachable place, people in unreachable place AREN'T forced to get off and can sit there to the draw, if they want.


If someone can beat you easly, it doesn't mean that he has hacks - actually, there aren't any hacks/cheats to multiplayer in Warband. So stop spamming chat.

I think that's all for now. Probably you are not even going to give me a try, but it's always good to check it, maybe that will be my lucky post...?
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Jarlek on July 28, 2011, 03:09:32 pm
-1 to Grey.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: [ptx] on July 28, 2011, 03:25:18 pm
-1 to Grey, my memory is not that short.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Blueberry Muffin on July 28, 2011, 05:25:06 pm
Ya sure I would apply for game admin. Im well liked in the community, (I hope  :?) have never really caused any large arguments, problems, shitstorms etc. Played long enough to know the server rules in and out, and best of all Im not very prone to rage. English speaking.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Siiem on July 28, 2011, 05:31:22 pm
Played long enough to know the server rules in and out

Except throwing axes at me for no apparant reason at all other than "Dance siiem, dance"

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Grey on July 28, 2011, 05:34:48 pm
Except throwing axes at me for no apparant reason at all other than "Dance siiem, dance"

Seems a valid reason to me :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on July 28, 2011, 11:39:05 pm
Wow i remember when this was only a few pages of which i posted on, but now 32....damn.

And i agree with Bjord, past-experience helps, but its what people see of you in game, your attitude and maturity to situations. You may be the 'best player' of cRPG but this doesn't affect your admin chances. If your this miraculous 'best player' you could turn out to be an arrogant, cocky kid who may be awesome but doesn't deserve the reponsibility.
Admins vary in age, maturity and thier decisions, some admins will let things go whilst others will punish people for the same thing. However how you are seen in-game should be a huge factor in the decision to promote you to the responsibility of admin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Casimir on July 29, 2011, 03:05:08 am
+1 to grey

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Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Corwin on August 03, 2011, 08:58:03 pm
+1 muffin.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: karasu on August 08, 2011, 07:38:20 pm
Without the intention to spam, as I referred already to cmp, there a urgent need to get new admins, specially at this time, Summer vacations, strategus on it's peak, etc.

It's not the first neither the last time I see people leeching with no problem on EU servers, even battle ones, with POLLS turned off, for several hours straight with no prejudice.

Please take some time to re-thing about this situation, cause it's getting unbearable (battle it's becoming a siege slowly).

There are a lot of good applicants to it (even me, vouched by 0 players   :oops:), which are very active in-game, and could help on this so loved by all mod.

Thank you for your time, best regards.

Hate to repeat myself like this, but this is needed to take into account really urgently, specially during summer vacation time.

The fact is we have with luck 4 active admins tops in battle servers during the day almost never being more than one at the same time. I'm not even going to mention Siege servers which are admin free 24/7 (or almost), completely chaotic. I

I know by personal experience how hard it is to administrate high populated servers, and I can imagine this way how admins feel lately on servers with 120 people on.

Is also to be noted the lack of forum admins/mods as-well.

There are several serious applicants fit for the job around this thread, and not only here.

I even applied myself to any job you might find fit in order to help the community, being it forum related, or game related (p.e. I play a lot on Siege Servers as-well), taking in account my experience as stated in my application, and my activity on this mod (as stated in steam playtime: 61.3 hrs / 1023.6 hrs)

I know cmp is away for a bit and he's the one in charge of this matter, but an action has to be taken fast.

Please take this post seriously and avoid unnecessary trolling or bashing in such an important matter.

Best regards,

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on August 08, 2011, 09:35:52 pm
Ya sure I would apply for game admin. Im well liked in the community, (I hope  :?) have never really caused any large arguments, problems, shitstorms etc. Played long enough to know the server rules in and out, and best of all Im not very prone to rage. English speaking.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Jacko on August 08, 2011, 10:26:31 pm
Just a general +1. Everyone gets a cookie!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Baggy on August 08, 2011, 10:42:29 pm
Just a general +1. Everyone gets a cookie!
Even me :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Jacko on August 08, 2011, 10:45:02 pm
Ah sorry Baggy not for you, your +1 is hereby revoked.

Sorry. But you still get a cookie.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Earthdforce on August 08, 2011, 10:47:20 pm
Ah sorry Baggy not for you, your +1 is hereby revoked.
Thank god :D
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Leshma on August 08, 2011, 11:15:14 pm
I'm not sure how much time I would need to invest or what I would have to do other than spectating other players when I die, but I would like to be an admin.

I'm not well known in the community, I don't think anyone thinks I'm good or bad person (most who do recognize me probably think that I'm nub but I don't see what that has to do with being admin). I like to chat a lot while I'm waiting for round to end  and I do a lot of trolling (only verbal trolling mind you, when I play I'm doing it in a very straight way, I'm not fooling around and pissing people off).

I'm playing Warband since november 2010. Made a huge break from february 2011 till june 2011.

When I'm active I do play a lot and I like to spectate other players.

I am strongly against TK, I rarely TK people and if I do I always apologize (well not always, sometimes I'm a bit moody).

I don't like ranged players in general but I would never kick anyone based on that.

Main reason why I'm applying is that I think that Bandits clan should have an admin among their ranks (Fasader is developer and he's rarely online). Fallen have plenty, Mercs as well, Byzantium too, also clans like Wolves and SeaRiders have members which are admins. If Gnjus, Dado or Prpavi don't want to be admins, I would like to take that responsibility.

As a admin I would mostly do:

- kick spectators
- kick AFKs
- ban offenders who keep doing the same thing, after they were kicked
- kick intentional TKers and kick or ban avengers (depends, I think that if were talking about someone who's known player, ban is too harsh)
- I would warn anyone before I act, if they apologize for their misbehavior I wouldn't kick/ban them

Most admins are slackers. I can say that only Fasader, Thomek, Nuffen, Quentin, Phazh and Random Dude regularly perform their admin duty.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Baggy on August 08, 2011, 11:17:25 pm
Ah sorry Baggy not for you, your +1 is hereby revoked.

Sorry. But you still get a cookie.
I think i got the better deal here.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: kinngrimm on August 12, 2011, 04:01:54 am
Main reason why I'm applying is that I think that Bandits clan should have an admin among their ranks (Fasader is developer and he's rarely online). Fallen have plenty, Mercs as well, Byzantium too, also clans like Wolves and SeaRiders have members which are admins. If Gnjus, Dado or Prpavi don't want to be admins, I would like to take that responsibility.
i would like to correct you here, no offence.

The wolves don't have an admin and will never have an admin. My application is pending since several months, not even sure how long ^^.
And if i would become an admin i wouldn't be a wolves admin but an admin responsible for the whole crpg/strategus community. At least that is how i feel about it.

Fasader is admin additionally with a deep understanding and responsibility in terms of the game balance as far as i understood it, not sure if he counts himself a crpg-mod developer :) though.

It was stated in several positions of admins and devs, that only because a clan is in existence or has such and such many members does not include the overall right or entitlement to have an admin within their ranks. That some clans do have more game admins is due to historical reasons or just by pure chance, at least that is my take on that, nothing sinister behind it ;)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Iymore on August 12, 2011, 04:56:59 am
EU servers have too many Turkish Players... I can be a admin. i know english - not well but i can speak with a player. and i can speak with Turkish players. most of them dont know english :mrgreen:
i know rules. i was admin on my native clan server.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Baggy on August 12, 2011, 05:09:37 am
EU servers have too many Turkish Players... I can be a admin. i know english - not well but i can speak with a player. and i can speak with Turkish players. most of them dont know english :mrgreen:
i know rules. i was admin on my native clan server.
I deserve to be admin because i am being discriminated against because of the lack of Irish admins.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Iymore on August 12, 2011, 05:14:31 am
me too :)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Overdriven on August 14, 2011, 07:45:52 pm
Well figured I may as well give this a try! Even if it still isn't terribly active.

I've admined for a tournament in the past. BFE-WaW to be precise. Was an admin on their servers for around a year in Battlefield 1942 Forgotten Hope mod when they had a player base of around 300-400 active players.

I respect the work that admins do and know that the job can be tough and decisions can be tougher. Especially when you get people whining endlessly at you. I believe that it is also best to have as many good admins as possible, and whilst there are some good admins on the EU servers, there are far to often periods of play where there are no admins at all on the servers.

I see the job as admin as that of acting as a neutral party. Although it is not always easy not to, you have to put personal feelings aside and act according to the rules, even if it's your best mate you're banning. You need a detachment from peoples insulting and you must remain level headed.

I am active on the servers and so can be there frequently to admin. Although I can be a little outspoken on the forums I've never had any real run ins with admins on the servers and have kept a clean record.

Even if this isn't still going...thanks anyway!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Prpavi on August 15, 2011, 09:27:48 am
. If Gnjus, Dado or Prpavi don't want to be admins, I would like to take that responsibility.

You got that right i would never want to be an admin cuz it obviously turns you retarded after some time (just look at nuffen).

But yeah i wrote it here and ill write it again: kinngrimm

why you arent an admin yet m8 is beyond me and is this communitys big fuckup, something like the academys fail to give Alfred Hitchcock an oscar before his death.

if i know one man that wouldnt do me wrong and abuse his powers its kinn.

so wise up people and make kinngrimm an admin.

Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Corwin on August 15, 2011, 10:10:25 am
+1 (again) for kinngrimm, I thought he would be admin by now.
I mean, c'mon, he is 34 and level headed, honest and non conflict guy, I am positive he would do much better job than many current admins. And I am quite sure he doesn't have any inferiority complex he needs to heal in this way.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Berserkadin on August 15, 2011, 10:46:45 am
Yeah, +1 for kinngrimm, would make a most excellent admin ;)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Casimir on August 15, 2011, 02:44:41 pm
^^ everyone with a shield breaking weapon would be banned!!!

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Leshma on August 15, 2011, 03:13:19 pm
i would like to correct you here, no offence.

The wolves don't have an admin and will never have an admin. My application is pending since several months, not even sure how long ^^.
And if i would become an admin i wouldn't be a wolves admin but an admin responsible for the whole crpg/strategus community. At least that is how i feel about it.

Fasader is admin additionally with a deep understanding and responsibility in terms of the game balance as far as i understood it, not sure if he counts himself a crpg-mod developer :) though.

It was stated in several positions of admins and devs, that only because a clan is in existence or has such and such many members does not include the overall right or entitlement to have an admin within their ranks. That some clans do have more game admins is due to historical reasons or just by pure chance, at least that is my take on that, nothing sinister behind it ;)

I didn't know you want to be an admin. If so I would rather you become an admin before me (although I started to play this mod before you :P).

I thought I saw someone with Wolves tag writing with purple letters. Seems I didn't see that very well.

I said that Bandits should have an admin because I don't like how our clan is treated in this mod.

+1 vote for kinngrimm
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Cepeshi on August 15, 2011, 05:18:05 pm
As there are lots of people posting here both their applications and suggestions, i could not resist.

Kinngrimm gets my vote aswell, but man, we need to implement some voice admin stuff, so we could hear his sexy voice issuing warnings  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Mtemtko on August 15, 2011, 05:24:56 pm

I've seen some stuff from you in the past that doesn't exactly advocate mental stability.

LOL bjord talking about mental stability, thanks for the laughs  :lol:

Also +1 for kinngrimm
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: kinngrimm on August 15, 2011, 05:39:56 pm
I didn't know you want to be an admin. If so I would rather you become an admin before me (although I started to play this mod before you :P).

I thought I saw someone with Wolves tag writing with purple letters. Seems I didn't see that very well.

I said that Bandits should have an admin because I don't like how our clan is treated in this mod.

+1 vote for kinngrimm

purple is overused ... valor & the other message, admin, Lords entering the battlefield; mixing those things you should take notice like admin chat with stuff like valor & lords entering the field does make the purple less important and to some extent less noticed.

I don't think that the Bandits are misstreated in general by all admins. But i am aware of what happened lately.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Corwin on August 15, 2011, 09:40:09 pm

I don't think that the Bandits are misstreated in general by all admins.
Me neither. And nuffen is just being nuffen.
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Cepeshi on August 15, 2011, 09:43:54 pm
Me neither. And nuffen is just being nuffen.

they be jelly of our womans! and panoses!
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Leshma on August 15, 2011, 10:56:44 pm
I don't think that the Bandits are misstreated in general by all admins. But i am aware of what happened lately.

I'm not talking about what happened recently. There is certain.. attitude most admins show towards Bandits members, that's what I don't like.

Some bandits do like to play with rules (I won't name them, you know who they are very well  :mrgreen:), actually they are always on edge but rarely actually breaking any rules. Also we, even if sometimes might look like that, don't annoy people with our play styles. Some always stay the last but we fight, we don't run if they we are last in our team, we don't force draws, we don't have retarded classes like mounted xbowmen yet we're laughing stock of this mod and some newer clans (they weren't there when I stopped playing) think they are beyond us, even if most of their members are much crappier players than me, probably the worst Bandit member skill wise.

they be jelly of our womans! and panoses!

I hurd that Panos has better abs than Balton  :shock:
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Lord_Panos on August 15, 2011, 11:00:26 pm
I want to be an admin

I respect other,i hate trolling and insults,also i hate tkers who say that they had banner bug,i hate greeks..

oh wait..
Title: Re: EU Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
Post by: Tears of Destiny on August 15, 2011, 11:01:58 pm
-1 for panos becoming admin.