Hi there!
I play (and have played) quite a lot of multiplayer games, and there has always been a lot of whining about balance, other classes and similar stuff, but not a single game came even close the the level of whining in cRPG.
Don't get me wrong, I don't call every critics whining (in fact I hate people doing so), I just use it to describe the enormous hate some classes have towards others.
I ask myself, where this comes from, because if we can localize the problem, we have better chances solving it and perhaps achieve a balance that pleases everyone and thus improve the overall atmosphere in the community.
I am far away from the answer of this question, but I think the problem comes from the personal perception, that other players need less effort to kill you than your effort to kill others. Which, on one hand, probably comes from the rock-paper-scissors-system, on the other hand from the big impact of player skill on the game. If this is true, I don't know how to solve this...

What do you think?
I would appreciate very much if people could limit their trolling in this topic. It's a serious question, and I think the matter is really interesting, because if there is anything you associate with the cRPG community, then it's complaining about other classes. 90% (felt value) of all discussions is about nerfing other classes. Why?
And no, "whiners whine" doesn't help...
Sure there will be some very funny guy who quotes this anyway. If he does so he just humiliated himself in my eyes for having literally no sense of humour at all.