Feminist? Some dude on reddit declared himself as feminist and I asked him does he feel for true females when being around disgusting creatures like this Ada Caroline or whatever stupid name it has. For the record that person was fired from Github because it made female workers feel uneasy, being perverted piece of shit like he is.
You can be female but apparently not feminist unless you're supporting hack job trannies, being against them makes you bigot just like every white male is according to their shitty philosophy. In that case I'll happily being called bigot by these kind of people, it's not like I care about their opinion.
Only one question remains, who is funding these people and why? Because it is not based on merit, nature works in such mysterious ways that such people get replaced by healthy specimens.
Just like mentally handicapped (extra chromosome crowd), these rainbow haired hack jobs tend to look the same. That same look being disgusting.
Also what's with fat shaming? Has that really become a thing? Thank fuck people who survived world wars are either dead or went senile, otherwise I doubt they could take this modern shit they are serving to us.