Author Topic: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?  (Read 6280 times)

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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #30 on: June 30, 2012, 12:46:15 am »
Maybe I'm a bit too sensitive as a German but I would ban all flags or symbols of the modern ages. Or let's say at least of the last 70 years or so. I just find it unappropriate to fight with a banner when there are still people alive, who were obviously deeply hurt by this state, nation or whatever. And to be honest nearly every nation has a skeleton in its closet...
How would for example our NA fellows feel when we pick a flag with plains crushing world trade center or something like that.
Use your imagination and make a new banner. They've mentioned it earlier here. Why not making something like a shovel or other tools?

Just my opinion, after all devs decide banner ban or acceptance.
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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #31 on: June 30, 2012, 12:49:51 am »
Communism = racism (not) but YMCA = racism yes

Communists made genocide = Not but chocolate chip cookies made genocide yes

Invading countries or killing innocent people doesn't make a country/ideology equal to YMCA. You can't compare such countries to each other. actually they totally differ each other.
This is so fuckin' wrong.... of course that there's no major politics based on racism in communism, because that system is multicultural and based on classes... communists were just terrorising and eliminating everyone that was against them or probably could be... You have probably no idea how many people were murdered by Stalinists in mass executions and GULAGs...
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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #32 on: June 30, 2012, 01:26:54 am »
Yup I reckon chocolate chip cookie's + USSR were just as bad as each other. Remove it.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 01:32:57 am by Overdriven »

Offline borisko

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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #33 on: June 30, 2012, 01:47:49 am »
This is so fuckin' wrong.... of course that there's no major politics based on racism in communism, because that system is multicultural and based on classes... communists were just terrorising and eliminating everyone that was against them or probably could be... You have probably no idea how many people were murdered by Stalinists in mass executions and GULAGs...

you have no idea how many people killed in iraq. you have no idea how many american native killed by western civ. after 1492...

Tell me why there are legal communist parties with their hammer and sickle symbol in EU? and why they don't allow legal chocolate chip cookie/racist parties with their swastica symbol? The only reason to not use "hammer and sickle" can be this: "it is a political symbol. we are not politicans. we are only playing a game". But you can't compare hammer and sickle with chocolate chip cookie symbols.

ofcourse in the period of Stalin lots of people killed. But not as much as einstein did. and also maybe you don't know this: the fabrication of "Stalin killed 8 million Ukranians and totally 20 million people" was first started by chocolate chip cookie propaganda machine before the war. And these lies used by US after the cold war started.

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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #34 on: June 30, 2012, 01:51:51 am »
Regarding this logic, any banner that has animals in it must be removed, because I am a vegetarian. Millions of animals lost their lives to feed you. Remove them.

On a serious note I have a doubt that they actually want to portray the USSR, instead I believe it would be Communism as an ideology... I hope so anyway. Which is perfectly fine - Communism is a political ideology, and not a mass murderer, and should be given at least some respect. Let's see how many downvotes I get from moronic capitalists who know very little history.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 02:24:11 am by DrTaco »
Don't take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #35 on: June 30, 2012, 02:25:10 am »
I'm sorry DrTaco but you fail at logics...

Human ethics can't be compared with animal ethics, or at least not with equivalence.
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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #36 on: June 30, 2012, 02:27:10 am »
I'm sorry DrTaco but you fail at logics...

Human ethics can't be compared with animal ethics, or at least not with equivalence.

How so? Enlighten me. Define animal ethics for me too.
Don't take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.

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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2012, 02:42:51 am »
So you say an animal's life is completely equal to a humans life?

I'm not saying that it's worthless at all but let us be honest. Maybe an example helps. When a human and an animal are both in danger and you can only save one. Wouldn't you always save the one of your species?

So you can also not compare killing animals with murdering humans, especially when the animals are at the right place in the food chain.

If you still don't agree with me I'm ok with it. It's your opinion then and your good right.
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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #38 on: June 30, 2012, 02:45:22 am »
The fact that its causing this much back&forth -

Just remove it, and move on please. 

Its a modern flag, period.

get an imagination, make something with a hammer and sickle, with 'pre communist traditional colors' :rolleyes: if your trying to do anything other than be a troll.

Its a troll banner as much as a US flag or a cute puppy. Devs need to have more of a 'We reserve the right to not serve you' attitude, and not hold themselves to any hard standard, other than 'this one is bullshit, (remove) done'.

I believe strongly that it will be removed soon, if the devs are bieng realistic about where they need to be on this kind of stuff.

All the monitor needs to do is ask himself 2 questions:

Is this a modern flag?

Is this a true attempt at making a medieval looking banner, or a troll?

We know the answer.

Problem solved.  /remove asap.

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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #39 on: June 30, 2012, 03:29:38 am »
You ever read up on Stalin...if that wasn't genocide then wel....

Also ever find it odd that communist cuba is run by white people even though the country is mostly blacks?

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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #40 on: June 30, 2012, 03:30:25 am »
Modern flags I agree with. Nothing after circa 1900. (and for those NA, no flag from the time period of 1860-65 either)
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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #41 on: June 30, 2012, 03:32:01 am »
you have no idea how many people killed in iraq. you have no idea how many american native killed by western civ. after 1492...

I know it was a lot less than the USSR did.  And it's not just chocolate chip cookie and US propaganda.  The Soviet government was a murderous regime that ruled through terror.  Most of the victims were Soviet citizens.

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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #42 on: June 30, 2012, 03:35:06 am »
Also ever find it odd that communist cuba is run by white people even though the country is mostly blacks?

I don't really think that's true.  Do you have some census data for that, or is it your impression?  There are a lot of mixed race people there.

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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #43 on: June 30, 2012, 03:36:27 am »
whats the name of the faction with USSR flag banner, i want to join.
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Re: WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« Reply #44 on: June 30, 2012, 03:44:54 am »
It seems that faction removed it. I saw it during the Peacebreaker versus Union Battle.

So, either, Union, DRZ or one of the other russian factions there.

I think they removed it because of the heat we put up about it?
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