cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 07:11:42 am

Title: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 07:11:42 am
Look I have recently done some poking around into the topic of PoopHammers removal of admin rights. I have heard two sides of this story and will start by getting you caught up  :mrgreen:.

Ok PoopHammer bought a Master Worked Nodachi from Wolves_Wintersturm for 100k who if it affects your opinion was allegedly a new play (who somehow had a MW weapon ). Then awhile after the transaction this biest topic was posted,20499.0.html .

Ok what I believe myself is that a player with a Master Work weapon needs to understand two things. The market place is dangerous... do your research. When you click put up offer it's you saying that's what I want I understand what's going on. Also it's you fault if you get ripped off because again you clicked the put up offer.

But I understand as an admin you should be held to higher standards. The issue I have with this though is one ANYONE ON EARTH WOULD OF ACCEPTED THAT TRADE. How is it his fault that the other party didn't do thier research.

Quote from BADPLAYER: The guy who he bought the Nodachi off thought the 10k he got for it was a good deal, it's not like he put it up by accident for that amount then asked for it back. If I put Lordly Mail gauntlets up for 600k (On purpose) and someone buys them, then later on I realise I got shafted by that deal, it is entirely my fault and not the person who bought it's fault.

Look I will admit this whole situation is Bull. I believe that he was a good admin and made a bad choice but comon now..... But it's kinda unfair that he became the boogy man in EU ... Show your support tell me what you think
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 07:13:10 am
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Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Cepeshi on November 15, 2011, 07:15:33 am
But I understand as an admin you should be held to higher standards. The issue I have with this though is one ANYONE ON EARTH WOULD OF ACCEPTED THAT TRADE. How is it his fault that the other party didn't do thier research.

Happened a lot of times, but guess what? The items got eventually returned after some messaging or stuff. Even if both sides were hot tempered, there were some examples of nice attitude and giving back. Some people were even camping market during the password breach wave so they could save other peoples stuff.

So no, i do not support poop in any way other than when he will be my teammate on battle. (mind you when that happened i was not in Wolves, and you know, some people might borrow some MWs to new players...)
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 07:22:26 am
Happened a lot of times, but guess what? The items got eventually returned after some messaging or stuff. Even if both sides were hot tempered, there were some examples of nice attitude and giving back. Some people were even camping market during the password breach wave so they could save other peoples stuff.

So no, i do not support poop in any way other than when he will be my teammate on battle. (mind you when that happened i was not in Wolves, and you know, some people might borrow some MWs to new players...)

Thier risk. It wasn't during that time and wasn't a PW breach. It was awhile ago why didn't they bring up asking for the item back THEN. Why was his admin rights removed because a MARKETPLACE not INGAME transaction. Idk I just don't see how this is fair for him it's kinda fishy kinda bull...
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Cepeshi on November 15, 2011, 07:25:13 am
Thier risk. It wasn't during that time and wasn't a PW breach. It was awhile ago why didn't they bring up asking for the item back THEN. Why was his admin rights removed because a MARKETPLACE not INGAME transaction. Idk I just don't see how this is fair for him it's kinda fishy kinda bull...

General rule: do not be a douche  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 07:26:29 am
General rule: do not be a douche  :mrgreen:

If this was true there would only be like 2 admins left  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: BlackMilk on November 15, 2011, 07:31:43 am
Poophammer didn't even had a chance to be hot tempered. He was afk lol
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: BADPLAYERold on November 15, 2011, 07:35:25 am
The guy who he bought the Nodachi off thought the 100k he got for it was a good deal, it's not like he put it up by accident for that amount then asked for it back straight away. If I put Lordly Mail gauntlets up for 600k (On purpose) and someone buys them, then later on I realise I got shafted by that deal, it is entirely my fault and not the person who bought it's fault.

Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 07:37:55 am
The guy who he bought the Nodachi off thought the 10k he got for it was a good deal, it's not like he put it up by accident for that amount then asked for it back. If I put Lordly Mail gauntlets up for 600k (On purpose) and someone buys them, then later on I realise I got shafted by that deal, it is entirely my fault and not the person who bought it's fault.

Oh Goly I love you. My point exactly!!!!! Btw it was 100k and added that to the topic
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on November 15, 2011, 07:41:48 am
This thread does nothing but cause drama.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 07:45:56 am

This isn't causing drama I beg to differ. The issue is a topic of interest and I believe people should be able voice there opinion and a final decision should of been made after all points and sides of the argument where heard. That didn't happen and I don't believe this was a fair way to go about this. The drama was already started. I will close this the minute it becomes a troll fest but currently it isn't currently it is a inteliegent conversation that will hopefuly come to a fair conclusion. Please let us see how this develops befor we end it  :)
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on November 15, 2011, 07:48:36 am
So you basically want the public to discuss something that so far is only half the story, and draw conclusions despite not knowing the rest of the story and why things ended the way that they did?
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Slamz on November 15, 2011, 07:49:56 am
You could get away with something like this in EVE.  In that game, it's standard business.  Spot a mistake on the market, buy it, chortle, post brag message to forums with screenshots, everyone laughs, the end.

This community is too small for cutthroat market dealings.  It would be far better for everyone if mistakes like this were repaid with some advice and kindness.

Obviously most of you are douchebags and would stab your own mother in the throat for an extra slice of pie, and that's just what we have to live with, but there's no reason for admins to be part of the problem.

If you want to be a part of the problem: fine.  Welcome to the internet and all that.  But don't be an admin, then.  Problem solved.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 07:53:49 am
Well when you put it that way :P I posted a link to the other half the story in my topic. Basically I feel only one side of the story was discussed and I feel he has a valid argument. Basically I think that both sides weren't addressed. Idk I just think that a biest topic + biest topic = bullshit but his rights got removed before I had my rant so Ima have mine now :P
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 07:56:13 am
Obviously most of you are douchebags and would stab your own mother in the throat for an extra slice of pie,

I have two dads.... Also I think it was a douche move but a douche move removing his rights because of this. I mean half the NA admins have done worse...
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on November 15, 2011, 08:02:27 am
Well when you put it that way :P I posted a link to the other half the story in my topic.
That was not the half I was talking about, but alright.

Anywho, it is late, so I shall go. I expect to read rather interesting or amusing replies when I get back. Best of luck with your discussion.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: BADPLAYERold on November 15, 2011, 08:03:48 am
So you basically want the public to discuss something that so far is only half the story, and draw conclusions despite not knowing the rest of the story and why things ended the way that they did?

Haha you just get more and more stuck up by the day.
Oh how DARE the Public discuss something, who do THEY think they ARE.

Cannot wait until you get admin removed (for the second time and hopefully permanently this time)
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 08:08:54 am
Haha you just get more and more stuck up by the day.
Oh how DARE the Public discuss something, who do THEY think they ARE.

Cannot wait until you get admin removed (for the second time and hopefully permanently this time)

Wow common now guys. Lets keep this friendly. I agree with some points but that little bit at the end could be removed :P . Remember this isn't a democracy and we don't need any public executions :P
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 08:12:04 am
That was not the half I was talking about, but alright.

Anywho, it is late, so I shall go. I expect to read rather interesting or amusing replies when I get back. Best of luck with your discussion.

I am going as well.... If my assumption is correct when I sleep the trolls tend to emerge and as the morning wood rises they tend to go back to their mothers basement.....
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gorath on November 15, 2011, 08:25:35 am

Obviously most of you are douchebags


A few decent folks and shining lights, a bunch of people who've been made worse by being part of the community (like some douchey infection that spreads to decent folk) and a crapton of shitbrained fuckwads run rampant.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 15, 2011, 08:46:33 am
Well I personaly woulda gave it back.... After he came into my TS and I explained to him a few things. But then again I have two left nuts....
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: LordBerenger on November 15, 2011, 11:40:21 am
Look I have recently done some poking around into the topic of PoopHammers removal of admin rights. I have heard two sides of this story and will start by getting you caught up  :mrgreen:.


Also the 2 admins that would've been left if all douches were gone would've been ManOfWar and Espu FYI.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Lech on November 15, 2011, 01:03:43 pm
No support for such scum.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Darkkarma on November 15, 2011, 01:19:20 pm
I also love how poophammer barely posts in these threads at all. Not that he needs to, going by how many people are moving to have his admin re-instated. It's pretty cool.

What it pretty much comes down to is this: The rationale behind removing the admin rights was not that poop violated rules or scammed the guy, he definitely didn't. The point behind having him lose it was that as a admin and veteran market seller, he should have cut this newguy a bit of a break (what the the fuck a new guy was doing with a MW item is beyond me) and lead by example of being a fair, virtuous member of the community. That's fine,the standards of admin conduct in game are entirely up to the dev team that instates admin in the first place. What irks me is the fact that this entire issue was brought up , discussed and complained about under a day with action being finalized before poop could even log on and give his two cents. Still, it doesn't change the fact that the standard for how an admin carries them self is entirely up to the dev team and whether we agree with it or not, it is eventually up to them. I didn't agree with the move to have has admin removed, but I could at least understand and respect the rationale behind doing it. Hopefully they give poop another shot in the future.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gristle on November 15, 2011, 01:28:12 pm
Hey, let's have a thread where everyone that had nothing to do with whatever happened can discuss it. Cool.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Turkhammer on November 15, 2011, 04:53:27 pm
General rule: do not be a douche  :mrgreen:

General rule 1: Caveat Emptor.

General rule 2: Panos is a douche.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gnjus on November 15, 2011, 05:14:39 pm
General rule 2: Panos is a douche.


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Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Corrado_Decimo on November 15, 2011, 05:15:05 pm
poophammer did nothing to have his admin powers removed. he simply bought a weapon in the market, for a super cheap price. i bet everyonelse would have done the same. So the newb that sold that sword for 100k (and honestly... nodachi have no market offers because is crap) simply did a mistake. No reasons to keep bothering chadz & co that much.

honestly i would not pay more than 300k for a totally useless +3 nodachi...
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on November 15, 2011, 05:45:23 pm
I also love how poophammer barely posts in these threads at all. Not that he needs to, going by how many people are moving to have his admin re-instated. It's pretty cool.

What it pretty much comes down to is this: The rationale behind removing the admin rights was not that poop violated rules or scammed the guy, he definitely didn't. The point behind having him lose it was that as a admin and veteran market seller, he should have cut this newguy a bit of a break (what the the fuck a new guy was doing with a MW item is beyond me) and lead by example of being a fair, virtuous member of the community. That's fine,the standards of admin conduct in game are entirely up to the dev team that instates admin in the first place. What irks me is the fact that this entire issue was brought up , discussed and complained about under a day with action being finalized before poop could even log on and give his two cents. Still, it doesn't change the fact that the standard for how an admin carries them self is entirely up to the dev team and whether we agree with it or not, it is eventually up to them. I didn't agree with the move to have has admin removed, but I could at least understand and respect the rationale behind doing it. Hopefully they give poop another shot in the future.

Wait now, NA Admins are now allowed to fully go into detail listing our exact concerns in public about previous decisions? I thought this was frowned upon.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: RandomDude on November 15, 2011, 06:04:13 pm
I posted in the last thread so I guess i'll post here also.

Like I said before, I think admins should lead by example but I definately didnt vote to have admin rights removed as he hasnt abused his power and could be doing a great job for all I know.

I hope for a nicer solution where everyone is happy /rosetintedspecs
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: The_Angle on November 15, 2011, 06:25:41 pm
The community here is Scitzophrenic - they cry for somebody to be removed. Then they cry for them to be put back into power.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: robert_namo on November 15, 2011, 11:58:11 pm
An admin should be someone that helps people out. Not take advantage of thier mistakes. Nuf said.
This is my opinion and this is not targeting poophammer. Tears on the other hand is total opposite of poop and he/she(can't tell, too many girl avatars) is still an admin.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 16, 2011, 12:49:46 am
Simple fact. He did nothing to get his rights taken. This is bullshit it was the players fault. I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK IF YOU THINK ADMINS SHOULD LEAD BY EXAMPLE HE DID NOTHING AGAINST THE RULES THEY MADE A MISTAKE HE DIDN'T PLEASE GIVE ME PROOF THAT HE BROKE A RULE. He did nothing wrong and I think that the sudden choice to terminate his rights is BULLSHIT and I will continue to bring this subject up in-till either proof of what he did wrong is addressed or in-till he is reinstated.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: duurrr on November 16, 2011, 01:18:26 am
who gives a shit?

Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Corrado_Decimo on November 16, 2011, 01:24:12 am
An admin should be someone that helps people out. Not take advantage of thier mistakes. Nuf said.
This is my opinion and this is not targeting poophammer. Tears on the other hand is total opposite of poop and he/she(can't tell, too many girl avatars) is still an admin.

seeing a deal on the market and clicking ACCEPT is not taking advantages of mistakes. the only big mistake is crying to have that player punished to compensate for the item loss. because first of all he's a player and i bet all players would have done the same without thinking about it two times.

if you don't know market prices, you don't start selling stuff at random prices. if you do, it's your fault. you don't like it? make a poll to have fixed market prices for everyone.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 16, 2011, 01:24:30 am
I do cause I support people that deserve it. I don't agree with what he did but I hate even more how it was handled.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 16, 2011, 01:26:20 am
seeing a deal on the market and clicking ACCEPT is not taking advantages of mistakes. the only big mistake is crying to have that player punished to compensate for the item loss. because first of all he's a player and i bet all players would have done the same without thinking about it two times.

if you don't know market prices, you don't start selling stuff at random prices. if you do, it's your fault. you don't like it? make a poll to have fixed market prices for everyone.

Again my point exactly!
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Anwyl on November 16, 2011, 01:27:49 am
Let me just chime in here.

Brief Synopsis:
Poophammer bought an item off of the market place for a hell of a good deal, then went to sleep. A thread was made of it, and a PM sent to him. It spiraled out of control and he lost admin, all before he woke up.

My thoughts:
Even if he decided to do the right think he had no time before his admin was removed. Instead he was punished for something that he had no control over. If the community, and specifically The Wolves, had waited a bit to contact him via PM rather than crucifying him in a thread then he might still have admin.

It was the community, and specifically the EU community (who don't even frequent the NA servers enough to worry about his admin) that got it removed. Instead of treating him like a responsible adult and giving him the time to respond they decided to demand he be removed. It was nothing but a lynching and everyone involved should be ashamed. Poophammer was a good (if lenient) admin and did right by the NA community.

I think that Poophammer's admin should be restored; The Wolves, and specifically Kinngrimm should apologize to Poophammer; and in a gesture of goodwill Poophammer should return the item for a refund of his money.

P.S. Churchill stop double posting. There is a "Modify" button there for a reason.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 16, 2011, 01:32:27 am
Let me just chime in here.

Brief Synopsis:
Poophammer bought an item off of the market place for a hell of a good deal, then went to sleep. A thread was made of it, and a PM sent to him. It spiraled out of control and he lost admin, all before he woke up.

My thoughts:
Even if he decided to do the right think he had no time before his admin was removed. Instead he was punished for something that he had no control over. If the community, and specifically The Wolves, had waited a bit to contact him via PM rather than crucifying him in a thread then he might still have admin.

It was the community, and specifically the EU community (who don't even frequent the NA servers enough to worry about his admin) that got it removed. Instead of treating him like a responsible adult and giving him the time to respond they decided to demand he be removed. It was nothing but a lynching and everyone involved should be ashamed. Poophammer was a good (if lenient) admin and did right by the NA community.

I think that Poophammer's admin should be restored; The Wolves, and specifically Kinngrimm should apologize to Poophammer; and in a gesture of goodwill Poophammer should return the item for a refund of his money.

P.S. Churchill stop double posting. There is a "Modify" button there for a reason.

Btw this happened like a month after the transaction watch is the worse part.....
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Anwyl on November 16, 2011, 01:46:54 am
Btw this happened like a month after the transaction watch is the worse part.....

Regardless of when it happened. The community called him out, put a noose around his neck, and destroyed him before he even had a chance to respond to the PM.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Gomer on November 16, 2011, 01:52:09 am
Regardless of when it happened. The community called him out, put a noose around his neck, and destroyed him before he even had a chance to respond to the PM.

Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Darkkarma on November 16, 2011, 02:10:46 am
Wait now, NA Admins are now allowed to fully go into detail listing our exact concerns in public about previous decisions? I thought this was frowned upon.

Depending on how you voice those concerns, I don't think there is anything wrong with it.

I think I know where you're going with this so i'll just point out that you for example seem to get quite a few people worked up with the manner in which you "voice your concerns".

You are the only NA admin that is a C-rpg meme at the moment.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: The_Angle on November 16, 2011, 02:44:39 am
Poophammer wasn't concerned at all. Dont' qoute me on this but he said something on the lines of 'I don't give a shit about adminship'
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on November 16, 2011, 03:44:41 am
An admin should be someone that helps people out. Not take advantage of thier mistakes. Nuf said.
This is my opinion and this is not targeting poophammer. Tears on the other hand is total opposite of poop and he/she(can't tell, too many girl avatars) is still an admin.
Thank you kindly, I shall take that as a compliment.

You are the only NA admin that is a C-rpg meme at the moment.
Multiple memes actually.

Regardless, no, that is not where I was going with that.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Joker86 on November 16, 2011, 04:36:59 am
I think he deserved losing his admin rights.

That he didn't break any actual law doesn't mean he is suitable for being an admin.

With his action poophammer showed a weak character, being ignorant and ruthless towards others, which per definition disqualifies him from an admin role. Someone who does such ugly things on the market place will do other ugly things, too. It's only a question of time.

Setting up some rules of conduct for admins here in the forum could help preventing similar situations in the future. The basic rule could be "Don't be an asshole to any member of the cRPG community, at any place (cRPG, forum, other games, ICQ, real life, etc.), at any time, or you will lose your admin rights."

In this case poophammer clearly played the jerk and deserved his punishment. As I said, it's a sign of bad character. I never liked him, anyway, and now I got confirmed in this.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: BlackMilk on November 16, 2011, 06:02:59 am
The community voted him out? wtf?
Did you even read the options of this incredibly biased poll?
It was like 1. hes a retard and Admin has to be removed 2. basically the same 3. I consider myself to be a retard and thus want him to keep his admin. That's not à fair poll, tbh its not even worth mentioning.
Yes, the Wolves had a fair point and Poophammer should've paid Wintersturm more than just the 100k but removing His admin rights for this is ... ridicolous.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Original_Sin on November 16, 2011, 07:46:50 am
I lost my virginity 6 years ago in that bar and that girl...

wait... was she...


Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Slamz on November 16, 2011, 09:23:20 am
A) Run a script that buys underpriced items from the market.  Chortle over your winnings.


B) Be an admin.

You can do either of these.  No problem there.

You cannot do both.  Pick one and do that.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Magikarp on November 16, 2011, 09:44:04 am
This is bull. This is the way any good merchant makes money: buying low, selling high.

It's not only Poophammer doing this, in fact, I made all my money because of people selling low. And this is the same with any of the top merchants out there. It's only natural, because it's the only way you can make money here by simply buying and selling.

To rid someone off his admin rights because he is a good merchant is just plain ridiculous.

In fact, I think Kinngrim is the one going over the line with his biased poll and way of acting when it's a clanmate. I didn't see him protecting others that got 'shafted'.

In short: by looking at this objectively, the way this was handled was all wrong. And bias played too much a part in this than plain sense. Voters were unknowingly stimulated to say that Poophammer should be rid of his admin rights. The whole point being that it's ridiculous an admin should be punished for his manner of conduct on the market.

In fact, you should strip everyone of their heirlooms, because we all did it once.

I close my case,

Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: POOPHAMMER on November 16, 2011, 09:50:10 am
A) Run a script that buys underpriced items from the market.  Chortle over your winnings.


B) Be an admin.

You can do either of these.  No problem there.

You cannot do both.  Pick one and do that.

Okay, I try my best not to post in topics like this but I draw the line here. I do not script. End of story.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Vibe on November 16, 2011, 09:57:24 am
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on November 16, 2011, 10:07:30 am
My opinion is that the level of respect for newbs and the meek needs to go up a few notches.

This isn't an MMO its a very small community, an incestuous, hideously deformed one. And as such, we the fool creatures that inhabit its bowels need to look out for each other, because frankly, no one else would have us.

I agree that its a stupid mistake to make, and Poop didn't hack, blag or cheat him. But he should have given him a heads up that what he was doing was stupid. Some one with poops experience should have taken the MW and then sent the guy a PM telling him he was being a tit, and then given it back to the guy.

So in the spirit of all being horrid wretches, we need to look out for each other and make sure those that shaft, taste rear admiral Pole and his mighty mechanical shaft.

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Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Spleen on November 16, 2011, 10:12:00 am
Poophammer bought an item off of the market place for a hell of a good deal, then went to sleep. A thread was made of it, and a PM sent to him. It spiraled out of control and he lost admin, all before he woke up.

Did you actually read the opening post in kinns topic?,20499.0.html
Poop told kinn that he had already sold the Nodachi - I guess that counts as awake.

Maybe Poop has a automated forum pm answer script too? Who knows... xD nah, jk

True dat.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Nessaj on November 16, 2011, 10:12:42 am
Your past and history always count.

Redemption is a possibility but it doesn't start with acknowledgement WHEN being caught (That just makes you a human being). It starts by admitting prior to.

Poop should have made a thread when he became admin if he didn't want his past to catch up with him...

IMO let this be a lesson to other admins and people who "aspire" to become admins.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: POOPHAMMER on November 16, 2011, 10:29:51 am
Did you actually read the opening post in kinns topic?,20499.0.html
Poop told kinn that he had already sold the Nodachi - I guess that counts as awake.

Okay let me ask you the same thing you asked us

Did you actually read the opening post in kinns topic?

You bought for 100k crpg gold, a 3x Nodachi roughly a month ago

My bad, I did not expect something about a month ago to come up like that when I was out for the day (was not asleep)

Franky messaged me on steam saying hey, you bought his nodachi for 100k. Yeah he was dumb and should have asked us first, and he seemed happy he sold it for 100k fast, but he did not know it was underpriced.

That is when I told him I had already sold it, and he told me no worries, it was his mistake

Now if he had asked me to do something to repay him, I would have. I have been friends with Franky for a while. I respect him, and if he wanted me to do something like that for a friend then god damn it, I would have.

Then a month later, bam this hits the fan, for what reason this triggered I have no idea, I must have done something to piss them off.

Why this came up a month later, I have no idea. If Franky would have not given me some false sense of "yeah, its okay it was his mistake no hard feelings", then yeah I would have done right.

In the end, this was all something from the blindside, I had ni idea this went down when it did. I logged onto the forums one day to get a PM from shik saying this

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

I had no idea what or why, I did not see the topic nor did anyone inform me of it to defend myself against the one sided poll

I replied to Shik asking what was going on, that I did not do anything like that recently

The only response I have gotten to this day was not a single damned thing. So yeah, whatev
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Vibe on November 16, 2011, 10:36:31 am
That topic popping out a month after the incident sure is suspicious. Sounds like personal vendetta again, just like Nuffen's case.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Nessaj on November 16, 2011, 10:49:47 am
That topic popping out a month after the incident sure is suspicious. Sounds like personal vendetta again, just like Nuffen's case.

What a load of bs, in both cases. Nuffen did wrong against a lot of people in EU (SEEN IT WITH MA OWN EYES IN-GAME WOOO), who all told their c-rpg buddies about the unfair treatment! 100% justified case, no doubt what so ever about that one.

I feel for Poop though, given it were an old case, and he did change his ways it would seem. However, your past is your past. He know what he had done, if he were fearful of it falling back upon him now as admin he should have explained him self to begin with, but hey, that's just an uncool thing to do, right brah!

Bottom line is there shouldn't be admins who take advantage of the users.

In general admins shouldn't troll, be arrogant, blablabla, basically all the fun stuff is a no go for an admin. Simple standard rules that's been here since the dawn of gaming.
If you can't handle that you shouldn't be an admin, and so far these simple rules works for every game out there with respect for its community.

Just because general douchebaggery were allowed during the beginning of this mod doesn't mean it should be the standard scenario.
When having just released a game/mod/serverpark you have no other option than to try and mass recruit admins for then to evaluate them and kick the clunkers.

Admins should be in simple turns, spokesmen for the game they're servicing.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: SchokoSchaf on November 16, 2011, 10:55:31 am
This is a medieval war game.

We should have an easy way to figure out who is right and who is wrong.


The winner is right, the loser PERMA BANNED!
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on November 16, 2011, 11:01:54 am
seeing a deal on the market and clicking ACCEPT is not taking advantages of mistakes. the only big mistake is crying to have that player punished to compensate for the item loss. because first of all he's a player and i bet all players would have done the same without thinking about it two times.

if you don't know market prices, you don't start selling stuff at random prices. if you do, it's your fault. you don't like it? make a poll to have fixed market prices for everyone.

And this is where you are wrong
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Everkistus on November 16, 2011, 11:14:10 am
In general admins shouldn't troll, be arrogant, blablabla, basically all the fun stuff is a no go for an admin.

Just because general douchebaggery were allowed during the beginning of this mod doesn't mean it should be the standard scenario.

Admins should be in simple turns, spokesmen for the game they're servicing.
O shi-

I might be in trouble ;)
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: theero on November 16, 2011, 11:14:48 am
What? POOPHAMMER is no longer an admin?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Blondin on November 16, 2011, 11:37:07 am
If i was Poop i'll say fuck you to this community, the guy make a deal on market with a dumb player (when you sell something you chek price of other thing, it's obvious that MW worth more than 1.000.000 gold), then someone come to rescue, Poop told there could be an arrangement, they said it's ok.
Now they're crying, making drama on forum one month later, in one day admin right removed (with only one version of the story) damm where is justice in here?
Seriously i understand Poop, fuck admin rights, that's bs.

Btw the dumb one sells now 3 MW items, i have only 2, how he is a newplayer with 3 MW?
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: Corrado_Decimo on November 16, 2011, 12:14:56 pm
And this is where you are wrong

so enlighten me genius...

If i was Poop i'll say fuck you to this community, the guy make a deal on market with a dumb player (when you sell something you chek price of other thing, it's obvious that MW worth more than 1.000.000 gold), then someone come to rescue, Poop told there could be an arrangement, they said it's ok.
Now they're crying, making drama on forum one month later, in one day admin right removed (with only one version of the story) damm where is justice in here?
Seriously i understand Poop, fuck admin rights, that's bs.

Btw the dumb one sells now 3 MW items, i have only 2, how he is a newplayer with 3 MW?

but no, an admin shouldn't get market deals, he should buy for the "fair price". if an item is underpriced, he should make haste to contact the seller suggesting him to redo the offer with a higher price.

a whole clan crying about a fail trade of a +3 weapon is somehow silly imo.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Magikarp on November 16, 2011, 12:21:16 pm
It's a crime to buy stuff from people below the average price now? And normal to start bitching about it a month afterwards?

Seriously people, get a grip. This incident is only making the admins who made the decision to let Poop go look like idiots.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Gravoth_iii on November 16, 2011, 12:49:03 pm
I would keep the damn item, a deal is a deal if it is put up for 100k then that is what the seller is requesting. If he was happy with the 100k he got then why are people complaining? All this because people dont check their market posts, or in this case check the prices on MW items. So much drama. And loosing admin over this is also pretty strange if you ask me because it is almost impossible to go to the market and not see a MW item that requests 1m gold, Poop even made a Market guide.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Skysong on November 16, 2011, 12:53:24 pm
Btw the dumb one sells now 3 MW items, i have only 2, how he is a newplayer with 3 MW?

Indeed. Also it was said he was unexperienced player when he sold his +3 item.
Title: Re: Want to hear your opinion. Show your support!
Post by: B3RS3RK on November 16, 2011, 01:48:24 pm
I have two dads....

Ah, so thats why iam reading this stupid thread.

seriously, I think poop can really be a nice guy, I havent played on NA when he was Admin but people say he was good.

Still, an OFFICIAL Admin should be a Role model, and that´s it.Fucking over newer/clueless Players is not beeing a Rolemodel at all.

PLUS, as far as Ive seen, Poophammer already fucked over many more People!And he didnt return the Items in most cases!

That kind of behavior is not acceptable imo.

I think, if Poop had given back the Nodachi, nobody would have made such a big thing out of it.

And so I think, if Poop promises from now on that such things wont ever happen again he should be made Admin on probation again.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Magikarp on November 16, 2011, 02:02:44 pm
I don't understand why people think this has anything to do with the image of admins. As long as they aren't acting like tards on the forums, ingame behaviour is how they set a good image. In this case I don't see why POOPHAMMER should be stripped of his rights. He and others are all known to be cuthroat merchants. Why don't you ban them as well? Why didn't you make a big thing out of this in the past?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Spleen on November 16, 2011, 02:21:06 pm
I don't understand why people think this has anything to do with the image of admins. As long as they aren't acting like tards on the forums, ingame behaviour is how they set a good image. In this case I don't see why POOPHAMMER should be stripped of his rights. He and others are all known to be cuthroat merchants. Why don't you ban them as well? Why didn't you make a big thing out of this in the past?

So now I meet him ingame and think "thats the guy that bought a x3 nodachi for 100k and thought it was okay after a clanmate of the seller told him 'we good, brah - he's just stupid'" and "thats the guy that bought a loompoint for 455k so he does know damn well what a x3 item should be worth" also "isn't the market pretty much ingame because all the items are earned with ingame time" and "who the hell started talking about bans, we never even called him a dirty scammer - at least not in this thread"
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 16, 2011, 02:47:48 pm
Some people here net to get their moral compass straight again very badly. Really.

Admins are there to HELP the community. They are far more thn just more or less reliable guys who press kick- and ban-buttons if needed. They are meant to be authorities, and in such a small community like cRPG one important aspect of their work is to make as many players feel comfortable as possible, to help keeping the community as big as possible.

This is bull. This is the way any good merchant makes money: buying low, selling high.


It's only natural, because it's the only way you can make money here by simply buying and selling.

Are you fucking serious?  :shock:

Who says that being a good merchant is something good? A good merchant MUST be a cut-purse, which always means someone gets pranked. It's like saying "firing 30.000 employees to maximize the profit is okay, it's the way of being a good manager" or "demanding 21% interest is good, it's the way of being a good credit shark".

All those things require misfortune of others, which makes such "successful" professionals not much of "good".

Sure, in our world everyone has to get along somehow, as good as he can and the way he thinks it's best.


1. There is no need to act in cRPG like in the real world (small community and so on, come on, you are amongst friends!)

2. Being an admin shows that you are a highly social person, caring for others, and thus you should act this way in everything you do.

There is absolutely no reason why someone, who got admin rights to help the community, should be allowed to be a "good merchant", benefitting from the misfortune of the subjects he is meant to protect and help. Why the fuck has poophammer to make money this way, when he is admin?

The first and most important requirement for a job as admin is the proper character. Poophammer has shown that his character is not that suitable, and he got treated accordingly.

What I admit is, that the behaviour of kinngrimm and Wolves_Wintersturm was... weird, at the best, but if they didn't lie (and Poophammer did not deny it happened that way), and if he answered their PM really with "sorry, I already sold it." instead of "sorry, I already sold it, but you are right, that was not okay from me, here are another 900.000 gold." he deserved it.

And I doubt it was the poll that initiated the admin rights removal, it was the entire discussion about that gross behaviour.

Some people here really think that being an admin is some kind of privilege, but the only way this works is when being an admint represents a burden. Everything else attracts the wrong people.

Unless you show how taking advantage of the misfortune of people who you are meant to help and protect is okay as admin, there is no need to further discuss if Poophammers fate was deserved or not. It was.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Magikarp on November 16, 2011, 03:53:18 pm
Some people here net to get their moral compass straight again very badly. Really.

Admins are there to HELP the community. They are far more thn just more or less reliable guys who press kick- and ban-buttons if needed. They are meant to be authorities, and in such a small community like cRPG one important aspect of their work is to make as many players feel comfortable as possible, to help keeping the community as big as possible.
I agree wholehearthely. They also need to be consistent in their behavior. Looking at previous cases, we have seen they are clearly not consistent in their judgement.

Are you fucking serious?  :shock:
I am. I even dare say this experience was good for the lad. We all have to go trough these experiences at least once.

(click to show/hide)
You are blowing this up out of proportion. Real life has nothing to do with the crpg marketplace, layoffs are much bigger an issue than selling someones nodachi on a game for a nice profit.  Any sane person would've bought the item and sold it for more profit.  Not to mention that POOP showed the intention of actually helping the guy out, but they didn't ask for it. It was all fine and now a month later they start bitching about it. He is showing the admin behaviour you want him to show by still doing what everyone would do, but offering compensation afterwards. Something everyone wouldn't do.

What I admit is, that the behaviour of kinngrimm and Wolves_Wintersturm was... weird, at the best, but if they didn't lie (and Poophammer did not deny it happened that way), and if he answered their PM really with "sorry, I already sold it." instead of "sorry, I already sold it, but you are right, that was not okay from me, here are another 900.000 gold." he deserved it.

And I doubt it was the poll that initiated the admin rights removal, it was the entire discussion about that gross behaviour.

Some people here really think that being an admin is some kind of privilege, but the only way this works is when being an admint represents a burden. Everything else attracts the wrong people.

Unless you show how taking advantage of the misfortune of people who you are meant to help and protect is okay as admin, there is no need to further discuss if Poophammers fate was deserved or not. It was.
An ingame admin should protect the interests of the ingame population. While showing normal behavior on the forums. POOP didn't break any of these rules of thumb. That he can't buy items at a low price is a ridiculous thing to state. When you own such an item you should know better. If the admin in question even tries to help you out but you say 'no thanks, no need' than the case is closed.

On the matter of losing credibility, go ask the NA server population if they believe POOPHAMMER is a bad admin because of this. I'm willing to state most of them will say that they don't care at all.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Plaksteris on November 16, 2011, 03:57:28 pm
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Gorath on November 16, 2011, 04:05:36 pm
Some people here net to get their moral compass straight again very badly. Really.

Community of scummy sputum poopsockers.  Absolute vile wretched excuses of human beings.  So nice to see more people are figuring this out.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: BlackMilk on November 16, 2011, 04:07:25 pm
Community of scummy sputum poopsockers.  Absolute vile wretched excuses of human beings.  So nice to see more people are figuring this out.
Do you have any idea how annoying you are?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Dexxtaa on November 16, 2011, 04:21:09 pm
When you clicked on that marketplace link, you agreed to assume all responsibility for your actions.

Poop did nothing wrong, just because he watches the marketplace like a hawk, doesn't mean that you should all come crying to the admins that you got screwed.

What you guys are doing is a different version of this;
If I sold all my gear for a good price now, but then find out that it sells for a higher price later. You're telling me that I should make a post asking the devs to punish the guy who took up my offer, then return my items to me so I can resell it for a higher price.

Don't be silly. You got screwed for a reason. Squealing about it to your clanmates just makes you look bad. The fact that they stood up for you makes them look bad, too.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Mtemtko on November 16, 2011, 04:23:55 pm
I'll keep fighting towards him being an admin until he returns me my loom point, enough said.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: B3RS3RK on November 16, 2011, 04:36:55 pm
What you guys are doing is a different version of this;
If I sold all my gear for a good price now, but then find out that it sells for a higher price later. You're telling me that I should make a post asking the devs to punish the guy who took up my offer, then return my items to me so I can resell it for a higher price.

if you sold all your gear for 100k even if its worth 1000k, yes, I would tell you to do so.And the guy should not be punished, only if he is an admin, which means he should get his admin rights removed.

Oh, see?Thats exactly what happened here!
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Dexxtaa on November 16, 2011, 04:49:42 pm
if you sold all your gear for 100k even if its worth 1000k, yes, I would tell you to do so.And the guy should not be punished, only if he is an admin, which means he should get his admin rights removed.

Oh, see?Thats exactly what happened here!

Admins have the same right as any player. Simply because he's a fast market player, doesn't mean he should be punished for it.

Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Casimir on November 16, 2011, 04:54:45 pm
Admins have the same right as any player. Simply because he's a fast market player, doesn't mean he should be punished for it.

Admin's actually have more rights than the other players., but they have more responsibilities.

I believe that the problem is its an admin's responsibility to try and be a good person, to set an example to the community as to what is appropriate behaviour.

The administrators should be setting an example for the masses to follow, the powers they are granted in game comes with a responsibility to do this. They are meant to be active players of good trustworthy reputation and who can deal with a level of accountability for their action. Poophammer showed himself to be exploitative and unwilling to cooperate with people who have had dealings with him on hte marketplace.

If any old joe blogs had made this deal sure I'd feel bad for the guy who lost out but there is little that can be done, in this case it was different.  Admin's have a responsibility, poop clearly knew that the deal was way off the standard and as a decent person he should have let the guy know.

He didn't, he set a bad example, he was punished.

TL:DR - If you want to be an admin try to be a nice person
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: LordBerenger on November 16, 2011, 05:01:56 pm
Admin's actually have more rights than the other players., but they have more responsibilities.

I believe that the problem is its an admin's responsibility to try and be a good person, to set an example to the community as to what is appropriate behaviour.

The administrators should be setting an example for the masses to follow, the powers they are granted in game comes with a responsibility to do this. They are meant to be active players of good trustworthy reputation and who can deal with a level of accountability for their action. Poophammer showed himself to be exploitative and unwilling to cooperate with people who have had dealings with him on hte marketplace.

If any old joe blogs had made this deal sure I'd feel bad for the guy who lost out but there is little that can be done, in this case it was different.  Admin's have a responsibility, poop clearly knew that the deal was way off the standard and as a decent person he should have let the guy know.

He didn't, he set a bad example, he was punished.

TL:DR - If you want to be an admin try to be a nice person

Nuffen begs to differ.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Magikarp on November 16, 2011, 05:02:34 pm
Just a question to all the haters: is it POOPHAMMER's job to be a perfect example of a perfect human being or does his job require him to set a good example ingame and punish anyone breaking the rules?

Moreover, Kinngrim should, as a betatester, be able to comment objectively, not biased. He clearly has shown he only has interest for his clan, his credibility as a tester is damaged by this fact. What's to stop him from being biased towards future implementations?

This bias and unjustice done to POOP as compared to other cases alone should be a reason to undo what has been done.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Blondin on November 16, 2011, 05:05:23 pm
As i see it, there is no privilege to be admin, only duties, and bunch of idiots to deal with.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Casimir on November 16, 2011, 05:12:26 pm
Then why do so many people wish to become admin's, it's not about privileges its about giving something back to the community and the developers, making the game player environment and friendly and cohesive as possible.  Being an admin sets you gain a reputation from it. part from the rest of the player base, you are listened to more closely by others and you.

Besides if there are no privileges to being an admin why does it matter who an admin is and why do people get so emotional about the topic?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Gheritarish le Loki on November 16, 2011, 05:25:10 pm
Besides if there are no privileges to being an admin why does it matter who an admin is and why do people get so emotional about the topic?


So a good admin should have rights removed because of someone who doesn't know how to trade?
Second that, the first person to make drama on forum was his teammate, should have been dealed by pm and nobody would have discuss it on the forum.

Let's say i was dumb and i sold my unloomed item on site, i would have made better profit on market place, should i be repaid?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Tears of Destiny on November 16, 2011, 05:37:09 pm
Just a question to all the haters: is it POOPHAMMER's job to be a perfect example of a perfect human being or does his job require him to set a good example ingame and punish anyone breaking the rules?

According to Shik who literally runs the show, both. It is that simple.
For the record, I do agree with that.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Casimir on November 16, 2011, 05:41:17 pm
The point I'm trying to raise is that admin's are to set an example, iirc poophammer was PM's repeatedly about this but was uncooperative and unhelpful - hardly traits one expects from an admin.

He knew that the deal he was getting was way to good, he knew that he was exploiting someone's nativity. I'm not saying he's broken any rules but I believe it is reasonable expect better from an admin.

And no, there is a difference between you selling something back to the website and selling it to a person, the person has accountability.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 16, 2011, 05:55:03 pm
Any sane person would've bought the item and sold it for more profit.

But an admin is not just "any person". He is something special, and thus should act differently. 

Not to mention that POOP showed the intention of actually helping the guy out, but they didn't ask for it. It was all fine and now a month later they start bitching about it. He is showing the admin behaviour you want him to show by still doing what everyone would do, but offering compensation afterwards. Something everyone wouldn't do.

I don't know anything about those details, perhaps I  have overread them. All I know is that POOPHAMMER only said he already sold it and didn't give anything back (according to kinngrimm).

An ingame admin should protect the interests of the ingame population. While showing normal behavior on the forums. POOP didn't break any of these rules of thumb.

I can't say anything different than "I think differently". An admin is not a human driven ingame feature, it's a real person, an authority. When an admin posts in a forum, writes in IRC or pisses next to you in the club toilet, he will always be seen as "XXX the admin". There is a reason why he became admin, and it's about him to show everyone what this reason was, every day. It's reliability, FAIRNESS, SOCIAL FEELING AND THE WILL TO IMPROVE THE COMMUNITY. Ripping off other players doesn't fit there.

That he can't buy items at a low price is a ridiculous thing to state. When you own such an item you should know better. If the admin in question even tries to help you out but you say 'no thanks, no need' than the case is closed.

Again I don't know anything about POOP warning him. And yes, admins should only be allowed to buy heavily underpriced items if the seller actually KNOWS what he is doing there.

On the matter of losing credibility, go ask the NA server population if they believe POOPHAMMER is a bad admin because of this. I'm willing to state most of them will say that they don't care at all.

A friend of mine was not allowed to become jail warden, because a few years ago he got caught with an illegal softair gun here in Germany (instead of semi-automatic it was full automatic). The prison director reasoned this with "You showed you were able to break the law once, what tells me you won't do it another time?". All you do is taken into account for responsible positions, which require a high amount of trust.

Poop did nothing wrong, just because he watches the marketplace like a hawk, doesn't mean that you should all come crying to the admins that you got screwed.

Admins are there to help and protect other players, not to rob them. Seriously, what kind of atmosphere are you propagating here? We play this game TOGETHER, not AGAINST EACH OTHER.

Admins have the same right as any player. Simply because he's a fast market player, doesn't mean he should be punished for it.

If being a "fast market player" means harming other people: yes, he should be punished, and he shouldn't have the same rights as players.

Just a question to all the haters: is it POOPHAMMER's job to be a perfect example of a perfect human being or does his job require him to set a good example ingame and punish anyone breaking the rules?

Both. As I said, an admin is not a player driven ingame feature, it's an entire person/personality. He has to act accordingly.


Only absolutely good guys, so to say "living saints" should be allowed to be admins. Whoever doesn't fit this description is to be removed from that position. Period.

Edit: yes, for all those who didn't notice it yet: it's a lot about the "atmosphere" in the community. I would like to have a community where players help each other out, instead of only trying to harm others for the sake of their own advantage. If you say: "This is impossible to achieve" or "you can't expect that from the players", I say it's about the admins to give a good example and simply try it. If you try you can fail, but if you don't try at all you will never know. I don't think my "whish" is so wrong.

Edit2: @CountBerenger: I like how you can't do anything else than to consistently vote negative on anti-POOPHAMMER-posts. It looks so "helpless"  :mrgreen:

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Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Gheritarish le Loki on November 16, 2011, 06:06:58 pm
Blah blah blah, and blah blah blah,
blah blah blah again....

Are you still playing this mod?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 16, 2011, 06:08:06 pm
Are you still playing this mod?

Sometimes, when bored. Where is the connection to this discussion?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Anwyl on November 16, 2011, 06:38:58 pm
Only absolutely good guys, so to say "living saints" should be allowed to be admins. Whoever doesn't fit this description is to be removed from that position. Period.

No admins do, or ever will fit that description. Perhaps we should remove them all and let the rule breakers run the servers.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Nessaj on November 16, 2011, 06:52:01 pm
and why do people get so emotional about the topic?

Cause and effect.

Theymad about not being able to troll and act like douche-bags towards the community anymore.

OH NOES things have consequences online! The horror!

It is easy to see what is going on in this thread, just look at those who's supporting these actions, clear pattern, especially if you on top of that base it upon those peoples prior personal conduct, both in-game and on the forum. Best would be to just note them all down, close the thread, and throw away the "key".
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Let's cleanse this mod already. For god damn Talos.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: LordBerenger on November 16, 2011, 06:58:40 pm
Cause and effect.

Theymad about not being able to troll and act like douche-bags towards the community anymore.

OH NOES things have consequences online! The horror!

It is easy to see what is going on in this thread, just look at those who's supporting these actions, clear pattern, especially if you on top of that base it upon those peoples prior personal conduct, both in-game and on the forum. Best would be to just note them all down, close the thread, and throw away the "key".
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Let's cleanse this mod already. For god damn Talos.

Fuck Talos. Sheogorath is more kickass than puny little pathetic Talos.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Dexxtaa on November 16, 2011, 07:02:11 pm
No admins do, or ever will fit that description. Perhaps we should remove them all and let the rule breakers run the servers.


No matter what people say, Poop did his job, and he did it well.

If you would rather the guy screaming like a baby that got his lolly taken away from him run the server, go ahead. See what happens.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Tears of Destiny on November 16, 2011, 07:13:21 pm
Who stole a lolly from who?
People need to stop stealing candy from children.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on November 16, 2011, 07:17:23 pm
I just would like to precise that that is forbidden by american law , and by french law.
That is called a wilful misrepresentation .

One of the party did agree on the sell HIDING voluntarely the real valour of the item whereas he had specific knowledge about the real price.

In france same thing happened : I know that a contract has been broken because the buyer  did hide to the seller that the photographs he was buying where made by a very known artist and that their value where 100 time higher.
Anyway that's being a douche and that would be totally forbidden by a lot of country if it were real money
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: kinngrimm on November 16, 2011, 07:36:37 pm
Btw the dumb one sells now 3 MW items, i have only 2, how he is a newplayer with 3 MW?
We have a player Wintersturm(germany), now Winter_Market_Peasent, this it the player in question, he has atm a 1 times loomed weapon as far as i know.
A completly different player is Winterfell(belgium) who sells atm Masterwork Items.

Moreover, Kinngrim should, as a betatester, be able to comment objectively, not biased. He clearly has shown he only has interest for his clan, his credibility as a tester is damaged by this fact. What's to stop him from being biased towards future implementations?
In fact, I think Kinngrim is the one going over the line with his biased poll and way of acting when it's a clanmate. I didn't see him protecting others that got 'shafted'.
Ask Fallen_Thorben, Herkutati_of_Acre, Prpavi(without clan) and others were i invested time not for my own clan members so that those get items back or give them back to those who made mistakes when they put them up.
On the "objectively", i am human, and one of my ideals is objectivity, but still an ideal where i can strive for but most likely will never achieve. Yes Wintersturm is my friend and clan member and yes the poll was biased and should have included other options, at that time i put it up i was angree over an admin who to my knowledge took several times advantage of other players, basicly i only knew about Poophammer through others talking about him as someone who takes advantage of players "within the marketplace".

My credebility as tester, has to do with test stuff for the devs, when i am in irc and i am told to test something, i do so, not much more to that. I am not an admin and my chances to become an admin may have been crippled by this, if other admins and devs would think that me taking one of their own on and holding him and thereby them too to higher standards would be not in their best interests.

Brief Synopsis:
Poophammer bought an item off of the market place for a hell of a good deal, then went to sleep. A thread was made of it, and a PM sent to him. It spiraled out of control and he lost admin, all before he woke up.

My thoughts:
Even if he decided to do the right think he had no time before his admin was removed. Instead he was punished for something that he had no control over. If the community, and specifically The Wolves, had waited a bit to contact him via PM rather than crucifying him in a thread then he might still have admin.
as stated before the deal was roughly one month back, but myself got to know about it just before i made first post.
So he had a lot of time and in this time he made other similar deals and i spoke with Franky about it again, Franky at no time said it was just fine Poophamer you don't need to worry about it. Franky asked him about the deal and Poophammer told Franky the Nodachi was already sold without offering compensation.

It was the community, and specifically the EU community (who don't even frequent the NA servers enough to worry about his admin) that got it removed. Instead of treating him like a responsible adult and giving him the time to respond they decided to demand he be removed. It was nothing but a lynching and everyone involved should be ashamed. Poophammer was a good (if lenient) admin and did right by the NA community.
Myself was often on NA servers when i started playing and lately i am more often on NA servers again, through strategus, i dont play at all anymore that much crpg though. The EU community didnt remove his admin, Shik did and for the reasons why Shik decided that way you need to speak to Shik.

I think that Poophammer's admin should be restored; The Wolves, and specifically Kinngrimm should apologize to Poophammer; and in a gesture of goodwill Poophammer should return the item for a refund of his money.
If Poophammer retrieves a suitable portion of that item, i think it would be seen kindly by most of us, but i will not apologize for something i still believe i was acting correctly.

That topic popping out a month after the incident sure is suspicious. Sounds like personal vendetta again, just like Nuffen's case.
nope, no vendeta just got to know about it a lot later.

My bad, I did not expect something about a month ago to come up like that when I was out for the day (was not asleep)
my bad, that i did hear about that only one month afterwards and that it did get me upset enough to bring it to everyonce attention.

Franky messaged me on steam saying hey, you bought his nodachi for 100k. Yeah he was dumb and should have asked us first, and he seemed happy he sold it for 100k fast, but he did not know it was underpriced.

That is when I told him I had already sold it, and he told me no worries, it was his mistake

Now if he had asked me to do something to repay him, I would have. I have been friends with Franky for a while. I respect him, and if he wanted me to do something like that for a friend then god damn it, I would have.
Well Franky for once has no idear that you two are that close. If he knew you were friends he would perhaps have expected you to either give the item back immediatly or a compensation. I myself would expect admins to give warnings about heavily underprized items so that anyone would be able to correct that, even tell them for how much they could actually sell those items. After all it could have been either a honest mistake or just a player who didn't know, who made his first attempt in the market.

If Franky would have not given me some false sense of "yeah, its okay it was his mistake no hard feelings", then yeah I would have done right.
I don't think he actually gave you that impression, if so there must have been a large communicational gab on steam between you too(which can happen because of the language barrier).
At the time this came as topic in our ts(when i made my post about it) Franky was still upset about it, not ok at all with it.
Myself did get upset but not only because of the mindbuggling low prize you got for a 3x Nodachi, but that an admin would just do that.
I still would appreciate if you would came to the conclusion for yourself that in all fairness you would pay something to Wintersturm(now Winter_Market_Peasent), not because you want your admin back but just to give another player the time back he invested to get a 3x item which most of us are proud of having those.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 16, 2011, 08:25:11 pm
No admins do, or ever will fit that description. Perhaps we should remove them all and let the rule breakers run the servers.

You know how it was meant. I just exaggarated it a bit, to make my point of view clear.

No trolling, pranking, abusing or whatever in any part of the admin's life that has to do with cRPG. Only if you keep a clean sheet you can be accepted as authority. Anything an admin says or does will always be perceived as something "official", that's why he has to take care what he says or does.

Actually being an admins means saying "Goodbye!" to your personal toon development. Expect being killed "afk" while administrating the server, spending a lot of time in spectator mode to observe troublemakers, abandon any slightest form of "glitching" (haystacks, unaccessable roofs, etc.) and, as we learned these days, letting opportunities for good but unfair deals pass by.

As I said: a burden, not a privilege. You have to be the proper "character" for it.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Anwyl on November 16, 2011, 08:41:21 pm
Myself was often on NA servers when i started playing and lately i am more often on NA servers again, through strategus, i dont play at all anymore that much crpg though. The EU community didnt remove his admin, Shik did and for the reasons why Shik decided that way you need to speak to Shik.

I have spoken with Shik regarding it. Though it is not my place to speak for him (as he has a keyboard for that very reason), there was almost no way to avoid removing Poophammer's admin in the situation. You were out for blood, and you got it.

I find it disgusting personally.

Actually being an admins means saying "Goodbye!" to your personal toon development. Expect being killed "afk" while administrating the server, spending a lot of time in spectator mode to observe troublemakers, abandon any slightest form of "glitching" (haystacks, unaccessable roofs, etc.) and, as we learned these days, letting opportunities for good but unfair deals pass by.

That is essentially saying that admins cannot be players AT ALL. I hate to inform you, but people apply for admin to help the servers run smoothly. In-game they do get a lot of crap and do miss out on a lot of opportunities other players have. But buying an under-priced item has nothing to do with it. If Poophammer didn't do so, someone else would.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Magikarp on November 16, 2011, 09:10:41 pm
So Kinngrim, basically what you're saying is: I can never be 100% objective. I agree. But you can at least try.

According to Shik who literally runs the show, both. It is that simple.
For the record, I do agree with that.
Only absolutely good guys, so to say "living saints" should be allowed to be admins. Whoever doesn't fit this description is to be removed from that position. Period.
The ignorance on you two is astonishing! How can you be so foolish? To expect a person to be a living saint? A perfect human being? Those people only live in books, you should know better. Especially you Tears.

POOP wasn't even warned. He had no fair 'trial'. In fact, the 'crime' he committed wasn't even reported in a sensible time period. This is all a load of unjustified crap if you ask me personally.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Anwyl on November 16, 2011, 09:11:59 pm
POOP wasn't even warned. He had no fair 'trial'. In fact, the 'crime' he committed wasn't even reported in a sensible time period. This is all a load of unjustified crap if you ask me personally.

Exactly. Isn't there a statute of limitations on this crap?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 16, 2011, 09:20:09 pm
That is essentially saying that admins cannot be players AT ALL. I hate to inform you, but people apply for admin to help the servers run smoothly. In-game they do get a lot of crap and do miss out on a lot of opportunities other players have. But buying an under-priced item has nothing to do with it. If Poophammer didn't do so, someone else would.

Someone else is not supposed to be a leading example.

You people still refuse to see the connection between administrating servers and all the other things you do in a community.

If an admin robs a player this way, all the other players get the impression it's totally okay to destroy hours of playing of other players by buying their things under price, just because they don't know better. And doing so totally forgetting that it's the other players who make you have someone to play with when you connect to the servers! Again: we are playing cRPG TOGETHER, not AGAINST each other. Thou shall steal from your community mates!

Robbing other players this way perhaps isn't forbidden, but not everything that's not forbidden is acceptable or good. That's why you don't fuck your best friend's sister or cheat on your wife or chew with open mouth or fart/burp in the public and so on, as none of it is forbidden, but still you have to expect consequences from the society.

If you propagate here some kind of "everyone for himself"-atmosphere in the community, I really have to doubt into your moral integrity.

In ANY case it was wrong to buy the Nodachi for 100k, ESPECIALLY for an admin. We are all cRPG players, if someone makes a mistake we should point it out and help him, as he could do the same to you another day.

I think everyone who defends such a behaviour on the marketplace mainly wants to convince himself that he is not an egoistic and self centered person, as it's easier than to actually have the enlightenment and change himself accordingly. Empathy is the magic word here.

Imagine how you would feel about all the hours you more or less "lost" farming a +3 weapon, only getting 100k for it, never mind if by your own fault/inattention or not. Just because someone was greedy and unscrupulous enough to take advantage from it. And now imagine you would find out this person was an admin, some kind of "confidential person" of the community.

The ignorance on you two is astonishing! How can you be so foolish? To expect a person to be a living saint? A perfect human being? Those people only live in books, you should know better. Especially you Tears.

Perhaps I should have chosen "should be someone who DESPERATELY TRIES to be a living saint". This way people wouldn't hook up so much on this sentence.

Suggestion for rules of conduct for admins:

- be kind
- be fair
- be unbiased
- help out wherever you can
- help, support and protect the community
- don't do anything that could upset someone, except of fair server administration, of course
- whatever you say or do, expect it to be perceived as "official statement/measure" by the community

I hope you all agree to these rules, and at least to me they seem like common sense. If you do, then tell me if you think that poophammers deed was within these rules. I don't think so. If you don't agree to these rules, tell me why.

POOP wasn't even warned. He had no fair 'trial'. In fact, the 'crime' he committed wasn't even reported in a sensible time period. This is all a load of unjustified crap if you ask me personally.

I agree that the decision was made too fast, but I am convinced it would have been the same one, even after a week or so. If this whole story would have made POOPHAMMER pay another 900k for the Nodachi I wouldn't know if it was because of the actual insight, or only because the public "pressure" would force him to do so to keep his admin status. Which in my eyes wouldn't change anything on his (lost) credibility as admin.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Anwyl on November 16, 2011, 09:23:11 pm
If an admin robs a player this way, all the other players get the impression it's totally okay to destroy hours of playing of other players by buying their things under price, just because they don't know better. And doing so totally forgetting that it's the other players who make you have someone to play with when you connect to the servers!

Because it totally IS okay to do that. If he had no idea how much it was worth he should have found out first. That is one of the base rules of buying and selling. Know your product.

Taking advantage of someones ignorance is the American way dammit!
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 16, 2011, 09:24:03 pm
Taking advantage of someones ignorance is the American way dammit!

Then the American way is crap.  :evil:
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Anwyl on November 16, 2011, 09:26:07 pm
Then the American way is crap.  :evil:

Nevertheless POOP is American!

Give the man back his admin.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 16, 2011, 09:29:42 pm
Nevertheless POOP is American!

Give the man back his admin.

Being admin needs understanding of morality. POOP showed the lack of latter. Everything is fine atm.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: LordBerenger on November 16, 2011, 09:31:40 pm
So Kinngrim, basically what you're saying is: I can never be 100% objective. I agree. But you can at least try.
The ignorance on you two is astonishing! How can you be so foolish? To expect a person to be a living saint? A perfect human being? Those people only live in books, you should know better. Especially you Tears.

POOP wasn't even warned. He had no fair 'trial'. In fact, the 'crime' he committed wasn't even reported in a sensible time period. This is all a load of unjustified crap if you ask me personally.

They're retarded, basically they want Espu's behaviour programmed into fucking 100 AI Admin Bots.

Yet they think guys (or should i say Guirls) like Nuffen would fit that demand.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: POOPHAMMER on November 16, 2011, 09:32:22 pm
A gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode.

she sed "bbz will u luv me 4evr"

he said "NO..""

da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine.

boy was cryin and went to pic up her body.

she was ded.

he whispered 2 her corpse "I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever..." (dat mean he luv her moar den 4evr)

xxx~* dis if u cry evry time...~*xxx
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Magikarp on November 16, 2011, 09:36:10 pm
A gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode.

she sed "bbz will u luv me 4evr"

he said "NO..""

da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine.

boy was cryin and went to pic up her body.

she was ded.

he whispered 2 her corpse "I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever..." (dat mean he luv her moar den 4evr)

xxx~* dis if u cry evry time...~*xxx
I apprve of diz mssge.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Bulzur on November 16, 2011, 09:38:04 pm

can't read that without my eyes getting sore.
useless in that matter

To op :
No. Being an admin !=(different) being a douchebag.

It's not cause :
he's "old" in cRPG
he's a somewhat fair NA admin

That he can be forgiven for repeateadly accepting "new" player's offers, and never giving thoses back, even if given a compensation. That guy is a greedy bastard, who only think about himself and his items. This attitude doesn't fit with the admin's image.

It's not 'cause you're on the internet that you can forgive people from being douchebag.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Anwyl on November 16, 2011, 10:06:16 pm
A gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode.

she sed "bbz will u luv me 4evr"

he said "NO..""

da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine.

boy was cryin and went to pic up her body.

she was ded.

he whispered 2 her corpse "I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever..." (dat mean he luv her moar den 4evr)

xxx~* dis if u cry evry time...~*xxx

Guy sounds like an asshole. fiveever? Why not sixever?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Tears of Destiny on November 16, 2011, 10:08:32 pm
The ignorance on you two is astonishing! How can you be so foolish? To expect a person to be a living saint? A perfect human being? Those people only live in books, you should know better. Especially you Tears..

I was expecting the "living saint" to be a deliberate exageration. Shik does expect admins to not just admin the servers in game fairly, but also be good examples out of game. Emphasis on "good." This is what I agree with, that it should not be just 100% how you act in game, but also how you represent the community.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Corrado_Decimo on November 17, 2011, 03:11:32 am
I was expecting the "living saint" to be a deliberate exageration. Shik does expect admins to not just admin the servers in game fairly, but also be good examples out of game. Emphasis on "good." This is what I agree with, that it should not be just 100% how you act in game, but also how you represent the community.

i still remember how ecko kicked and banned me the first strat battle i had back in september 2010 with the reason i made 2 unwilling teamkills... or any other ATS admin (can't remember the name) at that time, kicking who said "weaboo" in any context. but unfortunately i was not a kingrimm's son with a whole clan pushing against an admin they will probably never see because he's NA.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Bothersome_Aldryk on November 17, 2011, 03:50:05 am
If Poophammer does not get his admin back, the hippy terrorists have won. Poophammer is truly the premier internet Capitalist. I would daresay that 90% of the people who don't support Poophammer are communists. If you're one of the 10% that support Poop and believe in freedom then quote this in your signature~
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Tyrell on November 17, 2011, 04:04:41 am
Give him his admin back. Anybody who says they wouldn't accept that trade is a liar.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: The_Angle on November 17, 2011, 04:13:39 am

''It's like people only do things to get paid - and thats just really sad''
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Original_Sin on November 17, 2011, 09:54:08 am
Admins have the same right as any player. Simply because he's a fast market player, doesn't mean he should be punished for it.
This guy put on mw item for 100k 'cause he thought it was profitable. He didn't consult with his fellow faction members and friends about this. And now he/they whine(s) about it.. after a month. He didn't contact Poop, haven't tried to explain or get any explanation.

(click to show/hide)

p.s. I might get something wrong. If I am wrong, sorry I didn't have much time to read the whole thread.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Arcona on November 17, 2011, 11:47:49 am
Believing that only through our mistakes do we learn and become better I support POOP although beeing EU I wont ever have him as admin.

a) Admin

An admins job is to... damn imagine that! Administer.

So he oversees the servers checking if anyone is breaking the rules as given and as written and punishes those found guilty.

Thats what an admin is supposed to do in an online community.

All those "shinny pillars of the community" are for childrens stories.

b) "Poor new player was scammed"

Someone with a 3 x Loom is NOT A NEW PLAYER. I, with my Generation 0 level 30 first toon am a newb. So no, after managing to get a 3 x Loomed item he should have known better.

c) "Allowed to offer his opinion"

So apparently the "community" of cRPG is the -Judge Jury and Executioner- style of Judge Dred. Its interesting to hear the righteous preaching of how he should be good and proper from some and how we are all evil inhuman bastards that thrive on suffering.

I wonder if all those "cool" guys casually offer their opinion without knowing the facts. Like how NOONE ever told POOP 'hey give some money back' when it happened. Apart from a brief 'er my guy was an idiot, do you have the item still?'.

But still, for our good friendly paragons of justice just one side of the story is good enough.

I believe it was Big J who said "Do not judge lest you be judged" or something to that effect... "let those without sin cast the first stone" etc.

So yea, I am sure crying for blood without having all the facts and without letting someone give his view of the story goes very nicely hand in hand with your high morals up there in your high horse...

d) What if it had happened the other way around?

So I wonder all those "moral" clanmates of the poor victim...

If your man had put a too HIGH price instead of too low... and POOP accidentally clicked on the trade or was not thinking at the time or saw the wrong amount of 0s.

Would you be so quick as to return his money? Or would you say "oh damn man really sorry, he already bought some looms with that..."

Off course in the face an outcry you will respond "yes off course we would return the 500k to the idiot that paid 1500K for the loom" but somehow... I really doubt it.

e) Caveat Emptor

Or rather in this case...Caveat Venditor!
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: B3RS3RK on November 17, 2011, 02:08:30 pm
Give him his admin back. Anybody who says they wouldn't accept that trade is a liar.

I wouldnt.

If it was on for 700k, I would accept, because that is really cheap but no real ripoff like 100k is.

If i´d happen to see such a mistake, I would maybe accept it and then contact the owner about it so he can retreive the item if he wants to afer I explained to him that it is worth ten times as much as he put it up for.

Well anyway,I think, Poop might have learned something from this now, so give the man his admin back.

Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 17, 2011, 02:38:25 pm
a) Admin

An admins job is to... damn imagine that! Administer.

So he oversees the servers checking if anyone is breaking the rules as given and as written and punishes those found guilty.

Thats what an admin is supposed to do in an online community.

All those "shinny pillars of the community" are for childrens stories.

This is where the problem lies, and why there is a need for "pillars of the community"-admins.

The cRPG-community is constantly moving closer to some kind of asshole-community, and it wouldn't hurt if admins would show how fair behaviour works. As they currently don't, we have the result that people are totally fine with someone losing his +3 for 100k, instead of actually helping him.

I don't know what's up with you others, but when I see someone who looks like he could need some help - even if he doesn't notice it himself - I offer my advice. In the worst and least possible case he will say "No, thanks", but in the majority of all cases he will say "Oh really? Thanks!", he will have more fun with the game ( = stay longer = more players on the servers to play with), and additionaly, due to the fact that he perceived the community as kind and caring, he will most likely act this way himself.

But currently you are growing a bunch of asshats. Just look around.

If everyone would support this "everyone for himself, against everyone else"-attitude, this community would become worse and worse. Which is equal to smaller and smaller. Think about it.

(Unfortunately I fear I cast pearls before swine, because our society in real life has the same problems. Because everyone cares only for his business, and everything which is not illegal is to be acceptable, we have companies firing thousands of employees to build a new facility in a 3rd world country to save some money and other similar cases. Things, if you did them 50 or more years ago, would not let you leave your house due to the people spitting on you)

I know, I am probably just too naive  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Oberyn on November 17, 2011, 04:22:55 pm
Taking advantage of someones ignorance is the American way dammit!

Why, hello Mr. Sub-prime crisis! What a surprise seeing you here. Don't want to draw any big and ridiculous conclusions regarding general society's opinion and this one thread, but yeah...this might have been said sarcastically, but a lot of people basically agree with you. At least that  scamming is a natural and even beneficial thing. And that the victim is basically to blame for being an uninformed idiot. I put it in the same bag as the "that girl got raped cause she was drunk and scantily dressed, y'honor, obviously it was her fault" school of thought, personally.
Sadly, it's not just the American way. It's the douchebaggy unregulated capitalism way, which was never purely an American thing, despite fiscal liberterian's fanatical belief otherwise.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Turkhammer on November 17, 2011, 04:38:30 pm
Here's a story for all of you.

My 9 year old and 12 year old boys went to a department store with their mother.  The 12 year old talked his younger brother into spending his allowance on a toy that the older brother wanted but that the younger boy was not that interested in.  When they got home, the 9 year old got buyer's remorse.  He began to wail, "I want my bucks (dollars to you EU types) back, I want my bucks back".  I decided not to return the toy for a refund.  I thought it was a good teaching opportunity.  Eventually he stopped crying and went on with his life, sadder BUT a little wiser.

I did not scold the 12 year old for talking his brother into the purchase.  I did explain to the 9 year old that some deals are final.  I told him that he must always think for himself and never blame others for bad decisions that he made. 

I think the devs taught the wrong life lesson here.

Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 17, 2011, 04:50:22 pm
I think the devs taught the wrong life lesson here.

Your example doesn't fit in this case.

First of all, the thing I am talking about is "bigger" that what Wintersturm or whoever has to learn. And even if he had gotten his item back, the moment he realized that he regrets the deal is the moment where he learned the lesson.

Your example would fit if it was not the (marginally) older brother, which more or less represents someone "equal", but perhaps his babysitter (and what are admins else than babysitters  :lol: ).

What would you do if you heared that the babysitter you allowed to take your boy to the mall to spend the money you gave him talked the child into buying her some make-up or condoms or high heels or whatever bitches need?

Sure, concerning your son nothing would change. He has to learn that he mustn't allow other people to talk him into spending his money for them. But how about the babysitter? I mean: she didn't neglect him, let him alone, let him play with siccors or something like that. The job of a babysitter is to look after children, and that's what she did. But would you hire her another time if you got to know about this? Or wouldn't you say that the babysitter exploited the child she actually had to protect? Never mind if the child gave the money deliberately or not?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 17, 2011, 04:51:53 pm
Dang, quoted instead of modifying  :oops:  :lol:
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Oberyn on November 17, 2011, 05:03:50 pm
Eh, so you didn't scold the 12 year old for scamming his own brother for his personal benefit? What's the life lesson in that? Being a manipulative douchebag pays, even if its your own family?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 17, 2011, 05:20:42 pm
Eh, so you didn't scold the 12 year old for scamming his own brother for his personal benefit? What's the life lesson in that? Being a manipulative douchebag pays, even if its your own family?

Another thing I just remembered while sitting on the toilet (  :mrgreen: ). Your brother is part of your family, you don't "rob" him. Other cRPG players are part of your community, you don't rob them either.

In such big communities like WoW or anything else where you can trade items I wouldn't care so much about persons outside your clan/guild/whatever, but in cRPG with about 3000 players things look different...
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Druss on November 17, 2011, 07:06:23 pm
I didn't know being selfish would disqualify you from being an admin (Tears licking shik's ass to have a better position and more power in this community???)
No offense tear but i think you rely too much on Shik to express yourself.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Tears of Destiny on November 17, 2011, 07:08:09 pm
I didn't know being selfish would disqualify you from being an admin (Tears licking shik's ass to have a better position and more power in this community???)
No offense tear but i think you rely too much on Shik to express yourself.

Licking Shik's ass? I think you are missing more then a few ... incidents... Just because I happen to agree with Shik on that Admins should be "nice" outside of game, or asked Shik on a clarification on one single matter a month ago, does not mean I agree totally with Shik on all matters. That would be far from the truth. Shik and I have extremely divergent views on a few topics.

No offense taken, as I simply don't agree.

EDIT: What better position and more power in this community? I'm sorry but as far as I am aware Shik does not have the ability to give me superpowers, nor force the community to give me respect or "elevate my position" in any way.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Tyrell on November 17, 2011, 07:14:55 pm
I wouldnt.

If it was on for 700k, I would accept, because that is really cheap but no real ripoff like 100k is.

If i´d happen to see such a mistake, I would maybe accept it and then contact the owner about it so he can retreive the item if he wants to afer I explained to him that it is worth ten times as much as he put it up for.

Well anyway,I think, Poop might have learned something from this now, so give the man his admin back.
Get off your high horse.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Oberyn on November 17, 2011, 07:25:43 pm
Too many people confuse cynicism with wisdom.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 17, 2011, 08:49:06 pm
Get off your high horse.

Grow a backbone.

Some people (like B3rs3rk or me) just have higher moral standards... or moral standards at all...
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Tyrell on November 18, 2011, 01:09:29 am
Grow a backbone.

Some people (like B3rs3rk or me) just have higher moral standards... or moral standards at all...
Looks like cRPG is full of good samaritans!
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on November 18, 2011, 01:32:15 am
Looks like cRPG is full of good samaritans!

Yes lets make it full of douchebags, thats a fine idea
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Casimir on November 18, 2011, 02:30:26 am
Looks like cRPG is full of good samaritans!

reading this thread I came to quite the opposite opinion. most players seem to be self obsessed arseholes, without the ability to understand that only though positive action can things improve.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Anwyl on November 18, 2011, 02:33:30 am
reading this thread I came to quite the opposite opinion. most players seem to be self obsessed arseholes, without the ability to understand that only though positive action can things improve.

Read: Templars

I will never forget the first strat battle between Templars and Mercs where Growl said something along the lines of, "We are the best clan in this game, we're not going to lose to a bunch of idiots."

Alas, we did lose. Then I left Templars, you guys were more fun before strat.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Casimir on November 18, 2011, 02:43:45 am
So the words of a Finnish man over a year ago are relevant to me how?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Darkkarma on November 18, 2011, 04:45:43 am
Read: Templars

I will never forget the first strat battle between Templars and Mercs where Growl said something along the lines of, "We are the best clan in this game, we're not going to lose to a bunch of idiots."

Alas, we did lose. Then I left Templars, you guys were more fun before strat.

You were a Templar also?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Anwyl on November 18, 2011, 04:47:19 am
You were a Templar also?

I have been many things I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Earthdforce on November 18, 2011, 05:06:13 am
I have been many things I'm afraid.
... ;)
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Darkkarma on November 18, 2011, 05:45:49 am
I have been many things I'm afraid.

Hah I was also a Templar for a while, before leaving for NA servers once I found out they existed.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Turkhammer on November 18, 2011, 05:48:59 am
Another thing I just remembered while sitting on the toilet (  :mrgreen: ). Your brother is part of your family, you don't "rob" him. Other cRPG players are part of your community, you don't rob them either.

In such big communities like WoW or anything else where you can trade items I wouldn't care so much about persons outside your clan/guild/whatever, but in cRPG with about 3000 players things look different...

That's where you guys are wrong.  The brother did not rob anyone.  He talked him into something.  That happens between brothers.  Stop being so prissy and holier than thou.  It's time you learned that there is no daddy and mommy to watch over you.  You must take that responsibility yourself. 

What robbery was committed in this case with Poophammer?  I bet you can't support your argument that a robbery took place.  The seller made a very silly transaction with play money.  The guy made a bad trade despite being experienced enough to have mw items, whines about it and you make it a moral crusade over the evils of capitalism.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Zisa on November 18, 2011, 05:53:30 am
(click to show/hide)
Yer a fucking tool dude.

Nice story.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Oberyn on November 18, 2011, 08:55:09 am
It's weird the way some people will rationalize being an asshole. I guess "talking" someone into something ( i.e: lying, manipulating, misrepresenting) is always justifiable, and the only blame that can be attached is to the victim. Too bad the law in pretty much every developped country disagrees with your retarded social darwinian point of view.

Good job teaching the 9 year old to never trust anyone though, not even his own brother. And of course teaching the 12 year old that anyone dumb enough or lacking enough information to be manipulated is fair game. That's definetely not the type of people who will afterwards chuck you in a home if you ever turn old, senile and incapable of taking care of yourself, no sir (throwing some selfish considerations in there, since that seems to be one of the things you value).

I can very well support the argument that a robbery took place. There's been one person in the thread who mentioned the legal term of "misreprensentation". I suggest you read into it somewhat. I'm not making it a moral crusade over the evils of capitalism, personally. More the evils of cunt-like assholes who believe their douchebaggery is perfectly natural, and use capitalism as a smokescreen to justify it. Despite what some people believe, capitalism =/= social darwinism.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: LordBerenger on November 18, 2011, 09:14:14 am
Poophammer lost his admin but. Atleast he didn't lose his profits from this deal and his principles.

Poophammer 1 vs Mob 0

Poophammer wins again!
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Original_Sin on November 18, 2011, 09:41:23 am
Poophammer lost his admin but. Atleast he didn't lose his profits from this deal and his principles.

Poophammer 1 vs Mob 0

Poophammer wins again!
aye it's kinda a win-win situation for poop.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Magikarp on November 18, 2011, 10:38:34 am
Bagh this thread is pointless now, at least POOP can be a true cutthroat merchant again now. Stealin all yer moneyz.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Arcona on November 18, 2011, 11:18:24 am

What would you do if you heared that the babysitter you allowed to take your boy to the mall to spend the money you gave him talked the child into buying her some make-up or condoms or high heels or whatever bitches need?

And that right there is why you are a pretentious little samaritan.

I at least admit I am a cynical bastard that believes in equal opportunities while not holding someones hands.

But its fun to see the sexist in you ruin your credibility as the "nice guy that gets it unlike the rest of these animals that dont see right from wrong..."
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: B3RS3RK on November 18, 2011, 11:37:07 am
Here's a story for all of you.

My 9 year old and 12 year old boys went to a department store with their mother.  The 12 year old talked his younger brother into spending his allowance on a toy that the older brother wanted but that the younger boy was not that interested in.  When they got home, the 9 year old got buyer's remorse.  He began to wail, "I want my bucks (dollars to you EU types) back, I want my bucks back".  I decided not to return the toy for a refund.  I thought it was a good teaching opportunity.  Eventually he stopped crying and went on with his life, sadder BUT a little wiser.

I did not scold the 12 year old for talking his brother into the purchase.  I did explain to the 9 year old that some deals are final.  I told him that he must always think for himself and never blame others for bad decisions that he made. 

I think the devs taught the wrong life lesson here.

You are horrible.That Child was 9 Years old, not 14.

a 9 Year Old cant decide whats good for him, and he is very easy to talk into something.What do you think why Pedos mostly get Children around the age of 10?They are weak, and they easy fall to suggestions.

You didnt teach him a worthy lesson, you just taught him that it is ok to talk others into shit.

Congratulations!Your Child will be working in a Bank in the future!Or he might slang rocks.Depends.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Original_Sin on November 18, 2011, 12:12:49 pm
You are horrible.That Child was 9 Years old, not 14.

a 9 Year Old cant decide whats good for him, and he is very easy to talk into something.What do you think why Pedos mostly get Children around the age of 10?They are weak, and they easy fall to suggestions.

You didnt teach him a worthy lesson, you just taught him that it is ok to talk others into shit.

Congratulations!Your Child will be working in a Bank in the future!Or he might slang rocks.Depends.
don't know about that.
kids (esp 7-12) always made me wonder why they are so smart at that age. I mean come on.. but still. It mostly depends on parenting.
It was a harsh lesson but it's a good one. Next time he will think twice.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Oberyn on November 18, 2011, 12:45:38 pm
And that right there is why you are a pretentious little samaritan.

I at least admit I am a cynical bastard that believes in equal opportunities while not holding someones hands.

But its fun to see the sexist in you ruin your credibility as the "nice guy that gets it unlike the rest of these animals that dont see right from wrong..."

Right, cause all these people going " urh urh I'ma tough independent person, no one could ever fool me, and if they did i'd deserve it" aren't being paternalistically comptemptuous. They're being just as moralizing as anyone else on this thread, the only difference being the set of morals they adhere to, i.e life's a bitch, be just as much of a bitch or be buried under, which sounds really macho and alpha but can also be an easy cop-out for acting like a total dickwad.  I'm a cynical cunt myself, I can recognize our own. I don't try to couch my cynicism in flowery language and try to equate it with morality though, and I'm not particularly proud of it.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: B3RS3RK on November 18, 2011, 12:47:46 pm
They might be smart for their age, but still they are 9.They are easy to trick, and they will still be easy to trick.At that age, they are really easy led, especially by olders(in that case even his Brother).The next time, he will still buy the Thing his Brother wanted if his Brother is smart enough to outtalk him(Which shouldnt be that hard regarding he is 3 years older).
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Original_Sin on November 18, 2011, 12:50:33 pm
They might be smart for their age, but still they are 9.They are easy to trick, and they will still be easy to trick.At that age, they are really easy led, especially by olders(in that case even his Brother).The next time, he will still buy the Thing his Brother wanted if his Brother is smart enough to outtalk him(Which shouldnt be that hard regarding he is 3 years older).
I agree. Could be.. could be.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 18, 2011, 01:30:03 pm
And that right there is why you are a pretentious little samaritan.

I at least admit I am a cynical bastard that believes in equal opportunities while not holding someones hands.

But its fun to see the sexist in you ruin your credibility as the "nice guy that gets it unlike the rest of these animals that dont see right from wrong..."

I am a sexist because of making a not seriously meant joke about the clichee of babysitters? Which, as you make me think about it properly, is rather realistic, because it needs some kind of superficial bitch to talk a child into spending its money for her. The ugly bookworm wouldn't probably even dare to do so, and as "ugly bookworms" spend more time thinking than "dumb bitches" she would probably recognize the moral dubiousness in doing so.

In short: I talked about a specific, imaginary girl and called her bitch. I didn't say things like "All women but mommy are bitches" or something like that. Which means you don't know I am sexist or not. And I am definietly not.

That's where you guys are wrong.  The brother did not rob anyone.  He talked him into something.  That happens between brothers.

Kaine killed Abel with a stone. Happens between brothers, too.

If I interpret your opinion correctly, you are against family and friends, as they only slow you down on your way to personal success? Because apparently you don't teach your children that there are differences between brothers and the rest of the world.

Stop being so prissy and holier than thou.  It's time you learned that there is no daddy and mommy to watch over you.  You must take that responsibility yourself.

But in this case we DO have some kind of mommy and daddy watching over us. It's the staff of the game. A nice feeling to know that someone is caring of you.

In theory.

Some people seem to confuse the proper behaviour for our current conditions, as they are, with working for better conditions, as they should be.

It's quite paradox: I'm argumenting in the favour of the community, but it's the community itself that refuses to imagine the better conditions if everyone (or at least he majority) sticked to certain rules of conduct.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Magikarp on November 18, 2011, 02:04:49 pm
But in this case we DO have some kind of mommy and daddy watching over us. It's the staff of the game. A nice feeling to know that someone is caring of you.
Wrong, admins aren't here to babysit the population. They are people who monitor the players and teach them the rules by punishing them if they break them. A phenomenon called coercive power, the power to distribute punishments.

If you look at this case, POOP actually helped the person in question by punishing him for his foolishness, and afterwards offering a repayment, but they didn't find it necessary. Now suddenly they do.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 18, 2011, 04:19:05 pm
Wrong, admins aren't here to babysit the population. They are people who monitor the players and teach them the rules by punishing them if they break them. A phenomenon called coercive power, the power to distribute punishments.

If you look at this case, POOP actually helped the person in question by punishing him for his foolishness, and afterwards offering a repayment, but they didn't find it necessary. Now suddenly they do.

You know, I don't like living saints myself. People who do only "good", never could harm anyone and cry for every killed ant under their foot.

But in this case I think it's not really about such people, and that's not what I meant with the exaggarated expression of a living saint.

I want fair and unbiased admins, who have balls, who have a backbone.

Let me say it this way: perhaps accepting that deal was not "unfair", but it definitely was "not fair". Thus POOP's behaviour was "not fair".

You would (and already did) argue, that it was not while administrating the servers, and you are right about this of course. But as I said, everything an admin says or does will be taken as "official".

One user ripping of another is perhaps acceptable, depending on what kind of community you want to have. But an admin ripping of a user, signalising "it's totally okay to do so" seems somewhat awkward and wrong to me. It doesn't fit to my image of a good admin.

A good admin needs - as I already said - balls and backbone. If he sees a player he hates wholeheartedly gets teamattacked, I expect the admin to think "Ha! That asshole got what he deserved! But I have to punish the attacker nonetheless, because it's most likely only luck that he picked a guy I don't like." Or, if he sees that the guy he doesn't like accidentally commits a teamkill, he should think: "Oh how much would I like to ban this asshole, but this tard literally jumped into his swing. It would be wrong to punish him for this, asshole or not.". And if he sees how one of his clanmates attacks a teamattacker to protect other teammates, he has to say "Sorry, mate! I really like you, but deliberately attacking teammates is forbidden, even if it is for helping others. I have to kick you, the rules force me to do so."

See what I mean? He has to stay fair.

Unfortunately/fortunately (depends  :mrgreen: ) noone can take a look into the head of another. So people only see how someone gets kicked and banned, and then they make their assumptions, as usual.

I think if POOPHAMMER would have shown balls and backbone, and said "Guy, nice offer, but it wouldn't be fair to pay you 100k for a +3 item. I will pay you 700k" he would have gotten a lot of credibility, which is one of the requirements for being an admin.

But he decided for the other way. He probably only thought "YESSSS!" and accepted, which shows a certain amount of selfishness. It doesn't neccessarily mean that he shows the same behaviour ingame, but at least it's an indication.

Many positions which require trust are bound to a clean sheet. If you were ever accused of having molested a child, but never been sentenced, you still won't be allowed to do anything with children any more. Which is totally right, IMHO. In such cases the saying "benefit of the doubt" must be turned into the opposite.

Of course you can't really compare those two examples, but still I hope you understand what I mean.

Yes, perhaps it was a bit too much to lose the admin rights this way, he should have had the chance to defend himself, and perhaps it would have been enough to put him on "probation" for a few months os so, to prove that he is still a good ( = fair) admin and a leading example for a member of this community. (Or would you say average or even despicable members of the community should be allowed to be admins?)

I still love cRPG, although I went over playing it only from time to time, but I wouldn't like to see it diying. I think the most important condition for a game to persist is a good community. I don't want to have some kind of softy atmosphere with group cuddling and so on, don't get me wrong! But I would like to have an atmosphere where the members hold together. It makes you feel more comfortable, and thus you enjoy playing the game more. You feel connected/bound (?) to it.

A short time ago I saw a documentation about intelligence and the development of humankind. There they said, that although chimpanzees have like 92% of our gene code, they can't stick to rules, because they can't imagine the better state of affairs when everyone is following these rules.

Here I think we have something similar. Of course I do NOT think that the members disagreeing me are chimpanzees with lower intelligence, how arrogant would this be? What I think is, that they didn't think about it long enough. They are used to the state as it is, it's the way the world works. But did they notice that the cRPG community can be something self-contained in this world? Obeying different rules?

In real life the assholes win, because there is no greater power that can fix things. In cRPG it's different, there we have chadz ( + his tail represented by his staff). If people wanted to, they could create something "better" than what you find "out there". There are enough other communities which prove it's possible. Where everyone helps out everyone. But it depends on the will of the community and the staff. If chadz would post here and say "I actually don't care about what the users do", then I would say "Okay! I tried it! Then I will find another community I try to contribute to.". But if chadz would say "I indeed would like to have a better atmosphere in the community", then I'd suggest to set up certain rules, for example. E.g. some kind of complete penal code, which is being constantly extended with actual cases, so that both admins and user can judge rather clearly which punishment for which crime is appropriate or not, rendering a good part of "admin abooze!!"-cries obsolete. (Though god knows not all of them  :? ). And you could set up a catalogue of requirements for being an admin, preventing more situations like this one. And in cases where different opinions exist (e.g. are you always admin or only on the servers?) chadz decides.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Tyrell on November 18, 2011, 05:00:03 pm
Man, someone make this guy a badmin^, he clearly has the "balls, backbone, and morals" needed for the prestigious position of badmin.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: B3RS3RK on November 18, 2011, 05:43:55 pm
Not to mention he can write everybody to the ground trying to denounce him.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: AgentQ on November 18, 2011, 05:58:21 pm
Well well, ain't we trying to grow the community? an Admin should be nicer to new players.

I'd return if asked, but then again, i never successfully scammed anyone  :D

Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: The_Angle on November 18, 2011, 06:09:10 pm
The community here is a good reflection of how the Government and Corporations do their work in reality. Theres politics too, like in the Suggestions area.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 18, 2011, 06:36:07 pm
Man, someone make this guy a badmin^, he clearly has the "balls, backbone, and morals" needed for the prestigious position of badmin.

Now you're getting unobjective. Either contribute something to the discussion with using arguments, or just shut the fuck up.

Not to mention he can write everybody to the ground trying to denounce him.

One of my very few talents. But you can rejoice, I said what I had to say, I am done. Unless someone attacks me personally.  :P
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Casimir on November 18, 2011, 06:44:34 pm
Joker is fat and ugly
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 18, 2011, 06:49:38 pm
Joker is fat and ugly

I am not fat  :cry:
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: BlackMilk on November 18, 2011, 06:50:03 pm
I am not fat  :cry:
but ugly?
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 18, 2011, 07:04:45 pm
but ugly?

I don't think so, but my girlfriend insits on me wearing a paper bag while having sex... so I don't know...
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Cepeshi on November 18, 2011, 07:10:01 pm
I don't think so, but my girlfriend insits on me wearing a paper bag while having sex... so I don't know...

maybe she just has a thing for paperbags, dont get down  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Tyrell on November 19, 2011, 12:52:47 am
He's definitely mad.

so mand
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Joker86 on November 19, 2011, 01:00:58 am
maybe she just has a thing for paperbags, dont get down  :mrgreen:

Well, could be. It's always those bags she brings home when she was drinking her booze in the public.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Magikarp on November 19, 2011, 11:14:25 am
Not to mention he can write everybody to the ground trying to denounce him.
If posting a single-minded view in a wall of text is writing 'everybody to the ground'. Than yes, that is a quality.

In theory, there is no 'best' or 'perfect' admin, different situations call for different roles and positions. Also called the contingency approach, this means that even c-rpg needs people that show that foolish behaviour does not go unpunished. While it also needs people who show others the respects they deserve for playing this mod, something even the devs sometimes forget.
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Corrado_Decimo on November 19, 2011, 04:36:50 pm
If posting a single-minded view in a wall of text is writing 'everybody to the ground'. Than yes, that is a quality.

In theory, there is no 'best' or 'perfect' admin, different situations call for different roles and positions. Also called the contingency approach, this means that even c-rpg needs people that show that foolish behaviour does not go unpunished. While it also needs people who show others the respects they deserve for playing this mod, something even the devs sometimes forget.

there is no "deserved respect for playing this mod"
there is just respect among human beings... and respect is earned by actions... and is totally relative to one person's mentality. we all have our pool of people we know and there is who have more respect, who have less. My opinion about poophammer is still neutral. i never saw/knew he did something wrong, but also i don't know much about him. About buying a underpriced item on the market, there is no "deuche" attitude or moral offense in my opinion.

about respect, a whole clan asking for a punishment about something like this, just lost a bit of my respect... (don't know if it's worth much, but is what i think of.)
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: Gomer on December 01, 2011, 04:41:34 am
He is american there for can be a dick..... End of story AMERICA
Title: Re: Click Me ----> Want to hear your opinion! <---- Click Me
Post by: runemaster on December 01, 2011, 05:52:44 am
A shit-leopard can't change it's spots.