Hey guys -- Canadian here. As you might imagine I'm a sensitive and socially responsible person (emotional IQ off the charts) who deals only in facts, logic, and
feelings. I'm simply too considerate to identify with either side of the political spectrum. After countless hours of research. I've empirically determined the following to be the correct political stances:
- Global warming is real and good because it's minus 25 outside today
- Gay marriage and workplace gender equality are mandated by Trudeau sensitivity law 405, non compliance punishable by up to 6 years in feelings rehab or death.
- Canada was built on the back of natives, so we owe reparations to them and rightfully we should all kill ourselves.
- I don't believe in radical Islamic terrorism only in terroristically challenged individuals that must be rehabilitated and given between 1-40 million dollars.
- Immigration should be completely open, the PM has invited everyone to come on over, heck we'll leave a light on.
- The best thing the government can do with your taxes is buy abortions for people in other countries.
- I'm opposed to all wars, but honestly why be afraid of war when you know that if you kill your enemy he wins.
-ah jeeze really runnin long with this post sorry about that
LOL having trouble defining me, brainlets? As you can see, my politics are an intricately crafted work of socialism. The best part of course, is that all my views are correct because -unlike you- I have superior Canadian ethics. Sometimes it takes an emotionally in tune thinker like myself to just stand up and say that both sides are wrong and that the answer sometimes lies to the North.