So I allowed myself to display you guys MY PERSONAL OPINION !!! about the mod's differences which could probably explain why shitty mercs is still alive and cRPG died.
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mercs, you start with a locked level, no way to level up. You have decent amout of money and with a very little grind you can already get you a high end sword. Making your character an agility based low armor 2 hander is already a very competitive class and can get you easily to the top of the battlefield, obviously based on the skill, but even average-low skilled wont have a hard time, considering their dmg output the same or even higher (low armor) than those of any other player with the same weapon. I mean, we have that in cRPG too, but in mercs it just feels a lot more fair, I cannot really explain why tbh... The only class being reserved for rich players is cavalry, which I am fine with.
I'd sum up mercs like this:
- quick introduction phase, no leveling, good starting money
- easy grind, very soon able to compete
cRPG STFlike in mercs bound to a high level, with no possibility to retire and gain loompoints, no ability to level up. You only need to grind to get better gear, but at least still have the possibility to borrow items from a clan's armoury.
- instant high level, decent builds possible
- only requires gold to compete
- good for testing and casual players
cRPG normal characterStarts from the absolute edge. No money, no gear (disregarding the bound-gifted +3's new accounts get), starts at level 1 with no skillpoints to set.
Requires quite long time to become competitive, even though you level quite fast around the first 25 levels. It still requires a long time and getting to the level of STF player requires around 1-2 week(s) of daily playing for hours. Too much for a casual player. For those who can be arsed to grind their way up, looms, high levels and sick gear are what expects a player after months of "hard work". You might say there is not much of a difference compared to what a STF character can do, but together with all the grind and minmaxed builds comes mostly a lot of skill, which puts a chasm between the casual and the "full time" player. This phenomenon you will probably only find in cRPG, this is not a thing in mercs where a casual player can compete very soon with the 1000 hour player, hower the long time player will still be more skilled and will obviously still have the insignificantly more polished gear. This is why you wont find many jagged scores in a merc battle. The best are around a 5:1 k/d, while the worst are somewhere around a 1:3 k/d.
the cRPG ones were somewhere around 12:1 on the top and like 0:6 on the bottom (krems).
So what makes the red graph grow exponentionally since the point of intersection with STF?
- loomed gear
- skill
- level/build
So summed up, I think mercs compared to cRPG mastered the art of playerbase balance. Everyone can compete, there is no real chance to become an undefeatable player with glitchy builds.
cRPG's playerbase had too much of chasms between them, it was accelerating the death of the mod. The game made it possible to minmax the absolut shit out of it, which on the one hand made it probably the most popular mod, but on the other hand was a major reason why it died.
Anyone else can sympathize with this impression?