typical battle tryhard... Teamhits are part of the game, and actually what Ive experienced is that when someone teamhits you, it's rather your fault than ur teammtes, or why do u think are good players getting rarely teamkilled/teamwounded? The moment you start taking care of your team more than of the enemy team is in my opinoin the moment you start becoming a good player. So eventually when you're playing and there is a retard going brainless for a kill and giving no fuck about what you do as his teammate do u want to be punished for ur teammates fault?
Hmmm, I wouldn't say this is accurate.
Good players do get teamkilled. If they don't get teamkilled as often it's because of 1 of 3 reasons:
1.) People recognize them, and try VERY VERY HARD not to team hit them, because loosing a key player could mean losing the round.
2.) they are using a 2h or pole with plenty of reach, so they don't really get in people's way.
3.) They are heroes. If no teammates are around them, who can team kill them?
I'm a decent player, always fighting for the team and not my personal glory -- yet I am team killed all the time. It's because I use a short weapon (1h/shield). It's not my fault -- I have to get close to the enemy. Face hug is my fight style, and it works well. People should watch their swings. If there is a friendly that might get hit, check your swing! Save a stunty.