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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2016, 11:41:16 pm »
Watch albert einstein The Greatest Story Never Told
and live your life un-brainwashed the way God intended....

That shit is interesting, it sure as hell isn't "un-brainwashing" you. It shows a different and overly one-sided mostly incorrect description of what happened. It is a very good watch... getting suckered in with the feelz and then having to spend hours to check up on what it claims is the truth.

If you remove all the incorrect parts of it, then it is a refreshing view on how barbaric the west was just 70 years ago. The allies weren't angels either...

With that said: If we judge the allies and axis by today's standards then it can be argued that the allies and axis are closer to each other in barbarism then current day EU and the allies of the 40's.

The greatest story never told should be watched for sure, but then watch this:
"einstein The Rise of Evil Documentary"
No subs, and not in english.
If you need english subs then find it on your own.

It is scary how "the greatest story never told" isn't incompatible with the depiction of einstein in this documentary. In fact a Good PR firm could make a private odd ball like einstein seem to be what "The greatest story never told" depicts.

The point is that: Don't let the feelz carry you away, analyze its statement as logical propositions. Don't try to prove anything just watch at the amateurish fact checking skillz of the makers of "the greatest story never told". It took me 2 hours to debunk the main points I felt was "OMG I'VE BENN LIED TO IF THIS IS TRUE!".

With that said:
The greatest story never told is:
1/5 if categorized as a documentary
4/5 if categorized as Education material for fact checking and avoiding "melancholic feels for demonized loser=carte Blanche must be true, right and good" mentality
Very educational to watch to see the heartstrings being played and manipulated by a naive romanticist(it's more likely a manipulative lying propagandist scumbag, but it somehow is even more sad if someone really believes this)

P.S. Keep an open mind, but not so open that logical consistency and sound skepticism falls out.

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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2016, 01:57:14 am »
Lol straight to the Godwin. Yes I understand anyone even slightly nationalistic automatically = einstein/chocolate chip cookie/Fascists to some of you. That's because you are idiots. I could take speeches and writings from Marx and Lenin and Trotsky, with their relentless optimism and complete belief in their globalistic idealism, and pretend you tards are nothing but the modern version of commies running blithelessly headlong into disaster all while circlerjerking about how moral you are. And guess what? This is exactly what the other extreme, the so-called "alt-right", have been doing, and they are gaining more and more traction. This is what you brainwashed regressive cunts have turned political discourse into, where anyone not beholden to your insanity = fascist. Keep it up though, I'm sure nothing bad will come of it.
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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2016, 02:06:14 am »
How ironic that you accuse everyone of this without even trying to figure out the nuances of our opinions.

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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2016, 02:06:57 am »
My Religion is crpg, boobs and vine :lol: :lol: 8-) 8-) 8-)

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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2016, 03:08:49 am »
How ironic that you accuse everyone of this without even trying to figure out the nuances of our opinions.

Yes, getting called a fascist chocolate chip cookie einstein ball-licker has a tendency to not make me give a single fuck about the "nuanced" opinions of morons. So sorry I do not give this perspective the respect it so obviously deserves. So subtle and complex, not at all regurgitated, undigested propaganda from gullible retards. I've given up on "discussion" with regressives a while ago, it eventually drifts to or even begins from the assumption that you are a bad and evil person if you do not agree with "X", where X can be a host of different things. The fucking balls of you fucks. Endless propaganda that a literal mong would look at dubiously and dehumanizing of your political enemies and the instant someone does it to you it's "Oh my, so uncivil, can't we have a reasonable discussion?" No, fuck you. People like you with your unbearable arrogance created this political atmosphere, now enjoy it. Cunt.

I don't think people like Leshma cares either way, tbh. When it comes to politics and history and a worldview his stance is amorphous and ill defined, like his brain. The only time I ever saw Leshma get mad over something that he cared about on the forums was people calling him out for falling for an internet spaceship game/scam. Of course for apathetic cum-stains that live in their own worlds built on escapism getting upset over something as small and trivial as, oh, your people and nation and their future, it must look like the reaction of some raging neo-chocolate chip cookie.
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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2016, 10:36:05 am »
I'm going to wager that Leshma's view on the matter, like mine, are mostly shaped by misanthropy. But yours on the other hand, are shaped by undiscriminating rage. We both despise this political atmosphere, but you claim I am responsible for it. Or maybe you confuse me and whatever group I'm supposed to represent, which really wouldn't be particularly surprising, considering what your ideology comes down to.

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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2016, 11:18:54 am »
Of course, it must have been a completely different oblivious bundle of sticks preaching globalist idealism and shitting on the unworthy, ungrateful demos whenever they dare to vote in their own interests as opposed to the interests of monied elites whose only allegiance is their fucking wallets. I know, I know, so hard to believe that not everyone is a technocratic narcissist and that there are valid political values in collective identity, your "misanthropy" (brainwashing) necessitates the belief that everyone is just as self-centered and apathetic as yourself. It is the only valid perspective after all, I'm sure it warms the cockles of your heart to think happy thoughts about how superior you are to these dumb fools, while simultaneously telling them that the self-serving bullshit you spew is entirely for their benefit, if only they could accept it. Tell me again why I should take the political opinions of a fucking emo cunt that openly admits he loathes people seriously? You understand what politics means, yes? Your only allegiance is to your own fucking skin, and you want to pretend this is some sort of political virtue and universal truth. The idiocy is mindblowing.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2016, 11:23:26 am by Oberyn »
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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2016, 11:58:10 am »
Since this thread is started by weak, newb troll who couldn't even get it going before he derailed it
Joke's on you, Leshmuck. My poor attempt at trollery actually worked and Kafein & Oberyn are already arguing. We just need Angantyr & Xant in here, and we'll have the full squad.

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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2016, 12:17:31 pm »
Joke's on you, Leshmuck. My poor attempt at trollery actually worked

Only because Leshma pushed this train in the right direction  :wink:
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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #24 on: July 10, 2016, 12:20:54 pm »

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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #25 on: July 10, 2016, 02:06:38 pm »
Only because Leshma pushed this train in the right direction  :wink:
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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2016, 02:07:48 pm »
Your only allegiance is to your own fucking skin

While your allegiance applies only to your own skin color :wink:

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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #27 on: July 10, 2016, 02:41:24 pm »
I'm going to wager that Leshma's view on the matter, like mine, are mostly shaped by misanthropy.

My view is shaped by real life experience with so called great patriots. I've witnessed what they are capable of and what are their true motives are :wink:

Oberyn is obviously angry because he's living among brown people and blame their ghetto mentality on their native culture and skin colour. Period when he lived in SA, adds to that myth because he saw some coloured people doing nasty things in there as well. It must be the skin colour, the source of all poverty both cultural and material.

I used to get mad, but with time people change and some even improve in certain areas. On the other hand, you went from a hero and an anti-hero. Not saying it is a bad thing, but that's how it is.

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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2016, 02:51:09 pm »
While your allegiance applies only to your own skin color :wink:

Not quite, depends on situation. One moment is his skin colour, that obviously excludes them unwashed browns, yellows, black and red skinned bastards. But next moment he could remember what his neighbors did to his people in the past or how close minded are them poor Slavs to those coloured devils. At that point allegiance apply to his country. Who knows, maybe he'll find another reason to split that large group into smaller pieces and call one of them his own people. This can go on and on, until you reach family unit and then decide only you are important.

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Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« Reply #29 on: July 10, 2016, 03:28:45 pm »
Of course, it must have been a completely different oblivious bundle of sticks preaching globalist idealism and shitting on the unworthy, ungrateful demos whenever they dare to vote in their own interests as opposed to the interests of monied elites whose only allegiance is their fucking wallets.

Only allegiance is their fucking wallets? How is that an argument? Political elites are almost always deceitful and self-serving. Replacing one by another won't change the nature of politics. As for voting for their own interest, if you're talking about Brexit that is ultimately a very dubious claim. For their own worldview and aspirations, no doubt. Own interest, not so much.

I know, I know, so hard to believe that not everyone is a technocratic narcissist and that there are valid political values in collective identity

Beyond the obvious self-serving "they took our jobs" and the "they come to get welfare money", there is a core of tribalism in the alt vote, yes. What's your point?

your "misanthropy" (brainwashing) necessitates the belief that everyone is just as self-centered and apathetic as yourself.

That's a gross misunderstanding of what I'm saying though. We don't have the same life or the same personality. If my tribe had shown any more worth than the others I'd gladly join in on the fun. But fact of the matter is, dickheads and morons come in all shapes and colors, and there are a lot of them. Or rather, it is more important for a group to maintain social cohesion than to actually defend its members. What's the point of that?

It is the only valid perspective after all, I'm sure it warms the cockles of your heart to think happy thoughts about how superior you are to these dumb fools, while simultaneously telling them that the self-serving bullshit you spew is entirely for their benefit, if only they could accept it.

It is evident that the poor living in rich, socialist countries only stand to lose from immigration, as I referred to earlier. What I believe is we should strive for a society that rewards work and enterprise, not filing papers. Thus greatly reducing the  expenses from social programs. Immigration in 19th century USA didn't ruin the country, mostly because immigrants cost basically nothing to the state and lived in abject poverty. Fundamentally, I do not care about the genes of whoever my money is "redistributed" to, it is unjust either way.

Tell me again why I should take the political opinions of a fucking emo cunt that openly admits he loathes people seriously? You understand what politics means, yes? Your only allegiance is to your own fucking skin, and you want to pretend this is some sort of political virtue and universal truth. The idiocy is mindblowing.

Yet every policy that aims to reduce the amount of money being sucked by leeches in the name of solidarity is popular among a sizable electorate. The rich want to isolate themselves from the poor, and that goes at every scale.