I completely disagree with you spawny. A 2hander can only double swing on the 1hander if the 1h can't follow the enemy's movements. [keep the enemy in the center of your screen or turn into your attack, either workks]
I ALWAYS swing back and NEVER get hit out of turn. I'm sorry, but needing to alwaysever do that means you have a mistake in your footwork that you need to fix.
Blocking twice is only needed if your weapon is stunned, but that doesn't really happen with a shield... And that is not exclusive to 1 handed swords.
While learning your footwork? You may need to block twice. Every time you die though, you'll see where you went wrong.
Well, I immediately put Spawny's and your suggestions to use on the EU duel server a few minutes ago and I found myself struggling to keep my duel partner in the centre of my screen, if they had any more speed than me. I'm doing my very best to analyse what I'm doing wrong, but so far my only conclusion is: I'm reacting too slowly. I hear the shield absorb a swing, immediately strike with my own knightly arming sword and find myself with a blade in my face a moment later. Rinse repeat when I block twice. Some 2h wielders are just too mind bogglingly fast with their chunk of heavy metal. I got outswung by a flamberge!
Also, I have no idea how to turn into my swings. Every time I try this, my character stands still, performs the animation in the direction it started while I flick my mouse around wildly and hoping for profit. I managed to turn my mouse so quickly that I was looking at my character's face as she did a left to right swing straight into the camera. Unless that's just a glitch on my end and I'm actually spinning on everyone else's screen, I'm just at a loss.
As for the horsie suggestions... I think I'm more inclined to try the 24/15, but is there any way I could squeeze in riding 6, to use a courser? Or would you recommend against it, entirely? I
am looking at future upkeep, after all, and on paper the heavy horses don't look as appealing to me as they maybe should. Conversely, if I went with the other fragile but agile build, should I be looking at an arabian warhorse? I cannot determine what is more important for polearm cavalry: turning or speed.