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Messages - Fringe

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
Another good one though is when King Baldwin and the Knights Templar attacked Saladin at the Battle of Montisgard.  This was about 2 yrs before the Battle of Hattin where shitloads of Knights were wiped out in the desert.

1177, Baldwin, with only about 400-500 Knights and maybe 5,000+ regular infantry, surprises Saladin (who really didn't think Baldwin would attack being so outnumbered).  Saladin had something like 26,000 Saracens, but before they could get set up for any kind of quick defense, Baldwin smashed into them and total disarray pretty much won the fight.  Saladin himself barely got away, but according to accounts we have today, somewhere around 23,000 casualties - either dead or wounded - were inflicted on the Saracens.  The Templars lost around 1,200 total.  Not sure how many of them were Knights.

It wasn't just Templars present at the battle. Many knights of Jerusalem and the Hospitaller order were also present along with many lords.

General Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: June 15, 2013, 05:56:39 pm »
Lisa Mitchell, Neapolitan Dreams.  Nilow remix isn't bad. Either one is good.

General Off Topic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: June 11, 2013, 03:06:56 pm »
Charlie Chaplin.

Afternoon wood all.

Bump, may even start to play the mod some more if good new armors a good number. Don't like half the community buying the new armor and wearing it so that everybody looks the same... or stealing it and looking like shit using shitty armor and failing at matching them together.

Diplomacy / Re: Kapikulu Diplomacy, Trade and Border Policy!
« on: May 15, 2013, 05:22:02 am »
I personally dont sleep much. 4 hours a day mostly. So...

Edit: I am talking for me. But we cannot arrange battle times for any person unless he leads the battle. If eu sleeps, na comes.

effects my sweet sleep bad  :|

I saw that you put an edit on above post but still...

Diplomacy / Re: [EU] Compilation of Maps, and Wars.
« on: May 01, 2013, 07:05:33 am »!?page=battledetail&id=3499


Kapikulu:3040.............Killed:961   NO SURVIVORS

Diplomacy / Re: Kapikulu Diplomacy, Trade and Border Policy!
« on: May 01, 2013, 06:56:57 am »
It's not like we like fighting at 7 am ^^


Yes! Glad to see the campaign continue!

(click to show/hide)

Ok I completely worded that wrong. Personally I thought somebody would jump on me for accidentally calling Darius Alexander's Protagonist...but not so.

I know that the Greeks influenced what would become most of the rest of the world...All I wanted to state was that Julius Caesar never followed Alexanders example. It is known that he did weep before the statue of Alexander in Spain, confirming his respect for the man. Even so, that doesn't mean he took Alexander as an example.

We're talking about one European nation. So saying it was Italy because of Rome is faulty. The present country of Italy has nothing to do with Rome. I mean you can say Italy was because of its past, but that doesn't have much ground to stand on. I posted Germany, I specifically meant chocolate chip cookie Germany, because in my opinion it truly was the most efficient country that Europe has seen. Also their Holy Roman empire history gives them a strong background, but like said before, that holds little merit in the present discussion. (The British empire and the kingdom under Charlemagne are also great countries of Europe, and the Spanish state that extended over into the New World also was a great nation. I do believe also that the government seen then extends to present day Spain, as well as the United Kingdom.)

Also to those who said the Mongol empire doesn't count, remember that once Genghis Khan died, his domain was divided into four areas, the Golden Horde being the Russian/European counterpart. Even so, that sect of Mongol dominance was not very great prior to the previous empire. It mostly just subsided into the Russian natives of that area.

So I get fish? :mrgreen:

Inspired and Taken are two different words.

Alexander attacked the Persians because he wanted revenge from them, Xerxes was no idiot, he had millions of soldiers, on the other hand, Alexander conquered Persia with 40~k Greeks, now that must be something.

Also, Ceaser and Napoleon used tactics inspired by Alexander first.
and also a great leader is not only the one that wins wars, but the one that spreads culture and civil rights to other countries.

Alexander was named Faraoh, and there are a lot of cities with his name.

You may want to rethink who is the best Strategist of all time..

Alexanders antagonist...if even that, was Darius. Also he wasn't inspired by vengeance, but with lust and at the beginning; national prejudice.

On a second note, I don't believe Caesar was ever inspired by Alexander. They came from two different cultures with different beliefs, views, etc. Napoleon on the other hand was a student of military history I believe. I don't know who his heroes were, but Alexander could have been on of them.

General Discussion / Re: Throwers Union
« on: April 20, 2013, 07:31:29 pm »
My main has 7 PT and uses them as skirmish. I've recently had a good deal of ping, so in one strat battle I went full skirmisher. Possibly one of the funnest experiences. Mostly I tend to keep my extra 1-2 slots filled with some type of throwing weapon. Once the melee starts I'll get up close and throw in the crowd. Works pretty good :)

General Off Topic / Re: Boston Marathon Bombing.
« on: April 19, 2013, 07:44:48 am »
Funny the Boston Marathon bombing got so much attention, however when a fertilizer tank blows up in Texas and hundreds are wounded, around 5-15 dead+, and nobody cares. At least nobody else can say it was American centralism that brought so much attention to the bombing at Boston.

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