Author Topic: The Epic  (Read 83612 times)

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #195 on: June 01, 2016, 02:05:21 pm »
I like what Salvius says.  Things such as taxes should be automatic as collecting in a video game would be tough.  And an 'automatic gate' would make life easier.

As for who 'rules', ya, that's more complicated.  I suppose it could be by agreement.  Just a dialogue box where you hit 'accept' when someone asks for 30% of your income.  You could always say 'no' provided you accept the circumstances.

This would allow for a more feudal society.  As the player base grows, the layers of society will grow too.  If you own a large tract of land you could get 3 other players farming on it as well, and you collect 30% off each.  With that money you could build a keep for storage and a place of safety for your farmers, and you'd do what you can to ensure they succeed as you get a cut.

And perhaps you'd also have to pay a percentage to a nearby town ruler for 'protection'.  In the town there would be rents on shops and houses to be collected, and a sales tax on goods exchanged there.  The rents, and the gatehouse rules, would be controlled by whoever built the walls (or claimed ownership).  Since there might be a bit of back and forth, perhaps the money and the controls would be in the gatehouse which could be accessed only by the owner, or by force... perhaps possession of it for a day or two til you have full control over it.

Sales tax would go to whoever keeps trade safe between the cities.  I would think this would be the king... or President or Grand High Dragon Wizard or whatever you want to call it.  Market places are established in towns by said ruler with the 'accept' dialogue  between him and the town ruler.  The idea is he'll ensure authorized caravans can travel safely.

I think there should be a lot of tax as only organized groups should be able to afford the really good armour and siege equipment etc.  We don't want a guy to sell his first harvest and buy full plate then go killing noobs (a guy who wants to be a bandit should be armed like a bandit in WB single player).  But we do want guys fighting big battles in good gear which would be returned... unless the guy decides to desert... so don't equip new players with your best gear.

For all you anachronists out there that want a democracy or theocracy or whatever can still vote who your leaders are, but you'll just have to trust him once he's in that he won't enact martial rule.

That doesn't feel very natural. It'be better, if the ruler was an actual admin. But he would be a ruler for the whole faction, not a city. Maybe the map would start with a small capital, where the ruler would reside + a small houses in the forests beside the capitals for every player and his NPCs. Then as people start building settlements around resources, there would be a Mayor appointed for that settlement. This would be decided, by the players themselves.
At some point the admin ruler would die and there would be a fight/vote for a new one, again players decide.
This new player ruler gets a few extra NPCs - servants. He uses them to collect taxes etc.
This ensures, that a faction can be ruled only by a person, who is a great conqueror and captures enemy NPCs for enslavement, so he can manage his growing city OR a group of organized people that don't need as many NPCs to run a faction, because they are willing to keep everything running.
Also, players can ignore the ruler and just do their own thing. The ruler can issue a bounty on such a person. Or he can be a mad ruler and issue a bounty on the chill woodcutter that lives next to his castle, just because he looked at him funny. The fundamental thing to this, is that everything is carried by a word of mouth and posters, either carried by a player or an appointed NPC - no automatic stuff.
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Offline MacX85

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #196 on: June 01, 2016, 02:14:18 pm »
That doesn't feel very natural. It'be better, if the ruler was an actual admin.

So when you act against the rules instead of being banished from the city you'll be banned from the server?  :?

The fundamental thing to this, is that everything is carried by a word of mouth and posters, either carried by a player or an appointed NPC - no automatic stuff.

I like that. It should be players only though, no NPCs.

Offline Golem

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #197 on: June 01, 2016, 02:22:40 pm »
So when you act against the rules instead of being banished from the city you'll be banned from the server?  :?

Also, players can ignore the ruler and just do their own thing. The ruler can issue a bounty on such a person. Or he can be a mad ruler and issue a bounty on the chill woodcutter that lives next to his castle, just because he looked at him funny. The fundamental thing to this, is that everything is carried by a word of mouth and posters, either carried by a player or an appointed NPC - no automatic stuff.

I like that. It should be players only though, no NPCs.

What's the point of NPCs then?
I imagine it like this. You can record a few lines for the NPC, like "Give me taxes, give me taxes.", then send it on its way. This would be both immersive and funny.
You could also set how long the NPC will sit infront of everyones house, waiting for the owner, before it goes to the next one.
This is about being straight out retarded. Children see in slow motion like owls.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #198 on: June 01, 2016, 04:29:36 pm »
Playing a corrupt city guard sounds like a fun and profitable role tbh  :twisted:
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Offline Golem

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #199 on: June 01, 2016, 04:32:00 pm »
I see no alternative to actual players guarding the city in case of incoming armies for example. They wouldn't have to sit on the battlements and stare into the open all the time but when you're there, you would scan the horizon every now and then, I would assume. It's not like the enemy will be at your gates at lightning speed.

I take it that you guys, haven't decided on a timeframe for a round of the Epic, yet?
I would personally like 2 kinds of servers.

One server that plays a round in one week, with specific time-frames, when you can join and play on it. More war-like. Permadeath would be common and only way you could survive a battle, where you have fallen is if the enemies take you prisoner or someone gets your unconcious body back to a town, where a doctor will treat you. The map would be smaller and player counts high, because of the limited time-frame, when you can play on the server - say 2 blocks of a 4 hour period. It would be more focused on conquering the map, rather than being economically superior. Towns and people could be attacked freely. Since the map is smaller and there is a definitive primetime, I don't see the need for NPCs or atleast not as many of them.

The other kind of server I would like to see, contrasting the previus one, is a slow-paced persistent world. Going on for months, maybe a year. More focused on capturing resources and economy, rather than conquering the map by force. You could join and leave the server as you liked. Permadeath wouldn't be such a big issue. Firstly, because the round takes so long, you can easily make new characters and have enough time to climb to your former glory. Secondly, because of some kind of organic mechanic, like law-enforcement or because you would rarely fight with the head of your family in battles. Logging off is not an issue, since attacking a settlement, where you would hopefuly make your home, would be limited. Attackers would have different options, when they attack a town.
1.They can attack immedietly. But only destroy the periphery and the battlements and other barriers, that are not within the center of the city itself.
Next, they can schelude, with the local lord(or owner of the town or whatever) a time, when the siege will take place(or they can do this right off the bat, before destroying the walls etc.)
First, they decide on the time of the siege. This is pretty straigth forward. Both have 6 tries to settle on the time, within an 18 hour period(or any other number, really). If, they don't agree on a specific time a compromise is made, based on the times that were given during the negotiation. After that, based on the number of players in the city, the attackers that made it to the outskirts of the city, before the start of the siege and the different times given during the negotiation - a time limit for the siege is set. If, the attackers capture the city within that time limit, they win. If, the defenders successfuly defend the town for the time given, the attackers have to withdraw and schelude another attack. Anyone in the city, after the timer expired (i.e. defenders if attackers win/attackers if defenders win) takes a place in a mini-game, where they either have to escape the city or be captured by the opposing army. Think of it as a grand chase of sorts. If, the gate is intact and there are no holes in the walls and no ladders or any other means of escape, the pursuers can capture all the people inside, just by closing it.
2. The attackers can demand something. A time when these conditions need to be met is scheluded between the commanders. If, the conditions are not met the siege proccess outlined above takes place. If, they are met, but the attackers still decide to attack the town, the siege proccess above still takes place, but they get a penalty in the time-scheluding part.

During the time between the negotiations and the actual attack, given that the attackers destroyed the periphery and are camped infront of all exits, everyone who wants to exit or access the city, has to pass through the camp, where they may get mugged, taken prisoner or even murdered. Obviously, the defenders or their allies can plan a pass through the camp in disguise and assassinate the commander, assuming he's logged in.

End of suggestion.
This is about being straight out retarded. Children see in slow motion like owls.

Offline MacX85

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #200 on: June 01, 2016, 05:16:11 pm »
Golem, don't expect me to read your wall of text. Not gonna happen...

What's the point of NPCs then?

They're there for hard and time consuming labor.

Offline khelbyz

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #201 on: June 01, 2016, 05:20:20 pm »
What's the point of NPCs then?
That's the main question. Who's gonna make lemonade ?

Offline Golem

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #202 on: June 01, 2016, 05:26:25 pm »
Golem, don't expect me to read your wall of text. Not gonna happen...

They're there for hard and time consuming labor.

So guarding is not time-consuming?
This is about being straight out retarded. Children see in slow motion like owls.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #203 on: June 01, 2016, 05:35:11 pm »
I was referring to being a messenger.

Offline Golem

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #204 on: June 01, 2016, 05:41:50 pm »
I was referring to being a messenger.

Can you please read the wall of text so you don't sound like a moron, when replying to my post?
This is about being straight out retarded. Children see in slow motion like owls.

Offline MacX85

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #205 on: June 01, 2016, 06:22:39 pm »
Can you please read the wall of text so you don't sound like a moron, when replying to my post?

Can you quote me correctly when you're trying to refute me?

Offline Golem

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #206 on: June 01, 2016, 06:27:07 pm »
Can you quote me correctly when you're trying to refute me?

Irrelevant, but showing. You can't even remeber your own posts. Why did I think, that you could grasp mine?
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Offline MacX85

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #207 on: June 01, 2016, 06:33:11 pm »
What I said about guarding was that you wouldn't have to actively do it... you just need to watch the horizon from time to time. What's the hard and time consuming labor about that?

And how do you expect NPCs to do a better job at it?

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #208 on: June 01, 2016, 06:43:14 pm »

What's the point of NPCs then?
I imagine it like this. You can record a few lines for the NPC, like "Give me taxes, give me taxes.", then send it on its way. This would be both immersive and funny.
You could also set how long the NPC will sit infront of everyones house, waiting for the owner, before it goes to the next one.
I want to be a voodoo shaman who programs NPCs into collecting taxes. Medieval mechatronics ftw.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #209 on: June 01, 2016, 07:09:53 pm »
I want to be a voodoo shaman who programs NPCs into collecting taxes. Medieval mechatronics ftw.

You feel a strange desire to raise funds for Gurgumul