There's a lot of reasons why we see huge alliances, this is one of them.
Look at the entire western part of the map, the pattern is obvious. Allies like to stay close to each other. Random faction spawn would help. You'd end up with your faction spawning at a random location with random neighbours. A lot more small-scale, more local wars instead of block 1 vs block 2.
A set amount troops which the faction leader could recruit each day at the village would make the playing field equal. Mass recruitment and mass alliances are linked, you win because you have a massive numerical advantage.
Like the idea, except everyone should be allowed to recruit troops - I know within my faction sometimes people like to go do their own thing and having only person control all the troops in that village/zone would hurt individual fun.
More fief development in general sis good - farms, roads, etc. and having everyone neighboring as ally shouldn't be good as you should ahve no way to possibly expand unless you attack one of your neighbors.
Like the idea, except everyone should be allowed to recruit troops
Well, one of the main points is to not have people recruiting/farming gold. The point is in removing the player number advantage (of bigger clans) and giving that power to fiefs, making owning fiefs more valuable and also giving a better incentive to fight over fiefs with your neighbours.
I don't think removing player number advantage completely is the right thing to do. It just shouldn't be an auto-win to have 50 mindless drones farming stuff for you.
I don't think removing player number advantage completely is the right thing to do. It just shouldn't be an auto-win to have 50 mindless drones farming stuff for you.
I really like your suggestion Cooties.
Something along the lines of Crusader Kings (Paradox game). If you have x% of fiefs under your control or your vassals you could claim a title.
A title gave you the right to tax people.
In strat it could work something along these lines:
If the map is to be four times larger than now, then lets have 4 kingdoms.
Each Kingdom contains 5 duchies. You can claim a Duchy title when you have 66% of the fiefs in a duchy. HAving the duchy title gives you the right to tax every fief owner in the duchy.
When you control 3 of the 5 duchy titles or your vassals (Must be official vassals through an ingame system), you can claim the king title.
When you have the king title you can set a tax for the kingdom and what not.
Add to that:
- Attrition
- Vassal diplomatic system
It requires a larger map.
And we have something going.
Edit: Oh and if you gain 3 kingdoms you gain the title emperor and win the game!
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(click to show/hide)
We should not get too carried away on this, devs are only devs, not a team of profesionnals paid a daily wage for coding this game.
So some of these changes can be implemented, but try to keep a tad simple, they cant go coding a totally different game by the time this strat will be wiped and the next one kicks in.
Viable options imo :
Random starting locations, as said this would greatly increase the fun and dynamics for every1 (in a clan or not)
Higher upkeep the further you move away from your own fiefs This would make mega alliances nearly impossible cuz u cant go attack some1 on the other side of the map, just cuz your friend asked for it. Hence dramaticly increasing local conflicts. Yes this could be abused by chain transfering, but if you are sharp enuff with "allow transfer" button, then rly, you deserve to win
Longer cooldown to get attacked after raiding/sieging The 24h lockdown compared to the 1h cooldown is retarded, i can travel half the map in 24 hrs, so raiders can actually raid, but get raped by the army thats standing next to them after the 24h lockdown.
What about...
In the middle of the map you could have a very large region which would be accessible from a large amount of faction regions. In the middle lies the neutral citadel called "chadzity".
chadzity could work as the staging point for individuals, defeated factions and bandits. Being a neutral city, there is no tax. chadzity is also a major slave/troop recruiting hub for anyone with coin.
You could also add the final objective: Capturing chadzity would result in winning the Strategus round. chadzity would obviously have a large amount of troops with very good gear making it an end-game challenge.
Sounds good. However, how would we prevent players leaving faction to recruit troops there? If I got the whole thread right, one of the points was taking away players ability to recruit and giving it to fief manager.
What about...
In the middle of the map you could have a very large region which would be accessible from a large amount of faction regions. In the middle lies the neutral citadel called "chadzity".
chadzity could work as the staging point for individuals, defeated factions and bandits. Being a neutral city, there is no tax. chadzity is also a major slave/troop recruiting hub for anyone with coin.
You could also add the final objective: Capturing chadzity would result in winning the Strategus round. chadzity would obviously have a large amount of troops with very good gear making it an end-game challenge.
Examples of a resource building could be:
- Giant Crab Farm which will produce fine Giant Crab products for trade and sale.
- Stables which will make the faction able to produce and breed Warhorses.
- Goldmine whihc will give the faction 1000 Strategus Gold each day.
Stuff like that could add more depth to strategy and jelousy from neighbours, valuable resources like that is always an instagator for war.
- Small clans and individuals have nothing to do.I completely disagree. There is plenty for small clans and individuals to do, if they are not trying to just be godkings of the universe. Trading, smuggling, intelligence gathering, banditry and privateering are all things I know individuals are doing, some INCREDIBLY successfully.
Only read the OP, so apologies if the suggestion has notably changed by then.
What's to stop people from just swapping fiefs to be near their respective allies?
Trading, smuggling, intelligence gathering, banditry and privateering
1 and 2 are the same, 4 and 5 are the same. Intelligence gathering... RLY???? Nice way to polish a turd.
Furthermore you are implying that everybody not in the mega alliance should just go banditting, so you no longer have a wargame then, u have a banditting game, with 1 side being the police and the other side the robbers.
And to conclude, how the hell is some1 gonna be a trader when all neutral villages are gone and no one except the owners can craft at a decent ratio?
What's to stop people from just swapping fiefs to be near their respective allies?
Adding some kind of significant cost or loss should fix this. Maybe the fief is inoperable and requires "post-battle repairs" that take a week, or cut production to 10% and add +10% per day? So even fake fights diminish the fief's utility for a long enough time to prevent land-swaps.
There's already the cost/risk of having to cross territory and carry your goods, troops, and supplies with you. That should be more dangerous in an ideal world.
I have another suggestion how we could further "break" forming massive alliances.
This is in continuation to random spawning system with a starting fief.
Not only would a new faction in strat get a starting fief on random location, that fief would become the capital city. Ofcourse that fief could not be a normal village, but rather a castle or a city. You also could not switch capital city to some other fief (after you captured it).
After a faction loses a capital they would suffer massive penalties (losing army or gold, something else, haven't thought on this part much yet).
This means a faction would be tied to that area (pretty much for the rest of the strat).
Combine this with increasing upkeep the further you go away from capital and you got something :)
Only read the OP, so apologies if the suggestion has notably changed by then.
I completely disagree. There is plenty for small clans and individuals to do, if they are not trying to just be godkings of the universe. Trading, smuggling, intelligence gathering, banditry and privateering are all things I know individuals are doing, some INCREDIBLY successfully.
As to the rest, perhaps you would like to play Travian or Tribal Wars?
We have random spawning now, without the free villages. What happens? People move. What will change with free villages? Nothing. You can't stop alliances like that. I don't think this system would accomplish any of its goals, honestly.
More, it takes away from aspects of the game that I quite enjoy. Not only the opening phase, but the ability for new clans to enter after strategus has begun. An ideal form of strategus has no "rounds" because it requires none. I also truly doubt people will be able to buy troops in sufficient numbers to retake a village in a system where only villages provide troops. This system would change strategus so much as to be unrecognizable, and while this may offend the majority opinion, I like strategus. I have no desire to turn it into yet another stupid browser village conflict game.
Only read the OP, so apologies if the suggestion has notably changed by then.
I completely disagree. There is plenty for small clans and individuals to do, if they are not trying to just be godkings of the universe. Trading, smuggling, intelligence gathering, banditry and privateering are all things I know individuals are doing, some INCREDIBLY successfully.
As to the rest, perhaps you would like to play Travian or Tribal Wars?
We have random spawning now, without the free villages. What happens? People move. What will change with free villages? Nothing. You can't stop alliances like that. I don't think this system would accomplish any of its goals, honestly.
More, it takes away from aspects of the game that I quite enjoy. Not only the opening phase, but the ability for new clans to enter after strategus has begun. An ideal form of strategus has no "rounds" because it requires none. I also truly doubt people will be able to buy troops in sufficient numbers to retake a village in a system where only villages provide troops. This system would change strategus so much as to be unrecognizable, and while this may offend the majority opinion, I like strategus. I have no desire to turn it into yet another stupid browser village conflict game.
I really disagree with you here SoA has just reformed and on strat we have no where to go and nothing to do all we've done is so far is move from village to village to town to castle and having to ask first so we dont get owned by the massive armies of the Block allinces for example GK and fallen have already been pushed out of the desert due to the massive block allince down there! and the few villages that no one owns we cant claim because if we do then again we're gonna end up going to war with another fucking block allince its stupid that we cant do anything or claim anything without a 80% chance of being wiped out... and this is the reason I have stoped leading SoA in strat because its a waste of time little clans cant do anything without atleast pissing off 8 different clans, I agree that a turn based strat would be kinda sucky and shite but it would probably be better then how strat is now as I said big clans and block allinces currently own the whole of strat and small factiosn cant do anything to get started this is why i have given up leading since if your not in a block allince or a Big clan then you might as well not play at all
Ok, you want some advice? You're saying there's no place for small clans. There is no fiefs that you can take without being wiped by the big boys? Well, here's the thing. Small factions really aren't supposed to own land. The few that small clans that DO hold fiefs, still do it at the mercy of the big boys. This is how it's always gonna be. The notion of a small faction owning land, completely independant of EVERYONE is ridiculous and something you should just forget.
I really disagree with you here SoA has just reformed and on strat we have no where to go and nothing to do all we've done is so far is move from village to village to town to castle and having to ask first so we dont get owned by the massive armies of the Block allinces for example GK and fallen have already been pushed out of the desert due to the massive block allince down there! and the few villages that no one owns we cant claim because if we do then again we're gonna end up going to war with another fucking block allince its stupid that we cant do anything or claim anything without a 80% chance of being wiped out... and this is the reason I have stoped leading SoA in strat because its a waste of time little clans cant do anything without atleast pissing off 8 different clans, I agree that a turn based strat would be kinda sucky and shite but it would probably be better then how strat is now as I said big clans and block allinces currently own the whole of strat and small factiosn cant do anything to get started this is why i have given up leading since if your not in a block allince or a Big clan then you might as well not play at all
in summary I like phases Idea (maybe not the turn one bu its still good) and I hope it does get added that way Big clans wont always have the chance to huddle up and just destory who ever is in their way on the map they will be limited and they wont be able to pick their neighbours and hopefully just hopefully small clans will be able to stand a chance without having to fear being wiped out just for trying to get started
Ok, you want some advice? You're saying there's no place for small clans. There is no fiefs that you can take without being wiped by the big boys? Well, here's the thing. Small factions really aren't supposed to own land. The few that small clans that DO hold fiefs, still do it at the mercy of the big boys. This is how it's always gonna be. The notion of a small faction owning land, completely independant of EVERYONE is ridiculous and something you should just forget.
What a small faction COULD do is play the "lesser" roles. Think of the big clans as countries and small clans as factions and warbands. Be mercenaries, merchants, bandits, bounty hunters, traders, mauraders and that sort of things. If you play small, you can do it big. Do NOT try to take over land and put yourself in the way of someone.
Try instead to gain power through stuff that you can do with the few people you have. Not everyone can be Kings and Queens, Lords and Knights. Someone have to be the merchants, outlaws and the like. Think of the Single Player. Look at how you gain your kingdom there. Instantly attacking a fief with your 50ish warband NEVER works (ok, sometimes it does xD), and even IF you win, the big factions will come and get you sooner or later. No. What you need to look at are all the small factions. The Mercenary bands, Manhunters etc. THAT is the SMALL factions. THAT is what you should be doing.
Think small, gain respect and power, build yourself up. In the end, maybe you'll be powerful enough to claim something for yourself. And you know what? You might even be able to KEEP it if you have enough power, contacts and reputation to hold the others at bay. And if you fail? Well, you probably would go down in an AWESOME way, worthy of respect by everyone.
Yeah, I know there currently isn't that much stuff for those factions. But that's what chadz and Co is working on. The trading, caravan, marketplace and crafting that was introduced this round of Strat? They just opened up the possibility for merchants, traders and craftsmen. Those people again opened up for banditry. What I hope is that more stuff for the SMALL clans will be available, not just the Kingdom clans.
Be mercenaries, merchants, bandits, bounty hunters, traders, mauraders and that sort of things.
First of all I dont care about respect on strat since strat has nothing to do with respect and LLJK is proof of that and besides that SoA DID have respect before Tetris and a few other people fuck the clan over, Second I doubt Josh would spend most of his time sending our members to scout, merc, trade and stuff for other clans if we didnt get much back and the Key thing to remember here is that Human beings can be total my old friends and douchbags and some will use any excuse to attack, destroy and bully anyone they can and I can understand what your saying about starting out small but to be honest your In Merciless (Risen) and your clan has always been a big clan that everybody knows and you guys dont have to do none of theses things so you cant really say SoA needs to do this and that and small stuff when your clan has never had to do any of this. but as I said I understand what your saying and It does make sense but tbh Im not leading SoA in strat no more and this is just my personal opinion...Not SoAs not Josh's not Shanks Just me...Hunter
Suit yourself, you asked to have Istiniar, Glunmar and Yalen, hah!
You mad? You can try capturing them but it will just make it easier for us to capture it after, there's troops ready of doing that any time. :mrgreen:
Again, you seem to be giving 6 options, while there are actually 2. All these words mean the same : RAIDER/TRADER.OH HI THERE MISTER BUTTHURT!
Now, u cant be a trader anymore when all neutral fiefs are captured. So, leaves us Raider, say everything goes good, you equip an army to raid one factions caravans, but then all the other factions come to reinforce the attacked caravan (this is what happens, debating this fact is a mere sign of dishonesty), so you lose your battle. So your hard earned tickets and gear are gone (i can accept this, this is war), however, you cant build up a new gold reserve for equip cuz all the neutral fiefs are gone, so your life as a raider ends when u lose 1 battle.
Honestly i dont get why you carebears arent just saying "Nananana, hahahaha, yes we got you cornered and yes we will win!" instead of goin on like "nonono, we're not allied, we just all help each other, and we never attack each other" "this all a coincidence, you have no proof" "75% of playerbase, gief proof plz". Everytime you guys try to pull this it adds to your negative honesty-meter.
So, SOA, as a veteran player i can only advise you to get some skill points in the Handjob skill, this way, you might get a fief, if you dont annoy the greys or DRZ too much.
No, not you, u with troops and gear provided for you.Hi there mister bullshit. The Risen have NEVER gotten any troops, gold or equipment from ANY other faction. The only thing we have received are Trade Goods that we have given an equal amount back, aka a TRADE. You might be to retarded to know what that is, but for those of us with a working brain can understand that that's not getting stuff for free.
NB: And can people PLEASE stop dragging US into this imagined Carebear alliance? Just because we don't attack our neighboors doesn't mean we are allied, it means we are smart enough to recognize that attacking them is a bad move. This is called STRATEGUS, not go-around-and-attack-everyone-randomly-while-whining-"carebearOMFG!"-because-they-can-actually-be-friends-and-decent-to-each-other-ius. You wanna know WHY none of us are fighting for you guys as mercs in your battles? Because not a SINGLE one of you have ever popped into our TS, said "Hi, we got a village fight. You wanna help us out?" or anything. What you HAVE done is call us my old friends, insult us, GTX the game blaming us, and being so butthurt that everyone dislikes you while you go around insulting them. Why wont anyone be friends with you? Gee, go figure.
@Zapper: Individual role as merchant is disappearing due to fewer and fewer independent fiefs. Clans are imposing exorbitant hourly fees (500 gold/hour) in their fiefs.
@Zapper: Individual role as merchant is disappearing due to fewer and fewer independent fiefs. Clans are imposing exorbitant hourly fees (500 gold/hour) in their fiefs.You got a point there. But believe it or not, many clans have more spots in their fiefs then they can have people crafting. Try contacting the various clans and see if they have any spots open for the public. Ofc, it will be the 25 gold per Trade Goods fiefs, and there probably will be some tax (maybe, 5/10/15), but you will probably find SOME places that are ok to craft in. Most smart clans will understand that it sometimes is better to have neutrals (who pays a small visiting fee) crafting in your fiefs than having only your own. It all depends on their organization, numbers and fief situation. All I suggest is that you ask around if there are any open spots.
But big factions are... bigger than small factions. It is definitely possible for small clans to take fiefs, but bigger clans should have an advantage, and also you guys were a little late to this strat. :D
@Zapper: Individual role as merchant is disappearing due to fewer and fewer independent fiefs. Clans are imposing exorbitant hourly fees (500 gold/hour) in their fiefs.