I honestly wouldn't give a fuck about SJW if they were benign like that, but they removed leading man and creator after almost three decades. Person most credit with quality of the codebase, because of his actions to preserve it. Now they want to force third man in charge to leave as well.
It is about leadership that delivered quality for so long, it is crumbling under pressure of stupid politics that never amounted to anything useful. Gender politics, left vs alt right politics is cool and all as long it doesn't affect something that actually matters and serves a purpose.
Saying how using master and slave terminology should be changed is stupid but not dangerous. Forcing Linus to retire and pressuring Ted T'so is basically start of an end for Linux because those kind of people don't grow on trees and these rainbow haired deepshits who can't decide should they pee standing or sitting, are not qualified to do their jobs.
There is zero merit in this because if we go by merit alone none of this would ever happen because it is completely irrelevant.