The problem stems from 2h heros being the "norm". This was never the case in real life and should never have been the case in c-rpg.
Fact is, an organized and determined group of infantry is unstoppable by cav or ranged, and almost all the time, infantry pushes are what wins games. This has always been the case in c-rpg.
But the problem is, everybody wants be the big hero, running around alone and without cover, playing like a stupid hack and slash arcade game. . People have this stupid mentality of "if i can block every melee attack in the duel server, I should never die". They just want to turn this game into a infantry brawl with no ranged and no cavalry, everybody in tincan and wielding 2h swords or polearms. Everytime they die to cav or ranged its "wahh wahh, OP!! nerf!!!", with no thought about tactics.