Hello folks! I have been playing for a couple of weeks now, and im still trying to get a hang of things.
BUT! I am suprised that there is no assist system in the game. Like when i save a person by stabbing the attacker with my spear, so my mate can kill the goomba. i meen, he would have died without me, and i dont get credit?
I know that when you are in a fancy clan or something like that, you WILL get credit, but not all are in clans, and we wanna show off just as much as the killomaniacs do.
My point is, that if you play a compedetive game, you want to be able to see how well you do, and possible show it to others well. and an Assist system would do just that.
Further more, i think it would encourage teamplay even more to new players or noobs like myself :-P
P.S. It would also make the peasent phase much more fun, becouse you could see you actually DID something usefull.