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Topics - Overdriven

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Sell/Trade / [Selling]+3 Arabian 1.5mil
« on: March 28, 2012, 03:12:59 pm »
It's on the marketplace if you want it. I basically just need the money  :P

General Discussion / Urgent!
« on: March 24, 2012, 10:04:54 pm »
Pretty crap technical issue at the moment and I can't find a fix online.

Every time I try and start warband, either through steam or directly from the .exe it immediately crashes. It doesn't even get to the launcher.

The odd thing is I was playing not 3 hours ago. Now I've reinstalled 3 times, scoured my system for every spare warband file and folder and deleted them and restarted my comp of course. But to no avail. It simply makes no sense as surely a clean reinstall would fix it...but apparently not.

Anyhow, does anyone have any ideas?

General Off Topic / Alan Wake
« on: February 29, 2012, 03:24:33 am »

Been playing this recently. Pretty awesome story driven game. If you like SP games with a very very strong story then this is for you. It has big sections of FPS, killing creepy things, interlaced with well written story scenes. Incredibly immersive. I can hardly put it down because the story is so engaging plus the graphics are pretty damn decent.

Games need lessons these days in good story telling, voice acting ect. They need only look at this game to find it.

General Discussion / Horse Archery
« on: January 25, 2012, 01:13:20 am »
Because I'm heavily biased and a little tired of anti-HA sentiment and the lack of discussion it gets when it gets heavily nerfed compared to when it's 'OP'. And will always lobby for HA.

Can we have something official from the devs on horse archery?

I just find it funny how HA went from this:,919.msg11653.html#msg11653

To this (led to HA nerf):,8686.0.html

To this (See Paul's fix):,10159.msg147733.html#msg147733

To being included in this:,23910.0.html

So basically it went from hardly being played, to supposedly being OP (though still rarely played until that thread publicised it and there was a massive jump in HA), to pretty much perfect, to very UP.

Currently HA are still good when working together and can rack up the kills. But on their own they are useless against cavalry (lack of damage to horses), can't get the headshots needed for the extra damage on inf except for luck (lack of accuracy) and a horse charge does more damage than a body shot from a horn bow (may as well just use my courser as my main weapon).

Always bare in mind that even on a full EU1 server with most of GK on, there will be maybe 5-6 HA tops split between the two teams. On an average day it rarely gets above 2 on the entire server at any one time until GK do come on. And that was pre-nerf. They aren't a widespread class at all.

Suggestions Corner / Assists, assists, assists
« on: January 22, 2012, 10:56:41 pm »
Can we just do this already? I'd love to know why it hasn't been done. So many threads have been made about it, and I'm just making another one because it's a good idea.

Is it actually possible to do?

As much as people on this forum make the scoreboard sound like your boosting your own ego, everyone cares a little bit where they are on it and anyone who denies this is just outright lying.

Assists could work that if you damage a player and someone else kills them, you get 1 point. You don't get more points for damaging that person more than once if another kills them. Possibly make kills count for 2 points to compensate.

Horse kills/damage should not count (hordes of people rushing to damage a horse).

This would actually reflect well on support classes and classes which go a long way to helping the big hitters get the kills. I also think it would help the rage that happens after nerfs a little bit. If your getting points even for doing a bit of damage, then it won't quite be so annoying if something like a damage nerf occurs.

Basically would actually just love to hear something proper from a dev about this. Because it's cropped up as a suggestion for as long as this board has existed.

General Discussion / Rageball Balance
« on: January 22, 2012, 05:18:01 pm »
Right now there's 9 players vs 18.

Balance appears to be fucked because it's been like this for 2 goals on this map and most of the last map as well. One team seems to be always outnumbering the other by 2 to 1.


New map and now it's 15 vs 8.

O and even though we outnumber the other team by 2 to 1 we are still getting a multi each time we score.

Faction Halls / Clan Banner Pack (v 4.2) Patch broke scripts again
« on: January 21, 2012, 01:15:19 pm »
So seeing as Kalam is stepping down from making the banner pack, I decided to take up the gauntlet. Everything will be in the same format as before to keep things simple. Same rules apply and all the banners that were previously in will still be there. I'll update the pack at roughly the same time as Kalam might not be 100% those days each time, but be patient if you're waiting to have yours added :)

Arked's/Draggon's Banner Pack: As an alternative for a more realistic banner pack Draggon has taken up Arked's banner pack and is currently working on updating it:,28610.msg418518.html#msg418518

The banner pack will be updated regularly. I've decided to do it more frequently so clans don't have to wait as long. Plus that spreads the work out nicely for me.

Clan Banner Pack

Current Version:

Thanks to Knitler digging up the thread at the bottom of this post and explaining things to me, I can now change the colours of the banner backgrounds. So no more enforced slot system *paaaarrrrty*. Just tell me what slot you want, what heraldic background colour you want and you can have it.

Requirements for a Submission:
1. Clan Name and link to thread.
2. Banner, sized 132x340 pixels.
3. Slot Number.
4. Specified background colour
5. Clan must have at least 4 members.
6. Clan must be active.
7. Meets my aesthetic approval.


(click to show/hide)

Installation Instructions:
(click to show/hide)

Instructions for new crpg patches:
(click to show/hide)

Stock banner background:
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Helpful Links:

Faction List
Niemand's Custom Tailored Banners
Instructions for Changing Heraldic Backgrounds

General Discussion / Passwords on Servers
« on: January 16, 2012, 04:46:54 pm »
Ok this really is getting on my nerves now. Why does the password that comes on when servers are full, not get taken off until over half the server is gone? At least that's the case with EU2.

The password got put on when it got full, and now it's down to 39 players but it's still on. That's less than half the server. Just noticed it went off at 37 players...out of 80 slot server. The limits just seem a bit extreme. Half the server went to EU5 because they couldn't get on, and that was empty before hand.

This happens all to often.

Diplomacy / Who the **** are Wataga?
« on: November 01, 2011, 12:48:32 am »

Regardless, prepare to feel out wrath.

General Off Topic / Ninja!
« on: October 31, 2011, 09:37:14 pm »

He was on Russel Howards good news. He actually knows his stuff. Apparently trained in the arts of it since he was young because he was always so interested in it.

Need's a better name though  :P

Strategus Issues / Horses and Crafting Message in Game
« on: October 30, 2011, 02:04:50 am »
Decided to start a new thread for this here:

New annoyance. Received the message today, but when I'd been shot from my horse. The crafting bonus didn't apply to my horse and so it lowered the skill even more because I wasn't riding it at that moment. In my opinion this is a major flaw as cav fairly often gets dehorsed. Why does the skill not to apply to your starting inventory? Rather than what you have on you at that exact moment.

In the case of horses, this will make it a lot harder to receive the bonus. It certainly won't effect any other class as much.

Strategus General Discussion / Under Construction?
« on: October 13, 2011, 04:55:09 pm »
Eh?  :P

Diplomacy / GK Claim
« on: October 10, 2011, 10:15:14 pm »
Because we want it. Don't care who else does. But this is where we shall be.

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Strategus Issues / Names - Char Image
« on: October 10, 2011, 01:13:00 pm »
Is it just me or do people's names seem to be really far away from the image of the person? They are perhaps 1cm down and the first letter starts to the right of the image. If strat becomes as crowded as before, it will make it quite hard to identify people I think.

I'll just screen it:
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General Discussion / EU1 Map Rotation
« on: September 22, 2011, 02:58:40 am »
Question. Does the map rotation on EU1 work on a 24 hour basis? Because I've played the same 4-5 maps between 4am-6am for the past 3 nights (obviously the same order). If so...this doesn't make an awful lot of sense. Because it means the same maps are being played at the exact same times every day.


And I know a lot of it must depend on round length...but on average say. It just seems like the same maps are played relatively at the same times.

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