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Messages - Kafein

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Refunding heirlooms (possible gold sink)
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:01:43 pm »
Retired characters allready have lost everything :

Xp bonus severely reduced
no more wpf bonus
they paid for something that is free now

And now they must pay more for heirloomed items...

Guides / Re: "The Way of the Flamberge"
« on: January 07, 2011, 11:57:35 am »
This post is slightly similar to my tutorial about how tu use a lolaxe (now called long poleaxe). You got some good points.

General Discussion / Re: some (now meaningless) patch statistics
« on: January 07, 2011, 11:50:55 am »
In all fairness you're using top 1H sword. If 1H swords are weak as you claim that should be balanced differently, across the board. But not being able to equip a top weapon in a category the entire time is OK.

On every thread you post, you are speaking about not wearing the best equipment "the entire time".

But honestly, what's the point of changing ? What's the point of using cheap equipment and die often then switching to good equipment for a few rounds, that won't garantee anything better for you ? That's just plain stupid.

And I'm not even arguing about the attractiveness of his heirloomed weapon. Complete crazy cost for a meagle speed and damage bonus.

All of what you said, that is an extremely good suggestion.

Except two points :

- The xp/gold per minute thing yet has well hidden secrets. Tactics often involve flanking maneuvers, ranged/footman/cavalry separation... Ninja assassination missions are fun too (you kill that 40/2 ratio guy).
- what would be done with retirement ? I personally think it's an enrichment for the game experience. It has however to be well balanced. In the old system, retirement was a little too generous at higher gen. So what I would propose is :

- Keep it as a goldsink (a big one) : 5k, 10k, 15k, those are good values, even now.
- Xp bonus : linear, 5% more xp with each gen.
- Wpf bonus : First retirement gives 20 points, each retirement gives 10 points more, not depending on how many points you had and how where they placed (avoiding the "10 agi/WM generations followed by a last super strenght build" madness)
- Level requirement : as we should keep the old xp curve, level 20 seems fair. Each gen increases this requirement by one.

The goal here is to make retirement a CHOICE. It's not useless. It's not imba either. It's crap on the short term. Some people can use it as a "way of life" because they like playing as a low level again, but they don't want to make alts because it doesn't make their main progressing. Others like grinding their main char and getting to super levels and brute power. Others want to test various builds and will retire because they don't want to play with the old char anymore.

Suggestions Corner / Re: upkeep unnecessary
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:30:21 am »
Shameless bump, with a little addition :

There's no real problem with upkeep, simply an idea of gaming that changes.

Now, you can buy anything you want in a flash (just leech naked and you make tons of money compared to what you could get pre 0.2).
But you have to pay the upkeep. So there's a total value limit for your equipment. There will be NO point in having equipment worth less or more. What's the fucking USE of wearing a bigger armor once or twice ??? You won't gain more gold if you wear a better equipment.

The only thing that differenciates a character and another is now it's level.

The upkeep system has divided the "RPG" factor in cRPG by two : gold isn't here to make you have better equipment over time, it's just to prevent any form of progression.

So I suggest a namechange to "Native Expanded" since "cRPG" has nearly no sense anymore.

Yes, I enjoy playing to see my character grow in power. I'm human, I'm not Chinese, I simply fucking enjoy playing a game where the experience CHANGES. As I said, if you think tincans are a problem, nerf them. You don't need to overhaul the gameplay mechanics.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.201 Released
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:09:15 am »
v201 changed things for the better, that for sure.

The last few hours, we were about 15 Pecores playing together in one team on EU4_BT1. We were all having a blast, as all battles were tactical. Soon our teammates joined us and followed our flag. I think everyone was having great fun. The autobalance taking banners into account is IMO the best thing that has come with 0.2 . Most of the time, clans were placed in opposite teams, so we can enjoy fighting each other on cRPG and not only on Strategus.

A few problems :

- the reach of the bec seems bugged like 1h swords.
- no upkeep for horses ?
- it seems some people (including me) are suffering from a new lag problem. And it looks like it's client side, FPS are dropping.

Unfortunately, it looks like with current (v.0.201) system you can afford a full set of black armor while even gaining some small amount of money.

Lol ? Were not playing the same game.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.201 Released
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:06:03 pm »
Thanks for the fast fix, chadz  :!:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Upkeeping
« on: January 06, 2011, 12:07:10 pm »
My suggestion would be - as always - adding non-combat skill+ attributes. So players could spend points in charisma and intelligence, which are then the basis for skills like smithing, persuation, leadership, etc. Those skills could offer various boni for lowering upkeep, getting more gold, reducing break chance and so on. With that players could either decide to skill up a pure fighting character that has high combat ability but can't effort high end equip(as it is now) or to sacifice some prowess and invest in the non-combat abilites in order to use better equip. Those new abilites could have also have various effects on strategus, scene objects(catapult/engineering), commander and voice chat menu. More diversity for character development would be a good thing imo.

ALL of this !

Suggestions Corner / Re: upkeep unnecessary
« on: January 06, 2011, 11:53:00 am »
You are wrong, armour upkeep is necessary. Since the patch has been out, I have seen one tincan and one Horse Archer. This keeps it fair, so people can't just run into the front lines and kill everything whilst wearing plate. Sure, the upkeep is too expensive at the moment.

I don't believe weapon upkeep is necessary though, as there is no 'tier' weapons; It comes down to preference. Even still, the bastard sword is similar to the katana in stats and costs 330 gold, where the katana costs around 9.8k. The katana costs alot more to repair due to the price difference. This is all written in my opinion.


You pay the japanese anime style.

I personnaly believe there's something wrong with the idea of an upkeep system in a game of "progress". It's clearly easier to force players to wear lighter equipment that way, but the "equipment farming" factor becomes void in cRPG. You simply play like in Native, or maybe even worse because you can loose your equipment for the next round.

But why not simply balance the stats better, if you aim to decrease the plate population ? Add armor value to lighter armors, decrease armor values of plates. The game is already giving nearly similar advantages for a light armor and a heavy armor. Speed and protection balance. A skillful player may like speed over protection more than a less skilled one, and choose a lighter equipment (MANY skilled players already do that). Many players say they play better when they do not wear top tier armors.

The ONLY reason why a skilled player would use a plate armor, was sniper-longbows-of-I-kill-you-and-your-grandmother-in-one-hit. And thanks chadz those vanished. Now, the level cap already prevents people from being sick fast and using plate armor. There's no equipment imbalance anymore, even without upkeep.

About diversity, IMO the upkeep won't lead to diversity. People will choose the best armor/price ratios. And as everyone will be authorised to upkeep 20k or 30k... Everyone in a class will soon be using the 2, maybe 3 same armors, except clans with uniforms, because everyone can support the SAME amount !!! Yes everyone will be able to upkeep the same amount of equipment value. Even with extreme gear, you can't hope of really influencing the round outcome. And even if you succeed to increase your chance of winning a round to 60%, which is a big influence, it's not economical on the long run because you have to pay for your supposedly better equipment when you fail.

So yes, upkeep is fail IMO.

General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 06, 2011, 02:16:38 am »
- Lower upkeep costs on the long run (you should be able to upkeep 40k)
- Give us the old archery animations back, not these fuugly goblins
- Return the xp cost progression to the old values
- lower the agi speed bonus
- lower the attribute requirements for low skill levels
- increase them for high skill levels
- autobalance each round

Suggestions Corner / Re: 2-stage archery
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:40:04 pm »
Are you serious??
The new bow animation is the biggest crap i have ever seen.
Archery is totally destroyed with this patch because it needs months to get the right level for being able to hit anything.
My archer is unable to hit a horse on 2m after this stupid patch.

I wont play this mod anymore because of that patch.



Suggestions Corner / Re: Gold and XP Gain
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:39:02 pm »
The goal is good, but this will lead into more TK.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.200 Released
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:38:13 pm »
My conclusion after various rounds :

I'll make a rage-pause by now and wait for the costly gear to vanish, then for the horse users (if some are left) to learn avoiding teammates.

Do you have to pay the upkeep for horses ??? It seems not  :shock:

Suggestions Corner / Re: 2-stage archery
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:53:21 pm »
Yes, new bow animations look awesome just like this :

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General Discussion / Re: Feedback...
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:51:39 pm »
What do I think is good :

- Archery (except the goblin animations)
- Active player setup
- Banner-wise autobalance (great !)
- Riding skill mechanics

What do I think is bad :

- Upkeep costs (WAY too high)
- XP cost progression (old system was better)
- Retirement (got nerfed to the dirt)

Finally, do the horses cost to upkeep ? It seems not...

Last minute : it seems there's a big problem with loot and repair

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