I am reluctant to agree on this since it involves some major nerfing and changing of game mechanics.
First heavy armor, it is kept in place by the upkeep and not really a problem, and except people with full strenght builds in lordly plates anyone with a balanced build and decent weapon can take down an enemy with ~60 armor in 3-4 hits. After the january patch, I have yet to see those tincans who go tearing through enemies surving dozens of hits so I don't really understand why an armor nerf is in order.
Second, any strenght oriented build will be heavily nerfed. With power strike being a lot less important, going higher than 5 or 6 would be pretty pointless since stacking agility would bring much more benefits. I can imagine the current situation reversed, with most people going for agility builds and wearing light-medium armor. Also ironflesh would be even more useless, hitting strenght/balanced builds further.
Ranged and especially archers will be heavily buffed. With reduced soak, they will also be encouraged to go for agility builds, since 4-5 power draw would be more then enough if you can just stagger everyone to death using a fast bow, like the khergit or strongbow and agility would offer better accuracy and speed.
1h+shield will be heavily buffed as well since with powerstrike being less important they will be able to stack agility and outspam their way to victory.
The hardest hit by this change would be 2h,polearms and cav. 2h/polearms will go for agility stacking as well but in melee combat 1h+shield will generally have the upper hand due to nerfed armors and significantly faster weapons. Both 2h/polearms and cav will be a lot more vulnerable to ranged.
To try balancing it
- damage on all melee weapons will need to be nerfed to make up for the lower powerstrike impact and avoid only agility builds being viable
- archery will need to be reworked, either by lowering bow damage - a significant damage nerf would be required to make up for the soak nerf and force archers to invest in power draw, or by severely nerfing accuracy so it requires more WPF, keeping high agility builds in order
- 1h weapons will need further nerfing after the overall melee weapon damage nerf, either lower damage or lower speed in comparison to 2h/polearms since damage being less important will provide a significant indirect buff for them
- all pierce damage weapons will need further nerfing to make up for the soak reduction
Also a full stat and heirloom respec (is that even possible since the market was implemented?) would be necessary considering the major changes.
I just think that the current situation is fine, just wait for WSE and take out the random used armor value calculation, it would fix most problems addresed without requiring complete rebalancing.
Since the game is now more balanced then ever and considering the long time it took for it to reach this balance, the advantages of implementing this don't seem to make for all the trouble it will cause. Rebalancing it from the start will be impossible and since I am not looking forward on more months of imbalanced weapons, nerfs and whining I voted on leaving it as it is, no need to fix something that's not broken.