I can't post in the announcements area, so here are some of the changes:
Patch Notes for
-Armor Soak/Reduce change: Cut and low blunt and pierce damage buffed, high blunt and pierce damage nerfed. Blunt was changed more, so low blunt damage (spears) are much better and high blunt damage is more toned down.
-Wpf penalties from armor are separately calculated for each armor piece, better for medium gear.
-Weapon Master raises the minimum melee wpf for each point
-Shared Melee Wpf improved (More than what is shown on the website)
-Horses given an innate resistance to arrows, and innate weaknesses to pikes and throwing weapons
-1h attack nudge animation length increased. Increased stun against attacking opponents returned.
-Reverted the roll change due to issues with in-place rolls.
-Bows and Crossbows given weapon lengths to decrease maximum run speed
-High difficulty shields use strength to equip (currently only board shields)
Dave: Strat siege equipment buff
Dave: Changed XP rewards (bigger base value, less gear oriented)
Items (Images Below)
-Internal Bow adjustments to bring weaker weapons up to par against some of the stronger ones.
-Ammo counts decreased across the board
-Board Shields given strength requirements
-Cav Buff: Speedier light horses, tankier heavy horses, increased difficulties.
-Throwing weapons given potent melee secondary modes with decreased ammo.
-Minor Armor value adjustments
-Strong 1h blunt/pierce weapons slowed down.
New Weapons:
-1h: Spiked Battle Axe
-2h: Long Swiss Saber
All classes can hybridize more easily. Players with mid-weight and lighter gear should have a little more wpf (~6-7) and heavy gear players around the same. Having a lot of weapon master raises your melee wpf up from 1, so off-hand weapons should be usable for most players. Tatar arrows should be majorly buffed with the soak/reduce changes, though still weaker than bodkins against armor > 60.
Major Item changes:
Bow changes - Given weapon lengths to decrease max speed
Ammo Changes
Throwing Changes (melee modes for throwing spear line also given 1h stab)
Cav Changes