I wonder why no one mentioned that walking around in itself can be nice as well. Seeing the nicely made maps. Well counts for both mods i guess. But in battle i can find ways were rarely anyone goes and which are mostly out of site of the main battle groups so i am able to sneak behind the lines, while doing that i enjoy the landscape. Thanks map creators.
When i started crpg i got pissed by the waiting times in battle and was more on the siege servers. There i got pissed by the tks and ths.
Overall i thought that it would need more skill to survive a round without getting killed, not even making a kill but not getting killed and perhaps somehow contribute even to the team on battle maps. I couldn't see that i could make that much of a difference in the start on siege maps.
If you get better you are not only a meat shield anymore for good players, but you can actually kill stuff, then again on battle, things stay dead so you really have done a difference, at least it feels that way to me.
To get better i actually used the spectator mode a lot in the beginning to spec those who are topping the board to learn some tricks from them and i not only got used to spectating i started enjoying those a lot. Equally if one of the other team or one of my team beats 2+ guys in the end i admired their skills for that. Meanwhile with my clan mates it is better then watching a thriller
just need popcorn and it is perfect.
I agree with Mega that you can do more XP as a clan or well organized team on Siege, but i never got into a mod for xp reasons only, otherwise i would had farmed dtv as long that was highly XP farmable.
I go to siege when i have some bad maps on battle and need to kill something without much carrying over me getting killed in the process.
A nobrainer in the sence it is not that stressfull/demanding then battle.
Nevertheless easily being up the board. As a clan we also go in the late hours from time to time on siege, mostly because to get out of the battle routine and doing something different.
In siege when you are up the walls or though a backdoor it is surly more melee orientated, but with archers and cav it is like with salt in a good meal you need it to enjoy it, but if there is too much ... you know. So even if i rumble about those frigging ranged my old friends ;) i wouldn't want to miss them and in battle they are more dangerous to me then on siege(respawn who cares what killed me last time).