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Messages - Vingnir the Wanderer

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Suggestions Corner / Re: The Great Thread of Suggestions
« on: August 22, 2013, 03:54:54 am »
So just to get it outta the way, I'll state, that i'm a cav/1h shield hybrid, but, i'd like to think my suggestions are observational AND simulator focused, rather than biased towards my class.

1) Raise tremendously, glance chances of arrows against heavy armors.

2) Lower significantly, movement speed in heavy armor.

3) Raise natural armor value on horses (unarmored horses are squishy now, and really to vulnerable; raise the upkeep or something to counterbalance, but, unless your a HA, theyre near useless except to 'sneak kill' someone at this point)

4) make 1h and 2h stab animations more visible, and less 'extended and then wiggle affective'

6) reduce shield magic bubble, and linear strength to shield with shield skill increase, but, perhaps raise shield speed more with more shield points, to counterbance to an extent. mostly a nerf though.

7) lower slightly polearm swing speeds (the longer the more lowering, (unless its a 'light-headed' weapon like a spear, perhaps just a lower threshhold for a significant slowness to heavy medium long and above), at the same time DO NOT lower stab speeds on polearms.

8) make jumping less effective, (height & length) and extremely gimped on a sliding scale, once armor reaches medium, and nearly non-exsistent for heavy armor. maybe also make jumping from ledges more likely to do damage, and/or more damage, the more armor weight your wearing.

I'm not exactly sure how this all would exactly affect balance, but, it would make the field, more medieval feeling, i think.

Take into account, i'm just talking off the top of my head, and am a fan of the 'field' feeling as 'medieval' as possible, while retaining a good game balance at the same time.  I'm prepared to be ignored, spit on, or trolled, because of these opinions.

I dont care. All I hope is someone on the dev side catches sight of them, and atleast thinks about them, and why I suggested them.

Announcements / Re:
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:21:55 pm »
Do you use a short weapon? I find I am swinging thru a lot as well now... Brought it up to tydeus and his responses were my internet suddenly got worse or I am a worse player than before.

Well not exclusively, i use a nordic champion, a spath, and sometimes a 1h battle axe... getting 'swing thru's' on all three occasionally...

Its not the first time, but it became noticable again after the patch.  Heh I also feel worse than before, which is horrifying, since my kd has always pretty much sucked...

Thats neither here nor there though, and i think possibly attributable to adjusting to the changes, even if theyre advantageous once i get used to them, more than the 'swing-thru's', although, they have been more often since the patch without a doubt

Announcements / Re:
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:12:22 pm »
I find both the polearm stab and 1h stab change bad. The 2h stab was the problem, the 2h stab should have been fixed instead of bringing the polearm stab and 1h stab to similarly ridiculous levels. The polearm stab is clearly a lot more forgiving near the end of the animation and you seem to be able to walk it into people and deal damage even though the weapon has stopped thrusting forward, much like the 2h stab already could. Which is bad, stabs should stop being able to do good hits as soon as the weapon stops thrusting forward.

A real problem is the Awlpike. Maybe it's the way the model looks but that weapon already always seemed to hit out of it's reach and that effect has been reinforced now. It's a phantom reach piece of instastab shit. Now with +10 effective reach due to the less glancing at end range stabs.

1h also got it's effective reach increased by a fuckton, something which should have been done, but I'd say it is a little overdone. With a Broad Short Sword I feel like I can outreach lancers, the stab is incredibly fast, long and easy to land. Granted, much like the 2h stab already was, but that is why the 2h stab should have been fixed instead of both the polearm and 1h stabs being broken. Biggest problem though is that Byzantium does not have any good stab 1h in the armoury so I can't join the rapetrain, even though even the Broad Short Sword has a bazillion reach now on the stab.

Hmm. Weird about your observations regarding the sword, maybe its the shorter swords, cuz I use a champion, and it doesnt seem to reach now significantly farther on the stab... I'll just point out, it ALWAYS had a lengthy stab, and I pre-patch had ALOT less trouble pulling it off, than other 1h'ers complained about prior to the change.

And of course your not the only one saying this about it being overpowered now, but i wonder if maybe the shorter 1h swords now have more ghost reach than the longer 1h ones?

Maybe i just havent used it enough to really notice, cuz I'm using maces and axes more often right now...

General Discussion / Re: Just thought I'd drop this here
« on: August 15, 2013, 10:37:50 am »

Anyone that appreciates this **** is ok in my book.

General Discussion / Re: Why the long wait chadz?
« on: August 15, 2013, 10:36:19 am »
His microsoft updates hit the server box, while he was out drinkin and whoring.

Announcements / Re:
« on: August 15, 2013, 10:33:47 am »
Havent seen this 'overpowered' aspec tof the stab change, in fact, I've always stabbed ALOT as a 1h, and had good success with it as an unexpected finisher or set-up.

Now, everyone is looking for it, and it doesnt seem anymore affective, or different really.

since the patch though, i've been experiencing numerous overhand 'ghost-swing misses' or glances that are not identified by a audible cue.

right side swing s faster, but seems like less reach, actually a disadvantage to the veteran 1Her, not by much but, not and much of an advantage if any...

Game Balance Discussion / Re: increase kick risk
« on: August 14, 2013, 12:08:51 am »
I think it would be more realistic, and hilarious, if there was a chance to fall over while attempting to kick, based on either:

A: the amount of armor your wearing, - have you ever attempted to kick someone effectively in heavy armor?  I havent, but, i'm pretty sure, that might be a really bad idea... Ive tried to kick while carrying large armfuls of weight, in chainmail, and even with that kind of encumberance change, its generally a bad idea. Also, medieval fighters DIDNT have high grip shoes... lets be honest.

B: have you ever tried to kick someone immediately after backpedaling?  on a hill?  Both are very risky.

C. Or maybe a chance to fall over, based on how low one's wp or ag stat is or something, or even factored in with the above.

All just ideas. Blow holes in em if you want, just thinking outloud.

The reason I bring this up again, is because its such a free shot right now, I mean, if shield bash was more effective, things might be a little more even in this regard, and yes, i speak as a shielder, but man, kick is deadly to a shielder, and as mentioned earlier, very little risk at all against one (a shielder), and nearly uncounterable, in alot of situations, especially, if you dont have great ping, and are getting the info on screen a little later than your opponent. -atleast it seems that way.

Sorry if this seems like I'm digging up an old post, but I still think its a relevant conversation, tbh.

It's very simple.

Hating what others do, that in no way limits others freedom, is, limiting.

The golden rule.  Its really not that hard of a concept.

General Discussion / Re: Great Winged Helmet...
« on: August 13, 2013, 01:22:02 pm »
Yeah, i would imagine, but, it would also be probably limited to theatre of opps, where that was the rule?

We really could use alot more of the extravagant stuff though, would be a good money/loom sink and would be relatively easy to implement, unless there's a model threshold...

But there is room - even if one would need to eliminate some of the current, dontcha think?

General Discussion / Re: Great Winged Helmet...
« on: August 13, 2013, 07:04:07 am »
pretty obviously a body armor texture misnamed and thus attached to a helmet texture.

The model is fine, with proper texturing.

would be nice if we actually got some more of these fantastical yet realistic late period tournament/eastern european campaign teutonic knight style helmets... probably seen on battlefields elsewhere too i'm sure. Everyone loves to hate on the original horned/winged bucket, to the point that people have lost their sense regarding their actual historical factuality, and dismissed them, like the properly dismissed horned viking helmet.

Yeah, theyre 'showy'... People of the upper classes on the battle field when possible probably where at the time as well...

I'd like to see MOAR... just make sure you put the right texture on next time, so we dont get the 'repeat after everyone else to sound cool' hate next time, will ya?   :wink:

loc: northern California

current: 70

Texas: 60

I find Ridoma Castle, boring to play.

We definitely need MORE maps, in the rotation...  People get bored.  The only thing thats going to get people to play siege, is something new about it.  Like more maps, at the very least.

The fact that its causing this much back&forth -

Just remove it, and move on please. 

Its a modern flag, period.

get an imagination, make something with a hammer and sickle, with 'pre communist traditional colors' :rolleyes: if your trying to do anything other than be a troll.

Its a troll banner as much as a US flag or a cute puppy. Devs need to have more of a 'We reserve the right to not serve you' attitude, and not hold themselves to any hard standard, other than 'this one is bullshit, (remove) done'.

I believe strongly that it will be removed soon, if the devs are bieng realistic about where they need to be on this kind of stuff.

All the monitor needs to do is ask himself 2 questions:

Is this a modern flag?

Is this a true attempt at making a medieval looking banner, or a troll?

We know the answer.

Problem solved.  /remove asap.

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