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Re: The Epic
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2016, 10:05:40 am »
Why would I play this shit when Mount and Blade 2 is coming out and it will be a lot better? Hell naw.

Good. The door is that way ------>

And please take your shitty 22nd friends with you.

Although if you had any brains (which you don't) maybe you'd consider waiting for both games to actually come out of the early "we barely know anything about them at all phase" before bashing/praising them......and who knows - maybe even play both, each for its own qualities  ? If it wouldn't be too much for your two and a half grey cells, ofc.
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: The Epic
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2016, 10:43:40 am »
Very interesting, and if everything played out the way I imagine it it would be a dream come true.

Just some points:

You mention certain roles. Are those actual classes you have to choose from or can you be a fighter and explorer at the same time?

Won't monopolies be a problem? When one faction manages to build the biggest cities, attract the most important players and occupy the most ressources, what's stopping them from dominating the game quickly?
Or is this intended and once they do the map will be resetted?
Cities are where they are protected, where nothing bad happens to them, where they can practice whatever playstyle they want without having to look over the shoulder every second, worrying about a bandit attack or a murderer hidden under their bed.

So, no strangers can enter the city, I take it? Cause once you do, what exactly is stopping you from murdering anyone? Sure, you can have guards or the like but they can't actually prevent you from attacking some one who's just doing his business if you really wanted to do harm.

Eh, Vibe already asked my question about there being actual feudal kings.
So, just my comment towards that: I would like there to be a royal institution that people fight over just because it's the middle ages and that's what the big houses often enough fought about. Otherwise it could as well be set in some anarchic past of tribes settling in some area and occasionally fighting each other.
The position of a king wouldn't necessarily need to have actual power over all the subjects as it didn't irl. He could be someone who steps in and declare one of the warring factions an enemy of the realm so every other faction would act in accordance to the king's justice when they'd attack them.

Armies work similarly to taxes - you draft from your population, taking away lifetime from your population. Your people will understand to some extent, but if you just abuse them as cannon fodder, possibly even without pay, they will at some point become unhappy.
About that point: will the armies consist of the actual players, meaning you the tradesman who happens to live there are supposed to take up a sword? Or is it your NPC relative who you'd otherwise assign for other tasks?

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2016, 11:00:07 am »
I like this gamemode. It will be very good if there will be good players but I have 2 Questions.
Aproximatelly how mutch players will be on one server?
Will be or how will be Graphics of game improoved?because actually it looks very grey and boring(I know that it is alpha)
Can you compare your planned graphics level to some game? for example similar to Kingdom Come or Bannerlord or Doom 1 etc

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2016, 11:02:22 am »

Eh, Vibe already asked my question about there being actual feudal kings.
So, just my comment towards that: I would like there to be a royal institution that people fight over just because it's the middle ages and that's what the big houses often enough fought about. Otherwise it could as well be set in some anarchic past of tribes settling in some area and occasionally fighting each other.
The position of a king wouldn't necessarily need to have actual power over all the subjects as it didn't irl. He could be someone who steps in and declare one of the warring factions an enemy of the realm so every other faction would act in accordance to the king's justice when they'd attack them.

About Kings. As I understood from what chadz wrote is that  once a city was found and developed the ruling dynasty (aka clan) can claim a King and a Kingdom of nearby territory. From some settlement to a city without coat of arms to a normal medieval city-state.

The only problem here is people. As people asked about the numbers and the problem of monopoly, as MacX85 and Jambi described. The same situation as in cRPG Strategus actually. When you are too big quickly and well organized noone have any interest in competing you.

And great about religion. Put this brainwashing to DLC :D
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Re: The Epic
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2016, 11:11:09 am »
And great about religion. Put this brainwashing to DLC :D

but muh religiously fanatical family roleplay..

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2016, 11:12:21 am »
could always add pop caps to cities so that way if a faction wants to have a ton of people they have to spread out between a few cities and therefore its possible for them to lose a city if they arent completely prepared(even though they most likely could easily take it back). Plus it would require way better infrastructure to be able to manage that many cities between a few different people.
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Offline MacX85

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2016, 11:12:58 am »
About Kings. As I understood from what chadz wrote is that  once a city was found and developed the ruling dynasty (aka clan) can claim a King and a Kingdom of nearby territory. From some settlement to a city without coat of arms to a normal medieval city-state.

Yes, but that not the same thing as medieval kingship as it existed in the portrayed period (13th century). European kingdoms like France, England, HRE etc. had been established centuries ago and whoever wore the crown wielded some respect among the high lords, and could assign territory to this house or that one and speak justice.

I think it's just a nice idea for the persistence of the game aside from local feuds among cities.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2016, 11:13:15 am »
so far, for me, this is the best idea for medieval game. And since u said that u will start releasing epic parts in bits after crpg part, i'm happy with that. :D

PS: will there be slavery? can u capture someones peasants when u take a city?
In large battles and sieges will there be flags again like in CRPG when u can capture them and win before tickets run out? I think flags lead to too many spawn rapes
when UIF looks at you
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Re: The Epic
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2016, 11:19:34 am »
Cities (not players) produce silver coins. It is meant to balance inflation and deflation and as a way to control your cities production. By setting up buy orders with money inside your city, you can shift the focus of your economy towards whatever is needed. If there are eg multiple families producing iron in your city, it might be in your interest to constantly buy iron, despite you not needing it directly, to make sure that the market is flourishing and people don't leave somewhere else - subsidies, basically. The ratio of silver production vs goods production will likely be roughly the same in all cities, if Adam Smith is to be trusted. If you tilt too much one way or the other it will decrease your cities overall wealth.
So you're saying that a collection of buildings at some arbitrary point counts as a city, that conjures up silver? Does that also mean that there will only be barter economy, until some initial cities are built to create silver?

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2016, 11:28:50 am »
I don't think that will be an issue, I fully intend to run around calling myself a king from day1 as a shitty explorer with no decent gear or followers.

Then we'll have I nice place for you
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Re: The Epic
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2016, 11:36:07 am »
Isn't an escort more of a working class than a warrior?  At least that's how my experience has been...

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2016, 11:37:54 am »
Will oKaM be flooded with 100s of Druzhina slavers from day 1?

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Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Re: The Epic
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2016, 12:26:05 pm »
You mention certain roles. Are those actual classes you have to choose from or can you be a fighter and explorer at the same time?

Won't monopolies be a problem?
what exactly is stopping you from murdering anyone [in a city]?

Armies:About that point: will the armies consist of the actual players, meaning you the tradesman who happens to live there are supposed to take up a sword? Or is it your NPC relative who you'd otherwise assign for other tasks?

Roles: mix and match. Explorers will commonly and naturally be fighters at the same time.

Monopolies: The limiting factor here is the location and distance. By having your strength tied to a location, you become weaker and weaker the further you try to reach out. And the reveal of new yields might actually cripple the monopolists economy, giving someone else more power than yourself.

Cities: cities are open for everyone (or, rather, the rulers can decide what areas are open and what areas are closed). Initially, cities will be safe zones, we will explore the concept of murder and crime at a later point.

Armies: First of all, players and relatives are the same thing, you can switch between those characters freely, there is no main character. If armies take over the stats from those or are given default stats is a balancing question that we will decide during playtests.

Can you compare your planned graphics level to some game? for example similar to Kingdom Come or Bannerlord or Doom 1 etc
If you look at the teaser ( ) - that's more or less where it will be. I don't think it's overly gray -maybe it's the fog. Maybe some color grading differences.

PS: will there be slavery? can u capture someones peasants when u take a city?
That's something we discussed, I believe it was Thomek who initally wanted to turn it into a full blown slavery simulator. Initially: no, but we're considering it. The idea of permanently capturing a character that has to be freed is very interesting. But for now we're trying to get the basics down.

So you're saying that a collection of buildings at some arbitrary point counts as a city, that conjures up silver? Does that also mean that there will only be barter economy, until some initial cities are built to create silver?
People will be given money from the very beginning, that will have to do for the inital buying and selling. It will not take overly long for people to print their own money, though. Barter economy is difficult for new players to get into, and making it easy for new players was one of the main ideas with the design.

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2016, 12:38:33 pm »
What consequences will death have?

Are we going to see some form of perma-death as seen in Star Citizen?

Typically, how would one 'overthrow' or "stop a rival production in the neighbouring city"?

I'll give a scenario:

Neighbouring town (let's call it Town B) produces more ore and subsequently generates more import/export than Town A next to it- stopping other cities from trading with Town A. Can Town A assemble warriors to assassinate Town B's lead production management person thing? What would that do economically? Would that person simply respawn?

Or would Town A have to set up raiders to raid the caravan's of Town B? Or is the only way to stop this besieging Town B and taking control over it? And what's stopping Town B civilians respawning and setting up a new town next door, also accruing the same trade relationships which puts Town A out of commission again, rendering their efforts null- a perpetual cycle being created?

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Re: The Epic
« Reply #29 on: May 18, 2016, 12:49:30 pm »
Suggested feature no.1
Being able to switch between family characters, like in GTA V

I want one of my family members, who is a worker to work on a field. I switch to him, walk to the field, start working and when I switch back to my warrior, the worker switches AI back on and continues working. I walk with my warrior into the forest and suddenly the icon of my worker lights up. Before I switch to him, I can either tell my warrior to walk somewhere or I can let be as is. I'm scared for my worker, so I let my warrior sit in the forest. I switched to worker. The icon lighted up, because a friend just launched the game, went to the field, saw my family member and wanted to say hello! and not because there are warriors aproaching the edge of the field. False alarm.
Meanwhile, my warrior's icon lights up. I let my worker work and switch to my warrior. He stands up and stops dozing off. There are people with a donkey wagon going along the road. A group of warrior are pursuing them.

Suggested minifeature no.1a
Filters for alarm

I want get alerted, when my warrior sitting in the forest sees warriors, because I'd like to hunt down bandits, but not alerted, if only merchants pass-by. Or I want to get a red alarm, when warriors pass by and yellow when merchants do. Et cetera...

Suggested feature no.2
Being able to choose, what classes your family members are.

I want to be a leader of a group of outlaws, who attack merchants, so I make all my family warriors. Or I want to be peaceful and wealthy, so I make all of them workers.

Suggested feature no.3
Being able to grant control of my family members to other players.

I make all my family members warriors, so I can attack traveling merchants. My friend, who likes to make money peacefuly, made all his family members merchants, but wants to see some action from time to time. So, when I encounter a caravan, I can send him an invite to take control of one of my NPCs. The fight will be that much easier, because I don't have to give commands to as many NPCs and I have a human player with me, who is a skilled cRPG veteran, therefore I have a big advantage suddenly.

Why I think these features would make an impact
They extend playtime, without sacrificing real time. This is because you can basically be at multiple places at once. This also means that the number of 'players' just multiplied, aswell. You also won't get bored of the game easily, because in half an hour, you can attack a caravan, sell grain in the city and stop by the tavern and chop wood next to a peaceful pond -or get slaughtered there.


PS Server borders? Is each server going to be an island? Is it technically possible to have the sea one server? You know, because its just water and lot of fog.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 12:53:24 pm by Golem »
This is about being straight out retarded. Children see in slow motion like owls.