Artyem: You not only were wrong but also a liar. You were demoted awhile ago. I made note of your violation of the rules to discuss with dupre further which was more than fair.
Really? Nobody told me this, and I'm still a rank 5 on the website. You're rank 4.
Random internet heroes: I do believe what is left of the cRPG community to be completely toxic and I wonder daily why I do anything for you guys at all. As Renay said in the ban forum it wasn't just about saying the n-word anymore Idgaf about that I mute for that. In this situation, ban times were from the get go were bluffs and artyem knew that. You'd all have to be incredibly idiotic if you believed I would permanently ban anyone for racial slurs.
No, I did not know that the ban times were bluffs. You've been consistently banning people for large amounts of time for months now, and regardless of that I don't support banning anybody over any minor chat offenses. Your "it was the provocation!" argument is just a lame excuse to justify your ridiculous power trip. These things happen in online communities, and threatening to mute / ban people only makes it worse. You should know better, all you did was provoke more people into doing it.
[20:36:45] chat,,Sir_Firebus,team,fuck you friends I was first place kill yourselves haven't played in months and better than all of you
This guy didn't even get banned, and this is where I draw the line and think that punishment is due. Telling people to kill themselves is unarguably worse than using the word "friend" in a non-derogatory context.
[20:42:56] chat,,Cikel_of_Frisia,team,hey desire you are a FUCKING friend
[20:43:14] chat,,Cikel_of_Frisia,team,fuck you friend
This is also malicious behavior, and I wouldn't blame anybody for punishing him for it.
Players have access to several methods of muting the in-game chat. Admins do not need to get involved every time a person uses a dirty word in-game. That is what I was taught when I was first made an admin, and that has always been the case until now. I can't even tell you how many times I've seen this exact scenario, and how many times I've settled it by muting a few people and then waiting for it to blow over (this is what I was going to do, until you started threatening to ban people for 30+ days). It's not a big deal, and seeing the word "friend" used without any context a few times certainly isn't going to harm anyone. Not to mention that the intention of (most of) the people saying it isn't malicious in nature, most only jumped on board to take a stand against your power trip or because they saw it as a way out of the game.
But yeah, we should ban people for typing a single letter into chat, or because they referred to a nation in Africa (which is literally part of their homework lmao) because we gotta trim that player base down somehow.
The person encouraging it in TS is Chicken / GORKTHEGOBBLINGROGGUZZLER, I was actually telling people to not say it at first, but gave up once it became clear that nobody was going to stop.
Wasn't going to respond to Kesh, but literally all we've done this strat is bring back old players. You must have been living under a rock when the GOBBLINS reformed for the first two months of strat, made up mainly of people who hadn't played in months / years. Not to mention the fact that one of your own "new members" who was supposedly scared off by it, was actually banned for joining in on it.