Author Topic: increase kick risk  (Read 14301 times)

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Re: increase kick risk
« Reply #180 on: August 28, 2012, 10:21:32 pm »
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Tell that to shielders who don't kick. No, kick is very low risk- very high reward for both pole and 2h, and need a nerf. There is virtually no downside for person who kick all the time.
I really don't see the issue, when I played my 1h/shielder (right before I moved to my now shitty internet where I can't melee) I chamber kicked people trying to kick me more often than not. It is sooo easy to spot incoming kicks, also dat knockdown = <33333.
For the record, I almost never offensively kick. But I kickchamber when they try to kick me. especially as 1h.

Kick is very high risk for the user once you practice the easy chamebr timing and watch where they WANT to kick you at. Do you understand what I mean? WALK INTO WHERE THEY WANT YOU TO BE, TO BE KICKED. They will start a kick thinking they got you, then BAM you kickchamber them. That knockdown is a guaranteed kill, usually.
Do you even one-step-ahead dueling?
It's a no-brainer. Kickchambering makes shieldwalls in chokepoints viable now, no need to fear kicks breaking through lines anymore. A thing impossible became viable thanks to it, and nerfed kicks.
What more can you ask for? you want kicks ot be suicidal? If players were good, they already would be suicidal.

Adapt to it. Give the metagame time to learn new skills at dueling. Kickchambering is awareness and some practice, and possibly a bit of sneaky tricking your opponent. There should be no further kick nerf until we see the fruit of chamberkicking ripen
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 10:25:19 pm by Marathon »
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Re: increase kick risk
« Reply #181 on: August 29, 2012, 12:05:26 am »
^Pretty much agree. It will take a while before people understand chamber kick's viability. If they removed blocking, the kicking animation needs to be faster or something, or even a well timed kick will be interrupted by an attack.

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Re: increase kick risk
« Reply #182 on: August 29, 2012, 04:05:58 am »
Sometimes I deliberately miss the kick to make the opponent attack, when they do I hit them with the instant-left swing (2hander)..

But don't tell anyone though, as this is my secret move.

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Re: increase kick risk
« Reply #183 on: September 01, 2012, 04:40:27 pm »
I don't see where chamberkicks would make shieldwalls now more viable.

During the whole sequence of getting kicked and being able to throw of a chamber kick,
the shielder still can't block shit while 2h/polearms dudes can and while others can use that timeline to smash your face.

You know 2 are kicking each other and the 3rd is using that opportunity.

No judgment on mysite to these effects just saying there is no improvement to shieldwalls out of my perspective.

On a sitenote, shieldwalls were never mostly overrun by a coordinate kick attempt from several dudes, mostly people who approach them wouldn't dare to kick then anyways,
but through crushthrough weapons or just positioning, as so often the shieldwall dudes and their allies in their back and left and right positions miss the point of counterattack, which should rarely be at the point when the enemy is already able to scratch your ba*** but at a time when there is still enough room to manouver and take opportunites out of irregular moving enemy lines.
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Re: increase kick risk
« Reply #184 on: September 01, 2012, 05:56:00 pm »
the shielder still can't block shit while 2h/polearms dudes can

Fixed in beta client. Be patient.

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Re: increase kick risk
« Reply #185 on: August 14, 2013, 12:08:51 am »
I think it would be more realistic, and hilarious, if there was a chance to fall over while attempting to kick, based on either:

A: the amount of armor your wearing, - have you ever attempted to kick someone effectively in heavy armor?  I havent, but, i'm pretty sure, that might be a really bad idea... Ive tried to kick while carrying large armfuls of weight, in chainmail, and even with that kind of encumberance change, its generally a bad idea. Also, medieval fighters DIDNT have high grip shoes... lets be honest.

B: have you ever tried to kick someone immediately after backpedaling?  on a hill?  Both are very risky.

C. Or maybe a chance to fall over, based on how low one's wp or ag stat is or something, or even factored in with the above.

All just ideas. Blow holes in em if you want, just thinking outloud.

The reason I bring this up again, is because its such a free shot right now, I mean, if shield bash was more effective, things might be a little more even in this regard, and yes, i speak as a shielder, but man, kick is deadly to a shielder, and as mentioned earlier, very little risk at all against one (a shielder), and nearly uncounterable, in alot of situations, especially, if you dont have great ping, and are getting the info on screen a little later than your opponent. -atleast it seems that way.

Sorry if this seems like I'm digging up an old post, but I still think its a relevant conversation, tbh.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 12:13:21 am by Vingnir the Wanderer »