Author Topic: Strategus Suggestions  (Read 7407 times)

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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2011, 11:21:52 am »
What about...

In the middle of the map you could have a very large region which would be accessible from a large amount of faction regions. In the middle lies the neutral citadel called "chadzity". 

chadzity could work as the staging point for individuals, defeated factions and bandits. Being a neutral city, there is no tax. chadzity is also a major slave/troop recruiting hub for anyone with coin.

You could also add the final objective: Capturing chadzity would result in winning the Strategus round. chadzity would obviously have a large amount of troops with very good gear making it an end-game challenge.
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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2011, 11:25:00 am »
What about...

In the middle of the map you could have a very large region which would be accessible from a large amount of faction regions. In the middle lies the neutral citadel called "chadzity".

chadzity could work as the staging point for individuals, defeated factions and bandits. Being a neutral city, there is no tax. chadzity is also a major slave/troop recruiting hub for anyone with coin.

You could also add the final objective: Capturing chadzity would result in winning the Strategus round. chadzity would obviously have a large amount of troops with very good gear making it an end-game challenge.

Sounds good. However, how would we prevent players leaving faction to recruit troops there? If I got the whole thread right, one of the points was taking away players ability to recruit and giving it to fief manager.

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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2011, 11:42:23 am »
Sounds good. However, how would we prevent players leaving faction to recruit troops there? If I got the whole thread right, one of the points was taking away players ability to recruit and giving it to fief manager.

Would I hope for too much that players would play fair? lol probably.

Restrictions and rules? 

Recruiting from the neutral city would be a lot slower.

A 5 day timer before you can start recruiting when you have left your faction.

30 days or permanent restriction on merging your new recruits with your old faction for the duration of the specific Strategus round.

I'm sure we could come up with creative restrictions to solve any issues.

Or just ban the concept of giving away troops, gold or items for free at all.
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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #33 on: December 07, 2011, 01:28:36 pm »
It is a lot of coding but if chadz wants ideas how to improve the game he could also steal mechanics of Europa Universalis 3.
First necessary thing would be a totalwar like map with many provinces. You dont conquer citys anymore you conquer provinces.

Problem of new and probably bigger maps is that there are not enough maps. If chadzs plans on expanding maps etc. he
needs to get in mappers to do the work. there dont have to be villages citys or castles in every province. You also could introduce
forest, mines, rural areas. would be much faster to add those then adding villages etc. But if you dont want to do this i suggest to
add more villages. those are quite easy and fast to be made.

Back to the eu3 suggestions:
- distant overseas not as good as fiefs at your continent. make multiple continents and
make penalties if you make "colonies".
- smaller countries tech faster then bigger => could be translated into: you get 100% - number of villagesx2 for example.
If you have 20 villages you only get a x0.6 multiplier on everyting you do.
- vasall system: you can vasallize smaller clans getting 0.25 of their production/income. You cant attack them as long they are vasalls.
- declaration of war to attack someone. Warscore to determine how much you can get at peace negotiations. big countries cant be killed
by one attack. after peace is made there is a truce for some time where you cant attack again and cant merc against them.
- war exhaustion. if you stay to long at war you will get negative multipliers. 1 week x0.9 2 weeks 0.8 etc. wars now have goals you can
achieve but you have to look that you dont want to much at once or your empire will be in serious problems.
- you only can transfer troops inside your own faction. if you want troops from other factions they are mercs. upkeep for mercs would be a lot
more expansive then your own troops. you can get them if you are rich or really in danger but you wouldnt hire them for longer time.
- troop limits. say you can get 5000 troops upkeep free. every further unit will cost upkeep if you get above 20000 troops it will get more
expansive again. it would limit clans in size of their armys while for short time you could get big armies if you need them.
- you could store troops for free in villages castles and citys for example 500 in villages 1000 in citys and 2000 in castles.
if they are used to attack someone they have to be removed from castle and then count to the troop limit.

Just play Europa universalis 3 chadz. rogue will give you a tutorial for sure if you want :o there are so many great things
someone could implement in strategus.
Most important thing would be to change map in  a province-style map like eu3 or total war.
I offer myself to do a big amount of mapping if you decide to do this. there are probably enough other people who would love to help you.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 01:37:53 pm by Camaris »

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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #34 on: December 07, 2011, 01:39:30 pm »
What about...

In the middle of the map you could have a very large region which would be accessible from a large amount of faction regions. In the middle lies the neutral citadel called "chadzity".

chadzity could work as the staging point for individuals, defeated factions and bandits. Being a neutral city, there is no tax. chadzity is also a major slave/troop recruiting hub for anyone with coin.

You could also add the final objective: Capturing chadzity would result in winning the Strategus round. chadzity would obviously have a large amount of troops with very good gear making it an end-game challenge.

i like this idea. you shouldnt be allowed to be there if you own something on the map.

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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #35 on: December 07, 2011, 01:52:40 pm »
I have another suggestion how we could further "break" forming massive alliances.

This is in continuation to random spawning system with a starting fief.

Not only would a new faction in strat get a starting fief on random location, that fief would become the capital city. Ofcourse that fief could not be a normal village, but rather a castle or a city. You also could not switch capital city to some other fief (after you captured it).
After a faction loses a capital they would suffer massive penalties (losing army or gold, something else, haven't thought on this part much yet).
This means a faction would be tied to that area (pretty much for the rest of the strat).

Combine this with increasing upkeep the further you go away from capital and you got something :)

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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #36 on: December 07, 2011, 08:30:01 pm »
Examples of a resource building could be:

- Giant Crab Farm which will produce fine Giant Crab products for trade and sale.

- Stables which will make the faction able to produce and breed Warhorses.

- Goldmine whihc will give the faction 1000 Strategus Gold each day.

Stuff like that could add more depth to strategy and jelousy from neighbours, valuable resources like that is always an instagator for war.

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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #37 on: December 08, 2011, 03:16:21 pm »
Still no reply from devs to this suggestion?
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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #38 on: December 08, 2011, 04:46:24 pm »
Only read the OP, so apologies if the suggestion has notably changed by then.

- Small clans and individuals have nothing to do.
I completely disagree.  There is plenty for small clans and individuals to do, if they are not trying to just be godkings of the universe.  Trading, smuggling, intelligence gathering, banditry and privateering are all things I know individuals are doing, some INCREDIBLY successfully.

As to the rest, perhaps you would like to play Travian or Tribal Wars?

We have random spawning now, without the free villages.  What happens?  People move.  What will change with free villages?  Nothing.  You can't stop alliances like that.  I don't think this system would accomplish any of its goals, honestly.

More, it takes away from aspects of the game that I quite enjoy.  Not only the opening phase, but the ability for new clans to enter after strategus has begun.  An ideal form of strategus has no "rounds" because it requires none.  I also truly doubt people will be able to buy troops in sufficient numbers to retake a village in a system where only villages provide troops.  This system would change strategus so much as to be unrecognizable, and while this may offend the majority opinion, I like strategus.  I have no desire to turn it into yet another stupid browser village conflict game.

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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #39 on: December 08, 2011, 06:23:39 pm »
Only read the OP, so apologies if the suggestion has notably changed by then.

It's a continuation thread from another thread(,21727.180.html).

The OP is incomplete and does not explain why it would benefit Strategus, it's explained in various posts in this thread.
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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #40 on: December 08, 2011, 07:42:26 pm »
What's to stop people from just swapping fiefs to be near their respective allies?

Adding some kind of significant cost or loss should fix this. Maybe the fief is inoperable and requires "post-battle repairs" that take a week, or cut production to 10% and add +10% per day? So even fake fights diminish the fief's utility for a long enough time to prevent land-swaps.

There's already the cost/risk of having to cross territory and carry your goods, troops, and supplies with you. That should be more dangerous in an ideal world.
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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #41 on: December 08, 2011, 09:32:22 pm »
  Trading, smuggling, intelligence gathering, banditry and privateering

1 and 2 are the same, 4 and 5 are the same. Intelligence gathering... RLY???? Nice way to polish a turd.

Furthermore you are implying that everybody not in the mega alliance should just go banditting, so you no longer have a wargame then, u have a banditting game, with 1 side being the police and the other side the robbers.

And to conclude, how the hell is some1 gonna be a trader when all neutral villages are gone and no one except the owners can craft at a decent ratio?
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 09:45:41 pm by Harafat »

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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #42 on: December 08, 2011, 10:10:18 pm »
1 and 2 are the same, 4 and 5 are the same. Intelligence gathering... RLY???? Nice way to polish a turd.

Furthermore you are implying that everybody not in the mega alliance should just go banditting, so you no longer have a wargame then, u have a banditting game, with 1 side being the police and the other side the robbers.

And to conclude, how the hell is some1 gonna be a trader when all neutral villages are gone and no one except the owners can craft at a decent ratio?

And if you're a large faction it's not "banditry" or stealing or looting, it's commandeering.  :D
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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #43 on: December 09, 2011, 02:10:01 pm »
What's to stop people from just swapping fiefs to be near their respective allies?

Adding some kind of significant cost or loss should fix this. Maybe the fief is inoperable and requires "post-battle repairs" that take a week, or cut production to 10% and add +10% per day? So even fake fights diminish the fief's utility for a long enough time to prevent land-swaps.

There's already the cost/risk of having to cross territory and carry your goods, troops, and supplies with you. That should be more dangerous in an ideal world.

Well, I suggested a permanent capital city fief where you spawn, so you can't actually change location and move closer to allies.

I have another suggestion how we could further "break" forming massive alliances.

This is in continuation to random spawning system with a starting fief.

Not only would a new faction in strat get a starting fief on random location, that fief would become the capital city. Ofcourse that fief could not be a normal village, but rather a castle or a city. You also could not switch capital city to some other fief (after you captured it).
After a faction loses a capital they would suffer massive penalties (losing army or gold, something else, haven't thought on this part much yet).
This means a faction would be tied to that area (pretty much for the rest of the strat).

Combine this with increasing upkeep the further you go away from capital and you got something :)

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Re: Strategus Suggestions
« Reply #44 on: December 09, 2011, 04:35:47 pm »
Only read the OP, so apologies if the suggestion has notably changed by then.
I completely disagree.  There is plenty for small clans and individuals to do, if they are not trying to just be godkings of the universe.  Trading, smuggling, intelligence gathering, banditry and privateering are all things I know individuals are doing, some INCREDIBLY successfully.

As to the rest, perhaps you would like to play Travian or Tribal Wars?

We have random spawning now, without the free villages.  What happens?  People move.  What will change with free villages?  Nothing.  You can't stop alliances like that.  I don't think this system would accomplish any of its goals, honestly.

More, it takes away from aspects of the game that I quite enjoy.  Not only the opening phase, but the ability for new clans to enter after strategus has begun.  An ideal form of strategus has no "rounds" because it requires none.  I also truly doubt people will be able to buy troops in sufficient numbers to retake a village in a system where only villages provide troops.  This system would change strategus so much as to be unrecognizable, and while this may offend the majority opinion, I like strategus.  I have no desire to turn it into yet another stupid browser village conflict game.

I tend to agree.  You dont need to give people fiefs so much as assign them a neutral fief to start that acts similar to a  capital city where they pay higher upkeep  the farther they are from it.  Once their faction takes a village, the captured village becomes their new capital city for upkeep purposes.  This would still keep things local by assigning them to a location based on the clan they register with.  Since the cities remain neutral forever, it doesnt matter how many people register new clans even in an ongoing strategsu round - they can still be assigned a neutral fief as their capital city. 

Non-factioned members can get assigned to the central cities on the map as those tend to be the last ones taken and offer greater latitude for travel in all directions and could easily become a trading hub where non-factioned people can sell crafted items, goods, troops, mercenary services, banditing services etc. We even could make the centermost city a non-attackable fief called chadzcity where black market weapons dealers thrive and bandits have a place to sell loot.

Upkeep and speed of travel should both be better than it is now when close to your capital fief and worse than it is now once you get +1000-2000 meters from that location.  (Think - you know terrain better so travel faster adn you forage better and get more support from locals and more volunteers so less upkeep) (pretty simple to code, just do something similar that is done with calculating faraway trade bonus using ranges of distance for rates (so 0-500 meters, .1x normal upkeep/ 10x speed, 1000-1500 1x normal upkeep/speed, 3000+ 10x normal upkeep 1/10th speed)  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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