All of that is the persona part of things. In the end, both will be inevitably serving the same clockwork mechanism. The voting is simply a freak show to entertain the masses.
My own country is being dragged into the same sewage pit at the moment. The bipolar separation is already done: Republicans vs. Conservatives, both eventually serving the creamy layer of society with their intrinsic ways of dealing with the rest. We only lack the presidency system. And Tardogan is on it right now. He will bark and bite like a rabid dog until it is done.
I can agree with that first part. Most likely Trump will end up rolling with the political elites plans anyways and little to nil will change (Or he will be kennedied)... But there is a difference right now between hilary and trump. Hilary is a groomed politician, Just like Bill was, Just like Bush, Just like Obama. Trump on the other hand is definitely not a groomed politician... It's blatantly obvious in his speeches I've heard and quotes I've read that nobody writes his speeches for him, at the moment nobody is telling him what to say.
TBH if the republican party put one of those "Magic 8-balls
" as their republican candidate for the elections I would vote for it, simply because the magic 8-ball is not a groomed politician either.