Ok, so I made a gimmicky as fuck build that I fell in love with right after the patch of destiny, or whatever you call it. You know, the one where the "standard" levels were raised far higher than they were previously.
So I'm 33-15 with 11 PS, 5 WM, 5 Ath, 2 Shield, but most importantly 0 IF. This used to work AMAZINGLY; I just use +3 transitional plate and heavy gaunts to compensate for the lack of IF.
Recently I've been made aware that the powers that be tied IF to proficiency so my shithead build won't work anymore. So, uh...just how bad is this build now? I still get plenty of oomph on folks when I hit them, but I seem to swing quite slower now. I've got to determine just how many cocks I'm sucking and how much of my poor performance can be chalked up to the build.
Right, so when I retire in a dozen mil XP or so, I'm looking to go STR-based shielder. I won't go any lower than 27 strength; is there any real w ay to have a viable shielder with 30 strength? Keep in mind that when in combat against fewer than 3 people and no present ranged I'll be dropping my shield. I absolutely love dueling and fighting without it. I'm aware that I WILL get backpedaled hard, especially with my preference to short+quick weapons. If someone is mercilessly backpedalling me, I'm going to convince myself now (won't work like this in-game mostly lol) that I'll just turn and fight someone else.
thoughts pls