95 reach 1h mace is not going to happen. I had a discussion with Shik and while I'd put the mace between 85 and 90, he'd not go above 80 for that mace. I actually think it can be decent with 80 reach on horseback. The blunt damage will be a big advantage. The (movement) speed bonus to damage was capped for couched lance I think. Don't remember anything about normal weapon swings though and I see a full speed bonus while testing.
I've been fighting with 1H on horseback lately, 80 reach is a reasonable number:
I've used Steel Pick (64 reach) and Military Pick (70 reach), I can only hit ones that are bump
stunned or standing
right next to my horse
While using Longsword (106 reach) and Knightly Arming Sword (102 reach), with the right timing I can actually hit bump
knockdown'd characters (Not when a rider fell from his horse's death, though, have to wait for the rider to get up)