!!! IF YOU HAVE THE STEAM VERSION AND THIS SOLUTION DOESN'T WORK, THEN YOU MADE SOMETHING WRONG !!!chadz doesn't support this way because of it's not verified by crpg developers,
but many player uses this, and everybody is happy, I had
no negative feedback.
You can go through this forum and read replies: the responsibility is yours.
Making the following change means, that you take the risk of possible unwanted gameplay behavior.
The only neccessary step is the last one, but I mention some other things after going over some missunderstandings.
- Don't touch Steam autoupdate, leave it turned on, so make sure you have the most up to date Warband version!
- Go inside your Steam Library, right click on Warband -> Properties -> Local Files
and keep checking Local Cache Files' Integrity
until it's flawless & Make defragmagmentation too! (for safety's sake) - Don't do anything else, only edit Modules/cRPG/module.ini, and
compatible_module_version = 1223
Thats all, it works, enjoy the game!
No hacking with steam, No multiple version, Working native, everything is beautiful.
(If you previously removed this line, insert it again into module.ini under the cRPG folder.
No reason I put it back, but you don't have to mess with this value:
compatible_with_warband = 1223