I'm a long bow user. That idea is kicking longbow users and buffs pew-pew bows. I'm not agains using horn bows, but at present with my Fine long bow i have to shoot 3 times with tatar arrows a medium-armored guy to kill him. And i think it's fine.
Melee guys who all the time rage about archersand their dmg are silly guys who wants only to run in front of enemies and chop them. Only thing with u have to do to not die all the time from arrows and bolts is THINKING!!! Guy running across open field is almost shouting to archers "kill me, i'm a life target", but if the same guy will use covers like trees, houses, rocks and teammate's shield is much harder to kill him with bow or x-bow.
Some of u can tell "but what on open grounds with no cover?". Answer is simple: Move your ass and zig-zag. There are some players who are almost masters in dodge arrows and for a single archer or x-bow user he is almost impossible to hit.
And one more thing about dmg from range. If in melee with a good weapon an bulit u can kill most of guys with one or two hits and only tin cans can survive more why you are crying "no archers are too powerfull, after 2 hits i have no health"??? You cry a lot and u don't care that u died from Mw arrows shoot from mw bow used by a guy who have 8 PD who is inaccurate as hell with hi str bulit.