Oh you think its too soon?
Too soon compared to what? The Nice attack? The Paris attack?
Oh yeah, lets all mourn, light up some important buildings, until the sand niggs decide their next attack in Europe.
A year a go, give or take, I was posting here at this very forum, about potential muslim attacks, and people kept calling me a fascist, a neo chocolate chip cookie and other names.
You reap what you fucking sow, you fucking liberal cucks.
I am happy, because with 200~ dead French, over 3 terrorist attacks, France will wake the fuck up, and vote for Le Pen, who hopefully will destroy the muslim scum, who cant appreciate Europe.
You can downvote me all you like, joke is on you.
It's funny how deluded you are that you think France or anyone else will do fuck all. All that's going to happen is they'll send their aircraft to go drop bombs on places. You won't ever stop ISIS, so long as they keep recruiting they CAN'T be stopped unless you literally want to commit mass genocide (That was rhetorical by the way, I'm fairly sure you probably do want all Muslims dead) - The cycle of this shit is that for a week we'll be talking about this, then it'll go back to the norm until the next killing happens. It's a vicious cycle and it won't end.
Also, by dropping bombs on all these countries you don't help the situation either, all you do is kill innocents which will then go and join ISIS, you can't beat ISIS through war because they're made up of people, not a specific selection of military, the only way you could TRULY beat ISIS through force is by gathering every last inch of military power from the most powerful countries (America, Russia etc etc) and then literally storming EVERYWHERE, engaging military rule. Even then you'd still lose fuck tons of men from Guerrilla warfare, it's not something you can truly solve through force, it's something that can only be solved by leaving them alone. If the fucking stupid countries didn't attack them they wouldn't HAVE an ISIS to deal with, but they did, and that's their fault, and it's the reason so much death is all around us today.