Author Topic: Death of the Outsider, Return of the Feminist  (Read 2007 times)

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Death of the Outsider, Return of the Feminist
« on: September 25, 2017, 01:29:40 pm »
DotO has some interesting mechanics, but fuck me if Arkane hasn't swallowed the SJW pill. Sneaking suspicions arose after the first mission, wherein I ventured forth as a black lesbian woman shoehorned into the main character role (despite Daud being 100 times more fitting and Billie having no motive to kill the Outsider) to walk among tiny female boxers, equal in martial prowess with the ridiculously muscled huge men also hanging around, all led by a female gang leader, only to rescue Daud -- now weak and frail, spending his time alternating between pathetically lying in a fetal position and writing heartfelt journal pages about how utterly competent the lesbian main character is. When not thanking the lesbian for being his knight dame in shining armor because Golly, he's just so feeble, that is. What clever trope inversion! Were I a woman, I would have never felt as Empowered. All the Agency was mine to command.

So I went online and to my utter surprise...

One of the main writers for Death of the Outsider is a Gender Studies major who was apparently hired because they love FemFreq and critiqued Dishonored 2 on Twitter:

Lead narrative designer, a woman and a feminist whose #1 priority is writing "strong women with Agency" -- check.
Gender studies major, a woman and a feminist, whose expertise was sought because she wrote tweets about how patriarchal Dishonored 1 was, brought in to write the lore and background -- check.

And digging deeper, it came as no surprise that Satan Herself was involved in this:

"I was one of some voices that were very critical of [the first] Dishonored," Sarkeesian said. "While it was a really impressive game, it wasn't so good to women. So, it was such a treat to see Dishonored 2 come out and you can play as Emily, the marketing was Emily... and it was very clear that there was at least some kind of internal conversation that happened internally around that."

Dishonored 1 was, of course, extremely "good" to men, where the only non-scumbag character was the boatman, Samuel, and where men died by far greater numbers, and committed the far greater atrocities, than women -- but she's never let that fact stand in her way before, so naturally she complained about women dying in Dishonored 1.

After hearing Sarkeesian's criticisms, he said that it made him see the way Arkane depicted the women of Dishonored 1 in a new light.

It's pretty fucking bad when the SJW, radical feminism is so obnoxious that after 20 minutes of playing I knew someone was making a political statement and trying to Empower Women instead of caring about making a good video game. If only they learned the difference between writing decent female characters with agency (the Magic Word) and trying to shove their agenda down people's throats.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 01:35:46 pm by Xant »
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Re: Death of the Outsider, Return of the Feminist
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2017, 01:42:42 pm »
Not surprised.
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Re: Death of the Outsider, Return of the Feminist
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2017, 12:35:51 am »
Xant you disappoint me. What kind of circumstances even led you to get this? I was aware it was going to be shit a long time ago, and I barely pay attention since Dishonored 1. They were signalling like crazy how unironically woke the plot was going to be.

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Re: Death of the Outsider, Return of the Feminist
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2017, 01:51:50 am »
Xant you disappoint me. What kind of circumstances even led you to get this? I was aware it was going to be shit a long time ago, and I barely pay attention since Dishonored 1. They were signalling like crazy how unironically woke the plot was going to be.
I didn't buy it, so no loss.
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Re: Death of the Outsider, Return of the Feminist
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2017, 09:56:10 pm »
The rat plague may have been caused by Korvo. He may have brought it back with him while off being the advisor to royalty (Emily Caldwin) who ended up being 'the trophy/achievement' record of the game overall, as it is inalienable fact that no matter what Korvo did during the course of the plot there was no way in hell ANYONE was going to let her die of rat plague and they needed the purest Emily they could find, the one Korvo was protecting from the start.

This is the storyline the Outsider was protecting, he wove a plot such that the protagonist could have long-lasting permenance within the story, Emily was assured. Granny rags: case in point: she may have done something grusome to Emily if she had failed to become a good witch however even so Granny rags would have been elevated into a position where she may have been able to do something about everything.

Maybe that is all it is; just seeing which characters take a liking to you through story driven narratives and keeping yourself one-step ahead by being as helpful as you can while actually being out for number one only, in addition to those that supplied you with help along the way.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 10:15:35 am by Peasant_Woman »
Maybe you are not bad, but you are a boring person. Well, that's the end of the matter.
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Re: Death of the Outsider, Return of the Feminist
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2017, 07:13:05 pm »
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.