Hey thar, I'll put myself in aswell.
Been an admin on several other games / teamspeak.
Am on late nights when there are no admins around and quite a lot of leechers / abusers. <-- If not me at least someone who is on quite late please <3
Been playing cRPG since release so know the ye ole rules and keep myself up to date on the forums to see all the new ones.
And you are revage-teamkiller who are unable to keep self ego in check. Big no. Grow up first.
Also, +1 for Saint.
I would like to be a game admin just for the times there is no one on and people are behaving like idiots.
Reason to pick me? I'm onlinea lotenough, and I don't like leechers! (and I would probably use it to ban everyone I don't like, guess that's not a problem)
That would be odd see'ing as im the one on Teamspeak telling my Clan mates not to team attack and to take screenshots for leiknir.
Funny how you teamkilled me with no enemies nearby out of spite. You even admitted it.It's nice that you keep a log of everything that happens to you on the servers, I am sure you can provide evidence to back that up?
Funny how you teamkilled me with no enemies nearby out of spite. You even admitted it.
To avoid prejudice to the other players, admins should not be members of any clan.
Approved. Let's kick off every admin except Braeden, Urist and Mylet. Reshuffle the deck a bit!
chadz is obviously too biased to be allowed to develop the mod in the first place.
Hello, I wouldn't say I desperately want to be an admin but I do honestly think I'd be a good one. Recently I have been quite often telling people on the eu servers the rules and telling them to go read them. I know I can seem immature, I do sometimes like to rage abit in chat when I die, but really would never actually abuse powers. People who talked to me in vent/ts know i'm actually really laid back, even though I might type FUCK YOU sometimes when I die. im never really that angry, and I mean it in the friendliest way possible which is lost in text. I wouldn't be a super strict admin, I would always give warnings first, I really dislike the lack of warnings from some mods.+1
oh yeah I too have been playing warband since beta and crpg since june 2010 and helped out in beta tests. Im usually helpful ingame and often explaining things to new players and answering questions. Even though I might be abit of a troll on forums, I have made several informative threads on crpg in the past and contributed on the crpg wiki.
so yeah gimme a chance, bet you wont see me on the abooze section. I might even change my avatar if you want ;)
Yeah, admins who are in clans are almost as bad as the new admins.This would be a joke right? At least I know good admins who's in a clan :)
ApplicationIn my opinion it would be a good choice to make me an Admin,
because i was an Admin on serveral native servers and know how to react on trolls.
Also i am a mature player and would like to help the current Admin team with their job.
lol Bear, didn't you get kicked from CoR for abusing your admin powers?No
Approved. Let's kick off every admin except Urist and Mylet. Reshuffle the deck a bit!Urist is 22nd, that leaves only Mylet I fear
chadz is obviously too biased to be allowed to develop the mod in the first place.
Urist is 22nd, that leaves only Mylet I fear
Oh, he finally made it official?
Well, I'm sure Mylet is up to the task!
Lots of nice applications here that should be considered seriously. I will give my support to Guard_BD_Toffi when he makes an application. Hes never making trouble, and got a fair sense of how to use his administration rights in a fair way.
You wont get any begging from me but if i had admin rights EU servers would be ridden of all the assholes, glitchers, teamkillers, griefers, roof huggers, runaways and similar vermin, in no time. The air would be fresh and clean as it used to be back in the old days. :twisted:
Also your "ban/unaban" sub-forum would get filled with requests, something to read in your spare time. 8-)
It's nice that you keep a log of everything that happens to you on the servers, I am sure you can provide evidence to back that up?
I give Serfonz a +1, he plays on even more strange times than me, and I trust him to abuse his powers only for the good and/or amusement of chadz.
I want to nominate Kingrimm too if he wants to apply.
Because he's a respected player and I think he would do well as one.
Check pm.
You did send me a screenshot of Guard_BD_Segroeg doing bad stuff.
This guy here is called Serfonz.
... :rolleyes: ... :lol: ... :oops: fuck. I officially apologize Serfonz for blackmailing him with no evidence, i blame myself for it. :(
No problem with grimm, but how will he act with admin powah?! HOW?! That is the question. People will change how they act, they have to when they accept a position of responsibility.
Yeah but I get a good impression when I see him play. I never see him boasting when he does well. Or yelling at people when he gets tked. So I guess he would deal with it well!
If you play on EU, you know me and my reputation.
Officially, offering my services.
Sincerely, Assarhaddon.
good luck m8 , your reputation can be even better as admin! :)
A good admin should be silent and balanced.
like phaz ? :)
A good admin should be silent and balanced.
+1 for kinngrimm
never saw him do anything outside the rules ever.
also not the raging kind of person.
I, for one, find that trash talk creates a healthy gaming environment.
I really don't get where these ideas that:You are rigth about that. What i intended to point out was, that i try to be an active part of the community.
a) Every clan needs admin representation,
b) Admins shouldn't come from clans,
came from.
Here is my application:
I speak English and German
You might know me as Bifi, Mr_Turtle, Sir_Amiel or *uwok.
I am very active, I spend most time on siege servers and i see lots of leechers/afkers.
Also I'd kick those people who just build up a ladder tower into the air.
The most admins play Battle, but I will be more on Siege. So I can get rid off leechers/afkers who make their team lose.
If you choose me, I can be your "Siege admin".
+1 for kingrimm and bifi
somebody please write a +1 or -2 Garrus , or my self-esteem will shatter..
I don't know I thought for a sec that admins will just run through the thread and check how many upvotes for ppl.
hi, our clan has now 10 members and growing, with that in mind i guess it would be ok to give us one admin out of our ranks. As clan lead and who is regularly online i would want to apply for that.
We wanted to contribute to the crpg community so we started the EU_Melee_Wolves Server which will be open for other admins but we have first to get the xp and gold gain going. For that ArgH!(Uleth) from our clan is trying to get in contact with him via irc as he is the one who set the server up and configured it. He has also just started designing maps.
I read the rules for EU Servers carefully and would make a mantra before bedtime for myself ;) out of them. If there are any special instructions for admins beside the ruleset please point me into the rigth direction.
What kind of admin i would be.
I would explain rather then enforce. But i cant stand leecher, they get first kicked and banned if i see them do it on regular base. Tks are tricky, as i beleive they are in 99% unintentionally and the other 1% are rarly seen by anyone else then the victim and the one who tked. In that case i would first try to calm those and if it doesnt help kick both parties with the hint to go to duel.
I should have done this a long time ago, but considering this topic is still open and nobody was picked yet, hopefully it's not too late. While organizing the fallen tournament these past few days I realised that I would like to do my part for this community as a game admin, so here is my application.
Well written text
Hint for appliants: irc presence plays a big role in the selection process
no reaction on my application Bjord? you dissappoint me :(
Big -1 for Thovex. His behaviour does not bear witness of sound judgment and patience required to administrate the official servers. Not to mention his young age.
Also, +1 for Ironlake. Generally calm player, never seen him rage once. I think he'd make a good addition to your staff.
I don't think you even know my age.
And you've always been an ass to everybody else in the whole game. :wink:
I don't think you even know my age.
And you've always been an ass to everybody else in the whole game. :wink:
Your reading his post wrong. His giving you a +1 and Ironlake a -1 :p
Your reading his post wrong. His giving you a +1 and Ironlake a -1 :p
I would like to apply for server admin, because despite of my past as i whiner. I have turned my act around, And i am online every day so i will actively enforce rules.
I know some people dont like me (bjord) but still, Im just giving it a shot.
I'm going to say -1 because you get angry way too quickly. :?
I don't think he is being serious, he might have lost a bet or something.
he was a former Templar, no?
I don't think he is being serious, he might have lost a bet or something.
I was.
And then you left, and then you came back, and then you left, and then you came back, and then you left and joined the fallen.
Do you take bets on how many times he'll leave fallens?for sure not more times than once, but so far we're happy to have him.
I accept and shall rule until removed for abooze :mrgreen:
We decided to change the system for more flexibility; instead of accepting admins right away we'll be taking them for a trial period, and after that decide whether to give them admin privileges permanently. The first 2 candidates (if they accept) are:
Just to clarify, it's not a race to have the most bans or some crap like that. Be fair, enforce the rules, don't abuse, come in IRC, ask senior admins when in doubt and I'm sure you'll be regular admins in no time.
More admins will be chosen at a later date, applications are open and existing ones will still be considered.
If that is the former 22nd Electro I'm afraid I have to comment his application with a "HELL NO!".
I think you should pick me because:
I am following the rules
I am 13 years old
I am Playing At the Eu servers 4 - 8 hours daily
I am Fear to all players, not kidding around
I think you should pick me because:
I am following the rules
I am 13 years old
I am Playing At the Eu servers 4 - 8 hours daily
I am Fear to all players, not kidding around
Lots of nice applications here that should be considered seriously. I will give my support to Guard_BD_Toffi when he makes an application. Hes never making trouble, and got a fair sense of how to use his administration rights in a fair way.NOT TRUE
Im against having a templar as an admin, and especially Casimir. They was a good clan when they started, but now they are way too biased, and shows it. Whenever a templar is in trouble, you can bet at least a couple of templars can support him. They was there, they saw it, you know! Templars never intentionally TK, because they always got a couple of other templars who saw it and can prove their innocence, even if they wasnt on the server when it happened.
Casimir aint better, hes actually one of the worst. He ALWAYS support his templars, even if he just heard a rumor. Hell, I was once killed by a templar by a hit in the back with an alt that the templars didnt know was an admin, and Casimir was there in a sec, stating that I had attacked the templar first. No, I got so many bad experienced with this biased person, Im totally against Casimir getting any more power in this game.
Also we need Michael, too little admin abuse on the servers atm!
I choose tommy why?
Becuase when we have a arguement in TS he allways hears both sides of the story...or sometimes dosen't even say anything because Alpha and casimir are whining (PS: They do this alot! And I mean ALOT.)
*cough*so true, don't give any power to casimir! He will turn this game into soviet russia.. seriosly!*cough*
I'm giving it a try
i'm known and i'm here since the beggining
i want justice, not the shit some admins use to do atm, lilith aka nuffen for example, following rules to the letter and not giving a fuck about the context
i'm honest and i say what i think
If that is the former 22nd Electro I'm afraid I have to comment his application with a "HELL NO!".
I think CptGeorges is a pretty cool guy. Eh does ban heretics and doesnt afraid of anything.
I think CptGeorges is a pretty cool guy.
Eh...sorry but...who the hell is Captain Georges ? Some NA guy ?
Some freak with a manly voice living in your neighbourhood, im pretty sure you know him well :mrgreen:
Well, I thought I'd apply if you're still looking.
I'd like to start off by saying that I'v never been an admin before, but I believe I'd make a fairly good one.
I'm calm, level-headed, fair and generally a nice guy. I usually play on EU_1 or EU_2 but I play occasionally on the siege servers aswell. And I'm frequently on the duel server.
I speak Finnish, Swedish and English fluidly and also some conversational German.
I've never gotten in trouble with any of the admins, and I think most of them know me.
Basically, if you pick me, I believe you wouldn't regret it.
- Khorin
Absolutely +1 for Lansamur , know him well from our ts server , he'd never make a hasty decision without thinking it through. Is an admin on Shogunate_Crpg.
I'd like to apply for admin.I would have to give him a -11 and then +12
Often asked by clan members and russian speaking community to apply. I'm sure some english speaking players would support me as well.
I'm evil enough to be admin :twisted:
It would be very nice to have a russian-speaking admin on the EU servers, Nebun is a good candidate, +1 to him.<----- Russian speaking :P.
If only the applicants' clan mates would stop giving their biased opinions, maybe the opinions would make a difference.
now we will finally see how many members DRZ have :o)
It's common i guess.
As long as noone spam PMs people to vote for him, i find it acceptable.
But it's obvious that game admin nomination is just a popularity thing.
nope, new admins are not hired on the numbers of +1 but _who_ votes might have an influence. So 50 unknown +1 wont change anything. :)
Just I did announce my game admin wish then did want Turkish players to support me.I dont think it is wrong :rolleyes:
+1 Nebun so the admin abuse in Strategus won't be as one-sided as last time.
As an admin your mission is to serve and help those 50 unknown people also.
If you don't care about the majority and only listen the guys you know , you should stop being an admin imho.
An admin shouldn't be lobbied in by a certain party, because it usually results in the new admin lobbying the interests of this party. Hence, all DRZ giving +1 to Nebun and all Turk/Kapikulu giving +1 to Abay are quite meaningless.
I would like to apply (dont laugh :shock:)I hate you Osiris :twisted:
Why? well Ive been a mod on many other games so i know whats required and the hate that can come with it.
I think im pretty fair and im sure i dont have any haters in the game. I use IRC and most importantly i like pink ^^
+1 top cris, hes a well respected member of the community who iv rarely seen rage, although hes induced it enough.
i agree that +1's are menaingsless except the ones that cme with a good explanation of why the guys voted for should be admins
Turks: Abay is your leader, he is responsible in a way for you, so he has to make you aware of the rules and, if necessary, translate them to those that cant understand English. Don't need a Turkish admin for that (I'm not opposed to him, just your reasoning is going in more or less the wrong direction)
And -1 to Noctivagant, I am sorry, you already said that you are hated by community especially by the major part of the turkish people.
Evet! (see i speak turk)
Evet! (see i speak turk)you're making progress dude. Keep studying :P
I want a Turkish speaking admin too, whether it is Abay or someone else. Since some turkish players have difficulties in english, as you can see at the events:) because some of them dont even understand the rules. Someone should clearly tell them what to do or not to.
+1 from me to Abay because he is the only one wanting to be an admin.
Also +1 to Nebun for same reason.
And -1 to Noctivagant, I am sorry, you already said that you are hated by community especially by the major part of the turkish people.
-1 to Nocti.
He is one of the rare members of the old guard who hasn't gone assholish yet and i don't want to see him going there. Power corrupts people. :twisted:
-1 to Nocti.
He is one of the rare members of the old guard who hasn't gone assholish yet and i don't want to see him going there. Power corrupts people. :twisted:
You mean, he's an HA and he's not assholish ??? I wonder how this is possible.
You mean, he's an HA and he's not assholish ??? I wonder how this is possible.
Id like to be an admin for the simple reason that there is plenty of Battleadmins but rarely any Siegeadmins.
I call em that way bcoz of the servers you ll mostly find them on.
Its a fact that all my mates from the HRE faction (including me) like playing Siege quite often but dont have any admin support / have to ask for it via IRC.
Therefor I apply as an admin, been playing this mod for 7 months, speak german, english and polish fluently, broken spanish, i am online around 3 hours ingame during the week, a lot more on weekends, all mostly on siege servers.
Would be pleased to get a chance.
See you all on the servers... ;-).
+1 for Kinngrimm.
The lone doggy finally started to bark out loud (both in-game aka raging yesterday as well as the forums aka whining&crying). He finally has what it takes to be an admin. :twisted:
Hello, I would like to apply for an admin position because I play daily, have been with the community since it's launch and have extensive experience with moderating many game servers from Counter-Strike to World of Warcraft. I believe that I would be suited for this role because I am not only well versed in EU cRPG server rules but I deal with difficult situations in a fair and mature manner. Thanks for reading this application and I hope that I may enjoy playing with you all in the future.
I think I'll respectfully put myself forward for the role of game admin.
Reasons -
1. I am a fairly experienced player now, I know the rules of the EU servers well and I believe I can make the server a nice, fun, fair server for everyone to enjoy.
2. I know a fair bit about leadership skills, and I have recently been given the role of assistant head boy within my college, which shows my skill in responsibility, organisation and determination to achieve what I intend to do.
3. My mother is actually a police officer, so I know a lot about discipline and punishment. This will help me to make the correct decisions when dealing with an in-game situation.
For these reasons, I think I am a suitable contender for the role of game admin.
Hello, I would like to apply for an admin position because I play daily, have been with the community since it's launch and have extensive experience with moderating many game servers from Counter-Strike to World of Warcraft. I believe that I would be suited for this role because I am not only well versed in EU cRPG server rules but I deal with difficult situations in a fair and mature manner. Thanks for reading this application and I hope that I may enjoy playing with you all in the future.
you are also banned atm, and as I can see, you still havent answered why you are. -1 to this one.
Let's play spot-the-fail in Fros7bite's application...
(hint) it's at the bottom(click to show/hide)
Actually I have put in a request to be unbanned yesterday. I have yet to recieve a reason of why I was banned in the first place.
Not only was that my cousin playing but he was being attacked by a teammate.
this is starting to go off-topic which wasn't intented but from what I personally seen of you in-game, you're not exactly "mature e.t.c." like you posted here. You didn't look in my spoiler?
3. My mother is actually a police officer, so I know a lot about discipline and punishment. This will help me to make the correct decisions when dealing with an in-game situation.
this is starting to go off-topic which wasn't intented but from what I personally seen of you in-game, you're not exactly "mature e.t.c." like you posted here. You didn't look in my spoiler?
He was being attacked by a team-mate (what? you were dead already lol)? I was alone against enemy team derp YOU was long dead and that was on re-spawn o.O look at the log carefully and don't lie.
Oh and i'm sure that will go down well if you had admin rights, your troll-non-existent cousin plays for you - imagine the abooooz
If you are that adament about me not being fit for Admin duties then I am sorry to hear that. I can only hope that your disposition towards me changes and that your opinion of me is no longer skewed by other people useing my account.
An admin allowing other users to use their account? No, we dont want that. Imagine if someone logs on as irc://nuffen and starts banning people, then apologising emself with "that was another guy using my account.
Actually I have put in a request to be unbanned yesterday. I have yet to recieve a reason of why I was banned in the first place.
+1 for kingrimm
Yes, because you should know yourself. If you dont understand the basics of the rules (no teamwounding) you shouldnt be an admin.
Hello, I would like to apply for an admin position because I play daily, have been with the community since it's launch and have extensive experience with moderating many game servers from Counter-Strike to World of Warcraft. I believe that I would be suited for this role because I am not only well versed in EU cRPG server rules but I deal with difficult situations in a fair and mature manner. Thanks for reading this application and I hope that I may enjoy playing with you all in the future.
+1 to Kinngrimm.hahahahaha +1
Probably last time he saw a vagina in his life was when he was born. He is 24/7 online, hunting for female toons.
He has no social life and his ping is like he is sitting on the server. He is natural born admin.
You are just throwing him to the wolves aint you? Poor bugger he'll never stand a chance.+1
I nominate Lolwen! (And if that doesn't work: Gnjus!) We need thick-skinned admins, not some damn saint who never done anything wrong. Just like the best soldiers are convicts, the best admins are the trolls with the biggest egos.
Hi guys,
I am here because i think that we need some new admins,especially for the siege servers. I talked with nuffen (hi nuffen and unreal) and he said that most of the admins play more Battle than siege.
I think im not the most unsuitable guy for the job of an admin. Im not perfect of course (what do you thought ??? :) ) but ive played alot warband and even more cRPG. I play cRPG for more than 1 year now and i wasnt banned or muted or even kicked ( yeah thats true REALLY :)) one single time. And noone nominated me for a ban or so. You see i can behave. If you want to hear something about my teamplay my person or my social gameplay in a clan (?) just contact Thovex (hi Thovex). Im also an admin on the risen server and i havent heared any bad things from non-banned persons. So i have some experiences to be an admin. Some of you guys maybe know me from IRC or ingame. Maybe im not so known. This is because i mostly play siege (you remember my sentence "we need more adnims on siege" ?) and little battles like on the risen server. I can write understandable english (english is not my native language. So you can find some faults maybe) and i would say that im quite polite.
I am very active on the forums and on the IRC. As an example i read the unban essays just because i want to see how creative some people are and what they have done.
Yeah i think thats all from my site, if you want to know anything more just write it here or pm me.
NOTICE: This isnt a "OOhhhh i want to be an admin just because its soooooooo cool and i can punish some people that i dont like it". This is a real application. I made it because i want to keep the fun at the game and i want to help you guys because this is one of the most epic and nice communities ive ever seen.
Thanks for your attention.
lol, when i saw Bjord has posted in here, i was like; "Wtf, does Bjord want to be admin on official servers? that could be hillarious :D"
Tiberias seems like a nice guy and it is true that we need siege admins. +1 for him
lol, when i saw Bjord has posted in here, i was like; "Wtf, does Bjord want to be admin on official servers? that could be hillarious :D"
Tiberias seems like a nice guy and it is true that we need siege admins. +1 for him
I would like to apply as admin. I'm infamous for my rage and rude demeanour, and for that reason I think I would make a very good admin. Why? If everyone expects me to rage, abuse my powers and argue with players I would do the exact opposite. Reverse behaviour, anyone?
Also believe it or not, I'm a nice guy and I was raised to be a generous and sacrificing person. Meaning, I would tend to my duties and I would not overstep boundaries.
Another reason why I would be fit for the role of admin: I've basically been around since almost the very beginning. Both Warband and cRPG. I'm widely known by many clans and players, not only in cRPG but in Native as well. This gives me an invaluable insight to the community itself, and in my opinion this is a big reason why to consider me.
This application was made half in jest, but as I was writing I actually considered it. I think the responsibility of admin would help me evaluate my actions more since the consequences of my actions would be greater. This application is a bit like Donald Trump's run for presidency I guess, but that doesn't mean I'm less fit to be an admin. Disregarding my reputation, that is.
Have fun with that, Torp ;). (The fact that I just applied for administering the official servers :lol:)
-1 for Bjord.
It would be one huge troll fest...
I would like to apply as admin. I'm infamous for my rage and rude demeanour, and for that reason I think I would make a very good admin. Why? If everyone expects me to rage, abuse my powers and argue with players I would do the exact opposite. Reverse behaviour, anyone?
Also believe it or not, I'm a nice guy and I was raised to be a generous and sacrificing person. Meaning, I would tend to my duties and I would not overstep boundaries.
Another reason why I would be fit for the role of admin: I've basically been around since almost the very beginning. Both Warband and cRPG. I'm widely known by many clans and players, not only in cRPG but in Native as well. This gives me an invaluable insight to the community itself, and in my opinion this is a big reason why to consider me.
This application was made half in jest, but as I was writing I actually considered it. I think the responsibility of admin would help me evaluate my actions more since the consequences of my actions would be greater. This application is a bit like Donald Trump's run for presidency I guess, but that doesn't mean I'm less fit to be an admin. Disregarding my reputation, that is.
Have fun with that, Torp ;). (The fact that I just applied for administering the official servers :lol:)
-1 for Bjord.
It would be one huge troll fest...
yeh ofc they can give bjord a chance... if he tolls too much he will not get the perma admin :)Cause you are too boring and non-trolling to have a troll-war about :P
btw why everyone say something about bjord but nothing about my long text ?? :lol: :P :rolleyes:
Bjord is just trolling and it's not a serious application.
+1 Bjord an Gnjus!This.
that would be epic
Bjord i think its time the 2 of us put some law & order into this mod. :twisted:
hurp durp me admin goodbest application ever :)
best application ever :)
short simple to the point
consider that my official application to adminhood
That's not true! I'd actually be willing to give it a serious try. :PI know. That's why I said that's what people think. I say Bjord would make a great admin!
But I wouldn't exactly be heartbroken if I was denied either.
i merely summarized what all these other guys were saying,
consider that my official application to adminhood
I dont get it: why some applications only have 1 line ?
Still open? My app still stands. ;)
Ok, i'm going to bite the bullet and put myself down for an application since they appear to still be open.
I won't put too much information down, i'll keep it short with my past experience as an admin across different games and a brief overview.
I am 19 years old, currently at university studying "Computing" (Software engineeringI have 6 months off) and I believe the majority of the EU community knows who I am and will more than likely have mixed views about me, whether or not it's because of my class or the way I handle situations within the game/forums.
Over the past 5 years I have admined for popular servers for the following games (in order);
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty 4
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Three different Teamspeak/Ventrilo servers across the same years.
I am currently admin within the nditions teamspeak server and Global moderator for the nditions forums.
Cheers and I look forward to seeing the reactions.
Wow, you are right^.^I knew it! And mastermind behind this is nuffen! He wants more admin support for the next time he is nominated for abuse!!!
Actually that's a conspiracy, but that's a....oh....secret... :/ ^.^
I knew it! And mastermind behind this is nuffen! He wants more admin support for the next time he is nominated for abuse!!!
Lansamur applied way before Nuffen joined and I did too by roughly a week or so. Nuffen joined afterwards and said, and I quote give or take a few words, "I can't back you up, put in the good word or anything like that because that would look biased seeing as I am a Guard now."Dude, I was kidding.
Also afaik Toffi put in his application a couple of months before any of the other members of the Guild did.
It just appears that recently we've become more aware of griefing and personally, I have complained to admins much more in the last 3 or 4 months than I have in any other game (most of the time I was an admin just to say! ;)) and since some of us (myself NOT included, I know I have a lot of enemies) are well known and respected within the community, although Gisbert could be a little more active on the forums! ;)
That's my explanation anyway, not saying the current admins don't do a good job, but I just like to be able to jump on this as soon as I see something without breaking the rules myself (team killing a team wounder who is attacking allies etc etc it doesn't help anything but make you a target next time.)
Dude, I was kidding.
Dude, I was kidding.
I knew it! And mastermind behind this is nuffen! He wants more admin support for the next time he is nominated for abuse!!!
*taps chin in thought*
Maybe I should apply to be a Game Admin...
Now that you've tested power during the huge-multi clan tournament, you want more, hey ? :twisted:
(click to show/hide)
He'll change the time limit to 20 seconds every round and we'll never get anything done! D:
Nah, I'll only do this if people don't form up at spawn in battle servers to make sure that they are not cheating (like carrying a pike on a horse). :lol:
However, me changing the time limit every round would be a real possibility! "Onoz a draw? +10 minutes" next round "Oh too long? better have a 2 minute round"
Way to improve your application! But personally I can't say either way since I have no idea what you're like in game so i'll stop here! ;)
Edit: Been told to stop spamming so shhhh Tenne!
Ban record?
Never on any game or site, including this one.
Bothersome_Aldryk (http://forum.c-rpg.net/index.php?action=profile;u=424)
Loki (http://forum.c-rpg.net/index.php?action=profile;u=306)
Smiling_Daemon (http://forum.c-rpg.net/index.php?action=profile;u=1086)
Why you wish to be an admin?
I believe that I can perform the duties of being admin to your satisfaction and that of the general server populace. I want this server to have a fresh start and continue to present itself as an attractive alternative to the other servers, and having good Admins will greatly help that image.
I would first issue warnings before bans or kicks, and would prefer to simply use the "Mute" feature on verbally abusive players before actually kicking or banning them, as the simplest solution is often the best solution.
I have never raged in chat, though certainly I have engaged in "trolling comments" against my friends (Like cries of Admin abooze against Aldryk), and have never purposely TKed. I find it hard to be more then mildly irritated at a player regardless of what they say in chat, as this is just a game, and thus would never ban anyone due to them asking a simple question of "why did you X?" Above all, I can take a joke.
All of the above is why I want to be an Admin, as I believe that I can prove to be a valuable asset to the Acre server.
Oh, and as a bonus, I am not the greatest player, so any one I offend can vent their frustrations by murdering me over and over again in the game, thus not only allowing me to observe often in spectator mode, but also to allow them to vent easier.
Most days (Saturday nights can often be busy)
Any previous admin activity?
Not on this site, though for others certainly.
I will hop into you teamspeak the first chance I get, now that I am back from my mini-vacation.
Well he is Tking MegaRambo (Callan / Kaizen). Callan has an annoying habbit of Team hitting other Ninjas and making them fight him...
I have been very active in the community since I started playing and would like to be given the chance to administrate the servers I enjoy playing in so that people can experience a fun and enjoyable time on them instead of finding it tedious due to certain individuals.
To avoid prejudice to the other players, admins should not be members of any clan.
I've seen some stuff from you in the past that doesn't exactly advocate mental stability.
To address all your references; anyone can kiss ass long enough and become a server admin on smaller servers.
- you are judged by what we see from you not what you allegedly claim.
Plus, admining the cRPG servers is a really, really big step above admining some persistent world server.
I remember also, in the old forums you were caught up in a lot of the negativity and conflicts. My memory is long, I don't forget first impressions.
I'm sorry if you are offended by this post, but I do not think I would ever want someone like you administering the servers. In fact, I would take Wookimonsta over you in a heart beat.
Looking forward to your response.
Played long enough to know the server rules in and out
Except throwing axes at me for no apparant reason at all other than "Dance siiem, dance"
Without the intention to spam, as I referred already to cmp, there a urgent need to get new admins, specially at this time, Summer vacations, strategus on it's peak, etc.
It's not the first neither the last time I see people leeching with no problem on EU servers, even battle ones, with POLLS turned off, for several hours straight with no prejudice.
Please take some time to re-thing about this situation, cause it's getting unbearable (battle it's becoming a siege slowly).
There are a lot of good applicants to it (even me, vouched by 0 players :oops:), which are very active in-game, and could help on this so loved by all mod.
Thank you for your time, best regards.
Ya sure I would apply for game admin. Im well liked in the community, (I hope :?) have never really caused any large arguments, problems, shitstorms etc. Played long enough to know the server rules in and out, and best of all Im not very prone to rage. English speaking.+1
Just a general +1. Everyone gets a cookie!Even me :D
Ah sorry Baggy not for you, your +1 is hereby revoked.Thank god :D
Ah sorry Baggy not for you, your +1 is hereby revoked.I think i got the better deal here.
Sorry. But you still get a cookie.
...i would like to correct you here, no offence.
Main reason why I'm applying is that I think that Bandits clan should have an admin among their ranks (Fasader is developer and he's rarely online). Fallen have plenty, Mercs as well, Byzantium too, also clans like Wolves and SeaRiders have members which are admins. If Gnjus, Dado or Prpavi don't want to be admins, I would like to take that responsibility.
EU servers have too many Turkish Players... I can be a admin. i know english - not well but i can speak with a player. and i can speak with Turkish players. most of them dont know english :mrgreen:I deserve to be admin because i am being discriminated against because of the lack of Irish admins.
i know rules. i was admin on my native clan server.
. If Gnjus, Dado or Prpavi don't want to be admins, I would like to take that responsibility.
i would like to correct you here, no offence.
The wolves don't have an admin and will never have an admin. My application is pending since several months, not even sure how long ^^.
And if i would become an admin i wouldn't be a wolves admin but an admin responsible for the whole crpg/strategus community. At least that is how i feel about it.
Fasader is admin additionally with a deep understanding and responsibility in terms of the game balance as far as i understood it, not sure if he counts himself a crpg-mod developer :) though.
It was stated in several positions of admins and devs, that only because a clan is in existence or has such and such many members does not include the overall right or entitlement to have an admin within their ranks. That some clans do have more game admins is due to historical reasons or just by pure chance, at least that is my take on that, nothing sinister behind it ;)
I've seen some stuff from you in the past that doesn't exactly advocate mental stability.
I didn't know you want to be an admin. If so I would rather you become an admin before me (although I started to play this mod before you :P).
I thought I saw someone with Wolves tag writing with purple letters. Seems I didn't see that very well.
I said that Bandits should have an admin because I don't like how our clan is treated in this mod.
+1 vote for kinngrimm
Me neither. And nuffen is just being nuffen.
I don't think that the Bandits are misstreated in general by all admins.
Me neither. And nuffen is just being nuffen.
I don't think that the Bandits are misstreated in general by all admins. But i am aware of what happened lately.
they be jelly of our womans! and panoses!