have u guys ever wondered if maybe the reason we have such a hard time getting people to stay in this community is because it's like 70% extremely right wing people who are GENUINELY racist? doesn't exactly create a welcoming environment
i mean first of all i havent opened cRPG in months and im not even home when anybody is on anyway, so i don't know shit and that should be made aware before i talk about things i don't know
anyway im pretty sure the game is still on maximum life-support and the only reason that 5-6 posters ranging from (probably) self-described traditionalist or nationalist to centre-right seem like "70 percent of the players" is because in the death throes of the mod 5-6 posters of ANY sort would comprise 70 percent of the players because nobody's playing
even in the Great NA3 Race Riot touched off by Firebus and instigated by, uh....some other folk, the battle wasn't 50v50 or anything. was a solid 35v40 or so after a long period of inactivity. occitan brought back several players from hiatus as well as FCC and others. even if everyone behaved like good nerds in social solidarity with one another, mod woulda went under in decent time anyway.
furthermore, i get the idea that u consider anyone that is not at least centre-left social democrat and also actively anti-racist as "genuinely racist" which is, to me, very similar to the idea that people are racist because they're culturally ignorant, untraveled, uneducated etc. the idea that racism originates from a lack of meaningful contact with other races.
but to me you're projecting some heinous character traits on people that don't really exist- almost like you've never met an actual unsavory racist type. there do exist some people that are even too racist for me, you know.