1. Name of your character involved: Xesta
2. Name of offending character(s): Rest_in_Peace
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: Around 8:40 pm gmt +1
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: I spawned before I got intentionally tk'ed by someone else, then suddenly RIP swings at me once (intentionally, he does that very often when ever I spawn he swings at me once taking half of my hp), but he didn't stop this time and hit me again and again till I died.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: Griefing me the last few days heavily, many people already wittnessed it, even admins like cassi etc. but yeah he just doesn't stop and having fun with it.
6. Multiple Screenshots:
First swing, hans was right behind me when it happened btw.
http://puu.sh/nLi8l/66aae30b8d.jpgHe keeps going for it hitting me a 2nd time:
http://puu.sh/nLibY/fd1f5fde3f.jpgLast screen says it all, he kills me and quickly disconnects so I can't report him a 3rd time
http://puu.sh/nLjU3/7a88daa82a.jpgOh yeah and a bonus from the steam chat, cus that's prove enough for this whole shit which happens the last few days.
http://puu.sh/nLiiW/ea0a974333.png7. Names of players who witnessed what happened:
Fucking hell, since I play my old friendcher everyone griefes griefes griefes trolls trolls trolls and tk me every round literally.