Please tell me this sig is new... otherwise how did i never notice this until now?
If it is new, i like to think that i'm making this community a better place in my own special way
Where are they and why havent they removed you from this community yet?
It is new indeed.
And as I said. He enforces rules to his liking.
Sometimes he punishes people for breaking them. Sometimes he does not.
And most of the times he is breaking them himself.
No idea why he has not been removed yet.
Get a grip Uther, if this thread has not yet shown to you that Blackbow is utterly incapable of performing a proper job as an admin, then you also are.
Making up bullshit reasons to justify his actions, being a right asshat to some players on the server, punishing only selected players for certain actions, and as evidence shows, not willing to even waste a thought that his behavior might need even the slightest of changes.