In my recent game experience it just does not seem like ranged dominate, but I also only really play on Siege these days, so I do not know if this is drastically different on Battle. I will say that yes, if you use teamwork then ranged is quite powerful, but that goes for any other weapon on the battlefield. Teamwork is always best, but it doesn't always happen, so we need to have a fun game.
The reasons I chose buff ranged are:
1) I just don't see that many archers on the field compared to pre-patch, and more of them seem to be shooting weak shit. Yeah, I've been rocked by some Longbowmen, but I've also learned how to dodge effectively if I see them aiming at me. So to me, ranged don't dominate at all. Most archers running from me will stop to take that one last close ranged shot and I kill them with a jump-pike to the head at 300. But even if they hit me, I know it wont do enough to stop me. If they dominated, then my sheildless ass should get wasted more of the time. I'm not saying I want any archer to solo, with ease, any shieldless man, but if all bows did a bit more, then shield teamwork would become more important.
2) Ammo for throwing. I don't agree with your suggestions, because I think that a Nord build with a Huscarl shield, 1h axe, and throwing axes should be possible. I liked previous versions of the game where throwing was kind of an accessory that was easy for most people to take to battle. I'd say 3 slots for lances, but you get 3 of them, sounds good to me. And your argument on making them non-retrievable sounds reasonable to me. Hucking them long range and then picking them up would be kinda silly.
If you make the throwing axes, javs, and jarids 3 slots too, then you are essentially turning throwing into a "class" like the light infantry skirmishers from Medieval Total War games. I like throwing as an extra skill that a soldier can pick up alongside his main skillset.
I'd don't see CRPG as a game where if you want to do a certain thing (throw javs), you need to behave a certain way (carry either a shield OR a 1h). If that were so, then chadz should make some prepared class loadouts for us and we can play Native Expanded with Gold and a linear leveling process. CRPG is instead a game where the player gets to make their own specialist, and fight. It's not "army vs army" but more like "group of mercs vs group of mercs." I imagine a bunch of armed-to-the-teeth badasses squaring off, so I liked to see a hail of throwing weapons from each side before battle is joined.
Ultimately, I have really noticed that ranged weapons impact my gameplay, as an unshielded meele, much less than before.