Prioritizing clans over public players is not the way to go, that is exactly what ruined PW. I have to agree with Panos in that it seems to be only the guys in big stacks who are complaining about this, not that you don't have the right to, but personally I think you should get used to fighting each other. Everyone likes to pretend EU1 is some kind of tactical teamwork simulator, it's not, its the medieval equivalent of Call of Duty or Battlefield, Strat is where the tactical stuff happens but EU1 is far too arcadey for teamwork to be considered "essential". The guys who top leaderboards on a daily basis are not the ones running around in the biggest gank, but the ones who kick ass when they haven't got a bum-buddy close by to backstab their opponent. Personally I think this new balance will force everyone to get better at fighting with all teammates (not just the ones you are virtually making out with over TS).
Sure I like playing with my fellow Krems but it doesn't mean I can't have a laugh with them if they're on the other team, also I am pretty used to teamplaying with randoms as it's what I've done for most of my cRPG life. It's important to remember that new players ARE joining cRPG atm and we should try and keep them interested.