I just hope that you can bait the AI into attacking you instead of always having them hold the high ground that they most likely spawn on. It'd be cool if you have the superior ranged numbers that if you just camp an adjacent hill then the enemy will charge your ranged, allowing you to send cavalry or other units around the back to flank them (without the AI automatically sensing your presence and turning to face you immediately). I hope that there is some feature where you place battalion flags 1-5 or something, and each flag is a waypoint, so you can actually tell cavalry to go to point 1, then 2, then 3, and finally 4 at which point they engage the nearest enemies or hold, or something.
On a somewhat related note, I'm hoping you can surprise enemies on the field as well. This way you don't always have to speak to them before you do battle, and can decide to just jump right into the fray as soon as you catch them. If you're rping a bandit or something you might not wish to always take the chivalrous approach of demanding something to a lord's face and instead just strike them while they're camping for the night (which reminds me, it'd be cool if you can hit an army when they're camping and can then actually sneak up on their camp when the soldiers are sleeping, allowing once more for more advanced flanking strategies and such, even on the world map). Unfortunately the preview simply looks like Warband HD edition... which I'm pretty okay with, but not nearly as hyped as I want to be. I have faith in the modding community to make some sort of kickass multiplayer mod before I tire of singleplayer.