Let me guess, two hander who refuses to equip a shield and expects that his class doesn't get owned by archers. Well I have news for you sir, all classes have something they are weak against for archery its shielders and cavalry. For you it's ranged, so don't complain buy a shield or learn to dodge. By the way thanks for the awesome bar increment whoever gave it, it's now back to normal.
On a sidenote: Thanks for restoring the old longbow image, my longbow looks like a long bow when it's in hand now.
Not really accurate.
When I'm playing 2h I hate archers. Seems logical. When I'm playing foot shielder I hate archers because there's allways 50 of them camping an unreachable roof, just waiting for a teammate to force you turning your back on them and shoot. Even two archers in a perfectly flat terrain are "impossible" to kill, even with another shielder, unless one of them do an error. When I'm cav I hate archers. They continuously focus me as soon as I enter their not-so-tunnelled vision. Two archers will "allways" kill me (two shots for the horse, one headshot when I'm on the ground).
Basically, whenever I play a pure melee char, archers are my first threat, whether I have a shield or not, I'm slow or not, I'm on a horse or not.
The main problem is that melee don't really become much harder to fight when they are many. Archers become exponentially harder to fight.
On the topic, I noticed that the longbow now actually has the same size, sheated or not. A bunch more people were using it than before.