It happened like 5 times lol. I don't care enough to make a ban thread. All I am saying if you're going to pick and choose when you want to play admin at least let everyone else know you are a joke.
Sorry wtf's with your attitude...
Have you ever done administration on any game where teamkills can happen and while you are trying to play the game yourself, no ?
Because then you would know he have no chance on earth, to tell just on the little he teamkilled you message, that something is wrong.
Use "ctrl+m" if you dont like getting teamhit/teamkilled and then the admins will see that there is something to keep their eyes on.
Or use "i" which is automatically bound to private chat to admins, in this you can report it to any ingame admins.
Or last resort use forums ban section if no admin is on, and its really harrasing your game then you should/would post.
Only the last resort requires more care then a single fingerstroke or two.
I am usually a positive guy but this thread seems like it is turning into some serious BS.