I wouldn't call it cheesy to spam 1 button over and over again when it's in line with the design decision.
It's the player's decision to play like this. Just because it's possible doesn't mean you should do it.
Just because rolfcopter spears were possible in crpg doesn't mean you should be a dick and play like that.
Shadow of Mordor had a lot more options when fighting than spam and it's your own fault if you don't use them. You're missing out on really nice combat when you don't. Your choice.
Same goes for the Nemesis system a lot of people criticised as bland and boring. It is if you just go about and slay them all. If you actually start using all the options it was offering, it was brilliant imo.
Was the game perfect? No. Was it shit? No.
It had lot of new stuff compared to other games. Just took a little effort from the player to actually get there.
But hey, it's Oberyn...