Author Topic: The bec de corbin,  (Read 4371 times)

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The bec de corbin,
« on: June 28, 2011, 03:10:55 am »
From the Royal Armouries, Leeds (VII.1510)
First half of 16th century. Head length: 11 1/4 inches. Overall length: 93 1/5 inches. Weight: 7 pounds, 11 ounces

Oak rod:
.025X.025X1.5 m
density 980 kg/m^3


------------(COM of Oak)--------------(Metal Mass)
                       8.55N                            25.64N

sum(Forces)=34.19N approx 7lb 11 ounces

COM of entire object= [8.55(.75m)+25.64(1.5m)]/34.19
New Com: 1.312m from left end

That is only 2 decimeters from the far right end.....clearly an unbalanced weapon and the near equivalent of swinging a six lb sledge hammer. Not the fastest thing in the world to swing. It can be argued that their is more oak material on the left end than the right. But this could require a loss of mass towards the metal end which would decrease the amount of stress the oak can handle.

Assumptions: The value given for the total weight of bec is assumed to include a 1.5m oak rod. The oak used is of extremely high density oak. The rod is uniform in cross sectional area. The metal is a single point of concentrated mass at the end of 1.5m(True COM could not be determined due to lack of information). I have based most of my assumptions in favor of the balancing the weapon in exception of adjusted oak mass.

Note: Check my work if you want I am prone to errors, however if you do not understand the physics behind static rigid bodies then your input is invalid. I would strongly suggest someone counterpoint this with further analysis and data. Keep in mind I will model this in CatiaV5 in order to check your analysis during my lunch periods. Yes, I'm a nerd.....but a happy one :D If anyone wants me to analyze other in-game weapons to determine the validity of their factors let me know through ms.

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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2011, 04:32:34 am »
Yeah, it is held in the middle so it is balanced. If you gripped it near the end? Oh god yes it would be unbalanced.

Note: I am in favor of the bec losing one speed for internal pole balance. That is it though, really.
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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2011, 06:14:52 am »
I have a masterworked bec. Losing 1 speed wouldn't be the worst thing to happen in terms of balance.
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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2011, 07:00:23 am »
hell the GLA lost 2 speedpoints and its still a monster

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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2011, 08:23:46 am »
Or make it unbalanced with 150 length like suggested by OP, could be fun too  :mrgreen:

edit: 93 inch = 236 cm, the bec the new anticav weapon ?
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 08:28:44 am by Brutal »

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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2011, 03:28:09 pm »
[14:36] <@chadz> when you login there is a message "your life as horse archer was too depressing for you. you decided to commit suicide. please create a new char"
<dexxtaa> I just saw nakey ladies and I left
<@Fasader> dexxtaa is clearly gay

Offline Shik

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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2011, 04:06:51 pm »
I see... you take a 7 pound, 237cm long weapon, change the length to 150cm, and keep the weight exactly the same. Perfect logic here.
hint: your revelation that the balance is akin to that 'of a sledgehammer' is only because you assumed the weight to be concentrated at the very tip. Look at the picture - it's obvious that much of the weight comes from the metal strips that rivet the head to the pole. This means that the metal mass is most certainly NOT concentrated at a single point, and that your center of mass is grossly incorrect. Suggestion: Try harder, maybe you'll get more than a C in your high school physics class.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 04:29:19 pm by Shik »

Offline Wookimonsta

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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2011, 04:19:23 pm »
hur hur, thats what she said!
[14:36] <@chadz> when you login there is a message "your life as horse archer was too depressing for you. you decided to commit suicide. please create a new char"
<dexxtaa> I just saw nakey ladies and I left
<@Fasader> dexxtaa is clearly gay

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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2011, 07:35:25 pm »
I see... you take a 7 pound, 237cm long weapon, change the length to 150cm, and keep the weight exactly the same. Perfect logic here.
hint: your revelation that the balance is akin to that 'of a sledgehammer' is only because you assumed the weight to be concentrated at the very tip. Look at the picture - it's obvious that much of the weight comes from the metal strips that rivet the head to the pole. This means that the metal mass is most certainly NOT concentrated at a single point, and that your center of mass is grossly incorrect. Suggestion: Try harder, maybe you'll get more than a C in your high school physics class.

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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2011, 08:09:05 pm »
I see... you take a 7 pound, 237cm long weapon, change the length to 150cm, and keep the weight exactly the same. Perfect logic here.
hint: your revelation that the balance is akin to that 'of a sledgehammer' is only because you assumed the weight to be concentrated at the very tip. Look at the picture - it's obvious that much of the weight comes from the metal strips that rivet the head to the pole. This means that the metal mass is most certainly NOT concentrated at a single point, and that your center of mass is grossly incorrect. Suggestion: Try harder, maybe you'll get more than a C in your high school physics class.

Alright, its one thing to reject his idea. That's fine in itself. But being a complete dick about it? Now you're just being an ass Shik.
So with PT >10 stones become simple too effective

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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2011, 08:21:55 pm »
I see... you take a 7 pound, 237cm long weapon, change the length to 150cm, and keep the weight exactly the same. Perfect logic here.
hint: your revelation that the balance is akin to that 'of a sledgehammer' is only because you assumed the weight to be concentrated at the very tip. Look at the picture - it's obvious that much of the weight comes from the metal strips that rivet the head to the pole. This means that the metal mass is most certainly NOT concentrated at a single point, and that your center of mass is grossly incorrect. Suggestion: Try harder, maybe you'll get more than a C in your high school physics class.

I ran it through ANSYS because I don't like your tone and it doesn't change the center of mass that much because most of the metal weight is in the axe/beak/hammer area. Sure, he messed up the conversion from in. to cm (2.54 cm/in.), but his post is at least well thought out and has some effort put into it. It befuddles me that you would waste time to berate someone that is clearly putting effort into their posts, yet you sit idle at your computer while people like Gorath take shits on their keyboards to make posts.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 08:23:11 pm by Team_Jacob »

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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2011, 08:27:38 pm »
This is why you dont bother posting stuff on science and such.

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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2011, 08:36:04 pm »
Unfortunately, no one seems to care about realism...just balance.  Even if it turns this medieval combat sim into a fantasy game. :)

I think someone should make a realism mod and we can go from there. :)

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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2011, 10:52:47 pm »
Unfortunately, no one seems to care about realism...just balance.  Even if it turns this medieval combat sim into a fantasy game. :)
You really think cRPG is something like a "medieval combat simulator"?  :rolleyes: It's more like a medieval themed fighting game, but it has nothing to do with a simulator.
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Re: The bec de corbin,
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2011, 11:08:07 pm »
Alright, its one thing to reject his idea. That's fine in itself. But being a complete dick about it? Now you're just being an ass Shik.
Not even rejecting his idea, rejecting his argument. It's one thing to say that a weapon is too fast, or overpowered or what not, it's another thing to come up with some deliberately skewed bullshit pseudoscience as an argument to support an idea. If the bec de corbin is too fast or powerful in comparison to other weapons, then just say so, and give reasoning based on internal game balance.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 11:45:24 pm by Shik »