In the video They showed what was going on on the map but there is also background of this singleplayer they have showed.
For example now when we attack caravans or peasants and block the trade routes, it is going to cause problems in the cities using that route . because they wont be able to get products or sell them . This will cause the effected soldiers to not get payment or maybe even enough food so they will start demoralizing and maybe even die.You can also block multiple trade routes since you can now split your forces. When you do so the AI doesnt just stand and watch , it will try to attack you and remove your block
Now there is crime system which will cause townsman-townswomen to lose money or die . Then it will affect the stability in the city and cause problems. You can even make your own crime web and cause problems in cities(if the lord of the city doesnt find out later).
I am sure they have done alot more in the background . They have said " Now the player is not going to be important. Player will be just like any other lord ." This explains the state of the singleplayer and I can not wait to play it.
On the other hand to come to multiplayer, they have said that they were focusing on multiplayer as much as they focus on singleplayer. So I am sure we will be happy about it.
TaleWorlds I trust in